They hold tens of thousands of Russian families, hundreds of companies and one large but resource-based economy. Shift workers - an ideal husband, worker and citizen. It does not happen for months at home, but the family budget is regularly updated. He sticks to the north as a Tajik in Moscow, and not want to know what the Labor Code and the union. He always finds a job, even if tomorrow the war, and quite unaccustomed to bring any claims on the state. The correspondent of "PP" shift workers sat in a crowded train "Nizhnevartovsk - Samara", referring to bag three very large bottle of vodka - just in case. But "every chance" did not happen: the bottle safely come back to the editor.
Letters +20 Photo © Dmitry Vinogradov
Shift workers do not drink
It's a shock I had experienced in the first hours of the trip. While the whole country is struggling with the eternal Russian question "how to quit drinking," the North seems to have found the recipe. Ingredient first - Prohibition period of one month (as last watch). During this time, the body simply withdraw from alcohol and no longer understand why bother drinking. By law, it is necessary to add dry strict police on the train - one shift workers, caught with vodka, my eyes have suggested an alternative: to pay the fine or to pour vodka into the toilet. He chose the latter, even though you know what is stressful for the Russian people, even if he is Tatar. And finally, the third component of sobriety shift workers - is the lack of cash: money is now on the card list. That's all. Three simple ingredients of this recipe. Mix, but do not stir.
- Two firemen have worked. Every day drunk. Zadolbali already - herbs sober bike shift workers with 30 years of experience Sergei Orlov. Such tales had six five-year accumulated just two days journey. Now he works as a master of hard work. "Sophisticated means emergency operation - explains Sergey - because where the case is thin, there and tear it." In general, a person who still remembers what the romance of the Far North: "I always face to face with death. And with frost. That's what I like: the adrenaline! On the mainland this is not to find and understand. "
And stories about firemen in the meantime continues.
- I come to them once - Boiler cold, and they sit, Braga whip. Before them full jar, forty liters. Well, that is already there was less, but not much. Stokers and I say again because I enjoy drinking, drink the whole jar. Until morning. Do not drink -'ll fire in Fig. Drink - remain. And close them in the boiler room.
Ivanovich keeps pausing for effect. Sufficient to ensure that we filled with tea cups boiling water "tampons" and plates with "instant noodles to eat».
- What next was something? - Can not stand someone after scalding sip of tea. Ivanovich already seemed to have forgotten about this story. But it is in the theater depicts how forgot about firemen.
- In the morning I had forgotten about them completely. While any case, the collector-uektor ... In general, came to them only during the day. And what do you think - drank almost the entire jar!
Sergei admires effect. No doubt the story exposes. Whether bikes in shift workers are not made to question, whether really all understand how you do not want to fly with good performance.
- They have only grounds remained at the bottom of the jar, that's such a layer. When I went, they just covered it squeezed through. They saw me and say: "Ivanovich, I'm sorry, did not have time to drink all." And they themselves already up not worth it. Well, nothing to do - need to keep the word. I leave them. They could not go a week - Braga something haunting in the abdomen. Then six weeks sick. But thanks to their wives said, they say, for a lifetime coded. I still do not drink.
When my body refused to from regular doses of instant noodles to eat with tea, I went for a walk on the train. In the next compartment car I heard such a dialogue.
- I came here through a reserved seat - late, had not his car to climb - a neighbor complained about a tall guy in a stylish sweater with a patriotic inscription Russia. - Well, there is and the Spirit!
- What do you want: shift workers! Buha all the way! - He said.
When I returned to my car platskartnyuy I sniffed. I looked closely. No spirit. No thumps shift workers. Still stereotype - terrible force. The two sides of the compartment - young and well dressed. Surely they work what some managers - most likely in corporations, which provide well-being of those most shift workers. Quickly finished their discussion, neighbors coupe moved to a discussion of the truly burning. Where better to rest: in Turkey or Egypt?
A successful add-on moves to compartment carriages. Its basis, shift workers - in the reserved seat. Perhaps it is unfair. But even unjustly assume that shift workers only do that in two days spend on drink all salary.
Shift workers do not like power
What do shift workers, if you do not drink? They speak. The fact that the working conditions of every year is worse - pay less, and even canceled free corporate jet. With common complaints conversation somehow spread to the policy itself.
- What is there to think about? All rows for themselves Moscow. All our oil and money! And Siberia is left a little bit, so as not to drop dead - gave a brief economic analysis of shift workers Andrew. So he replied to my question, whether we are sitting still on the oil needle, and that he thinks about it. The question led him into such a rage that more Andrew personal statement currently did not want to tell. - Muscovites we do not like, just do not be offended. Moscow does not produce anything, but as she lives, we see on TV. How we live - see for yourself.
I have seen. Reserved seats inside the car was covered with frost. From the vestibule strong muzzle. Outside the window flashed villages with exotic names sound like a mysterious spell or verses in tongues - Ult-Jagun, Pyt-Yah, I-Jagun. Kut-Yah, Yah-Sivys. Longed to break the prolonged dry law - whether to keep warm, or to fill Aggravated sense of injustice. Instead, I went to the coal stove - bask. Yes, wagons with oil stoked the old - coal.
- Keep us on a starvation diet, that's for sure - confirmed driller from Rostov Vitaly Samorokov. - I immediately thought: in 1993, when I started to work in the north, oil cost 6 bucks. So, in terms of dollars we received then more than now, when oil under a hundred. Of course, I understand it all: children (shift workers is pointing somewhere in the ceiling of the car), you have to buy the island and football clubs, and that saves us.
But in all Samorokov see its advantages. It generally refers to people who never lose heart. Oil companies say about these: "You have to joke, that person is not frozen."
- A lot of us can not pay. If we paid the same as in the West, we would have worked a year, would earn money and left. No, we need to hold on a short leash. Here we pay, and a middle - not too much, but also not too little.
- In politics we do not understand - is wedged into the conversation Nail Gimaltdinov. He looks like George Harrison Tatar origin. He has glasses and a mustache intelligent, and yet he never swearing and drinking instead whiling away the road with a kind of book in paperback. Nail - one of shift workers-veterans: the watch goes on for 25 years. - Our business is family run and maintain. The policy we still do not understand. Here we have in Tatarstan Shaimiev removed. And so let me be sitting. We do not mind. He already has everything. Now others will come - will rob.
In the bright future of shift workers did not believe the communists do not believe now. Sergei Ivanovich Orlov would like to discuss the word "modernization", which he recently heard on the radio.
- Here are today talking about modernization, and I immediately "acceleration and perestroika" remembered. They say everything seems right, but it does not change anything Well. As we depend on oil, and we depend on. How to Watch traveled to the north, and will drive.
From this tirade Sergey Ivanovich makes a paradoxical conclusion.
- So personally for my future I am calm.
Shift workers like women
- And you want the girl you will order? - Trying to keep me at the table Old Master Uncle Valera. I actually want to sleep already, but shift workers sleep boring.
The idea that the "girl" can "order" here in the frost-covered car with reserved seats inside, rushing somewhere in the Ural spaces, at first glance, is shocking. But it's true. Just as the oil-laden tankers pursue Somali pirates, laden with money shift workers trying to breed the money on their "fish-remora" - prostitutes, cops, racketeers.
There I saw stuck in the dining car, the only place in the whole train, where you can drink legally. Drinkers shift workers from all over the train one car still typed in abundance. They instantly hooked waitress, conductors and other "verification-Serduchka».
- You see, bred shift workers - reveals my eyes drunk neighbor at the table. - Those not seen a woman a month, and those with their rolls and shake bought shampusik Hawk and expensive. Sami bought themselves bring themselves to eat, themselves then-terrain put money in your pocket.
Looking closer, I did notice that the women only posing as drunks. Eyes run, lips casually shout: "Oh, Serge, and even order a vodka!" Her tovarka vodka will bring the most expensive, and the diluted - there is no doubt. In striptease bars on the mainland is called "consumation».
But back to our reserved seat, to talk about a girl that can be ordered.
- No, you do not think I love my wife - my silent question is answered Uncle Valera, with prostitutes, I generally never slept.
- How do family life affects what you do not have at home for a month?
- Yes, normally it affects. The wife was sympathetic. Missed it, then come back to watch - and like a second honeymoon. Annoy each other just once, but if and quarreled about a month watch all quarrels forgotten.
- Do not tell me - the conversation takes Sergei. He is trying to dispel the myth of female fidelity. - We work in the village and we Longepas on this occasion even have a proverb: "Longepas, Longepas! E.ut wives, and we - the reserve! "Because of this cursed and watch my first marriage was upset - she could not stand such a schedule! Second, I took myself to the north. My brother brought her hand - left her husband, an alcoholic. Well, I gave her a week priglyadku. A week later we decided that together we will, and then got married. In general, for whom it is necessary to put a monument watch - so it's women. The fact that on the mainland - for patience. The fact that close to us - for your courage.
Now Sergei, as befits a man aged, loves not his wife and even children, and a granddaughter Yanochka
- When I was on duty, she waits to cross out the remaining days of calendars. And when I'm home, but I'm in the garden of her otvozhu - it's the law. No one else will not do - and shows a portrait of Sergei Jana on cheap phones, fired in another "cheeske" - an emergency.
- Of course, the family must live, eat fruits and vegetables, not the northern semi-finished - sadly muses Nail Gimaltdinov. - The daughter was born - I was in the north. Arrived - she was such (nail shows the distance from the floor). He left, came back - and it already was. All the most interesting moments - when she went, when the first word said - in the left side. That is wrong. In the family, I, of course, more important than the so-Dangle. But nothing can be done about it, life has developed.
Sad history of the Tatar "George Harrison" is fairly typical. To the north it was by chance - worked in Tatarstan for an oil office. I do that in the North there was a row. So George was in Longepase, then went into another organization ... in short, goes for 25 years. It is no longer clear where his house - to the north or in the south, where he goes to his family, on the watch.
- All the time seemed to give up. I thought, and now transferred to the month (before there were watch for two weeks - approx. RR) - cast. Translated - not abandoned. Then he thought - that'll take the plane (shift workers were taken from Ufa to Nizhnevartovsk free aircraft - approx. RR) - cast. They took - not abandoned. Now it makes no sense to throw - before retirement remains four years. Although there are also pluses: the month of work, month resting. Exit to the balcony, you wave a hand: go, go, work
- My wife, I, too, says, come on now as all normal people, work closer to home, from 8 to 5. Well, I worked. I could not boring! - Picks up a joker Vitaly Samorokov from Rostov. - I have one friend, a plumber. I tease him, "the king shit and steam." He earns more than me. He offered them to go. I came, looked like it was hugging the toilet and left. No, I'm better than in the north. We have here also has its own romance.
Young shift workers are more pragmatic. To watch them - the opportunity to earn good money. Many of them farm hands grow whence it is necessary, but in the villages are not in demand - there is no place to work. Collective or collapsed, or offer the kind of money that seriously talking about it is not possible. Options not so much - in some neighboring regional center or a taxi driver on the scene.
I look at them and wonder correctness of these people. They do not bother lofty matters, but on simple human terms - work, love, friendship, responsibility - are firmly as monuments. In big cities, people with this thinking less and less. Even in big cities such individuals will not meet. Is that among taxi drivers and construction workers.
- In general, when you went to the train, we immediately realized that you do not shift workers - slyly smiling at me inhabitant of a nearby reserved seat, Vladislav Ismukov. - Shift workers comes into the car, as his home: no one is watching, throws things Razuvaev falls. And you went and we all considered.
27-year-old Vladislav loved children and decided to start a family, when in the Beslan stood in the cordon around the school seized by terrorists. He served time in the Airborne. After the army he decided to go to the north - have heard that it is possible to make good money. Typically, shift workers looking for a place arranged through friends or through patronage. Vlad relations was not - he just arrived in Nizhnevartovsk, rented a room and read in newspapers. First, the guard found a job with a salary of 9000. "Not enough, of course, but I agreed for the first time and continued to look any further." Then Vladislav was in "Chernogornefteservis" pomburom, and a month ago he was promoted to the driller.
Now Ismukov considered promising specialist - he has twice won the intra contests and even won a free trip to Sochi. As it is immediately evident that it is a serious and responsible man. His smile, which relatives are interspersed with gold teeth, smiles rarely - modest. In Bashkortostan, his wife and year-old son.
- Vlad, how do you see your future?
- First I want to finish the petroleum university in Almetyevsk. Then we'll see. I'll stay, perhaps in the oil industry. Although we get no connections difficult.
Relations had no special - on the contrary, that his father had asked her son to bring to the north. It turns out this reverse labor dynasties, when the father is her son, and not vice versa.
- Of course, if we work has been, I would not go to the north, but it's still better than sitting at home, life guzzle, - says Vladislav. - And we have many do and feel good at the same time. I have a cousin, for example. Drinks, does not want to work. How many times I suggested to him to go with them - to any. Then he spoke like a man: are not you ashamed, the mother of so much effort put on you, and you ... useless.
- Yes, we have many in the village "on the glass" sit. And then on the needle - he nods his neighbor Andrei Petrov. He's not from Bashkiria, and from the Samara region, in the village with a funny name Afonkin old. But the picture is the same everywhere.
- Alcoholics and drug addicts, I do not think the victims - continues Petrov. - This is their conscious choice. Just weak people always his weakness somehow justify beautifully.
- And in the Old Afonkin your work there?
- Where to work? In the farm for a salary of 500 rubles? We all leave, someone somewhere can.
Andrew - peer Vladislav, he is also 27 years old. This smiling lanky guy did not like a villager, and similar to urban. Perhaps he could have some without family office manager. Perhaps it is, somewhere in some parallel dimension in which each of us has a different life.
And in this dimension Andrei five years working on construction sites in the city Megeone - slinger.
- I have two brothers in the North. Average, Jeka - driver for geophysicists. Senior, Sanya, also in Megeone, security service in the "Megeonneftegaze." Please also went to watch, and now found himself a local and lives with her.
- Well, and you found. We in Moscow are always so doing - I advise.
- I can not, I'm already married. My daughter Valeria - half years. And in March, adding forward
Will Andrew at the birth of a daughter at home? Hardly.
Letters +20 Photo © Dmitry Vinogradov

Shift workers do not drink
It's a shock I had experienced in the first hours of the trip. While the whole country is struggling with the eternal Russian question "how to quit drinking," the North seems to have found the recipe. Ingredient first - Prohibition period of one month (as last watch). During this time, the body simply withdraw from alcohol and no longer understand why bother drinking. By law, it is necessary to add dry strict police on the train - one shift workers, caught with vodka, my eyes have suggested an alternative: to pay the fine or to pour vodka into the toilet. He chose the latter, even though you know what is stressful for the Russian people, even if he is Tatar. And finally, the third component of sobriety shift workers - is the lack of cash: money is now on the card list. That's all. Three simple ingredients of this recipe. Mix, but do not stir.
- Two firemen have worked. Every day drunk. Zadolbali already - herbs sober bike shift workers with 30 years of experience Sergei Orlov. Such tales had six five-year accumulated just two days journey. Now he works as a master of hard work. "Sophisticated means emergency operation - explains Sergey - because where the case is thin, there and tear it." In general, a person who still remembers what the romance of the Far North: "I always face to face with death. And with frost. That's what I like: the adrenaline! On the mainland this is not to find and understand. "

And stories about firemen in the meantime continues.
- I come to them once - Boiler cold, and they sit, Braga whip. Before them full jar, forty liters. Well, that is already there was less, but not much. Stokers and I say again because I enjoy drinking, drink the whole jar. Until morning. Do not drink -'ll fire in Fig. Drink - remain. And close them in the boiler room.
Ivanovich keeps pausing for effect. Sufficient to ensure that we filled with tea cups boiling water "tampons" and plates with "instant noodles to eat».
- What next was something? - Can not stand someone after scalding sip of tea. Ivanovich already seemed to have forgotten about this story. But it is in the theater depicts how forgot about firemen.
- In the morning I had forgotten about them completely. While any case, the collector-uektor ... In general, came to them only during the day. And what do you think - drank almost the entire jar!
Sergei admires effect. No doubt the story exposes. Whether bikes in shift workers are not made to question, whether really all understand how you do not want to fly with good performance.

- They have only grounds remained at the bottom of the jar, that's such a layer. When I went, they just covered it squeezed through. They saw me and say: "Ivanovich, I'm sorry, did not have time to drink all." And they themselves already up not worth it. Well, nothing to do - need to keep the word. I leave them. They could not go a week - Braga something haunting in the abdomen. Then six weeks sick. But thanks to their wives said, they say, for a lifetime coded. I still do not drink.
When my body refused to from regular doses of instant noodles to eat with tea, I went for a walk on the train. In the next compartment car I heard such a dialogue.
- I came here through a reserved seat - late, had not his car to climb - a neighbor complained about a tall guy in a stylish sweater with a patriotic inscription Russia. - Well, there is and the Spirit!
- What do you want: shift workers! Buha all the way! - He said.
When I returned to my car platskartnyuy I sniffed. I looked closely. No spirit. No thumps shift workers. Still stereotype - terrible force. The two sides of the compartment - young and well dressed. Surely they work what some managers - most likely in corporations, which provide well-being of those most shift workers. Quickly finished their discussion, neighbors coupe moved to a discussion of the truly burning. Where better to rest: in Turkey or Egypt?
A successful add-on moves to compartment carriages. Its basis, shift workers - in the reserved seat. Perhaps it is unfair. But even unjustly assume that shift workers only do that in two days spend on drink all salary.

Shift workers do not like power
What do shift workers, if you do not drink? They speak. The fact that the working conditions of every year is worse - pay less, and even canceled free corporate jet. With common complaints conversation somehow spread to the policy itself.
- What is there to think about? All rows for themselves Moscow. All our oil and money! And Siberia is left a little bit, so as not to drop dead - gave a brief economic analysis of shift workers Andrew. So he replied to my question, whether we are sitting still on the oil needle, and that he thinks about it. The question led him into such a rage that more Andrew personal statement currently did not want to tell. - Muscovites we do not like, just do not be offended. Moscow does not produce anything, but as she lives, we see on TV. How we live - see for yourself.

I have seen. Reserved seats inside the car was covered with frost. From the vestibule strong muzzle. Outside the window flashed villages with exotic names sound like a mysterious spell or verses in tongues - Ult-Jagun, Pyt-Yah, I-Jagun. Kut-Yah, Yah-Sivys. Longed to break the prolonged dry law - whether to keep warm, or to fill Aggravated sense of injustice. Instead, I went to the coal stove - bask. Yes, wagons with oil stoked the old - coal.
- Keep us on a starvation diet, that's for sure - confirmed driller from Rostov Vitaly Samorokov. - I immediately thought: in 1993, when I started to work in the north, oil cost 6 bucks. So, in terms of dollars we received then more than now, when oil under a hundred. Of course, I understand it all: children (shift workers is pointing somewhere in the ceiling of the car), you have to buy the island and football clubs, and that saves us.
But in all Samorokov see its advantages. It generally refers to people who never lose heart. Oil companies say about these: "You have to joke, that person is not frozen."

- A lot of us can not pay. If we paid the same as in the West, we would have worked a year, would earn money and left. No, we need to hold on a short leash. Here we pay, and a middle - not too much, but also not too little.
- In politics we do not understand - is wedged into the conversation Nail Gimaltdinov. He looks like George Harrison Tatar origin. He has glasses and a mustache intelligent, and yet he never swearing and drinking instead whiling away the road with a kind of book in paperback. Nail - one of shift workers-veterans: the watch goes on for 25 years. - Our business is family run and maintain. The policy we still do not understand. Here we have in Tatarstan Shaimiev removed. And so let me be sitting. We do not mind. He already has everything. Now others will come - will rob.
In the bright future of shift workers did not believe the communists do not believe now. Sergei Ivanovich Orlov would like to discuss the word "modernization", which he recently heard on the radio.
- Here are today talking about modernization, and I immediately "acceleration and perestroika" remembered. They say everything seems right, but it does not change anything Well. As we depend on oil, and we depend on. How to Watch traveled to the north, and will drive.
From this tirade Sergey Ivanovich makes a paradoxical conclusion.
- So personally for my future I am calm.

Shift workers like women
- And you want the girl you will order? - Trying to keep me at the table Old Master Uncle Valera. I actually want to sleep already, but shift workers sleep boring.
The idea that the "girl" can "order" here in the frost-covered car with reserved seats inside, rushing somewhere in the Ural spaces, at first glance, is shocking. But it's true. Just as the oil-laden tankers pursue Somali pirates, laden with money shift workers trying to breed the money on their "fish-remora" - prostitutes, cops, racketeers.
There I saw stuck in the dining car, the only place in the whole train, where you can drink legally. Drinkers shift workers from all over the train one car still typed in abundance. They instantly hooked waitress, conductors and other "verification-Serduchka».
- You see, bred shift workers - reveals my eyes drunk neighbor at the table. - Those not seen a woman a month, and those with their rolls and shake bought shampusik Hawk and expensive. Sami bought themselves bring themselves to eat, themselves then-terrain put money in your pocket.
Looking closer, I did notice that the women only posing as drunks. Eyes run, lips casually shout: "Oh, Serge, and even order a vodka!" Her tovarka vodka will bring the most expensive, and the diluted - there is no doubt. In striptease bars on the mainland is called "consumation».
But back to our reserved seat, to talk about a girl that can be ordered.
- No, you do not think I love my wife - my silent question is answered Uncle Valera, with prostitutes, I generally never slept.

- How do family life affects what you do not have at home for a month?
- Yes, normally it affects. The wife was sympathetic. Missed it, then come back to watch - and like a second honeymoon. Annoy each other just once, but if and quarreled about a month watch all quarrels forgotten.
- Do not tell me - the conversation takes Sergei. He is trying to dispel the myth of female fidelity. - We work in the village and we Longepas on this occasion even have a proverb: "Longepas, Longepas! E.ut wives, and we - the reserve! "Because of this cursed and watch my first marriage was upset - she could not stand such a schedule! Second, I took myself to the north. My brother brought her hand - left her husband, an alcoholic. Well, I gave her a week priglyadku. A week later we decided that together we will, and then got married. In general, for whom it is necessary to put a monument watch - so it's women. The fact that on the mainland - for patience. The fact that close to us - for your courage.
Now Sergei, as befits a man aged, loves not his wife and even children, and a granddaughter Yanochka
- When I was on duty, she waits to cross out the remaining days of calendars. And when I'm home, but I'm in the garden of her otvozhu - it's the law. No one else will not do - and shows a portrait of Sergei Jana on cheap phones, fired in another "cheeske" - an emergency.
- Of course, the family must live, eat fruits and vegetables, not the northern semi-finished - sadly muses Nail Gimaltdinov. - The daughter was born - I was in the north. Arrived - she was such (nail shows the distance from the floor). He left, came back - and it already was. All the most interesting moments - when she went, when the first word said - in the left side. That is wrong. In the family, I, of course, more important than the so-Dangle. But nothing can be done about it, life has developed.

Sad history of the Tatar "George Harrison" is fairly typical. To the north it was by chance - worked in Tatarstan for an oil office. I do that in the North there was a row. So George was in Longepase, then went into another organization ... in short, goes for 25 years. It is no longer clear where his house - to the north or in the south, where he goes to his family, on the watch.
- All the time seemed to give up. I thought, and now transferred to the month (before there were watch for two weeks - approx. RR) - cast. Translated - not abandoned. Then he thought - that'll take the plane (shift workers were taken from Ufa to Nizhnevartovsk free aircraft - approx. RR) - cast. They took - not abandoned. Now it makes no sense to throw - before retirement remains four years. Although there are also pluses: the month of work, month resting. Exit to the balcony, you wave a hand: go, go, work
- My wife, I, too, says, come on now as all normal people, work closer to home, from 8 to 5. Well, I worked. I could not boring! - Picks up a joker Vitaly Samorokov from Rostov. - I have one friend, a plumber. I tease him, "the king shit and steam." He earns more than me. He offered them to go. I came, looked like it was hugging the toilet and left. No, I'm better than in the north. We have here also has its own romance.

Young shift workers are more pragmatic. To watch them - the opportunity to earn good money. Many of them farm hands grow whence it is necessary, but in the villages are not in demand - there is no place to work. Collective or collapsed, or offer the kind of money that seriously talking about it is not possible. Options not so much - in some neighboring regional center or a taxi driver on the scene.
I look at them and wonder correctness of these people. They do not bother lofty matters, but on simple human terms - work, love, friendship, responsibility - are firmly as monuments. In big cities, people with this thinking less and less. Even in big cities such individuals will not meet. Is that among taxi drivers and construction workers.
- In general, when you went to the train, we immediately realized that you do not shift workers - slyly smiling at me inhabitant of a nearby reserved seat, Vladislav Ismukov. - Shift workers comes into the car, as his home: no one is watching, throws things Razuvaev falls. And you went and we all considered.
27-year-old Vladislav loved children and decided to start a family, when in the Beslan stood in the cordon around the school seized by terrorists. He served time in the Airborne. After the army he decided to go to the north - have heard that it is possible to make good money. Typically, shift workers looking for a place arranged through friends or through patronage. Vlad relations was not - he just arrived in Nizhnevartovsk, rented a room and read in newspapers. First, the guard found a job with a salary of 9000. "Not enough, of course, but I agreed for the first time and continued to look any further." Then Vladislav was in "Chernogornefteservis" pomburom, and a month ago he was promoted to the driller.

Now Ismukov considered promising specialist - he has twice won the intra contests and even won a free trip to Sochi. As it is immediately evident that it is a serious and responsible man. His smile, which relatives are interspersed with gold teeth, smiles rarely - modest. In Bashkortostan, his wife and year-old son.
- Vlad, how do you see your future?
- First I want to finish the petroleum university in Almetyevsk. Then we'll see. I'll stay, perhaps in the oil industry. Although we get no connections difficult.
Relations had no special - on the contrary, that his father had asked her son to bring to the north. It turns out this reverse labor dynasties, when the father is her son, and not vice versa.
- Of course, if we work has been, I would not go to the north, but it's still better than sitting at home, life guzzle, - says Vladislav. - And we have many do and feel good at the same time. I have a cousin, for example. Drinks, does not want to work. How many times I suggested to him to go with them - to any. Then he spoke like a man: are not you ashamed, the mother of so much effort put on you, and you ... useless.
- Yes, we have many in the village "on the glass" sit. And then on the needle - he nods his neighbor Andrei Petrov. He's not from Bashkiria, and from the Samara region, in the village with a funny name Afonkin old. But the picture is the same everywhere.

- Alcoholics and drug addicts, I do not think the victims - continues Petrov. - This is their conscious choice. Just weak people always his weakness somehow justify beautifully.
- And in the Old Afonkin your work there?
- Where to work? In the farm for a salary of 500 rubles? We all leave, someone somewhere can.
Andrew - peer Vladislav, he is also 27 years old. This smiling lanky guy did not like a villager, and similar to urban. Perhaps he could have some without family office manager. Perhaps it is, somewhere in some parallel dimension in which each of us has a different life.
And in this dimension Andrei five years working on construction sites in the city Megeone - slinger.
- I have two brothers in the North. Average, Jeka - driver for geophysicists. Senior, Sanya, also in Megeone, security service in the "Megeonneftegaze." Please also went to watch, and now found himself a local and lives with her.
- Well, and you found. We in Moscow are always so doing - I advise.
- I can not, I'm already married. My daughter Valeria - half years. And in March, adding forward
Will Andrew at the birth of a daughter at home? Hardly.