Search group Patriot
Search group of "patriots" was created March 17, 2003. at the military-patriotic club "patriots" of the residents of the village youth Narofominsky district, Moscow region, previously had experience in search of work.
A selection of 54 large photo + text, please do not break trasyy
Expedition in the Kaluga region, .Ekspeditsiya conducted with two weekly departures in May and June 2003.
search group's comments:
On the way, we visited the museum and monuments "Ilyinsky frontiers." In the photo - gun pillboxes. Garrison died bunker, killing more than twenty enemy tanks.
Camped near the stout table in a beautiful birch forest on the bank. Vorya.
On the steep bank of the river entrenched Germans. German defense is a network of trenches full profile with strong points, machine gun nests and bunkers. The depth of the defense settled down mortar and artillery positions. In one of the trenches of the front line of defense found the German outfit.
In the neutral zone found bent MR-40. Quite rare. It does a lot of photos on the memory of the discovery.
From time to time we come across ammunition, including large caliber. The photo unexploded howitzer shell and mine (in his hand).
Deciding to go deeper into the forest, we happened to find the wreckage of the crashed plane. Just identify the type of aircraft ownership and failed, but we think that probably samolt Soviet (Soviet shells found on the pistol).
On the lack of "lifting the material" can not complain - in these areas in 1942 were fierce battles for the mastery of the Warsaw highway, both sides had big losses.
German pillbox. He was a key point in the German defense. It is this bunker in the winter of 1942 stormed our soldiers, suffering heavy losses.
In the bunker are many different labels, Russian and German. As reinforcement was used, among other things, and trёhlineyka subsequently carved concrete locals.
In many ways can be seen as heavy fighting was going on in these places. The helmet is pictured good confirmation of this (multiple shrapnel holes).
In one of the pits we stumbled upon the remains. Further exhumation revealed the remains of 16 people.
When the exhumation of the dumping found a revolver "Nagan", as well as a large number of German-Russian ammunition.
In late June, it was a large-scale expedition to Yartsevskiy district of Smolensk region. Search work was carried out in the field of fighting in August 1941. According to the results of the expedition found 21 Soviet soldiers and commanders (mostly single burial in foxholes) 2 medallion given to one of them read "without delay" and another referred to the examination. And also found a number of interesting exhibits of the warring parties.
guileless ammunition deceased Soviet soldier: mask, RGD-33, the individual packages and a helmet with a bullet hole. The same set of ammunition was found in almost all the warriors.
and photo: Mosin rifle - the main weapon of the Soviet soldiers who participated in the fighting on the ground of the expedition. Found a number of rifles Mosina old models - the so-called Dragoon rifle.
Search often had to carry it in high water cut. For example, the trench was filled with water, found the remains of two Soviet soldiers.
found a machine gun MG-34 explosion severely beaten: bent trunk and ripped off part of the casing of the air cooling, no butt.
At one point we ran into the German defenses. As a result, we found a number of items of ammunition Wehrmacht.
Different ammunition and weapons of the opposing sides: Mosin rifles and carbines, the German rifles, canteens, helmets and so on.
Photo: items ammunition Wehrmacht soldiers.
In the photo: an interesting finding - in a drawer for a tape to the maxim gun found the German Feed-inserted into it by Soviet ammunition 7, 62h54. Wilt from maxim could shoot those tapes?
Still life of equipment of the Wehrmacht.
It looks like the remnants of the German guns or howitzers. Near the broken caisson.
On the position of the Soviet protivotankistov among other things, were found firebombs.
In the photo: the medallion turned unfilled. Sorry.
The expedition was conducted in May - June 2007 on the ground of fierce fighting for the possession of 1942-1943 Warsaw highway. By the most conservative estimates of Soviet historians in these battles killed up to 300,000 soldiers and commanders of the Red Army.
In the photo: In the search stumbled on a small monument to Red Army soldiers who died in battle in 1942.
In the photo: the most common in 1942-1943, the Soviet infantry weapons - a rifle arr. 1891/30 years. Searching is quite common, the vast majority found rifles pierced with bullets and shrapnel or severely deformed.
In the photo: ammunition and equipment of two fighters of the Red Army, found in the upper bedding. Mosin rifle with fixed bayonet, pots, jars, cups, removable barrel to the DP-27 and so forth.
Photo: From time to time in the woods came across here such here "dumping." Whether it was the work of "black," or makeshift "red» ...
Soviet artillery positions and found a broken caisson to the 76-mm gun.
In addition to the above-line-guns very rarely come across other species of small arms of the Red Army. For example a rare sample of PCA-41 rib (pictured).
In the photo: ammunition and equipment of the Red Army. German-box tapes also used by our soldiers.
Found a German soldier.
Memory Watch conducted in the villages of Ivanovo Savino, where at the turn of the river Vorya fierce fighting took place in 1942. During the period of watches exhumed more than 16 graves of Soviet soldiers. In total, found the remains of 957 soldiers, 15 medallions read.
In the photo: the excavations begun in the territory of the former village. Land detectable probe and metal detectors. The first finds (mask and blade)
In the photo: found a large burial of Soviet soldiers. Home exhumation work.
Depth to the top of the remains was about 1 meter.
In the photo: a sign found "Guards»
In the photo: the first medallion. Subsequently, I read and found relatives who were present at the reburial.
Read medallions found in wooden penalchikah (capsules), there was no hope.
Some findings from the burial. Trophy Belt, Anschluss, medal and so on.
Photo: German helmet in the winter coloration at the entrance to the dugout.
Photo: from the surrounding forests. Trёhlineyka, German, Russian and rare helmet bipod for DP-27 (motorcycle) very well preserved.
In the photo: the burial was much more than expected at first.
Subsequently increased to pit this big.
In the picture: the number of remains has increased significantly.
Memory Watch conducted in the villages Lakeside, where at the turn of the river and its tributaries Zhizdra were fierce offensive of our troops in 1943. During the period of watches in total found the remains of 256 soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. These turned out to be typical of the burial places of our soldiers in the trenches and cells remains in the upper occurrence almost never occur. It is also obvious that after the fighting was carried out large-scale clearance and collection of trophies.
Photo: Red Army pot made of ammunition box (zinc).
Found the remains of a fighter.
In the photo: equipment found with the remains of (mask, RGD-33 and RPG-40, Mosin rifle cartridges and so on.)
In the photo: Related findings during excavations on the territory of the former settlements.
In the photo: the remains of insignia and a fragment of the book covers the Red Army.
In the photo: Spoon with lots of interesting inscriptions. Such things often possible to identify the remains of fallen soldiers.
On neytralke.
Photo: among heaps cleared mines occasionally met and combat-ready copies.
In the photo: bomb. Did not touch.
In the photo: German ring WESTWALL. Just found among a heap of cartridges with a metal detector on the parapet of the German trench.
Photo: burial May 9 near the town Ulyanovo.
List of established names:
Dinul HA
Groin Martynov V., born in 1921
Key (s) Bainov Vasily Isaevich 1904 born
Fyodor Volkov G., born 1921
Sidelev Ivan Semenovich 1922 born
Zorin Maxim 1908 born
Zuev Peter Gavrilovic 1905 born
Ryzhkov Ivan A. born in 1922
A selection of 54 large photo + text, please do not break trasyy
Expedition in the Kaluga region, .Ekspeditsiya conducted with two weekly departures in May and June 2003.
search group's comments:
On the way, we visited the museum and monuments "Ilyinsky frontiers." In the photo - gun pillboxes. Garrison died bunker, killing more than twenty enemy tanks.

Camped near the stout table in a beautiful birch forest on the bank. Vorya.

On the steep bank of the river entrenched Germans. German defense is a network of trenches full profile with strong points, machine gun nests and bunkers. The depth of the defense settled down mortar and artillery positions. In one of the trenches of the front line of defense found the German outfit.

In the neutral zone found bent MR-40. Quite rare. It does a lot of photos on the memory of the discovery.

From time to time we come across ammunition, including large caliber. The photo unexploded howitzer shell and mine (in his hand).

Deciding to go deeper into the forest, we happened to find the wreckage of the crashed plane. Just identify the type of aircraft ownership and failed, but we think that probably samolt Soviet (Soviet shells found on the pistol).

On the lack of "lifting the material" can not complain - in these areas in 1942 were fierce battles for the mastery of the Warsaw highway, both sides had big losses.

German pillbox. He was a key point in the German defense. It is this bunker in the winter of 1942 stormed our soldiers, suffering heavy losses.
In the bunker are many different labels, Russian and German. As reinforcement was used, among other things, and trёhlineyka subsequently carved concrete locals.

In many ways can be seen as heavy fighting was going on in these places. The helmet is pictured good confirmation of this (multiple shrapnel holes).

In one of the pits we stumbled upon the remains. Further exhumation revealed the remains of 16 people.

When the exhumation of the dumping found a revolver "Nagan", as well as a large number of German-Russian ammunition.

In late June, it was a large-scale expedition to Yartsevskiy district of Smolensk region. Search work was carried out in the field of fighting in August 1941. According to the results of the expedition found 21 Soviet soldiers and commanders (mostly single burial in foxholes) 2 medallion given to one of them read "without delay" and another referred to the examination. And also found a number of interesting exhibits of the warring parties.
guileless ammunition deceased Soviet soldier: mask, RGD-33, the individual packages and a helmet with a bullet hole. The same set of ammunition was found in almost all the warriors.

and photo: Mosin rifle - the main weapon of the Soviet soldiers who participated in the fighting on the ground of the expedition. Found a number of rifles Mosina old models - the so-called Dragoon rifle.

Search often had to carry it in high water cut. For example, the trench was filled with water, found the remains of two Soviet soldiers.

found a machine gun MG-34 explosion severely beaten: bent trunk and ripped off part of the casing of the air cooling, no butt.

At one point we ran into the German defenses. As a result, we found a number of items of ammunition Wehrmacht.

Different ammunition and weapons of the opposing sides: Mosin rifles and carbines, the German rifles, canteens, helmets and so on.

Photo: items ammunition Wehrmacht soldiers.

In the photo: an interesting finding - in a drawer for a tape to the maxim gun found the German Feed-inserted into it by Soviet ammunition 7, 62h54. Wilt from maxim could shoot those tapes?

Still life of equipment of the Wehrmacht.

It looks like the remnants of the German guns or howitzers. Near the broken caisson.

On the position of the Soviet protivotankistov among other things, were found firebombs.

In the photo: the medallion turned unfilled. Sorry.

The expedition was conducted in May - June 2007 on the ground of fierce fighting for the possession of 1942-1943 Warsaw highway. By the most conservative estimates of Soviet historians in these battles killed up to 300,000 soldiers and commanders of the Red Army.
In the photo: In the search stumbled on a small monument to Red Army soldiers who died in battle in 1942.

In the photo: the most common in 1942-1943, the Soviet infantry weapons - a rifle arr. 1891/30 years. Searching is quite common, the vast majority found rifles pierced with bullets and shrapnel or severely deformed.

In the photo: ammunition and equipment of two fighters of the Red Army, found in the upper bedding. Mosin rifle with fixed bayonet, pots, jars, cups, removable barrel to the DP-27 and so forth.

Photo: From time to time in the woods came across here such here "dumping." Whether it was the work of "black," or makeshift "red» ...

Soviet artillery positions and found a broken caisson to the 76-mm gun.

In addition to the above-line-guns very rarely come across other species of small arms of the Red Army. For example a rare sample of PCA-41 rib (pictured).

In the photo: ammunition and equipment of the Red Army. German-box tapes also used by our soldiers.

Found a German soldier.

Memory Watch conducted in the villages of Ivanovo Savino, where at the turn of the river Vorya fierce fighting took place in 1942. During the period of watches exhumed more than 16 graves of Soviet soldiers. In total, found the remains of 957 soldiers, 15 medallions read.

In the photo: the excavations begun in the territory of the former village. Land detectable probe and metal detectors. The first finds (mask and blade)

In the photo: found a large burial of Soviet soldiers. Home exhumation work.

Depth to the top of the remains was about 1 meter.

In the photo: a sign found "Guards»

In the photo: the first medallion. Subsequently, I read and found relatives who were present at the reburial.

Read medallions found in wooden penalchikah (capsules), there was no hope.

Some findings from the burial. Trophy Belt, Anschluss, medal and so on.

Photo: German helmet in the winter coloration at the entrance to the dugout.

Photo: from the surrounding forests. Trёhlineyka, German, Russian and rare helmet bipod for DP-27 (motorcycle) very well preserved.

In the photo: the burial was much more than expected at first.

Subsequently increased to pit this big.

In the picture: the number of remains has increased significantly.

Memory Watch conducted in the villages Lakeside, where at the turn of the river and its tributaries Zhizdra were fierce offensive of our troops in 1943. During the period of watches in total found the remains of 256 soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. These turned out to be typical of the burial places of our soldiers in the trenches and cells remains in the upper occurrence almost never occur. It is also obvious that after the fighting was carried out large-scale clearance and collection of trophies.
Photo: Red Army pot made of ammunition box (zinc).

Found the remains of a fighter.
In the photo: equipment found with the remains of (mask, RGD-33 and RPG-40, Mosin rifle cartridges and so on.)

In the photo: Related findings during excavations on the territory of the former settlements.

In the photo: the remains of insignia and a fragment of the book covers the Red Army.

In the photo: Spoon with lots of interesting inscriptions. Such things often possible to identify the remains of fallen soldiers.

On neytralke.
Photo: among heaps cleared mines occasionally met and combat-ready copies.

In the photo: bomb. Did not touch.

In the photo: German ring WESTWALL. Just found among a heap of cartridges with a metal detector on the parapet of the German trench.


Photo: burial May 9 near the town Ulyanovo.
List of established names:
Dinul HA
Groin Martynov V., born in 1921
Key (s) Bainov Vasily Isaevich 1904 born
Fyodor Volkov G., born 1921
Sidelev Ivan Semenovich 1922 born
Zorin Maxim 1908 born
Zuev Peter Gavrilovic 1905 born
Ryzhkov Ivan A. born in 1922
