The officer-commando
Sniper called a soldier who has mastered the art of marksmanship, the ability to disguise and long-term monitoring. Usually it is the main task is the elimination of an important unit of the composition of the enemy, most of the command with the first shot. His opinion about the snipers shared commando officer and tried to destroy the popular myths about this art. The author writes:
At the sight of the inquisitive young man, for sure, is this picture. Here he is alone with the true sniper rifle sneaks on the territory controlled by members of illegal armed groups (Nazis, zombies, orcs). It razlohmatisty plaschets of the "devil" and his face covered in camouflage makeup divorce. And he alone "takes" the helper, finally saw his face contorted in anticipation of a rapid demise. Nothing like? Yeah, the movie "Sniper" with Tom Berenger in the title role.
Another romantic "sniping", playing on the computer and "Doom" and "counter" to run a paintball "boltovkoy" and "fulfill" more than a dozen defendants, decides: here it is, my! Especially spring - time to call. Where am I? The army snipers in! Yeah, that's right now. Well, let's start slowly disappointed?
Remove the rose-colored glasses
Courses snipers? Did someone call the course? For example, in the civilian world? Naturally, no. There are sections of shooting and the like. But there will not be ready sniper. Trainer section, it may be a true master of the sport or even a champion and a good teacher. If you have the makings and the ability of you will prepare the athlete, not a sniper. Skills, of course, it gives appear experience handling weapons, determine the distance to the purposes of calculating corrections and so on. But the experience will agree specific.
You'll shoot a sporting rifle, this time. You will carry out sports exercises and not on a live target, that's two. Your target will be either static or mobile according to the conditions of exercise and will be on the set ranges. You will be comfortable wearing a sports uniform, you fed and well rested. Well, you may as well-trained athlete will become a little "melancholy" and there is nothing you will not annoy and distract from the conditions of the exercise. But sport and to combat the problem vary dramatically (see below).
If you are having a learning experience section shooting, drafted into the army and sent to you in a specialized Lads Camp (whom we left a couple of pieces), no sniper instructor will not train you psychologically! It does he want? Where the "Manual on the psychological preparation of the sniper?" There's no such thing. And all that murk that wanders on the internet as an educational material is not suitable.
About a heavy album
Again back to the Foreword: "Sniper lives with his load ...". That poor guy something! Photo album with him, you see, before my eyes is to live a hindrance. And can there be a "photo album" in principle?
Because SVD, for example, the optimal distance in prone to falling into the enemy's head - 400 meters. And who among us, even with the sight PSO-1 at a distance is able to see his face? What's the "photo album"? If someone and have to shoot at real targets, it is likely to see a dark figure sverzivshuyusya - and no more. In order to shoot at the "Lega-figurant" seeing his face, there are other snipers. And believe me, they are used in other structures, and not in the Armed Forces and not even in the MIA. But we still talking about the armed forces, so we continue to dismantle the preface.
Someone out there the coach said that after the "first" Sniper broke and do not ask a "paddle on the mountains." And what, then, it generally took?
Imagine that the commander of the group after the first fight broke scout Sapper after the first "raise" the real result of drunk, artillery after the first successful cover retired to a monastery, and so on. D. I think it is nonsense.
About Tom, our, Berenger
Okay, let's leave the preface. We will understand our Tom Berenger. Cinema - it is cinema. That hero Tom was given the task to remove the head of the drug cartel. Our hero is going to perform the task. Let's count, that he carries with him.
Well, the first, of course, a rifle. In my opinion, M24, if not - correct. Weight in running its 7 kilograms and where some two hundred and sixty grams, it is a seat for transportation and optics. Further ammunition to the problem - the minimum one hundred rounds of ammunition. Weight NATO cartridge 7, 62 H51-15, 7 grams. Total with pouches for carrying them further 3 kilograms. The second weapon Tom, we saw good old M1911 A "Colt." Weight 1 kilogram 120 grams. 100 pieces of ammunition 45 caliber for the gun - even 1, 5 kg. Signal rockets and smoke - 1 kilogram. Grenades, 4 pieces - another 3 kilos. Means of technical intelligence, say, a pair of binoculars with built-in range finder - 1 kilogram. Means of communication. Since Tom is one, then it has a means of communication with the Centre of combat operational management. Forested mountainous terrain and the type of radio AN / PRC, operating in the VHF range, will not work, so you need something stronger. Take satellite station with the previously allocated channel. So, this is AN / PSC-5, powered by two batteries, each weighing 2 04 kilograms, but the station itself weighs about 2, 8 kg. Do not forget the spare batteries, then plus 4 kilograms. Well, the storage device, input-output, headset - additional 1 kilogram.
Not hard for you, Tom? But there is still a cape, a camouflage suit - it is 1, 5 kilos without branches and leaves. Individual kit weighs 0, 5 kg. Water, dry rations, removable socks, a knife with a survival kit, a rug, a poncho and so give even seven kilograms. And now calculate. I came at 40 kilos. Given the requirements of secrecy, valiant sniper planted 15 kilometers from the area of the task. At the same time it should ottopat legs to get as close as possible to the object and destroy the entity. But in the film we see bison vigorous sniper, absolutely not tired during the transition in a humid atmosphere forested mountainous terrain. In the frame of only divorces masking flirty makeup.
As a follow-up exploration of the object alone spent? How to penetrate? Oh, like in the movies-all beautiful!
And in practice? Have you tried to load at least 20 kilograms to crawl up the hill when the temperature is below thirty or forty degrees, or even more? One man, of course, is less noticeable in the jungle than the group, but also single-handedly, whether you're a Tom Berenger half and half, John Rambo, little worthwhile work. Too great fatigue, both moral and physical. Going under favorable conditions in an unfamiliar route will last a day or more. Hence, it is necessary to precisely coordinate and align the time action of the subgroup output compare to the smallest nuances of information from informants and intelligence. Consider a bunch of factors, including force majeure. Sniper if time and gets to the object and penetrate beyond the perimeter, then most likely, will not be able to shoot. For a more or less successful elimination of the subject, based on the practices of the different departments, requires a minimum of a couple, and the best group of four people. Here then it is something will look more or less plausible.
As a matter of fact
And now a bit of realism. When we still used by snipers, and exactly as depicted on some Internet forums - as a free lone hunter?
In the North Caucasus region? I remember the first Chechen campaign. I had a group Sniper. Do you think I have it somewhere to let go a few kilometers away from themselves to "free hunting"? In fact, a scout with the banal SVD from the group departed for a maximum of 100 meters and was always within sight or hearing. He worked on my target indications or to whom notice. Often my cry when I saw the result: "Well, I?", Followed the simple answer: "Yes ... it's know like fallen».
When conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in urban sniper I used at its whim, as it turned out, correctly. When traveling in urban areas it was always close to me in battle array. Together with him was definitely a scout. During the exploration of a house the couple did not go inside, it was used as an observation group. Second scout allowed to station and binoculars, several rocket-propelled grenades, or RPGs. The pair led the observation windows, insured outputs. A sniper with the SVD in the house doing nothing. When conducting reconnaissance and search operations in forested mountainous terrain was a sniper on his regular place in the order of battle groups. In other Special Forces, as I am informed, the snipers acted in the same way. Exhibited "on chip" in the area zabazirovaniya or LDPE unit, but no one alone did not go anywhere. However, there are exceptions, it concerned officers, but also those further kilometer from the detachment would not leave. The second campaign was exactly the same. I am sure there is a bunch of wishing to challenge my opinion. For God's sake! I operate only with facts.
About conditional sniper in a real combat situation
So, you're the team leader. Snipers have the number of staff. You send your scout, a conscript or contract employee, alone or together, someone to "perform"? The question is - what? The commander of the group does have information about any figurants (leaders of illegal armed groups) in the area of responsibility of the detachment? Hardly, but if true, it is not. Well, if the detachment commander and the chief of operational intelligence department established contacts with operating in the area of operational-agent group, with "Opera" from other bodies and agencies, with their agents. Then the information will be, but the commander to implement it unlikely to be able, as the group commander or company commander even more so. In order to run WP Spetsnaz to perform the tasks necessary to combat the disposal of higher headquarters. A decree signed by the head of the intelligence group and chief of staff. Makes an order, of course, napravlenets on the squad, Head of the checks. The order is not done in a vacuum. The study of the situation in the zone of responsibility of the order, to collect information from all sources, the coordination of all structures, verification of information on several types of intelligence (radio, undercover, aerial thermal imaging), information on local, information from other interacting structures and so on. - That preceded the adoption of specific solutions. So, I never any orders to send the sniper (three experienced) are not accounted for. And other napravlentsy too. I'm talking about my combat experience from 2000 to the last 2012 year. And if it was, then head of the department would be twisted at a temple and sent to me ...
Well, if you did not send? Imagine for one person (albeit very, very trained sniper) need to start operative business, to coordinate artillery covering the lights, keep the group ready for evacuation. A relationship? He's a sniper, not a radio operator. And without it in any way, we do not have small satellite stations like Tom, then you have to carry the station ARC. While there, you're going away, and it is expensive, is not lost. Therefore you familiar F-159 with hardware classification T 240 but a set of spare batteries for it. And so on ... Given the realities, our sniper, unlike cinematic hero, will haul cargo kilogram under 60. But still and helicopters, departures should be scheduled. But, as usual, the weather is not, and the board was given to the team, because a sniper will go on foot. Do you think he will? No. He's above all knows the stories of intelligence-murderers. About those who destroy the locals and fans to collect wild garlic away from home and with a gun in his hand. He remembers that after a couple of clashes entire squad was filled with prosecutors and demanded to confess to the crime. Scout is now savvy, he is well aware that he does not have any legal basis for sharahanie on forests and eliminate the defendants.
Therefore, our experienced sniper will themselves peacefully over the parapet, equips day's rest a hundred yards from the camp and will sit there for the duration of the combat mission a group waiting for targeting by the commander.
About weapons
What else? Why do I write all the time about the SVD, because we still have the samples were armed. For example, the BCC. Range - 400 meters. Weapons specialist and nice to show themselves, but in the context referred to in the material, probably not very fit. There were times when in the presence of several RGSpN BCC and the AU held a very successful silent ambush, but agree to "execution" helper must be a certain margin both in range and capability of application.
Well, for the rest of the rifle. B-94 weighs 11 kilogram 7, sighting range almost two kilometers with a 13-fold sight. Now tell me whether you need this "fool" to being pulled in the band? Sometimes, a couple of times pulled, but quickly abandoned. The forest range of two kilometers away to nothing. And the large-caliber rifle and specific. To work with it, the sniper must be taught. Long and hard. In winter 2000, we went to the guys from related departments, namely a pair of sniper. We got to the woods and stopped, have understood that there is no point going on there. This rifle is good for fighting in urban areas, and as antisnayperskogo weapons. Penetration has a good, well, our sniper, which currently serves only a year, she did not need.
SV-98 caliber 7, 62 H54, made on the basis of the sports 'record', aiming to shoot at 800 meters. Rifle dear, snipers should be taught, and they serve only one year. What's the meaning? Even broken or lost, and the result?
About foreign models such as AV or HK I generally keep quiet. Is there an alternative low-cost and simple as five cents, SVD? Perhaps there. For example, the same rifle Mosin SVM. Cheap and cheerful. Naves optics and designators, adjust and go. Patron our 7 H54 62, sighting range of 2,000 meters, killing 3,000 meters. I've tried. Normally, for us to go. If you know how to shoot.
During the Great Patriotic
So, the North Caucasus during dismantled. What's next - Afghanistan? There I was, and to judge the work of snipers Spetsnaz units can not. However, I think it is not much different from actions in the North Caucasus region.
So where are the snipers worked as those that are written in the literature and filmed? Of course, in the Great Patriotic War. Why is that? Yes, because the war was positional, I had the front line, the line of contact. Wherever she passed - on the field, in the woods, around the block, around the house, she was. It has been exactly clear: that's our position, that's the enemy.
And snipers, both ours and German, from work? Correctly, or from its position, or the neutral area. And it's incredibly profitable. For life support, communications, fire cover and output a single sniper special expenses is not necessary. The main thing - to get hidden and camouflaged. If the front floating in the positional battles, not moving in any way or the other side, respectively, activates the snipers. Features camouflage, stealth movement, measures to deceive the enemy and opening I will not describe it fully and in the literature and the Internet. In this situation, our soldiers really had to lie for days in cold and hunger, and in the damp, calculating his helper. In war, it was much easier. An experienced sniper with a hundred nastrelom "Fritz" could easily choose a goal, cutting unnecessary in a small fry - the rank and file, and so on oboznikov., Ahead of time in order not to unmask himself. Our fighter knew that killing an enemy officer, he has performed the duty, and no one is dragged into court and under investigation. Will not hardened fascist "peaceful farmer" from want to get on the shoulder straps and just shlyayuschihsya of positions in search of cows. War - it is a war, there is clear where their own, and where enemies. In the offensive snipers usually did not go on the attack. However much I shovel archives have not seen any mention of sniper operation in the development of success. I know exactly what worked from their positions and elevations across the back of the advancing infantry. Thus, the Great Patriotic War - the only example of "multi day lying in the cold and hunger for the sake of a single shot».
About the platoon snipers
What are the current realities of the Armed Forces, has received in recent years, so-called "new look." It turns out that in the states of motorized and airborne brigades were platoons of snipers!
I have a question: why? As we now see military action in the case of a real large-scale war or simply a local conflict? We are moving away from the old dogmas. Numerous gatherings us officers not below the level of the brigade commander, showed the "new ways" of warfare.
At the sight of the inquisitive young man, for sure, is this picture. Here he is alone with the true sniper rifle sneaks on the territory controlled by members of illegal armed groups (Nazis, zombies, orcs). It razlohmatisty plaschets of the "devil" and his face covered in camouflage makeup divorce. And he alone "takes" the helper, finally saw his face contorted in anticipation of a rapid demise. Nothing like? Yeah, the movie "Sniper" with Tom Berenger in the title role.
Another romantic "sniping", playing on the computer and "Doom" and "counter" to run a paintball "boltovkoy" and "fulfill" more than a dozen defendants, decides: here it is, my! Especially spring - time to call. Where am I? The army snipers in! Yeah, that's right now. Well, let's start slowly disappointed?

Remove the rose-colored glasses
Courses snipers? Did someone call the course? For example, in the civilian world? Naturally, no. There are sections of shooting and the like. But there will not be ready sniper. Trainer section, it may be a true master of the sport or even a champion and a good teacher. If you have the makings and the ability of you will prepare the athlete, not a sniper. Skills, of course, it gives appear experience handling weapons, determine the distance to the purposes of calculating corrections and so on. But the experience will agree specific.
You'll shoot a sporting rifle, this time. You will carry out sports exercises and not on a live target, that's two. Your target will be either static or mobile according to the conditions of exercise and will be on the set ranges. You will be comfortable wearing a sports uniform, you fed and well rested. Well, you may as well-trained athlete will become a little "melancholy" and there is nothing you will not annoy and distract from the conditions of the exercise. But sport and to combat the problem vary dramatically (see below).
If you are having a learning experience section shooting, drafted into the army and sent to you in a specialized Lads Camp (whom we left a couple of pieces), no sniper instructor will not train you psychologically! It does he want? Where the "Manual on the psychological preparation of the sniper?" There's no such thing. And all that murk that wanders on the internet as an educational material is not suitable.

About a heavy album
Again back to the Foreword: "Sniper lives with his load ...". That poor guy something! Photo album with him, you see, before my eyes is to live a hindrance. And can there be a "photo album" in principle?
Because SVD, for example, the optimal distance in prone to falling into the enemy's head - 400 meters. And who among us, even with the sight PSO-1 at a distance is able to see his face? What's the "photo album"? If someone and have to shoot at real targets, it is likely to see a dark figure sverzivshuyusya - and no more. In order to shoot at the "Lega-figurant" seeing his face, there are other snipers. And believe me, they are used in other structures, and not in the Armed Forces and not even in the MIA. But we still talking about the armed forces, so we continue to dismantle the preface.
Someone out there the coach said that after the "first" Sniper broke and do not ask a "paddle on the mountains." And what, then, it generally took?
Imagine that the commander of the group after the first fight broke scout Sapper after the first "raise" the real result of drunk, artillery after the first successful cover retired to a monastery, and so on. D. I think it is nonsense.

About Tom, our, Berenger
Okay, let's leave the preface. We will understand our Tom Berenger. Cinema - it is cinema. That hero Tom was given the task to remove the head of the drug cartel. Our hero is going to perform the task. Let's count, that he carries with him.
Well, the first, of course, a rifle. In my opinion, M24, if not - correct. Weight in running its 7 kilograms and where some two hundred and sixty grams, it is a seat for transportation and optics. Further ammunition to the problem - the minimum one hundred rounds of ammunition. Weight NATO cartridge 7, 62 H51-15, 7 grams. Total with pouches for carrying them further 3 kilograms. The second weapon Tom, we saw good old M1911 A "Colt." Weight 1 kilogram 120 grams. 100 pieces of ammunition 45 caliber for the gun - even 1, 5 kg. Signal rockets and smoke - 1 kilogram. Grenades, 4 pieces - another 3 kilos. Means of technical intelligence, say, a pair of binoculars with built-in range finder - 1 kilogram. Means of communication. Since Tom is one, then it has a means of communication with the Centre of combat operational management. Forested mountainous terrain and the type of radio AN / PRC, operating in the VHF range, will not work, so you need something stronger. Take satellite station with the previously allocated channel. So, this is AN / PSC-5, powered by two batteries, each weighing 2 04 kilograms, but the station itself weighs about 2, 8 kg. Do not forget the spare batteries, then plus 4 kilograms. Well, the storage device, input-output, headset - additional 1 kilogram.
Not hard for you, Tom? But there is still a cape, a camouflage suit - it is 1, 5 kilos without branches and leaves. Individual kit weighs 0, 5 kg. Water, dry rations, removable socks, a knife with a survival kit, a rug, a poncho and so give even seven kilograms. And now calculate. I came at 40 kilos. Given the requirements of secrecy, valiant sniper planted 15 kilometers from the area of the task. At the same time it should ottopat legs to get as close as possible to the object and destroy the entity. But in the film we see bison vigorous sniper, absolutely not tired during the transition in a humid atmosphere forested mountainous terrain. In the frame of only divorces masking flirty makeup.
As a follow-up exploration of the object alone spent? How to penetrate? Oh, like in the movies-all beautiful!
And in practice? Have you tried to load at least 20 kilograms to crawl up the hill when the temperature is below thirty or forty degrees, or even more? One man, of course, is less noticeable in the jungle than the group, but also single-handedly, whether you're a Tom Berenger half and half, John Rambo, little worthwhile work. Too great fatigue, both moral and physical. Going under favorable conditions in an unfamiliar route will last a day or more. Hence, it is necessary to precisely coordinate and align the time action of the subgroup output compare to the smallest nuances of information from informants and intelligence. Consider a bunch of factors, including force majeure. Sniper if time and gets to the object and penetrate beyond the perimeter, then most likely, will not be able to shoot. For a more or less successful elimination of the subject, based on the practices of the different departments, requires a minimum of a couple, and the best group of four people. Here then it is something will look more or less plausible.

As a matter of fact
And now a bit of realism. When we still used by snipers, and exactly as depicted on some Internet forums - as a free lone hunter?
In the North Caucasus region? I remember the first Chechen campaign. I had a group Sniper. Do you think I have it somewhere to let go a few kilometers away from themselves to "free hunting"? In fact, a scout with the banal SVD from the group departed for a maximum of 100 meters and was always within sight or hearing. He worked on my target indications or to whom notice. Often my cry when I saw the result: "Well, I?", Followed the simple answer: "Yes ... it's know like fallen».
When conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in urban sniper I used at its whim, as it turned out, correctly. When traveling in urban areas it was always close to me in battle array. Together with him was definitely a scout. During the exploration of a house the couple did not go inside, it was used as an observation group. Second scout allowed to station and binoculars, several rocket-propelled grenades, or RPGs. The pair led the observation windows, insured outputs. A sniper with the SVD in the house doing nothing. When conducting reconnaissance and search operations in forested mountainous terrain was a sniper on his regular place in the order of battle groups. In other Special Forces, as I am informed, the snipers acted in the same way. Exhibited "on chip" in the area zabazirovaniya or LDPE unit, but no one alone did not go anywhere. However, there are exceptions, it concerned officers, but also those further kilometer from the detachment would not leave. The second campaign was exactly the same. I am sure there is a bunch of wishing to challenge my opinion. For God's sake! I operate only with facts.

About conditional sniper in a real combat situation
So, you're the team leader. Snipers have the number of staff. You send your scout, a conscript or contract employee, alone or together, someone to "perform"? The question is - what? The commander of the group does have information about any figurants (leaders of illegal armed groups) in the area of responsibility of the detachment? Hardly, but if true, it is not. Well, if the detachment commander and the chief of operational intelligence department established contacts with operating in the area of operational-agent group, with "Opera" from other bodies and agencies, with their agents. Then the information will be, but the commander to implement it unlikely to be able, as the group commander or company commander even more so. In order to run WP Spetsnaz to perform the tasks necessary to combat the disposal of higher headquarters. A decree signed by the head of the intelligence group and chief of staff. Makes an order, of course, napravlenets on the squad, Head of the checks. The order is not done in a vacuum. The study of the situation in the zone of responsibility of the order, to collect information from all sources, the coordination of all structures, verification of information on several types of intelligence (radio, undercover, aerial thermal imaging), information on local, information from other interacting structures and so on. - That preceded the adoption of specific solutions. So, I never any orders to send the sniper (three experienced) are not accounted for. And other napravlentsy too. I'm talking about my combat experience from 2000 to the last 2012 year. And if it was, then head of the department would be twisted at a temple and sent to me ...
Well, if you did not send? Imagine for one person (albeit very, very trained sniper) need to start operative business, to coordinate artillery covering the lights, keep the group ready for evacuation. A relationship? He's a sniper, not a radio operator. And without it in any way, we do not have small satellite stations like Tom, then you have to carry the station ARC. While there, you're going away, and it is expensive, is not lost. Therefore you familiar F-159 with hardware classification T 240 but a set of spare batteries for it. And so on ... Given the realities, our sniper, unlike cinematic hero, will haul cargo kilogram under 60. But still and helicopters, departures should be scheduled. But, as usual, the weather is not, and the board was given to the team, because a sniper will go on foot. Do you think he will? No. He's above all knows the stories of intelligence-murderers. About those who destroy the locals and fans to collect wild garlic away from home and with a gun in his hand. He remembers that after a couple of clashes entire squad was filled with prosecutors and demanded to confess to the crime. Scout is now savvy, he is well aware that he does not have any legal basis for sharahanie on forests and eliminate the defendants.
Therefore, our experienced sniper will themselves peacefully over the parapet, equips day's rest a hundred yards from the camp and will sit there for the duration of the combat mission a group waiting for targeting by the commander.

About weapons
What else? Why do I write all the time about the SVD, because we still have the samples were armed. For example, the BCC. Range - 400 meters. Weapons specialist and nice to show themselves, but in the context referred to in the material, probably not very fit. There were times when in the presence of several RGSpN BCC and the AU held a very successful silent ambush, but agree to "execution" helper must be a certain margin both in range and capability of application.
Well, for the rest of the rifle. B-94 weighs 11 kilogram 7, sighting range almost two kilometers with a 13-fold sight. Now tell me whether you need this "fool" to being pulled in the band? Sometimes, a couple of times pulled, but quickly abandoned. The forest range of two kilometers away to nothing. And the large-caliber rifle and specific. To work with it, the sniper must be taught. Long and hard. In winter 2000, we went to the guys from related departments, namely a pair of sniper. We got to the woods and stopped, have understood that there is no point going on there. This rifle is good for fighting in urban areas, and as antisnayperskogo weapons. Penetration has a good, well, our sniper, which currently serves only a year, she did not need.
SV-98 caliber 7, 62 H54, made on the basis of the sports 'record', aiming to shoot at 800 meters. Rifle dear, snipers should be taught, and they serve only one year. What's the meaning? Even broken or lost, and the result?
About foreign models such as AV or HK I generally keep quiet. Is there an alternative low-cost and simple as five cents, SVD? Perhaps there. For example, the same rifle Mosin SVM. Cheap and cheerful. Naves optics and designators, adjust and go. Patron our 7 H54 62, sighting range of 2,000 meters, killing 3,000 meters. I've tried. Normally, for us to go. If you know how to shoot.

During the Great Patriotic
So, the North Caucasus during dismantled. What's next - Afghanistan? There I was, and to judge the work of snipers Spetsnaz units can not. However, I think it is not much different from actions in the North Caucasus region.
So where are the snipers worked as those that are written in the literature and filmed? Of course, in the Great Patriotic War. Why is that? Yes, because the war was positional, I had the front line, the line of contact. Wherever she passed - on the field, in the woods, around the block, around the house, she was. It has been exactly clear: that's our position, that's the enemy.
And snipers, both ours and German, from work? Correctly, or from its position, or the neutral area. And it's incredibly profitable. For life support, communications, fire cover and output a single sniper special expenses is not necessary. The main thing - to get hidden and camouflaged. If the front floating in the positional battles, not moving in any way or the other side, respectively, activates the snipers. Features camouflage, stealth movement, measures to deceive the enemy and opening I will not describe it fully and in the literature and the Internet. In this situation, our soldiers really had to lie for days in cold and hunger, and in the damp, calculating his helper. In war, it was much easier. An experienced sniper with a hundred nastrelom "Fritz" could easily choose a goal, cutting unnecessary in a small fry - the rank and file, and so on oboznikov., Ahead of time in order not to unmask himself. Our fighter knew that killing an enemy officer, he has performed the duty, and no one is dragged into court and under investigation. Will not hardened fascist "peaceful farmer" from want to get on the shoulder straps and just shlyayuschihsya of positions in search of cows. War - it is a war, there is clear where their own, and where enemies. In the offensive snipers usually did not go on the attack. However much I shovel archives have not seen any mention of sniper operation in the development of success. I know exactly what worked from their positions and elevations across the back of the advancing infantry. Thus, the Great Patriotic War - the only example of "multi day lying in the cold and hunger for the sake of a single shot».
About the platoon snipers
What are the current realities of the Armed Forces, has received in recent years, so-called "new look." It turns out that in the states of motorized and airborne brigades were platoons of snipers!
I have a question: why? As we now see military action in the case of a real large-scale war or simply a local conflict? We are moving away from the old dogmas. Numerous gatherings us officers not below the level of the brigade commander, showed the "new ways" of warfare.