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10 Single best psychedelic films.

Film fans - unhappy people. They do not live their own lives, and gather in the dark halls, to immerse yourself in the illusion of a wraith, electric waking dream. Of course, it was the visitors illusion primarily attract and excite stories about altered states of consciousness and those who help to fully this consciousness shift. Not everyone is now - when the era ended with the infamous psychedelic revolution "New Age" - dare to experiment on your own exit off of the brain. But psychedelic films of interest all or nearly all. Unfortunately, this interest often try to make hay dealers from the movie, from Roger Corman and ending the notorious Aronofsky. I present you the 10 best psychedelic films:
© moskovitza (moskovitza) LJ writes,

1 Blue Notebook In 1963 - at the peak of LSD research worldwide (Teleshevskaya in the USSR, Grof in Czechoslovakia, Leary in the US) - an outstanding director Lev Kulidzhanov filmed at the studio Gorky Kazakevich book "Blue book". The film became an inspirational anthem of the first psychedelic revolution, inseparably linked with the name of our compatriot Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin). The film tells about Lenin (Mikhail Kuznetsov of the Stavropol Drama Theater, striking portrait likeness to the leader) and his friend Gregory Zinoviev (Inferno Mark Nikelberg) spent the rainy summer of 1917 in Razliv near Petrograd.

It's an amazing story Psili trip, incredible mushroom marathon. The viewer sees Lenin and Zinoviev kpytit podkpychivaet and at night fire, as they, in spite of the cold and zhyt done hoposho and fun from the revolutionary parishes, and how they are idealistic talk about how people speak the truth or not. Already it is no secret that Psilocybe Semilanceata around Petrograd, Moscow twice as strong (of course, aware of this, and Lenin, when the following year after the spill has decided to transfer the capital to Moscow - away from sin). A few years after the release of pictures of Stanislav Grof wrote: "Psilocybin is similar in its effect to LSD.

As researchers in a controlled experiment, and experienced experts could hardly distinguish between these substances, except for a more rapid effect of psilocybin. " Is it any wonder that the fearful prospect of world revolution, the US government banned the production and use of LSD-25 already in 1966. The revisionist leadership of the Soviet Union ceased all research with LSD in the alarm in 1968, and the "Blue book" hastened to remove the rental. But grains were sown confidential knowledge - in only one season premiere anthem psilocybin Summer of Love of 1917, when it seemed that happiness is so close, time to see 8.5 million. Viewers.

2. Morozko.Veliky fabulous horror maestro Alexander Rowe put this avant-garde thriller in 1964, at the height of the psychedelic revolution. The girls, twins, gather mushrooms in the forest (legendary Olga and Tanya Yukina already known to viewers from surreal mystery Row "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"), became the key to the film. It is this key opened the secret meaning of "Frost" jury of the Venice Film Festival 1965, awarded now the main prize - the Golden Lion of St. Mark.

Bitterly see that brainwashed mass film audience the key is lost. The site imdb.com «Frost" for many years among the hundred worst movies of all time. Standard review says: "What a silly tale about a boastful guy turned into a bear, the eleven-year autistic, he wants to seduce stupid house down, dysfunctional family ugly rusofinnov, long-bearded ugly guy who freezes trees and kills birds, sled-like a pig, mushroom gnome. "

Generation New Age pro.ravshee psychedelic revolution simply does not understand what a great movie amanitovoe. "It's a schizophrenic, terrifying, psihopatskaya hodgepodge. If I watched this movie as a child, I would have gone mad. " Too late to say so kidalty: "Come and see." But anyone who has a child drawing with crayons Amanita muscaria, carries this film in his heart, let psychotomimetics and are not included in their daily diet.

3. The Adventures of the Yellow chemodanchika.Dlya veteran director Ilya Freza this film is not the first communion to the theme of psychedelia. By 1970, when the painting came to the viewer, in his creative luggage already was a classic trip-movie "Extraordinary Voyages Strekacheva Bears" (in this strange picture uchenik pemeclennogo ychilischa travels across the country gathered in chtoby vctavit them kombayn nedoctayuschyyu shectepenky). But "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase", set the novel by Sophia Prokofiev became a real manifesto of "chemical generation» ...

In the laboratory, children's doctor (the great Yevgeny Lebedev does not hide the similarities with Albert Hoffman) is preparing a wide range of miracle drugs - present courage candy powder, laughter, medicine antiboltina. The modern viewer is easy to complement the synthetic series - squirrels, Marochko, snowballs, table, smile, speed, acid. Only these drugs can help the boy Pete overcome his fear of oppressive and girl Tome - an aversion to everything going on around (excellent work of young Djankov Andryusha Gromov and Vicki Chernakova). Petin fear is omnipresent ("It is terrible to live in the world: Someone rummages in the cupboard. Everywhere heard steps, everywhere hidden enemies"), Tomino disgusted with the world makes her cry all the time. A yellow suitcase with medications fall into the hands of the pilot Verevkina (magical Boris Bystrov) ...

It starts pursuit of cherished potion. In the course of this wild dream trip for action megastimulyatorov be felt Petina grandmother (great Tatiana Peltzer), the doctor himself, and even circus lapdogs. But with the acquisition of the suitcase journey does not end - the end of the film, taking another dose of powder cheerful, Child Doctor exclaims: "I will continue to use this wonderful medicine!". It should be noted that the first publication of the book Hunter S. Thompson held a year later, after the release of the pioneering work Freza, while its film adaptation was still a quarter of a century.

4 Hands up! Coryphaeus thumbnail Vladimir Grammatikov put this traffic-thriller in 1981, based on the novel of Leo Davydycheva "Hands up, or enemy number one." The film tells the story of how the drug gangs of Colonel-General hush-hush (convincing Ramaz Chkhikvadze) with a new drug, "Baldin" is trying to take control of drug trafficking children of the city. The purpose of the operation - using Baldin turn all children into loafers, Losers and rogues.

Hugger-mugger understands that feeder trade is dangerous, and establishes distribution through its runners (especially good in the role of George Vitsin Fond Mondi). The main pusher becomes a personal protégé of General hush-hush - a little girl angry agent Dragonfly. It is impossible not to admire the skill of the young Eugene Grigorieva (later it became known as Elena Morozova and theatergoers remember Hitler's role in the theater's Roman Viktyuk on the play "My Friend Hitler" Yukio Mishima) - pusher with even the most inveterate Excellent hang a couple of weeks. But lazy and mischievous took even less - the guys quickly get lost, go to the neponyatki and turn into junkies with expressive pogonyalom: Sergei "Sluggish" Pete "Atas" Dima "miser" (strong work Misha Kosoretskogo, Alyosha Oreshkin, Stasik Yavorsky) .

If not for the brave Tolka Glotov (ubiquitous child star Fyodor Stukov), but my grandmother Natalia (mascot psychedelic movie Tatiana Peltzer), the operation codenamed "Brothers-parasites" could have ended successfully. The picture did not get any prizes (as opposed to its indistinct remake - "Traffic" dull artisan Soderbergh), but the national love and recognition of the audience Vladimir Grammatikova, think a lot more important.

5 Seven soldatikov.Pronzitelny pacifist manifesto famous director Eduard Bocharov, filmed at the studio Gorky in 1982, became a belated echo of the Summer of Love. The last picture in the director's biography Bocharov (it is interesting that he started as an assistant director Ilya Freza, including - in the legendary trip-movie about Bear Strekacheva) - an amazing story about how a seven-year Olezhka Komarov went for the summer to the village and bored without friends. Boy (his role coped Alyosha Kuzmischev) wrote a letter to a newspaper asking for his tin soldiers, with whom he was friends. And then one day in the village came to the amazing men.

Bocharov returns as spectators during the musical "Hair." Before our soldiers love - overgrown hippany a cap instead hayratnikov and wonderful nicknames - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (performed their roles Gennady Chikhachev Victor Zhiganov, Alexander Vorobiev, Alexander Postnikov, Igor Stepanov, Gennady Frolov and Vitaly Usanov). Happy Olezhka not hesitate to enter the soldiers, and they begin to live a great year commune. Country house in which dwelt Olezhka mom (Tatiana Chernopyatova), Uncle Simon (cameo director) and seven soldiers, overgrown with grass on the roof, and thus can begin a real feast (not by chance is less than a year after the film group "Earthlings "You will write your" Grass at the house, "which has become an impassioned plea to the legalayzu).

And Olezhka new friends went to a mysterious journey in the tank at the bottom of the local rivers, serene, laughing pours ice cold water from the well, neutralize unexploded bomb - the echo of a distant war ... Acceptance Committee State Committee for Cinematography was ruthless to the picture by cutting a roll version to one hour seven minutes . But even in such a lop filmmakers told to the audience the main idea: when Oleg Komarov grow, it is sure to become a soldier of love - upyhanym hippie torn jeans, with Haier is really up to the navel and arms up to the elbow in Fennec. A few years later came to the picture and recognition - the filmmakers received the USSR State Prize in 1985.

6.Gribnoy dozhd.Rezhisser Nikolai Koshelev has worked on many film studios, but with a picture of "mushroom rain" in 1982, he has started exactly at Lenfilm - closer to the legendary Leningrad Psilo ... Send the whole team for mushrooms, printing staff, the soul take a walk through the woods, tired but hungry, we came back. Noting that among the mushroom is not a woman, they easily believe in the version of her early departure a passing car and went home, leaving her in the woods ...

It would seem an ordinary story - went to pick mushrooms, reached under the mushrooms. But Koshelev took this picture in a very rare genre of collective trip-reports. The director shows how travelers in the woods experience easy and short-lived euphoria. Pleasant blunting of consciousness and a characteristic in the use of fungi narrowed horizon view lead to the fact that most of the mushroom does not notice the disappearance of one of the traveler (obviously not cope with the individual dose). Upon returning home, most of the participants travel sweeping second, more powerful wave of euphoria (the director is an interesting admission, as if leading a report from the kitchens characters in the film).

And only in the evening begins heavy othodnyak - first at the courageous typesetter Lukin (convincing Vladimir Gostyukhin), and then the others (in the roles of good mushroom and Russian Vladimir Zamansky, and Alexander Potapov, and Boris Ivanov). What the casual viewer can understand as a parable about the human indifference and awakening of conscience, in fact - is characteristic of the mushroom trip out of a sense of guilt, as a well-known Russian traveler. As the song of the poet and composer Okudzhava, sounding in the film - "We left a little: we let our pain."

7.Sezon chudes.Eto is perhaps one of the most mysterious psychedelic films. After his release in 1985, a long time does not stop arguments: it is - a normal alkotrip experienced director George Jungvald-Khilkevich, degenerated into a hodge-podge multi-style episodes, or experimental acid trip with the unusual visuals.

Film begins with the fact that the young artist Vadim Tavrov (Arunas Storpirstis ridiculous - however, from the junkie always looks funny), who left the inspiration comes to a small village and settles in a house full of miracles. The window Vadim climbs muddy crowd crumpled zombies, flying witches, ominous clown-killers and scarecrow. These monsters haunted the artist around the village, and dvoyas troyas his dilated pupils. What makes Vadim fight in the white door, painted on a brick wall unknowns (the song on the verses Derbeneva Chernavsky and then taken to sound during the film)?

Such visual hallucinations with a predominance of creatures on the border infernality (and even after it is constantly climbing into the frame trio "Expression" as part of Boris Moiseev, Larry Heath and Ludmila Chesnulyavichyute) are only tough trip for the Soviet military psychedelic "Taran." Back in 1985 anti-radiation kits with foam called "AI", or rather, small red pencil cases from the slot number 2 of these kits can be found in the pockets of suede jacket all self-respecting artists.

8.Udivitelnaya find, or the most ordinary miracles. In the mid-80s of the last century was the cradle of the Odessa Film Studio psychedelic cinema. A year after the filming of "Season of Wonders" there was created an incredible film "Amazing find." Director Mark Tolmachev made a terrific story amphetamine trip Maxim Rybkin (very young actor Thank Esinovsky) based on the novel by Vladislav Krapivin "Boltik." My mother and grandmother, overprotection nine-Maxim, do not notice that the boy grows cowardly and indecisive.

But one day a boy finds a bolt, which, as he dreamed, has magical powers. And Rybkin become brave - he bravely rushes to extinguish the fire from the neighbors, win a bike race ... Boltik in the picture is so small that it is almost not visible on the general plan (operator Albert Osipov) - the viewer understands that this substitution. Maxim came to the aid of not bolt and bolt - good old methamphetamine.

Yes, Maxim Rybkin - a screw; a brew - that, to the horror of my mother and grandmother (lovely Irina Azer and "People's grandmother" Maria Vinogradova), gives him a sense of serenity and euphoria that drives him forward on the roof of a burning house, in the first position in the back of the field of riders. Maxim will be able to protect the bolt from the dastardly dose bully with remarkable nickname Transit (naughty Philip Salimonenko) and convince of the merits of his bolt beautiful girl Tanya (Nastya Burlakov). Perhaps it is this substitution that turned into a movie inspired glorification of amphetamines, so upset the author of the novel "Boltik" Vyacheslav Krapivin, that he withdrew his name from the credits. Probably, a tireless promoter of pioneering gomoerotiki imagined bolt Maxim quite different ...

9.Nechistaya power. For Ernest Yasan question of location filming new movie has been resolved at the stage of the application scenario. It is at Lenfilm - this Mecca of fans of psilocybin - was born in 1989, the story of Ivan Denisov, Associate Forest Research Institute (Pavel Andreev), lost during collective harvesting mushrooms. And not just lost, and fell into the old woman's hut-chudodeynitsy (Rimma Markova shining example here its future role of the witch's "Night Watch"), where the famous Leningrad Pruszkow treated myself with cloth on the ground.

The old woman turned out to be in fact the evil Baba Yaga,. Hard overseeding Psilo, Ivan falls into complete dependence on the "hospitable" mistress and becomes a servant of the old woman and her court of evil, represented by comic trio of Shcherbatov, shoes and Troughs (Roman Kartcev, Victor and Anatoly Slivnik Grigoryuk). But the director makes it clear that Ivan, who lost freedom and memory, forgetting his mother and lover, finds true freedom and true power. Ivan Denisov can say with Castaneda, try mescaline, "I forgot that I'm a man!". So, thirty years after the film's visionary Norman Lloyd "Special Delivery" written by Ray Bradbury, the screens returned true that when the fungus gets inside the human person becomes a fungus.

This is the inevitable result of interspecies dependence, which has warned Terence McKenna, and which after the film Yasan widely spoke Leningrad public.
