Environmental disaster (56 images)
Mazurinskoe Lake
Miraculously wilderness area was Mazurinskoe lake for residents of Balashikha. The dense forest surrounding the lake in spring concealed under his canopy of lilies of the valley and forget-me, filling the air with a light and pleasant aroma. Summer delight its visitors first berries: blueberries, strawberries, forest strawberries, then mushrooms and wild apples. Wood lived their lives, sang his music, was home to many birds and animals. Footprints in the fresh snow a moose or a fox kind of starving, not surprised the locals, and carp fishing on a frozen pond, it was quite normal occupation.
Mazurinskoe lake was formed back in the mid-19th century. While Mazurin merchant, bought the local land and organized the production of peat from the local swamp. Then, under the influence of rain and springs pit was filled, and thus preserved to us. In the mid '70s, on the lake created a seating area with shuttled from the capital, "the train of health". Boat station, volleyball, beach tent with soft drinks and of course the cool water of the lake, enjoy a rest for their hospitality.
But the worst enemy of nature - the person does not sleep ...
56 photos via I, favorite-world.livejournal.com/
In the early 20th century, referring to the rapid growth in Moscow and in the nearby suburbs, the city was in need of additional water. In 1937 Akulovskom reservoir at the Shchelkovo highway, entered into force on Eastern Waterworks. Preparation of the drinking water stations of this type is carried out with sulfuric acid alumina, which interacts with water and precipitating impurities on their bottom. This sediment needs to recycling and disposed at the so-called sludge maps. However, in the case of the Eastern sun, silt cards are near the lake Mazurinskogo quickly overflowed, and the slurry with aluminum sulfate began to come into the lake. This situation lasted from 40s.
Gradually sediment filled the bottom of the reservoir, but the beginning of an ecological catastrophe knew only IAC staff. Whether they forgot, or just did not want to remember and somehow prevent lucrative landscaping pond in the 70s. But his senses were satisfied - "people bathe - so clean."
But for travelers, something was wrong. Runs the day on the water surface craft, with lowered to the bottom of the pumps, and then nervously looking around, trying to find something, and can be measured. Only when dusk, and in the silent water, a yellow disk of the moon, as if doing the duty day, craft, mosey "gear" and to retire.
Still, every weekend shore of the lake comes to life. Everywhere gathered cheerful, happy faces, looking forward to a nice holiday, bonfires, swim, play volleyball, enjoying the wildlife, but unfortunately, not yet knowing that soon the old, quiet, good lake come to an end ...
On the days of fun not to forget ...
Years passed. The friendly and unbeatable Soviet Union, the last breath in the winter and ninety-one. After - have no health trains and cheerful weekend was not, people have tried not to live and survive. Of course, one of the enthusiasts occasionally dropped in on the left, and the sad lake, off the coast of which appeared strange yellow mud. Peacekeepers were not up to it, and the rest of the people just do not understand - "dirt and grime - God bless her."
Only in the early twenty-first century, when the net and quiet once the surface of the water, leaving only the rare "windows" of muddy water, ecology, sounded the alarm. But it was too late. Ruthless sediment covered surface of the lake, leaving under a dark and lifeless water fills quickly in the same sediment. In addition, IAC has improved the quality of drinking water, and thus the amount of coagulant entering the lake has increased significantly. Farewell, once joyful and cozy place ... Hello, human irresponsibility, negligence and impunity.
Now two thousand ninth year. One can hardly get on the path overgrown with bushes. Dull swampy shore, trash, destroyed the boat station, and silence. A terrible silence. The one from which fled goosebumps from which want to hide, run away and forget ... but nowhere to run, before the eyes of a dead lake and a soul. Once high-spirited and fast river, looks more like a clay road and a closer look, you realize that this is not the clay, and sediment, sediment, sediment ... Dead water, not the conversion still flowing around the workstation. There, at anchor, dilapidated "research vessel", then float it just can not - ruthless thousands of tons of sediment blocked all the waterways of the lake.
A short distance away, swing incarnation of the local evil - two chimneys belching out of its bowels all the same infinite sediment, so the inhabitants of the east of the capital, could drink clean chlorinated water running through the pipes to the rusty water taps.
Only sometimes quiet birch forest violates the noise of the ball, and the crackling fire - it was once young and full of strength, and now old, but still not discouraged retirees get from a rickety house table tennis, BBQ and with a smile remembering how it was Lake in the days of their youth, to continue to organize itself "fun weekend».
The map below, a little generalized, marked the spot where the photos are made visible, and about our route.
1. At this point, we went to the lake on the map is visible path through the forest.
2. Here the river flows out of Lake Chernavka note on the flow of cleaner water across the lake. Next will be a photo, in which you will be able to estimate the size of the lake.
3. The bridge on which we crossed the river.
4-8. Sludge card or simply settling tanks, which must be discharged in sediment.
9. The path in the woods to the lake, bypassing the swamp.
10. The other side of the lake, there will be a couple of nice photos.
11. Former beach.
12. From this point can be clearly seen, "braid" of the lake.
13. The former bridge, abandoned cathartic raft.
14. The source of this evil.
By coincidence evil through circumstances, the morning train was only one - at 9.30 am. Next to the station went to the hour of the day. Therefore, at 10 am we were already on the spot - at the station "Gorenki". Was a great day ...
September 15, the autumn is just beginning to learn their rights and have sometimes pleases us with its colors.
And going into the forest, we decided to look mushrooms ... and looked! But, unfortunately, no edible mushrooms to be found.
The sun was still low in the forest was dark. We have access to the lake. In the photo, abandoned many years ago, the shop where purchased vacationers.
The map number 1.
And here is the lake itself. It seems that it just became shallow and dried. In fact, on the surface floating sludge that remains after ochiske water and discharged into the lake. The thickness of the sediment layer, we do not measure, but in our opinion, it is between 1 and 2 meters. On the banks of this stuff settles on the bottom and a little brown water lapped its way. The most dangerous thing is that the lake itself is very deep. And even once the shore the depth is 1 meter. If a failure in this stuff a few meters from the shore, you get out on their own will not happen. A local resident told us the story of how a few years ago, a boy of 10-12 years took a run and jumped into the water from the beach (a few years ago in some places near the shore was more or less clean). Landing Malchenko immediately fell into the sediment to the neck. The parents barely had time to save him. Once it got, he looked as if he had taken out of the sewer.
How close vygljadet this precipitate - see photo below.
Tracks of water that can be seen in the photo, get themselves. They can be seen from the satellite. For these paths flowing water from a clean source. The precipitate is continuously deposited on the edges, and the track soon disappear.
Small birch on the shore. Apparently sick because of the water quality, which is powered.
More on this photo you can uvidit smiley :-)
It would seem that this lake to do a normal leisure people? It would be not a very nice to sit and have about it. However, the people are there, there is a place for picnics, there are places for campfires. And our people, wherever he visited, everywhere nasret. So here, we counted 6 large piles of garbage on half of the southern coast.
Places are simply extraordinary! Most like the almost complete absence of people. Because of this nature seems more beautiful.
This is also the consequences of activities cheloveka.Ryadom with trees and lit a fire not extinguished, burned the roots.
Raincoat. As a child I loved to push their
Beach quite swampy in some places the water seeps into all the holes of 30-40 meters from the shore. We have to crawl.
Under this birch, we left a note for Captain Obvious.
In the former volleyball court.
Here on the coast, leaving the water, lay a log. We decided to go to him to take pictures closer. This precipitate is like on the ground, but the density of it like jelly.
Accidentally I saw it was very hard to take a picture, but still turned
This is not the road. It is a river called "Chernavka", carrying with it sediment from the lake. The spectacle is very sad, as if to present was fine, whether the river clean.
The map number 2.
As promised - a close-up of sediment. Slabozheludochnym better long look
The density of river sediment most. The depth of it in the middle of 2 meters in some places maybe more. And imagine that the top nasypetsya foliage or snow falls ... Someone will come - and if you do not help - the man dead.
The exit of the river from the lake.
Which is why in some places precipitate foams for us remains a mystery.
In a place where water is discerned on the bottom is a tree.
And then the tree, but it caught on the other side, so it took a "water" shallow.
Since then, the fun begins.
Previously, through the creek it had several normal iron bridges, and a year ago the people of Spili for scrap. The residents appealed to the administration with a request to solve this problem. In the photo solution. It is true that great? Now imagine that the shore the depth meter, and in the middle of 2 meters and it is not clear that under the water ... I happened 3 times to move the river, and every time because the thought and legs gave way. But nothing happened
Number 3 on the map.
Climbing up, we saw the first settler. The purpose of these pipes we neochen clear. Most likely they were used to measure the level of sludge in the settling tank and how any observations. Somehow approach to this pipe is located 1.5 meters from the ground, this has not prevented us to climb. On the bridge it was scary to walk, he was all rusted and reeling.
The map number 4.
The second reservoir.
The map number 5.
Again we went to the bridge and looked down. The precipitate seems quite dry, but by trying to step on it immediately failed. It looks like a very fine sand, only air cushion. Walk on a little quite impossible and the depth of it is unknown.
View from a well.
Next sump. On it we have tried to walk, yet failed on the descent back to the coast.
The map number 6.
And this settler, apparently, somewhere filled. Nobody cleans all the work carried out there just - this is just a prelude.
Number 7 on the map.
The purpose of this pipe we just do not understand.
Miraculously wilderness area was Mazurinskoe lake for residents of Balashikha. The dense forest surrounding the lake in spring concealed under his canopy of lilies of the valley and forget-me, filling the air with a light and pleasant aroma. Summer delight its visitors first berries: blueberries, strawberries, forest strawberries, then mushrooms and wild apples. Wood lived their lives, sang his music, was home to many birds and animals. Footprints in the fresh snow a moose or a fox kind of starving, not surprised the locals, and carp fishing on a frozen pond, it was quite normal occupation.
Mazurinskoe lake was formed back in the mid-19th century. While Mazurin merchant, bought the local land and organized the production of peat from the local swamp. Then, under the influence of rain and springs pit was filled, and thus preserved to us. In the mid '70s, on the lake created a seating area with shuttled from the capital, "the train of health". Boat station, volleyball, beach tent with soft drinks and of course the cool water of the lake, enjoy a rest for their hospitality.
But the worst enemy of nature - the person does not sleep ...
56 photos via I, favorite-world.livejournal.com/

In the early 20th century, referring to the rapid growth in Moscow and in the nearby suburbs, the city was in need of additional water. In 1937 Akulovskom reservoir at the Shchelkovo highway, entered into force on Eastern Waterworks. Preparation of the drinking water stations of this type is carried out with sulfuric acid alumina, which interacts with water and precipitating impurities on their bottom. This sediment needs to recycling and disposed at the so-called sludge maps. However, in the case of the Eastern sun, silt cards are near the lake Mazurinskogo quickly overflowed, and the slurry with aluminum sulfate began to come into the lake. This situation lasted from 40s.
Gradually sediment filled the bottom of the reservoir, but the beginning of an ecological catastrophe knew only IAC staff. Whether they forgot, or just did not want to remember and somehow prevent lucrative landscaping pond in the 70s. But his senses were satisfied - "people bathe - so clean."
But for travelers, something was wrong. Runs the day on the water surface craft, with lowered to the bottom of the pumps, and then nervously looking around, trying to find something, and can be measured. Only when dusk, and in the silent water, a yellow disk of the moon, as if doing the duty day, craft, mosey "gear" and to retire.
Still, every weekend shore of the lake comes to life. Everywhere gathered cheerful, happy faces, looking forward to a nice holiday, bonfires, swim, play volleyball, enjoying the wildlife, but unfortunately, not yet knowing that soon the old, quiet, good lake come to an end ...
On the days of fun not to forget ...
Years passed. The friendly and unbeatable Soviet Union, the last breath in the winter and ninety-one. After - have no health trains and cheerful weekend was not, people have tried not to live and survive. Of course, one of the enthusiasts occasionally dropped in on the left, and the sad lake, off the coast of which appeared strange yellow mud. Peacekeepers were not up to it, and the rest of the people just do not understand - "dirt and grime - God bless her."
Only in the early twenty-first century, when the net and quiet once the surface of the water, leaving only the rare "windows" of muddy water, ecology, sounded the alarm. But it was too late. Ruthless sediment covered surface of the lake, leaving under a dark and lifeless water fills quickly in the same sediment. In addition, IAC has improved the quality of drinking water, and thus the amount of coagulant entering the lake has increased significantly. Farewell, once joyful and cozy place ... Hello, human irresponsibility, negligence and impunity.
Now two thousand ninth year. One can hardly get on the path overgrown with bushes. Dull swampy shore, trash, destroyed the boat station, and silence. A terrible silence. The one from which fled goosebumps from which want to hide, run away and forget ... but nowhere to run, before the eyes of a dead lake and a soul. Once high-spirited and fast river, looks more like a clay road and a closer look, you realize that this is not the clay, and sediment, sediment, sediment ... Dead water, not the conversion still flowing around the workstation. There, at anchor, dilapidated "research vessel", then float it just can not - ruthless thousands of tons of sediment blocked all the waterways of the lake.
A short distance away, swing incarnation of the local evil - two chimneys belching out of its bowels all the same infinite sediment, so the inhabitants of the east of the capital, could drink clean chlorinated water running through the pipes to the rusty water taps.
Only sometimes quiet birch forest violates the noise of the ball, and the crackling fire - it was once young and full of strength, and now old, but still not discouraged retirees get from a rickety house table tennis, BBQ and with a smile remembering how it was Lake in the days of their youth, to continue to organize itself "fun weekend».
The map below, a little generalized, marked the spot where the photos are made visible, and about our route.
1. At this point, we went to the lake on the map is visible path through the forest.
2. Here the river flows out of Lake Chernavka note on the flow of cleaner water across the lake. Next will be a photo, in which you will be able to estimate the size of the lake.
3. The bridge on which we crossed the river.
4-8. Sludge card or simply settling tanks, which must be discharged in sediment.
9. The path in the woods to the lake, bypassing the swamp.
10. The other side of the lake, there will be a couple of nice photos.
11. Former beach.
12. From this point can be clearly seen, "braid" of the lake.
13. The former bridge, abandoned cathartic raft.
14. The source of this evil.

By coincidence evil through circumstances, the morning train was only one - at 9.30 am. Next to the station went to the hour of the day. Therefore, at 10 am we were already on the spot - at the station "Gorenki". Was a great day ...

September 15, the autumn is just beginning to learn their rights and have sometimes pleases us with its colors.

And going into the forest, we decided to look mushrooms ... and looked! But, unfortunately, no edible mushrooms to be found.

The sun was still low in the forest was dark. We have access to the lake. In the photo, abandoned many years ago, the shop where purchased vacationers.
The map number 1.

And here is the lake itself. It seems that it just became shallow and dried. In fact, on the surface floating sludge that remains after ochiske water and discharged into the lake. The thickness of the sediment layer, we do not measure, but in our opinion, it is between 1 and 2 meters. On the banks of this stuff settles on the bottom and a little brown water lapped its way. The most dangerous thing is that the lake itself is very deep. And even once the shore the depth is 1 meter. If a failure in this stuff a few meters from the shore, you get out on their own will not happen. A local resident told us the story of how a few years ago, a boy of 10-12 years took a run and jumped into the water from the beach (a few years ago in some places near the shore was more or less clean). Landing Malchenko immediately fell into the sediment to the neck. The parents barely had time to save him. Once it got, he looked as if he had taken out of the sewer.
How close vygljadet this precipitate - see photo below.

Tracks of water that can be seen in the photo, get themselves. They can be seen from the satellite. For these paths flowing water from a clean source. The precipitate is continuously deposited on the edges, and the track soon disappear.

Small birch on the shore. Apparently sick because of the water quality, which is powered.
More on this photo you can uvidit smiley :-)

It would seem that this lake to do a normal leisure people? It would be not a very nice to sit and have about it. However, the people are there, there is a place for picnics, there are places for campfires. And our people, wherever he visited, everywhere nasret. So here, we counted 6 large piles of garbage on half of the southern coast.

Places are simply extraordinary! Most like the almost complete absence of people. Because of this nature seems more beautiful.

This is also the consequences of activities cheloveka.Ryadom with trees and lit a fire not extinguished, burned the roots.

Raincoat. As a child I loved to push their

Beach quite swampy in some places the water seeps into all the holes of 30-40 meters from the shore. We have to crawl.


Under this birch, we left a note for Captain Obvious.

In the former volleyball court.

Here on the coast, leaving the water, lay a log. We decided to go to him to take pictures closer. This precipitate is like on the ground, but the density of it like jelly.

Accidentally I saw it was very hard to take a picture, but still turned

This is not the road. It is a river called "Chernavka", carrying with it sediment from the lake. The spectacle is very sad, as if to present was fine, whether the river clean.
The map number 2.

As promised - a close-up of sediment. Slabozheludochnym better long look

The density of river sediment most. The depth of it in the middle of 2 meters in some places maybe more. And imagine that the top nasypetsya foliage or snow falls ... Someone will come - and if you do not help - the man dead.

The exit of the river from the lake.

Which is why in some places precipitate foams for us remains a mystery.

In a place where water is discerned on the bottom is a tree.

And then the tree, but it caught on the other side, so it took a "water" shallow.

Since then, the fun begins.
Previously, through the creek it had several normal iron bridges, and a year ago the people of Spili for scrap. The residents appealed to the administration with a request to solve this problem. In the photo solution. It is true that great? Now imagine that the shore the depth meter, and in the middle of 2 meters and it is not clear that under the water ... I happened 3 times to move the river, and every time because the thought and legs gave way. But nothing happened
Number 3 on the map.

Climbing up, we saw the first settler. The purpose of these pipes we neochen clear. Most likely they were used to measure the level of sludge in the settling tank and how any observations. Somehow approach to this pipe is located 1.5 meters from the ground, this has not prevented us to climb. On the bridge it was scary to walk, he was all rusted and reeling.
The map number 4.

The second reservoir.
The map number 5.

Again we went to the bridge and looked down. The precipitate seems quite dry, but by trying to step on it immediately failed. It looks like a very fine sand, only air cushion. Walk on a little quite impossible and the depth of it is unknown.

View from a well.

Next sump. On it we have tried to walk, yet failed on the descent back to the coast.
The map number 6.

And this settler, apparently, somewhere filled. Nobody cleans all the work carried out there just - this is just a prelude.
Number 7 on the map.

The purpose of this pipe we just do not understand.
