"Fool," said Putin (3 photos)
In the photo is the person whom Putin called an asshole.
He said Putin. Recall that Sergei Medvedev, professor of Applied Political Science School of Economics, wrote in social networks a few lines about the barbaric attitude to the Russian Arctic, Putin called the asshole at a meeting with activists of the party "United Russia»
Below is an interview with Sergei then Putin's remarks.
- Sergey, uncover the secret of your rapid transformation from a prestigious university lecturer and presenter of the channel "Culture" in the "anti-Russian candidate of sciences" and "the enemy of national interests».
Internet - it's incredibly transparent, flexible, fluid media with here cascading effect, one remark, a small stone can cause an avalanche. Here we are now in the middle of the avalanche. For me it shows how politicized, polarized and antagonized our online and our public opinion in general. I look at their Facebook, on their mail at the same time there is a shaft support, hundreds of letters and queries about friendship, parallel stream of hatred to physical threats. In addition, it says more requests for policy in our society who are not represented by the existing institutions. Since the current government actually forced a policy of state institutions, it is just such an interesting way the Internet is realized.
- The first person to burst out cursing at your address who, in fact, launched a wave, was Vladimir Zhirinovsky. How is your comment on one of the millions of Facebook pages caught the eye of the party leader?
© teh-nomad - Learn
I think it was told some "trolls." Those lines were a response to irritate me jingoistic comments about the arrested activists Greenpeace: they say, they are all agents of western corporations, work for money, it is necessary for them to give pyatnashechke. To this I replied, and as a man, is not alien to the Arctic. I am 17 years old the first time went to the practice of Chukotka, fell in love with this land, I spent three times in six months. I saw with my own eyes that even then was a Chukotka: hundreds of thousands of barrels of spilled oil, radioisotope beacons, which are along the Northern Sea Route and pollute radiation all around, I saw the rugged all-terrain vehicles tundra, alcoholics Chukchi reindeer disintegrated. Therefore I feel entitled to write that Russia ruined the extreme North, the Arctic may have to pass under international jurisdiction, like Antarctica, with a total ban on economic and military activities. These provocative lines were on the table Zhirinovsky, and after 48 hours I have already answered the president.
This is nothing new, I did not say. I repeated the argument that there is a lot of years in the international expert community, call Greenpeace «Save the Arctic" has signed a 4 million people, of whom many Russians. We are primarily talking about a moratorium on oil extraction. Northern Sea Route - please delivery gengruzov - please. But the development of the Arctic shelf - there environmental specialists will explain better than me, what is appalling is fraught with risk.
- Can cost you your "intellectual provocation» ...
I accidentally put his stick into the ant-hill, in a very sensitive spot. Apparently, the issue of sovereignty is incredibly worried about the Russians.
We do not have sufficient confidence in its identity, its borders and integrity. And, accordingly, people react very painful.
Here, a large knot tied things: development of the Arctic, energy security, foreign influence, Russian oil interests. These oil interests are de facto by the very spiritual scrapie country. In this sense, the platform "Prirazlomnaya" - a symbolic object for the government, such as a titanium flag on the bottom, showing that we have staked our interests in the Arctic, we will be producing and that is our Russian sovereignty, whatever said.
But if you go with these dizzying heights on the practical level, to look at what is a "Prirazlomnaya", it becomes clear that this is some fantastic parody, Pelevin is only possible to read; it is not a national pride and national disgrace. Norwegians written off platform completely worn out, which we bought for next to nothing, because all the money allocated for this have already been stolen and "sawed". In the old spoiled platform put the missing equipment of Russian production, which barely works, because we still do not know how to do it. There's constant state of emergency, the waves tear ladders, platform two years can no longer be put into operation, and if it will be put, every day we will face an ecological catastrophe.
- Do you know where it is?
It's all in the public domain, all on the Internet. And talk about it themselves representatives of Gazprom, says organizations operating platform. Therefore, the sooner it will be closed, the better for Russia. Otherwise, come the huge ecological disaster. And the guys from Greenpeace, using their usual methods, which they struggled with states and corporations for decades, held a common share, to draw our attention to this problem.
- And ended up in jail Murmansk. And you are discussing this topic, the party became the anti-hero of press releases, awarded by the President insults and was hit by an avalanche of popular indignation.
If you read my articles - and I do not hold his tongue - I said things much tougher for offensive power, it was such intellectual stuffing. And yet there was no reaction.
And here, I think, the fact that Zhirinovsky put my words on the table, and he followed Putin, decided to roll out the theme of patriotism, to find a "scapegoat" - and here is convenient figure of the Moscow liberal professors - and thus obtain a propaganda effect and further enhance the spiritual cementing force.
- That is to say these high goals and explains the reaction to what happened?
Inadequate response, unfortunately, we have a course of action the authorities have for a long time. I think, and the sentence Pussy Riot was a hysterical reaction, and the "law of Dima Yakovlev", and many court judgments, and "swamp thing", and now - a two-month detention of Greenpeace activists and threatening their terms - is also hysterical.
I believe that the offense is not that environmentalists have climbed onto the platform of Gazprom, a crime against national environmental interests of Russia - the very existence of the platform "Prirazlomnaya».
In this situation, I support those who delves into the subject and understand what I'm saying. After all, I am not calling to give the sovereign Russian territory, and talking only about the area of special economic interests of Russia, which itself is in international waters. And the reaction of the rest is on the stereotype: that's some kind of upstart professor living on Western grants, which is a voice of western corporations suggests that we our thoroughbred Arctic gave Westerners - do not give, do not suffer, and the professor - to send to this same Arctic Kyle and wheelbarrow. Such is the tone of comments, which was originally set Zhirinovsky and Prokhanov, picked by Putin, and, armed with a black-and-white logic, people are happy to be included in this persecution.
- It turns out, you tender and touched a sore spot not only society, but also by the president of the country, judging by the exasperation with which and in what form he replied. Putin wants Gazprom so offended or you besite him personally as another eternally dissatisfied with Moscow nerd?
On the one hand, he touched on important projects - and this, in addition to Sochi, oil production in the Arctic, the interests of the Russian oil companies, all the energy security of Russia. For the president is a kind of symbolic theme, and it also interfere with international organizations. As for me, then we can not know if there 'personal dislike for the victim. " But I note that on the Kremlin website abusive comment was omitted in the transcript it was replaced by the phrase "Someone joked».
- In order to prove that it was an emotional outburst president?
Perhaps it was an emotional outburst. But my words were the reason for the president to make detailed comments about the Russian Arctic species.
- And your words perfectly formed to recent remarks head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov that the population of Moscow - it is bloggers, journalists, janitors and office plankton that absolutely do not produce anything, and then you can now add - except malicious ideas. < br />
That said Ivanov - is pure trolling designed to irritate advanced townspeople. Muscovites make very much. In Moscow, produced meanings that hold our country, make it possible to exist not only protest, but the government itself, besides Mr. Ivanov. We live in a post-industrial economy, at least in the capital. The added value of Russia primarily immaterial and performed in Moscow. It did not measure any figures of GDP, but the image of Russia, the capitalization of Russia, the Russian brand is produced primarily in Moscow. In addition, even in purely commercial terms in the capital is made several times more products than in the whole of the Novosibirsk region, which cited the example of Sergei Ivanov.
- Sergey, but if all the hype was for you such an unpleasant surprise, because you could try quietly withdraw from fierce around you scandal, citing the fact that no applications really did not, uh, left unguarded comment - sorry, the devil beguiled. But you chose to publish a response to the accusations, made at a meeting of the Public Chamber, interviews here do not give a penitential content ...
I think I made the right choice in this situation. We have freedom of speech, I believe in it, I believe in the Constitution and that any Russian citizen has a right to their opinion, and even contrary to the opinion of the president. And that criticism of the president of my words will not lead to any consequences for me.
- With regard to the consequences: how to react to an event your employers?
So far, nothing. Higher School of Economics rightly said that this is not the view of the university, it works, and other experts who have alternative views. By and large they are right - I am not a specialist in Arctic ecology, I am speaking in this situation, as a free citizen of a free country.
- But the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party has promised to ensure that you are deprived of work.
I do not know what to do can be a legal basis.
To be honest, it's all absurd situation: a man gives his opinion, and the result is like Orwell - "thoughtcrime." Here we are in a unique situation in Russia, in the first place, heightened sensitivity towards sovereignty, and secondly, an incredible orientation to the authorities: the main thing - it does not cause irritation. I think in my case, if all is well resolved, it will be a small victory for common sense, civil society, it would mean that a person can speak, to receive public disapproval of the president, but nevertheless, this discussion is possible.
- Since you unwittingly become a public defender of the Arctic, something more plan to do in this direction?
That's it, I've already written an article in Forbes, he spoke at a meeting of the Public Chamber, on television, giving you an interview. I even in a sense glad that was provided by a public platform is a point of view which I am trying to convey. Although up to the people she comes in quite kontroverznoy form - as an attack on sovereignty. But water wears away the stone - environmental issues will still penetrate the minds and souls of men. If not today, then after 5, 10 years later the theme of the moratorium on oil production in the shipping industry, the massive industrial fishing in the Arctic will still rise, but it has to be put in a much tougher manner of impending environmental disasters. And perhaps, when in 10-15 years we will remember about this conversation, I thought - my God, what about the normal things we said then!
Russia in response to mankind for the Arctic to pass on to future generations. So I hope that this episode with my participation will be one of the building blocks for the future recognition of this responsibility.
© teh-nomad
He said Putin. Recall that Sergei Medvedev, professor of Applied Political Science School of Economics, wrote in social networks a few lines about the barbaric attitude to the Russian Arctic, Putin called the asshole at a meeting with activists of the party "United Russia»
Below is an interview with Sergei then Putin's remarks.
- Sergey, uncover the secret of your rapid transformation from a prestigious university lecturer and presenter of the channel "Culture" in the "anti-Russian candidate of sciences" and "the enemy of national interests».
Internet - it's incredibly transparent, flexible, fluid media with here cascading effect, one remark, a small stone can cause an avalanche. Here we are now in the middle of the avalanche. For me it shows how politicized, polarized and antagonized our online and our public opinion in general. I look at their Facebook, on their mail at the same time there is a shaft support, hundreds of letters and queries about friendship, parallel stream of hatred to physical threats. In addition, it says more requests for policy in our society who are not represented by the existing institutions. Since the current government actually forced a policy of state institutions, it is just such an interesting way the Internet is realized.
- The first person to burst out cursing at your address who, in fact, launched a wave, was Vladimir Zhirinovsky. How is your comment on one of the millions of Facebook pages caught the eye of the party leader?
© teh-nomad - Learn

I think it was told some "trolls." Those lines were a response to irritate me jingoistic comments about the arrested activists Greenpeace: they say, they are all agents of western corporations, work for money, it is necessary for them to give pyatnashechke. To this I replied, and as a man, is not alien to the Arctic. I am 17 years old the first time went to the practice of Chukotka, fell in love with this land, I spent three times in six months. I saw with my own eyes that even then was a Chukotka: hundreds of thousands of barrels of spilled oil, radioisotope beacons, which are along the Northern Sea Route and pollute radiation all around, I saw the rugged all-terrain vehicles tundra, alcoholics Chukchi reindeer disintegrated. Therefore I feel entitled to write that Russia ruined the extreme North, the Arctic may have to pass under international jurisdiction, like Antarctica, with a total ban on economic and military activities. These provocative lines were on the table Zhirinovsky, and after 48 hours I have already answered the president.
This is nothing new, I did not say. I repeated the argument that there is a lot of years in the international expert community, call Greenpeace «Save the Arctic" has signed a 4 million people, of whom many Russians. We are primarily talking about a moratorium on oil extraction. Northern Sea Route - please delivery gengruzov - please. But the development of the Arctic shelf - there environmental specialists will explain better than me, what is appalling is fraught with risk.
- Can cost you your "intellectual provocation» ...
I accidentally put his stick into the ant-hill, in a very sensitive spot. Apparently, the issue of sovereignty is incredibly worried about the Russians.
We do not have sufficient confidence in its identity, its borders and integrity. And, accordingly, people react very painful.
Here, a large knot tied things: development of the Arctic, energy security, foreign influence, Russian oil interests. These oil interests are de facto by the very spiritual scrapie country. In this sense, the platform "Prirazlomnaya" - a symbolic object for the government, such as a titanium flag on the bottom, showing that we have staked our interests in the Arctic, we will be producing and that is our Russian sovereignty, whatever said.
But if you go with these dizzying heights on the practical level, to look at what is a "Prirazlomnaya", it becomes clear that this is some fantastic parody, Pelevin is only possible to read; it is not a national pride and national disgrace. Norwegians written off platform completely worn out, which we bought for next to nothing, because all the money allocated for this have already been stolen and "sawed". In the old spoiled platform put the missing equipment of Russian production, which barely works, because we still do not know how to do it. There's constant state of emergency, the waves tear ladders, platform two years can no longer be put into operation, and if it will be put, every day we will face an ecological catastrophe.
- Do you know where it is?
It's all in the public domain, all on the Internet. And talk about it themselves representatives of Gazprom, says organizations operating platform. Therefore, the sooner it will be closed, the better for Russia. Otherwise, come the huge ecological disaster. And the guys from Greenpeace, using their usual methods, which they struggled with states and corporations for decades, held a common share, to draw our attention to this problem.
- And ended up in jail Murmansk. And you are discussing this topic, the party became the anti-hero of press releases, awarded by the President insults and was hit by an avalanche of popular indignation.
If you read my articles - and I do not hold his tongue - I said things much tougher for offensive power, it was such intellectual stuffing. And yet there was no reaction.
And here, I think, the fact that Zhirinovsky put my words on the table, and he followed Putin, decided to roll out the theme of patriotism, to find a "scapegoat" - and here is convenient figure of the Moscow liberal professors - and thus obtain a propaganda effect and further enhance the spiritual cementing force.

- That is to say these high goals and explains the reaction to what happened?
Inadequate response, unfortunately, we have a course of action the authorities have for a long time. I think, and the sentence Pussy Riot was a hysterical reaction, and the "law of Dima Yakovlev", and many court judgments, and "swamp thing", and now - a two-month detention of Greenpeace activists and threatening their terms - is also hysterical.
I believe that the offense is not that environmentalists have climbed onto the platform of Gazprom, a crime against national environmental interests of Russia - the very existence of the platform "Prirazlomnaya».
In this situation, I support those who delves into the subject and understand what I'm saying. After all, I am not calling to give the sovereign Russian territory, and talking only about the area of special economic interests of Russia, which itself is in international waters. And the reaction of the rest is on the stereotype: that's some kind of upstart professor living on Western grants, which is a voice of western corporations suggests that we our thoroughbred Arctic gave Westerners - do not give, do not suffer, and the professor - to send to this same Arctic Kyle and wheelbarrow. Such is the tone of comments, which was originally set Zhirinovsky and Prokhanov, picked by Putin, and, armed with a black-and-white logic, people are happy to be included in this persecution.
- It turns out, you tender and touched a sore spot not only society, but also by the president of the country, judging by the exasperation with which and in what form he replied. Putin wants Gazprom so offended or you besite him personally as another eternally dissatisfied with Moscow nerd?
On the one hand, he touched on important projects - and this, in addition to Sochi, oil production in the Arctic, the interests of the Russian oil companies, all the energy security of Russia. For the president is a kind of symbolic theme, and it also interfere with international organizations. As for me, then we can not know if there 'personal dislike for the victim. " But I note that on the Kremlin website abusive comment was omitted in the transcript it was replaced by the phrase "Someone joked».
- In order to prove that it was an emotional outburst president?
Perhaps it was an emotional outburst. But my words were the reason for the president to make detailed comments about the Russian Arctic species.
- And your words perfectly formed to recent remarks head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov that the population of Moscow - it is bloggers, journalists, janitors and office plankton that absolutely do not produce anything, and then you can now add - except malicious ideas. < br />
That said Ivanov - is pure trolling designed to irritate advanced townspeople. Muscovites make very much. In Moscow, produced meanings that hold our country, make it possible to exist not only protest, but the government itself, besides Mr. Ivanov. We live in a post-industrial economy, at least in the capital. The added value of Russia primarily immaterial and performed in Moscow. It did not measure any figures of GDP, but the image of Russia, the capitalization of Russia, the Russian brand is produced primarily in Moscow. In addition, even in purely commercial terms in the capital is made several times more products than in the whole of the Novosibirsk region, which cited the example of Sergei Ivanov.
- Sergey, but if all the hype was for you such an unpleasant surprise, because you could try quietly withdraw from fierce around you scandal, citing the fact that no applications really did not, uh, left unguarded comment - sorry, the devil beguiled. But you chose to publish a response to the accusations, made at a meeting of the Public Chamber, interviews here do not give a penitential content ...
I think I made the right choice in this situation. We have freedom of speech, I believe in it, I believe in the Constitution and that any Russian citizen has a right to their opinion, and even contrary to the opinion of the president. And that criticism of the president of my words will not lead to any consequences for me.
- With regard to the consequences: how to react to an event your employers?
So far, nothing. Higher School of Economics rightly said that this is not the view of the university, it works, and other experts who have alternative views. By and large they are right - I am not a specialist in Arctic ecology, I am speaking in this situation, as a free citizen of a free country.
- But the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party has promised to ensure that you are deprived of work.
I do not know what to do can be a legal basis.
To be honest, it's all absurd situation: a man gives his opinion, and the result is like Orwell - "thoughtcrime." Here we are in a unique situation in Russia, in the first place, heightened sensitivity towards sovereignty, and secondly, an incredible orientation to the authorities: the main thing - it does not cause irritation. I think in my case, if all is well resolved, it will be a small victory for common sense, civil society, it would mean that a person can speak, to receive public disapproval of the president, but nevertheless, this discussion is possible.
- Since you unwittingly become a public defender of the Arctic, something more plan to do in this direction?
That's it, I've already written an article in Forbes, he spoke at a meeting of the Public Chamber, on television, giving you an interview. I even in a sense glad that was provided by a public platform is a point of view which I am trying to convey. Although up to the people she comes in quite kontroverznoy form - as an attack on sovereignty. But water wears away the stone - environmental issues will still penetrate the minds and souls of men. If not today, then after 5, 10 years later the theme of the moratorium on oil production in the shipping industry, the massive industrial fishing in the Arctic will still rise, but it has to be put in a much tougher manner of impending environmental disasters. And perhaps, when in 10-15 years we will remember about this conversation, I thought - my God, what about the normal things we said then!
Russia in response to mankind for the Arctic to pass on to future generations. So I hope that this episode with my participation will be one of the building blocks for the future recognition of this responsibility.
© teh-nomad
