10 great Losers
Text: Vlad Smirnov.
Source: www.maximonline.ru/poleznoe/luchshe...ih-dvoechnikov/
We offer a highly antipedagogicheskaya article that be Losers - not ashamed, and sometimes honorable. Proof - ten geniuses Losers. Just do not show it to his teacher. And in general put in place my father's magazine!
Winston Churchill
Opens our gallery of classic and case hardened. Winston loafers, the eldest son of aristocratic parents disliked the process of education from an early age. In his memoirs, he recalled: "For the first time the formation appeared to me as a sinister figure of the governess, whose appearance was announced in advance. To this day ought to thoroughly prepare by studying the book "Reading Without Tears" (in my case, the name clearly did not work). Every day we are in the throes of my nanny to wade through the book, and I found this process is not only terribly tedious, but absolutely useless. We never got to the end, when the fatal hour struck, and the governess appeared on the threshold of the nursery. I remember that I did something to me in similar circumstances have done hundreds of oppressed sufferers: gone into hiding. " At nine years of education finally caught up with our hero, he was determined to a private school St. George at Ascot. Here there is a stubborn boy really understood (and not so much mind as other, less noble parts of the body), how much a pound Down and Out in the English education. Losers at Ascot beaten regularly and from the heart, and Winston was stable in the wake of the class. Not that he was hopelessly stupid: Teachers regularly find him in some secluded corner with a book for his age. However, to teach lessons to work in the classroom and in general somehow try to Churchill flatly refused. Two years later, with the start of classes, Lord Winston has shown almost zero progress on exams, and parents took him home. But not for long. At thirteen sufferer again given to a private high school Harrow. By this time he had somehow learned to imitate the process of exams, so deuces replaced threes. Churchill, however, is still considered one of the weakest pupils: it, along with the rest of "blockheads" in the classroom, even removed from the study of Latin and Greek, appointing instead the extra classes in the native language. Given that Losers Winston subsequently received the Nobel Prize for literature, they seem to have benefited.
Andrei Tarkovsky
Andrew is not too lucky with the school years, he went to the first class of the Moscow school number 554 in 1939. Do not have time to get involved Tarkovsky as the war began, the evacuation of their relatives in the provincial Yurievets, famine, and other horrors. In general, primary school, we can safely delete from the biography of Andrew Arsenijevic and start immediately with the challenges of adolescence. Actually, they were not so much in the future classics of world cinema, as his mother, who raised her son alone (his father left when Andrew was five years old), and clearly could not cope on disciplinary unit. In high school, Tarkovsky, together with the elite school Losers become a hipster. With all provisions adventures he took out fashions and American music in post-war Moscow. Boring school with kondovoj ideology of every phrase and every action of teachers was seen as a temporary misunderstanding, the real life began for her walls. "I had a wonderful attraction to the street - with all its" corrupting ", in the words of the mother influence, with all the attendant circumstances - recalled the master. - Street balances me in relation to the refined heritage of the parent culture. " In general, if you look at the hero's passport, "parental culture" lacked only four of the literature. According to history, and the most exact sciences Andrei pulled the three-spot, and in chemistry and drafting the document flaunt two. In 1951, the future director solely by inertia entered the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies (probably using a reduced interest in oriental studies in peer), but a year later gave it a bad job and started enriching their experience of life, which is always considered a major university.
Vladimir Mayakovsky
Soviet literary criticism, so as not to embarrass the pioneers hushed underachievement Vladimir or write it on the revolutionary fervor fervor ... really was. However, the fact remains the same deuces. However, they did not start immediately. As we know from his autobiography "I myself", the first three classes Volodya spent "all in the top five." He was curious and lively boy, loved by parents and teachers - in general, the reasons for antisocial behavior are absolutely no not. Then came 1905 and the city of Kutaisi, where he studied Mayakovsky, was at the epicenter of the revolutionary events. This was especially true of students of the local school, which polls were eager to break an unjust system. Case in general usual for the young, seething energy of teenagers who give just a break. Eleven Volodya because of its smartness and older sisters got into a revolutionary circle of high school students, and study immediately went to pieces. Gorlopanit at meetings was much more interesting than cramming lessons. Frightened teachers did "the highway" all sorts of favors, and even Mayakovsky Losers transferred to the next grade. "He moved into the fourth only because I rasshiblas head stone (in Rione fought), - on the re-examination regret" - he recalls. In general, the fight with stones sufficiently characterizes the revolutionary activity of the poet. In 1906, the family had fallen Mayakovsky huge mountain, of blood poisoning his father died suddenly. Then I followed the move to Moscow, where Vladimir went to the 5th classical school (now the school number 91). By and large for Mayakovsky to move, nothing has changed: the mother rented rooms to students who were then almost all underground work. The lessons were not speech. In the fifth grade Volodya finally abandoned all this rigmarole and left the school. All his life he keeps a genuine contempt for the "treasures of human culture", which, however, gave a kind of teenage categorical and freshness Russian Futurism.
Honore de Balzac
According to the biography of the writer and his own memoirs, the main problem as a child was a little Honore dislike mother. Madame Balzac (young Parisian, who married a rich old man on the calculation) bravely took the first baby to nurse herself - and he lived for over a month. So the second, who was named Honore, without talking immediately gave nurse. Since then, the kid did not actually see the mother, especially after she had two more favorite children belonging, according to rumors, is not an old man Balzac. The cozy village house nurse boy immediately migrated to the Vendôme College boarding, which ran the holy fathers. It was a cross between a prison and a monastery, where the pupils are not taken even on vacation, which was considered very salutary and useful for young people.
Offended by the world-Honoré I decided that will not be worse, and immersed himself into his inner world, completely ignoring external stimuli. On the lessons he absently sat and looked out the window, mumbling something unintelligible, if he was asked. Irritants naturally annoyed more and regularly sent "tape and dunce" in "alcove" is simply - in a cold storage room under the stairs, where the pupils were to serve his sentence. In the cooler small Balzac calmly took out his pocket-book and sat down to read. Soon he even liked "alcove" for the opportunity to sit in peace and quiet. Imperceptibly flown seven years, during which Balzac interrupted with twos on three, received threatening letters to his father and read voraciously in the closet. In the end, prolonged sitting on the cold floor quite seriously undermined the health of the boy he had lost weight, became very sluggish and once after a long illness nearly "fell into a coma," as the monks wrote to his parents. Balzac had to still take home the young heir. Later, he visited two educational institutions, never standing out much success. At some point my father waved his hand at her son and gave him to arrange his own destiny, which, as we know, it was a rare visionary step.
Richard Branson
We decided that this list would be incomplete without some financial genius. The multimillionaire Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group Corporation and the private space tourism, held just for this part. In future lessons tycoon could not put two words together - mumbled, he stuttered, desperately blush every time he was called to the board. Subsequently Branson found that childhood dyslexia, that is caused by the inability to recognize neurologically written speech that in adulthood overcame. As a child, Richard about such exotic disease no one never heard of, so the future is simply an honorary knight of Britain was considered a moron.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
To really in one fell swoop away with mockery physically defective people will gather them on one page.
Let's be honest: the main reason why the father of astronautics was in our mournful list is his deafness - a consequence of scarlet fever suffered by the age of ten. Boy, are perceived only snatches of conversation teacher, was doomed to chronic underachievement. However, this does not negate the fact that Kostya was not averse to engage in hooliganism absolutely on a par with the other students Vyatka gymnasium, for which he even got in the cooler. In the second class of 13-year-old schoolboy was in the second year. From the third was expelled for academic failure. He is nowhere else and never learned, but the education system was not able to get rid of so easily Tsiolkovsky: six years he successfully passed the exams for the title of master and received an official referral from the Ministry of Education.
Thomas Edison
Tom's childhood can be called quite happy: he was the youngest and favorite son of handyman and ex-school teacher, possessed of immense professional patience. So the boy was allowed to stir bumblebee nests and steal birds' eggs for fun up until 1854, when he was seven years old and it was decided to give to the school. One morning a boy dressed in a neat suit, taken by the hand and led to the institution of a Reverend John. B. Ingle, which means the only school of the city. J. B. Ingle practiced a very simple way of teaching young people: he forced his students to memorize long pieces of text and mercilessly beat them on the fingers of a ruler of an error and just for prevention. Thomas sensed a trick from the beginning on the second day he said that he did not like school. Father in response to the suggestion made convincing (the effect of which, however, was somewhat broken hearted intervention of the mother), but it did not help. By the end of the first month, Thomas became Losers round. And three months later, just before Christmas, the boy came home from school in tears, "Mr. Ingle called me a moron - he said his mother, - and causes parents to school." Here it is necessary to praise the professional instinct Mrs. Edison, who said nothing to his father and went to understand itself. Mr. Engle from the doorway announced that her son is "completely incapable of learning because of mental retardation." "The best thing you can do - is to take him home," - he concluded. Mrs. Edison and was admitted. More than her son had never crossed the threshold of educational institutions. All their knowledge founder of General Electric got home. His mother taught him to read (but not write - with this Thomas had problems all his life), education and soon went ahead by leaps and bounds. In the end, "moron" became a millionaire and one of the most prolific inventors in American history.
Joseph Brodsky
That's really who was an avid and Losers, we can say the mother is Iosif. It supposedly secret protest erupted thousands of accidents Jewish boys, silently korpevshih on ear training. Joseph doctrine in the Soviet school despised. Wherein actively. He was not inhibited dreamer, hiding on the last desk - he was a bully and a bully who refused to respond to the lessons with such a pronounced condescension to the teachers that they could not stand him. "By its very nature - stubborn, persistent, lazy. Rough. It interferes with lessons, playing tricks. Homework performs very poorly written, and even did not perform. Notebooks has a grubby, dirty, with inscriptions and pictures "- wrote the class teacher Joseph when translating it to the fifth grade. And that was just the beginning. In the sixth grade, Brodsky began just go with the lessons. He wandered through the streets, and "Leningrad facades of houses told the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans more than any textbooks." House scolded him, especially my father. However, the man who returned from the front, but when my son was eight years old, had him very little influence. Over the years, fatherless little Joseph used to be responsible for their actions. In the seventh grade (1954), Joseph received four annual twos - in physics, chemistry, mathematics and English. He stayed for the second year, and in November 1955, and dropped out of school altogether. Formally, Joseph became an apprentice miller at the plant "Arsenal". In practice - he began a violent, life is delightful parasite and anti-Soviet, which made him cynical, cosmopolitan and a great poet. By the way, the Nobel Prize winner for literature.
Anton Chekhov
Yes, intelligence from Russian writers also started, frankly, not so hot. There seems to be a father is to blame. Chekhov Sr. held in Taganrog, small little shops colonial goods, which were mixed on the shelves of tea, candy, soap, herring, kerosene and even unbelievable medicines - such as a mixture of mercury, nitric acid, oil, strychnine and nondescript collection, called for some reason " jack "(Doctor Chekhov later gave tribute to Russian fortress in connection with the stomach thereby" nest "). Also in the shop flourished tavern. And most of his childhood Anton had to spend behind a desk in this hell and see to it that salespeople anything was stolen. The implication was that this time the young schoolboy will do my homework. However, in the bitter cold, which stiffened fingers, including herring and obscene jokes about the lessons of his regulars, of course, I think in the last turn. Small Chekhov just sat in a dream (shop opened five in the morning), and waited for his father deigns to come back and stop watch sad. Of course, when the child is still released, he fled not to engage in, and swimming or sledding - depending on the season. As a result, the school Anton does not shine. He was even allowed to double in the second year, in the third grade because of deuces on the geography and arithmetic, and the fifth - for the Greek language. In Russian literature, most surprisingly, the future writer, too, never got more than four, but more often in his notebooks adorned indulgent threefold. It was only in high school sufferer lucky father eventually went bankrupt and the family moved to Moscow, where Chekhov enrolled in medical school, he began to write short stories and downright started a new life.
Leo Tolstoy
Home biography giant Russian thought was pretty chaotic. His mother died when he was less than two years, nine years after her father followed. All this time the children roamed the various relatives, who did not dare to offend unfortunate orphans and lowered away with more than they should. Education up to the age of 16 was only home. Autobiographical "Adolescence" (which, incidentally, has a chapter entitled "Units") gives a fairly complete picture of the success of the young Count in this field. He was too proud to accept minded dependents teachers seriously, but because he studied without the slightest effort. In the end, the children moved to another guardian in Kazan, and the boys, one after another staged in the Imperial University of Kazan. In the case of Leo this was noble, but it is a useless endeavor. The new guardian Tolstoy, the Countess PI Yushkova woman foolish and stupid, as an educational measure for your teenage nephew did not want to "do better as an aristocratic connection with an adult, a decent woman." Her house has been led by a cheerful interior, where the young Tolstoy (had he not been so clumsy) had every chance to follow the advice of her aunt. In general, there was no time for study.
Source: www.maximonline.ru/poleznoe/luchshe...ih-dvoechnikov/
We offer a highly antipedagogicheskaya article that be Losers - not ashamed, and sometimes honorable. Proof - ten geniuses Losers. Just do not show it to his teacher. And in general put in place my father's magazine!
Winston Churchill
Opens our gallery of classic and case hardened. Winston loafers, the eldest son of aristocratic parents disliked the process of education from an early age. In his memoirs, he recalled: "For the first time the formation appeared to me as a sinister figure of the governess, whose appearance was announced in advance. To this day ought to thoroughly prepare by studying the book "Reading Without Tears" (in my case, the name clearly did not work). Every day we are in the throes of my nanny to wade through the book, and I found this process is not only terribly tedious, but absolutely useless. We never got to the end, when the fatal hour struck, and the governess appeared on the threshold of the nursery. I remember that I did something to me in similar circumstances have done hundreds of oppressed sufferers: gone into hiding. " At nine years of education finally caught up with our hero, he was determined to a private school St. George at Ascot. Here there is a stubborn boy really understood (and not so much mind as other, less noble parts of the body), how much a pound Down and Out in the English education. Losers at Ascot beaten regularly and from the heart, and Winston was stable in the wake of the class. Not that he was hopelessly stupid: Teachers regularly find him in some secluded corner with a book for his age. However, to teach lessons to work in the classroom and in general somehow try to Churchill flatly refused. Two years later, with the start of classes, Lord Winston has shown almost zero progress on exams, and parents took him home. But not for long. At thirteen sufferer again given to a private high school Harrow. By this time he had somehow learned to imitate the process of exams, so deuces replaced threes. Churchill, however, is still considered one of the weakest pupils: it, along with the rest of "blockheads" in the classroom, even removed from the study of Latin and Greek, appointing instead the extra classes in the native language. Given that Losers Winston subsequently received the Nobel Prize for literature, they seem to have benefited.

Andrei Tarkovsky
Andrew is not too lucky with the school years, he went to the first class of the Moscow school number 554 in 1939. Do not have time to get involved Tarkovsky as the war began, the evacuation of their relatives in the provincial Yurievets, famine, and other horrors. In general, primary school, we can safely delete from the biography of Andrew Arsenijevic and start immediately with the challenges of adolescence. Actually, they were not so much in the future classics of world cinema, as his mother, who raised her son alone (his father left when Andrew was five years old), and clearly could not cope on disciplinary unit. In high school, Tarkovsky, together with the elite school Losers become a hipster. With all provisions adventures he took out fashions and American music in post-war Moscow. Boring school with kondovoj ideology of every phrase and every action of teachers was seen as a temporary misunderstanding, the real life began for her walls. "I had a wonderful attraction to the street - with all its" corrupting ", in the words of the mother influence, with all the attendant circumstances - recalled the master. - Street balances me in relation to the refined heritage of the parent culture. " In general, if you look at the hero's passport, "parental culture" lacked only four of the literature. According to history, and the most exact sciences Andrei pulled the three-spot, and in chemistry and drafting the document flaunt two. In 1951, the future director solely by inertia entered the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies (probably using a reduced interest in oriental studies in peer), but a year later gave it a bad job and started enriching their experience of life, which is always considered a major university.

Vladimir Mayakovsky
Soviet literary criticism, so as not to embarrass the pioneers hushed underachievement Vladimir or write it on the revolutionary fervor fervor ... really was. However, the fact remains the same deuces. However, they did not start immediately. As we know from his autobiography "I myself", the first three classes Volodya spent "all in the top five." He was curious and lively boy, loved by parents and teachers - in general, the reasons for antisocial behavior are absolutely no not. Then came 1905 and the city of Kutaisi, where he studied Mayakovsky, was at the epicenter of the revolutionary events. This was especially true of students of the local school, which polls were eager to break an unjust system. Case in general usual for the young, seething energy of teenagers who give just a break. Eleven Volodya because of its smartness and older sisters got into a revolutionary circle of high school students, and study immediately went to pieces. Gorlopanit at meetings was much more interesting than cramming lessons. Frightened teachers did "the highway" all sorts of favors, and even Mayakovsky Losers transferred to the next grade. "He moved into the fourth only because I rasshiblas head stone (in Rione fought), - on the re-examination regret" - he recalls. In general, the fight with stones sufficiently characterizes the revolutionary activity of the poet. In 1906, the family had fallen Mayakovsky huge mountain, of blood poisoning his father died suddenly. Then I followed the move to Moscow, where Vladimir went to the 5th classical school (now the school number 91). By and large for Mayakovsky to move, nothing has changed: the mother rented rooms to students who were then almost all underground work. The lessons were not speech. In the fifth grade Volodya finally abandoned all this rigmarole and left the school. All his life he keeps a genuine contempt for the "treasures of human culture", which, however, gave a kind of teenage categorical and freshness Russian Futurism.

Honore de Balzac
According to the biography of the writer and his own memoirs, the main problem as a child was a little Honore dislike mother. Madame Balzac (young Parisian, who married a rich old man on the calculation) bravely took the first baby to nurse herself - and he lived for over a month. So the second, who was named Honore, without talking immediately gave nurse. Since then, the kid did not actually see the mother, especially after she had two more favorite children belonging, according to rumors, is not an old man Balzac. The cozy village house nurse boy immediately migrated to the Vendôme College boarding, which ran the holy fathers. It was a cross between a prison and a monastery, where the pupils are not taken even on vacation, which was considered very salutary and useful for young people.
Offended by the world-Honoré I decided that will not be worse, and immersed himself into his inner world, completely ignoring external stimuli. On the lessons he absently sat and looked out the window, mumbling something unintelligible, if he was asked. Irritants naturally annoyed more and regularly sent "tape and dunce" in "alcove" is simply - in a cold storage room under the stairs, where the pupils were to serve his sentence. In the cooler small Balzac calmly took out his pocket-book and sat down to read. Soon he even liked "alcove" for the opportunity to sit in peace and quiet. Imperceptibly flown seven years, during which Balzac interrupted with twos on three, received threatening letters to his father and read voraciously in the closet. In the end, prolonged sitting on the cold floor quite seriously undermined the health of the boy he had lost weight, became very sluggish and once after a long illness nearly "fell into a coma," as the monks wrote to his parents. Balzac had to still take home the young heir. Later, he visited two educational institutions, never standing out much success. At some point my father waved his hand at her son and gave him to arrange his own destiny, which, as we know, it was a rare visionary step.

Richard Branson
We decided that this list would be incomplete without some financial genius. The multimillionaire Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group Corporation and the private space tourism, held just for this part. In future lessons tycoon could not put two words together - mumbled, he stuttered, desperately blush every time he was called to the board. Subsequently Branson found that childhood dyslexia, that is caused by the inability to recognize neurologically written speech that in adulthood overcame. As a child, Richard about such exotic disease no one never heard of, so the future is simply an honorary knight of Britain was considered a moron.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
To really in one fell swoop away with mockery physically defective people will gather them on one page.
Let's be honest: the main reason why the father of astronautics was in our mournful list is his deafness - a consequence of scarlet fever suffered by the age of ten. Boy, are perceived only snatches of conversation teacher, was doomed to chronic underachievement. However, this does not negate the fact that Kostya was not averse to engage in hooliganism absolutely on a par with the other students Vyatka gymnasium, for which he even got in the cooler. In the second class of 13-year-old schoolboy was in the second year. From the third was expelled for academic failure. He is nowhere else and never learned, but the education system was not able to get rid of so easily Tsiolkovsky: six years he successfully passed the exams for the title of master and received an official referral from the Ministry of Education.

Thomas Edison
Tom's childhood can be called quite happy: he was the youngest and favorite son of handyman and ex-school teacher, possessed of immense professional patience. So the boy was allowed to stir bumblebee nests and steal birds' eggs for fun up until 1854, when he was seven years old and it was decided to give to the school. One morning a boy dressed in a neat suit, taken by the hand and led to the institution of a Reverend John. B. Ingle, which means the only school of the city. J. B. Ingle practiced a very simple way of teaching young people: he forced his students to memorize long pieces of text and mercilessly beat them on the fingers of a ruler of an error and just for prevention. Thomas sensed a trick from the beginning on the second day he said that he did not like school. Father in response to the suggestion made convincing (the effect of which, however, was somewhat broken hearted intervention of the mother), but it did not help. By the end of the first month, Thomas became Losers round. And three months later, just before Christmas, the boy came home from school in tears, "Mr. Ingle called me a moron - he said his mother, - and causes parents to school." Here it is necessary to praise the professional instinct Mrs. Edison, who said nothing to his father and went to understand itself. Mr. Engle from the doorway announced that her son is "completely incapable of learning because of mental retardation." "The best thing you can do - is to take him home," - he concluded. Mrs. Edison and was admitted. More than her son had never crossed the threshold of educational institutions. All their knowledge founder of General Electric got home. His mother taught him to read (but not write - with this Thomas had problems all his life), education and soon went ahead by leaps and bounds. In the end, "moron" became a millionaire and one of the most prolific inventors in American history.

Joseph Brodsky
That's really who was an avid and Losers, we can say the mother is Iosif. It supposedly secret protest erupted thousands of accidents Jewish boys, silently korpevshih on ear training. Joseph doctrine in the Soviet school despised. Wherein actively. He was not inhibited dreamer, hiding on the last desk - he was a bully and a bully who refused to respond to the lessons with such a pronounced condescension to the teachers that they could not stand him. "By its very nature - stubborn, persistent, lazy. Rough. It interferes with lessons, playing tricks. Homework performs very poorly written, and even did not perform. Notebooks has a grubby, dirty, with inscriptions and pictures "- wrote the class teacher Joseph when translating it to the fifth grade. And that was just the beginning. In the sixth grade, Brodsky began just go with the lessons. He wandered through the streets, and "Leningrad facades of houses told the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans more than any textbooks." House scolded him, especially my father. However, the man who returned from the front, but when my son was eight years old, had him very little influence. Over the years, fatherless little Joseph used to be responsible for their actions. In the seventh grade (1954), Joseph received four annual twos - in physics, chemistry, mathematics and English. He stayed for the second year, and in November 1955, and dropped out of school altogether. Formally, Joseph became an apprentice miller at the plant "Arsenal". In practice - he began a violent, life is delightful parasite and anti-Soviet, which made him cynical, cosmopolitan and a great poet. By the way, the Nobel Prize winner for literature.

Anton Chekhov
Yes, intelligence from Russian writers also started, frankly, not so hot. There seems to be a father is to blame. Chekhov Sr. held in Taganrog, small little shops colonial goods, which were mixed on the shelves of tea, candy, soap, herring, kerosene and even unbelievable medicines - such as a mixture of mercury, nitric acid, oil, strychnine and nondescript collection, called for some reason " jack "(Doctor Chekhov later gave tribute to Russian fortress in connection with the stomach thereby" nest "). Also in the shop flourished tavern. And most of his childhood Anton had to spend behind a desk in this hell and see to it that salespeople anything was stolen. The implication was that this time the young schoolboy will do my homework. However, in the bitter cold, which stiffened fingers, including herring and obscene jokes about the lessons of his regulars, of course, I think in the last turn. Small Chekhov just sat in a dream (shop opened five in the morning), and waited for his father deigns to come back and stop watch sad. Of course, when the child is still released, he fled not to engage in, and swimming or sledding - depending on the season. As a result, the school Anton does not shine. He was even allowed to double in the second year, in the third grade because of deuces on the geography and arithmetic, and the fifth - for the Greek language. In Russian literature, most surprisingly, the future writer, too, never got more than four, but more often in his notebooks adorned indulgent threefold. It was only in high school sufferer lucky father eventually went bankrupt and the family moved to Moscow, where Chekhov enrolled in medical school, he began to write short stories and downright started a new life.

Leo Tolstoy
Home biography giant Russian thought was pretty chaotic. His mother died when he was less than two years, nine years after her father followed. All this time the children roamed the various relatives, who did not dare to offend unfortunate orphans and lowered away with more than they should. Education up to the age of 16 was only home. Autobiographical "Adolescence" (which, incidentally, has a chapter entitled "Units") gives a fairly complete picture of the success of the young Count in this field. He was too proud to accept minded dependents teachers seriously, but because he studied without the slightest effort. In the end, the children moved to another guardian in Kazan, and the boys, one after another staged in the Imperial University of Kazan. In the case of Leo this was noble, but it is a useless endeavor. The new guardian Tolstoy, the Countess PI Yushkova woman foolish and stupid, as an educational measure for your teenage nephew did not want to "do better as an aristocratic connection with an adult, a decent woman." Her house has been led by a cheerful interior, where the young Tolstoy (had he not been so clumsy) had every chance to follow the advice of her aunt. In general, there was no time for study.