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Dark spots on the map of Moscow

Guests of the capital Moscow appears beautiful, full of life and movement of the city. But there is in this city and truly terrible place, with its grim history. Such I want to tell this poste.

Patriarch's Pond (metro station "Mayakovskaya")

Once the area is located between the current Tver Boulevard and gardens, on the one hand, and between the Tver and Little Nikita, on the other hand, was a vast wasteland, where goats graze. Ponds, respectively, called Goat swamp. From time to time people noticed that something was wrong: there are among his pet black goat. And when he zateshetsya herd goats milk disappear, and if it black goat will go into the goal - expect a corpse. And the shepherds decided that it was the devil in the form of a goat was: it was not afraid of this animal no shouts, no whip, only sign of the cross at times it was possible to drive away.
And then the shepherds asked for help from the patriarch: deliver us from evil forces, and we will be your best goat hair supply. Swamp drained, the patriarch consecrated formed ponds, and called them the Patriarchal. But to this day the old woman did not advise Moscow after sunset walk alone in these ponds. So Bulgakov did not accidentally "arranged" meeting here of Soviet Writers Woland.

Marina roscha

One of the most sinister places in Moscow since ancient times - Marina Grove. Historians say that its name comes from the village lying here once Marino. Most of them are inclined to think that all people's speculations related to the sentimental tale Zhukovsky. People still are of the opinion that this area is called by the name of its tacit "Queen" - Marya robber, who lived in the local woods.
Glory at Marina groves in the middle of the XIX century was that again: Gypsies lived here, lived most of Moscow thieves and bandits were "miserable house" for the dregs of society. Mass celebrations on Mermaid week, the center of which was anciently Marina Grove, transformed into lush booze. Did not contribute to a positive perception of closeness Sushchevsky and Lazarev cemetery, where, incidentally, carts were brought corpses in Morov periods, and at the usual time - unidentified bodies killed.
Researchers are still arguing that it was the primary - the story of Zhukovsky or folk legends. But one of the legends says that in feudal times lived somewhere in the neighborhood girl Mary and lackey Ilya. Love them was unhappy, and Ilya eventually became chieftain robber band. As a result, Maria and Ilya settled in the dugout in the forest. And Mary was a famous healer and witch. There has been a lot of her people in Moscow, including the rich, which is sure to fall into the hands of Elijah. According to another legend in these parts riot gang Manka Rostokinskiy. But, be that as it may, the popular consciousness links the name Marina Grove exclusively with gangsters, murderers and corpses. Fall here in the dark is not recommended.


Since ancient times, this area was notorious, so for a long time and called it "Chertolye." But in the middle of the fourteenth century are famous for their good works Alekseevskoy convent abbess Juliana, who created the monastery female hostel. Otmolit and cleared his exploits and the writings of nuns that place, and it was clean, if not a saint. But after four years - in 1839 - the Emperor Nicholas I decided to build on the site Alekseevskogo convent church of Christ the Savior. According to legend, the abbess and nuns all, leaving the monastery, cursed this place, saying that nothing is holy will never, and will be here Chertolye - hell expanse. The subsequent history of this place is well known - the church was blown up during the Soviet era, to make way for the construction of the Palace of Soviets. Palace of the Communists could not build: built pool "Moscow».
Today this place is restored Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Believers claim that it was good: the more people will pray in the church and the forgiveness of her sins of others, the more likely it will clear the place of the curse. But while saying that it is not necessary to make the young Christ the Savior Cathedral wedding ceremony: family life is heavy and not very happy.

Cursed House (metro station "Arbat»)

About the house 14 on the Arbat said if he stands in the place that "every living thing in the earth pulls." This house built by Prince Obolensky (in another version - Prince Khilkov). Frightened by bad luck, the owners rent it for rent. First, there lived a colonel with his beautiful wife, who ran away from him with the artist. Colonel hanged himself with grief. Then he took off his official house: a month later his wife and all five children found strangled. The building was empty for a long time. In Soviet times, it housed institutions and warehouses, and now at this place a wasteland.

Peter (Old) Mountain (metro station "Skhodnenskaya")

In the fourteenth century, standing on Mount Transfiguration Monastery, which by now no traces. And indeed on the slopes of now there are no buildings. According to an old legend, once asked the monks for the night visiting merchants, who were afraid of robbers. And those they were not allowed. The next morning trading people found in a grove, near the monastery walls, "beaten and without product." And then one survivor merchant wished monks "fail." Since then allegedly monastic land and other lands in the vicinity of the Old Mountain began to settle, and no matter what people have built here, everything was ashes.
It is at this place was once the town False Dmitry II, known in history as the Tushino thief.
Now this place looks like a hole from falling meteorite. In the Soviet era, tried to arrange the residents of neighboring houses are gardens, so abandoned. Chosen one time of Peter the mountain for their flight gliders. Yes, too, then left: there were too many injuries.
Elm suicide

In Kuzminskoye park on the shore of the pond overgrown tree stands sinister - the age-old elm. He is known as the tree of death. They say it constantly finding hanged. In addition, she lived at the beginning of the XX century in Kuzminkah Witch - as usual, a victim of unrequited love. Brewed potions, spells whispered ... In the 50s she had disappeared. Since then, neither alive nor dead nobody saw.

Magic Watch (metro station "Red Gate")

These sundials are on at number two on Spartakovskaya street, which is known as the home of Count Musin-Pushkin. According to legend, these watches made famous magician and magician James Bruce for the previous owners of the house. And those, they say, a good laugh over it. Bruce then angry: "Let those hours be damned, and let them show only the bad." And before the first and second world wars, before the revolution - became a stone from which the board made the hour, blood-red.
Even say that sometimes emerges on the surface of hours an image of a white cross on a black grave, and the tip of the cross shows where to find the treasure. Said to have been desperate people who find a treasure on Bryusov pointer, but only "very soon die a horrible death».


The main, if not official, this kind of place is cursed place in Kuntsevo. It is already more than one century and called. Even the famous artist Savrasov painted it. On the western edge of the park Kuntsevskiy between two flowing into the Moscow River ravines, is a tall, prominent headland to the river. It had traces of settlements X-XI centuries - Kuntsevskiy settlement.
The ruins with fragments of stone tools centuries frightened local farmers. There was a pagan temple, then - the cemetery, from which still remained fragments of tombstones. One of them - "baba" - the most famous, it is similar to the outline of a human figure. Before "baba" stood in the hollow of a huge elm tree, then it dried up and fell, and the "old woman" was moved to the manor garden. And, they say, there was a church, which is completely left the ground with a cross in a single night.

Net prudy

Once there flowed clean little river. But it was brought into a monster and made a dam - "filthy puddle." Monster drags and eats birds and small children. To appease him, throwing innards pets. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, merchants settled here, called filthy puddle ponds and throwing her leftover meat and manure. The name "Pure ponds" gave reservoirs Prince Menshikov, a close associate of Peter I. He ordered them to clean, banned dumping sewage. But when Menshikov hit the link, there were rumors that the monster of revenge. And since then, beware of Muscovites take water from clean ponds, and bathe in them.

Infidel crypts
st. Hospital Val, m. Baumanskaya

In 1771 plague Muscovites expanded cemeteries: its not enough, and then there's the whole German settlement delivered dead. I had to arrange for the Gentiles, special cemetery on the high bank of the river titmouse (now her hid in the pipe). Far from his native land, among the gloomy Gothic tombstones and moss-covered porches are musketeers German, French hatters, Polish bollards. Spring evening, at dusk, the dark kladbischeskomu park rushing inconsolable flute melody. In the rain invisible musician notes cries until dawn to the ringing of iron shackles from the grave doctor Theodore Haas.

House Beria
st. Small Nikita, 28/1, m. Arbatskaya

After midnight, if you stand on the corner of Little Nikita and Vspolny alley, pressed into the wall and hold your breath, you can hear the drives invisible car, slammed the door and heard heavy footsteps. And will be happy, if there is heard drunken laughter actress, not a groan repressed. Chief security officer of the USSR, the master of torture, settled here in 1938 and lived until the death of Stalin and his disgrace in 1953. Zdeshnik of windows looking out for Lawrence P. comely ladies and sent them gloomy assistant Sarkisov. Historians have counted more than two hundred citizens of the People's Commissar raped. Rumor has it that Beria was put shot in the head at his home at the time of arrest, and employees of the embassy of Tunisia that have moved here in the nineties, found in the basement torture chamber.

Tower sorcerer
end of the street Sretenka m. Suharevskaya

Here in the XVI century was the boundary of the city: the capital huts ended, and then went Trinity Road. Here and guard tower was built, initially made of wood, and under Peter I of stone, according to the rules of the Italian fortress of art: the round, with a through-passing. Settled here colleague Peter Warlock Warlock James Bruce. With an unprecedented 60-meter height alchemist watched the stars through a telescope and melted lead into gold. The Witch headed \ "Neptunian society \" for the study of science and mysticism. And Muscovites believed that Bruce possessed the secret book that opens all the gates and all the treasures kazhet, and before his death immured her in the tower wall. Later, Stalin ordered the tower dismantled brick by brick, trying to find the treasure, but expectations were not met. Since then, the old man in the shadow of dry wig glimpsed in doorways Sretenki in the hope that the tower will build again.

More on the tower:

Every Russian who lived in the XIX century, arriving in Moscow, considered it his duty to climb the bell tower of Ivan the Great in the Kremlin, to pray in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the visit at the Sukharev Tower.

Sukharev Tower shrouded in legend. Most of them are associated with YV Bruce, associate of Peter I.

According to legend, a rapier hall meetings were held secret society "Neptune", where King Peter was the first warden, presided Lefort and Theophanes Prokopovich, the king's confessor, was the speaker.
At the beginning of the last century were studied dungeons Sukharev Tower commission members "Old Moscow", which found several walled underground tunnels going toward the house of Bruce.

Sukharev Tower was built in 1692-1695 years. on the spot where now Sretenka street crosses the Garden Ring. In the period from 1698 to 1701 was carried out the restructuring of the tower.

The name of the Sukharev Tower immortalized the name of Lawrence Pankrat'eva Sukharev, steward and Colonel Strelets Regiment, remaining faithful to Peter I during the Strelets uprising in 1689.

From 1701 to 1715. in the building of the tower housed the "School of Mathematics and Navigation" and the Astronomical Observatory YV Bruce.

Then the building was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Moscow office of the Admiralty Board, to use the tower for storage. At the time of Peter the tower "were comedy" prescribed foreign actors. Among the spectators visited these comedies himself Peter I.

From 1829 until 1890 the tower was used as a water. It housed tanks Mytischinskogo plumbing. In 1926, in the Sukharev Tower was opened Moscow municipal museum. In 1934, at the suggestion of the Moscow Committee of the CPSU (b), Sukharev Tower was demolished in connection with the reconstruction of the same name space, how to stop the car and tram traffic.

st. Kuznetsk most

And sometimes it may take a fancy to a ghost and a whole street. It is said that around midnight in the vicinity of the street Kuznetsk bridge appears unusual girl in the ancient magnificent dress. This ghost of a young Frenchwoman Juju - mistress known businessman and patron Savva Morozov. Once driving along the Kuznetsk bridge, Juju wanted to buy a newspaper and heard the cries of the boy-peddler, that Morozov committed suicide in Nice. Jumped out of the cab, French immediately fell under the wheels was riding trail horse-drawn carriage, and the same evening in one of the alleys police found strangled stocking boy seller. It is believed that since the ghost of a French journalist avenges the papers and sellers of the press, attacking them and trying to kill.

Miser with Butcher
st. Butchers, 17 m. Net prudy

In place of nondescript buildings built before the Revolution once stood little house Kusovnikovyh spouses. Rich old men were known for their excessive greed: lived modestly, on a visit did not go, not a servant of the plant. But the nights were getting into shabby gig box with banknotes on his knees - and go around the city. One day, going in the future it is, miser hid treasure in the lodge, where without their knowledge servant made a fire. Money burned overnight. From tidings wife died immediately, and the old man since staggers Butcher and passers compassionately whispers: "Oh, my money, money!»

Akterkiny ponds
Ostankino manor building telecentre, m. ENEA

TV Land in the capital are considered harmful because of the electromagnetic radiation of multiple antennas. But here lies the strength of a more ancient and less comprehensible. The old place was Ostankova pagan demons, because around here and made a cemetery for suicide - hence the name. Later, Count Sheremetev built here homestead and home theater. Serf actress lived unhappily they were ill with tuberculosis, they were flogged, and eventually sunk by many in these ponds, which was nicknamed "akterkinymi." Now on the bones of drowned worth living skyscraper, and the ancient churchyard - small building Telecentre. They say that more than one hundred years before the misfortunes and katasrofami appears an old woman with a crutch: that predict the death of the Countess Sheremeteva, the fire in the tower.

Neighborhood All Saints Church (Art. M. "Falcon")

Already in the years of Soviet power people such ditty:
Close to the metro at the "Falcon" mother daughter ukokala.
It was during this period began mass construction of houses near All Saints Church in the Brethren Cemetery, where the Russians were buried, who died in the First World War. Older Muscovites remember that before building the graves of heroes just completely level tractors. Since then, the evil will take this place and never misses an opportunity to play a prank people.

"Elk Island" (Art. M. "Podbelskogo Street")

These places have a bad reputation for a long time and to this day. Now, this area is one of the first places in Moscow on the number and rigidity committed crimes here. In the old days, they say, are hunted spirited people and left the corpses of innocent victims to wild beasts and birds of prey. Wolves and bears - are, of course, long since disappeared, and crows, fed on human flesh, they say, still alive and they are larger and darker than usual. See a crow is considered a bad omen. And especially do not try to scare her, throw in a bird rocks and sticks - then inevitably misfortune.

Semenovskoe cemetery and surroundings (Art. M. "Semenovskaya")

In this cemetery for more than 30 years was not the church (since the founding of the necropolis to 1855), which in itself is bad. And then another, and the Communists added surroundings of negative energy: demolished part of the old cemetery near the metro station and in its place erected body aircraft factory.
Once, in April 1941, just before May Day (ie the Holy Week), the plant held secret night test equipment. And if some of the workers or professionals provide one in the hallway, it was a ghost, and immediately began to grab by the throat.