All right
I love her very much, you know? Today we have just a year from the date of the wedding anniversary means. I bought her flowers, she loves me-nots. Perhaps that is because of the name I do not remember them and not confuse with anything else. I hasten to work in a good mood, we live in a different area, in a small but cozy apartment. Take time off here early, head to understand me, let go after the anniversary. We must have time. It is necessary to catch early. She, my Tanya, probably cook something delicious. I work a lot, but this evening we will with you, my sun. I obeschayu.Begu to stop. On the right I notice a group of strong guys in black leather jackets, a person not less than six, surrounded by someone shouting obscenities, obviously something is not shared, I hear threats - thugs. I can not see to whom they are addressed, and there is no time to consider. Today, such an important day! Runs past suddenly stop as a vkopany. I hear some very children's voices in the background mat drunk.
- Give me my mother gave, do not touch ... well, give, oh please!
- Hey, fucking idiot, shut up, or ebalo break. What have you got there yet?
I turn and look. Two schoolboys fourteen years or so, and above them, like vultures, with contempt and sense of impunity bastards bent head and shoulders above 17-18 years, each holding a bottle of beer. Burp. Gopnik exactly six people, and these are only two. I see that the situation is heating up, I see as one of the youngsters trying to snatch the main bully your phone or something like that, but he pushes it so that the student falls to the ground. The rest of the neigh. He obviously hit him in the nose or lip rassёk. Flowing blood. Schoolboy covers his face, I think he was crying. The second runs and clings to the hand of the leader. Thugs knocked him to the ground, begin to kick straight in the face. Rare passers-by, one and all, go past. I have no time to think, in my hands a bouquet of forget-me, thanks to them, I do not forget. I need to hurry, hurry, hurry ...- What looked a moron? You too ebalo stuff? It has been drawn to me, and I almost stepped forward, but stopped. Thugs provoke even more, they beat two children kicked in the stomach, in the liver. They challenged me, kicking them even more, as if to show that I can not stop them. It would be strange and absurd to try to pacify the drunken teenagers, when you're with a bunch of flowers in his hands. To stop just went my bus. There was no time, did not exist. I have to go. Two small and defenseless kid looked at me, I remember those views. It seems that they now get more. I turned and briskly proceeded to avtobusu.Vsyu the way I thought about this case, and despite the inconsistency of his action, he felt strange and even frightening certainty that everything was done correctly.
- Normal reached? - I asked Tanya and kissed me.
I took a bunch of behind his back and handed it to her.
- Happy anniversary, sweetheart!
She put the flowers in a vase. Forget-me-not to forget - in the most prominent place. Another gift - a small gold ring I stashed away for later. That light candles, then. She sincerely glad favorite color. I was in no hurry with the main gift. In our small, but cozy apartment smelled of all sorts of goodies.
- You have come before, yet nothing is ready!
She smiled, and I looked into her eyes, and for a moment it seemed to me that she was looking somewhere through me, as if unable to focus on my eyes. At that moment, I felt a strange chill and felt completely empty, with sensation as if someone pumped out of me all the insides, leaving only a holographic coating. By the time I seem rusty about the incident at the bus stop, and suddenly, for some strange reason, again remembered. Force majeure made me remember again and again to live the moment I left, as though the more I did not remember about anything at all, only the stop, only the eyes of defenseless boys. I was their chance.
- What are you thinking now? - She asked.
Tanya saw, I fell into myself and brought me back. I decided that I should tell her. Or rather not even that I know exactly what is required to tell her everything. Right here and now.
- In fact, on the way something happened, but I do not know how you do it vosprimesh - I began by telling her everything to the smallest detail, about the eyes of youngsters, about the bouquet and about my departure from the bus ostanovki.Do the very last moment it listening very carefully as if expecting that this story is about to arrive and all would save Superman, in fact, and this is clearly expressed in her eyes, this Superman must have been me.
I finished the story. Her face contorted. Her eyes looked at me angrily. Once again, I felt the irresistible cold and again, if I were just a shell, I have not. She Ashes wall behind me, as if trying not to look in the face, while his eyes stared exactly at the core of my pupils.
- But how could you do this! - It exploded, the first time I saw her a
- You understand that the children! These thugs had kicking, biting and tearing! Are you a jerk, right? Are you really such a jerk? You're a coward, as I could all the time not to see, you're just a coward! You should have at least something to do not care about the flowers, threw them in the trash, three hundred times to spit on them, you could stand up ?! And at a time - I do not care! And fucking bus! And if this was our child with you? Maybe they were beaten to death, the crippled can do! Maybe even killed ?! We had to shout in the street, passers-by to call, someone will be helped! You're a moron, you could ... I could ...
In her eyes were tears, I did not know how to react. She buried her face in her hands and wept bitterly. I could not stir, feeling a strange sense of emptiness and that in spite of all her screams, I still did the right thing. I was sure of it, but could not understand himself or explain it. I just know how to know that after winter comes spring, and after it - summer.
- Get out of here, you coward. Asshole, a rag! Go away! A strange calm felt in me. Calm and serenity. Even the doorbell did not disturb him. She wiped her tears, jumped up and ran to the door, probably away from me. I like knowing that I was expecting slowly followed her.
- Who's there? Behind the door is the answer, and Tanya, as if frightened, hurried to open soon. I was standing a little behind. First came my mother, her still stranger. My mother came and suddenly burst into tears, rushed to embrace Tanya.
- Sasha killed Sasha ... Sasha killed - through her tears, she said, not even looking at me.
- Wait, Mom, what are you talking about, here he is! - Tanya neglyadya took his hand and pointed at me. Mom looked, and I suddenly felt again this look through. Tanya turned and looked exactly the same view.
- I think he went to the kitchen - Tanya was confused, because All this time I felt behind me, she ran to the kitchen, then checked the room, WC, bath. I never nashla.A it after all this time I was really close to all in the corridor, now feeling that I look at everything that happens, including themselves, from the side. I did not understand what was happening, but I could not utter a word. I tried to scream, and waved his arms, but they did not hear or see, including myself.
- What are you doing, Tanya? You know, it does not, I have seen myself, he's gone, he was killed - at her mother again flooded with tears.
- Well, well, he gave me flowers! Forget-me-not to forget I have it! Here they are in a vase in plain view! - Tanya turned to the vase. It was empty. Water was poured, but the color was not there. From helplessness she wept
- Citizeness, we have to inform you that your husband killed - spoke suddenly the man that came with my mother - I'm a senior investigator Ermakov, we need your testimony. The body is identified. He died before the ambulance came. The twelve stab wounds. Witnesses claim that he stood up for some young lads when those attacked by the other older. There were six of one against him. Before that, he had to call for help ... but we were too late.
I suddenly everything became clear. I knew it from the start, but believe only after his words. I looked into the eyes of Tanya, and then in the eyes of my mother. I even thought for a moment that they saw me, however, it was no longer important. I looked up at me-nots, they stood in a vase on the most visible place. She will not forget. I stepped away and my last thought was, "I did everything right».
- Give me my mother gave, do not touch ... well, give, oh please!
- Hey, fucking idiot, shut up, or ebalo break. What have you got there yet?
I turn and look. Two schoolboys fourteen years or so, and above them, like vultures, with contempt and sense of impunity bastards bent head and shoulders above 17-18 years, each holding a bottle of beer. Burp. Gopnik exactly six people, and these are only two. I see that the situation is heating up, I see as one of the youngsters trying to snatch the main bully your phone or something like that, but he pushes it so that the student falls to the ground. The rest of the neigh. He obviously hit him in the nose or lip rassёk. Flowing blood. Schoolboy covers his face, I think he was crying. The second runs and clings to the hand of the leader. Thugs knocked him to the ground, begin to kick straight in the face. Rare passers-by, one and all, go past. I have no time to think, in my hands a bouquet of forget-me, thanks to them, I do not forget. I need to hurry, hurry, hurry ...- What looked a moron? You too ebalo stuff? It has been drawn to me, and I almost stepped forward, but stopped. Thugs provoke even more, they beat two children kicked in the stomach, in the liver. They challenged me, kicking them even more, as if to show that I can not stop them. It would be strange and absurd to try to pacify the drunken teenagers, when you're with a bunch of flowers in his hands. To stop just went my bus. There was no time, did not exist. I have to go. Two small and defenseless kid looked at me, I remember those views. It seems that they now get more. I turned and briskly proceeded to avtobusu.Vsyu the way I thought about this case, and despite the inconsistency of his action, he felt strange and even frightening certainty that everything was done correctly.
- Normal reached? - I asked Tanya and kissed me.
I took a bunch of behind his back and handed it to her.
- Happy anniversary, sweetheart!
She put the flowers in a vase. Forget-me-not to forget - in the most prominent place. Another gift - a small gold ring I stashed away for later. That light candles, then. She sincerely glad favorite color. I was in no hurry with the main gift. In our small, but cozy apartment smelled of all sorts of goodies.
- You have come before, yet nothing is ready!
She smiled, and I looked into her eyes, and for a moment it seemed to me that she was looking somewhere through me, as if unable to focus on my eyes. At that moment, I felt a strange chill and felt completely empty, with sensation as if someone pumped out of me all the insides, leaving only a holographic coating. By the time I seem rusty about the incident at the bus stop, and suddenly, for some strange reason, again remembered. Force majeure made me remember again and again to live the moment I left, as though the more I did not remember about anything at all, only the stop, only the eyes of defenseless boys. I was their chance.
- What are you thinking now? - She asked.
Tanya saw, I fell into myself and brought me back. I decided that I should tell her. Or rather not even that I know exactly what is required to tell her everything. Right here and now.
- In fact, on the way something happened, but I do not know how you do it vosprimesh - I began by telling her everything to the smallest detail, about the eyes of youngsters, about the bouquet and about my departure from the bus ostanovki.Do the very last moment it listening very carefully as if expecting that this story is about to arrive and all would save Superman, in fact, and this is clearly expressed in her eyes, this Superman must have been me.
I finished the story. Her face contorted. Her eyes looked at me angrily. Once again, I felt the irresistible cold and again, if I were just a shell, I have not. She Ashes wall behind me, as if trying not to look in the face, while his eyes stared exactly at the core of my pupils.
- But how could you do this! - It exploded, the first time I saw her a
- You understand that the children! These thugs had kicking, biting and tearing! Are you a jerk, right? Are you really such a jerk? You're a coward, as I could all the time not to see, you're just a coward! You should have at least something to do not care about the flowers, threw them in the trash, three hundred times to spit on them, you could stand up ?! And at a time - I do not care! And fucking bus! And if this was our child with you? Maybe they were beaten to death, the crippled can do! Maybe even killed ?! We had to shout in the street, passers-by to call, someone will be helped! You're a moron, you could ... I could ...
In her eyes were tears, I did not know how to react. She buried her face in her hands and wept bitterly. I could not stir, feeling a strange sense of emptiness and that in spite of all her screams, I still did the right thing. I was sure of it, but could not understand himself or explain it. I just know how to know that after winter comes spring, and after it - summer.
- Get out of here, you coward. Asshole, a rag! Go away! A strange calm felt in me. Calm and serenity. Even the doorbell did not disturb him. She wiped her tears, jumped up and ran to the door, probably away from me. I like knowing that I was expecting slowly followed her.
- Who's there? Behind the door is the answer, and Tanya, as if frightened, hurried to open soon. I was standing a little behind. First came my mother, her still stranger. My mother came and suddenly burst into tears, rushed to embrace Tanya.
- Sasha killed Sasha ... Sasha killed - through her tears, she said, not even looking at me.
- Wait, Mom, what are you talking about, here he is! - Tanya neglyadya took his hand and pointed at me. Mom looked, and I suddenly felt again this look through. Tanya turned and looked exactly the same view.
- I think he went to the kitchen - Tanya was confused, because All this time I felt behind me, she ran to the kitchen, then checked the room, WC, bath. I never nashla.A it after all this time I was really close to all in the corridor, now feeling that I look at everything that happens, including themselves, from the side. I did not understand what was happening, but I could not utter a word. I tried to scream, and waved his arms, but they did not hear or see, including myself.
- What are you doing, Tanya? You know, it does not, I have seen myself, he's gone, he was killed - at her mother again flooded with tears.
- Well, well, he gave me flowers! Forget-me-not to forget I have it! Here they are in a vase in plain view! - Tanya turned to the vase. It was empty. Water was poured, but the color was not there. From helplessness she wept
- Citizeness, we have to inform you that your husband killed - spoke suddenly the man that came with my mother - I'm a senior investigator Ermakov, we need your testimony. The body is identified. He died before the ambulance came. The twelve stab wounds. Witnesses claim that he stood up for some young lads when those attacked by the other older. There were six of one against him. Before that, he had to call for help ... but we were too late.
I suddenly everything became clear. I knew it from the start, but believe only after his words. I looked into the eyes of Tanya, and then in the eyes of my mother. I even thought for a moment that they saw me, however, it was no longer important. I looked up at me-nots, they stood in a vase on the most visible place. She will not forget. I stepped away and my last thought was, "I did everything right».
