A look at life through the eyes of a sniper
Sniper - a specially trained fighter, hitting important targets with the first shot, armed with high-precision rifle with a telescopic sight. Also called a sniper gunner, pilot, and so on. D., Who hits the target with the first shell (mines, bombs, rockets).
The word comes from the English. snipe - «snipe" shallow and quick bird hunting which is complicated by the fact that the trajectory of the flight of birds is unpredictable, and the shot must be carried out "without thinking».
Skill Sniper skills include masking and secretive movement, monitoring, calculating the trajectory of a bullet in his mind, taking into account a variety of factors - wind, temperature, height difference, and so on. D.
You can feel yourself a sniper here & gt; & gt ;, and is looking under the cut!
Singles saboteurs existed for a long time (see., Eg, Ninja). In addition, under Peter I and later divisions were selected shooters. But sniping appeared relatively recently, in the middle of the XIX century (previously simply did not exist sufficient precision weapons). The Russian-Turkish war of the British single-long-range fittings made with custom scopes shot Russian soldiers and officers. That since the Crimean War, the Russian army has arisen with respect to lighting a bad sign three people from one match (when lighting a cigarette first, sniper reacted to the outbreak, when the second - made pre-emption on the transfer of fire, and a third smoker gets a bullet in the head).
Subsequently, in the Boer War the Boers (Dutch settlers) British soldiers were shot even seemingly in the safest places. The coincidence, but the rule "from the three one match does not get a light" appeared, and the English.
Subversive experience Boers was not generalized, and in World War snipers almost never used. The basic calculation was on the density of fire.
Under Stalin, all-arms and sniper protivosnayperskoy preparation was not, was a covert training small groups of employees OGPU NKVD designed to perform specific tasks. The sight was a copy of the sight Carl Zeiss, a rifle - Mosin same as that of the soldiers, but the most successful were selected trunks.
In the thirties in the USSR was popular movement "Voroshilov Riflemen". It certainly helped sniper training (however sniper tactics and treatment with a telescopic sight, of course, is not taught).
During the Soviet-Finnish War, Soviet troops clashed with prepared Finnish snipers, [citation needed] which was called "cuckoo." The war was over heavy victory; snipers from the few who had been killed or captured.
During World War II it was urgently prepared a large number of snipers. Shot mainly of-line-Mosin rifle. The USSR had other sniper rifles (for example, Lyudmila Pavlichenko used CBT), but for the fighting qualities they could not compete with the proven "trёhlineykoy." The tactic of "sniper terror" has confirmed its accuracy.
The only innovation in sniper tactics, what happened to those times - a shooting equipment (radios, airplanes and so on. D.) From long distances (1 km or more) particularly powerful ammunition. While the sniping of observation devices (including the PTW) was also used in the Great Patriotic War, for example, Vasily Zaitsev types snipers
The word "sniper" is meant such professions:
This is the most famous type of snipers (Eng. Sniper), familiar from computer games, film and literature.
* Acting alone or with a partner (carrying out fire cover and targeting), away from the main body of troops.
* The task - covert disabling of important goals (the officers, patrol, valuable equipment).
* In order not to give its position, the shooter often produces a shot under the cover of the background noise (weather, party shots, explosions and so on. N.).
* Distance destruction - from 500 meters to several kilometers.
* Weapons Sniper-saboteur - precision rifle with a telescopic sight, usually with manual reset.
* Masking position plays a big role, so is executed with the utmost care. As the masking can be used available materials (branches, bushes, earth, dirt, debris, and so on. P.), A special "hairy" camouflage cloak (Eng. Ghillie suit) or a ready-made shelters (bunkers, trenches, buildings and so on. N. ). Contrary to popular belief, are not satisfied with the position of snipers shooting at the trees - to keep an accurate shooting difficult, and retreat can be difficult.
Infantry Sniper
Infantry Sniper (Eng. Designated marksman) first appeared in the USSR in the 60 years to compensate for the low-range machines (for example, the effective range of a Kalashnikov about 300 meters). The Soviet infantry sniper caught: first, sniper require special training; secondly, mostly alleged military doctrine as a battlefield - a mass attack by infantry and appliances - a sniper is not needed. However, in the 90 years specialized infantry sniper was introduced by Israel and the United States. Criticized for "lack" precision SVD - infantry weapon is the sniper, and perfectly fulfills this function.
* An integral part of the infantry squad, as the gunner or granatomёtchik; It shall consist of units. Sometimes a machine gunner in a pair or a pair of submachine (cover artist).
* Objective: To increase the radius of the infantry battle, the destruction of important goals (machine gunners, snipers other, granatomёtchikov, calculations ATGM, communications).
* As a rule, do not have the time to select the target; Shoot everything got in sight.
* Distance combat: rarely exceeds 400 m.
* Weapons: self-loading rifle, emphasis on light weight and reliability. Sometimes these sniper rifles are provided with a telescopic sight, selected from several pieces on the criterion of "hit accuracy».
* Extremely mobile, often changing position.
* As a general rule, have the same means of masking the rest of the soldiers.
Police Sniper
The radius of destruction police sniper is rarely more than 200 meters - due to the fact that the shooting is usually conducted in an urban setting. But police and goals sniper very small: to hit the criminal, threatened with a gun, you need to get him in the articulation of the head and neck - then he will not be able to shoot even reflexively. One of the first tasks for the police sniper fire training in the Soviet Union - to strike from a distance of 100 m target "hand with a gun" (compared to a similar job in preparing soldiers - to hit the growth target from a distance of 200 m).
Used in the release of hostages, but also for the protection of the activities on which there is the risk of a terrorist attack.
The word comes from the English. snipe - «snipe" shallow and quick bird hunting which is complicated by the fact that the trajectory of the flight of birds is unpredictable, and the shot must be carried out "without thinking».
Skill Sniper skills include masking and secretive movement, monitoring, calculating the trajectory of a bullet in his mind, taking into account a variety of factors - wind, temperature, height difference, and so on. D.
You can feel yourself a sniper here & gt; & gt ;, and is looking under the cut!















Singles saboteurs existed for a long time (see., Eg, Ninja). In addition, under Peter I and later divisions were selected shooters. But sniping appeared relatively recently, in the middle of the XIX century (previously simply did not exist sufficient precision weapons). The Russian-Turkish war of the British single-long-range fittings made with custom scopes shot Russian soldiers and officers. That since the Crimean War, the Russian army has arisen with respect to lighting a bad sign three people from one match (when lighting a cigarette first, sniper reacted to the outbreak, when the second - made pre-emption on the transfer of fire, and a third smoker gets a bullet in the head).
Subsequently, in the Boer War the Boers (Dutch settlers) British soldiers were shot even seemingly in the safest places. The coincidence, but the rule "from the three one match does not get a light" appeared, and the English.
Subversive experience Boers was not generalized, and in World War snipers almost never used. The basic calculation was on the density of fire.
Under Stalin, all-arms and sniper protivosnayperskoy preparation was not, was a covert training small groups of employees OGPU NKVD designed to perform specific tasks. The sight was a copy of the sight Carl Zeiss, a rifle - Mosin same as that of the soldiers, but the most successful were selected trunks.
In the thirties in the USSR was popular movement "Voroshilov Riflemen". It certainly helped sniper training (however sniper tactics and treatment with a telescopic sight, of course, is not taught).
During the Soviet-Finnish War, Soviet troops clashed with prepared Finnish snipers, [citation needed] which was called "cuckoo." The war was over heavy victory; snipers from the few who had been killed or captured.
During World War II it was urgently prepared a large number of snipers. Shot mainly of-line-Mosin rifle. The USSR had other sniper rifles (for example, Lyudmila Pavlichenko used CBT), but for the fighting qualities they could not compete with the proven "trёhlineykoy." The tactic of "sniper terror" has confirmed its accuracy.
The only innovation in sniper tactics, what happened to those times - a shooting equipment (radios, airplanes and so on. D.) From long distances (1 km or more) particularly powerful ammunition. While the sniping of observation devices (including the PTW) was also used in the Great Patriotic War, for example, Vasily Zaitsev types snipers
The word "sniper" is meant such professions:
This is the most famous type of snipers (Eng. Sniper), familiar from computer games, film and literature.
* Acting alone or with a partner (carrying out fire cover and targeting), away from the main body of troops.
* The task - covert disabling of important goals (the officers, patrol, valuable equipment).
* In order not to give its position, the shooter often produces a shot under the cover of the background noise (weather, party shots, explosions and so on. N.).
* Distance destruction - from 500 meters to several kilometers.
* Weapons Sniper-saboteur - precision rifle with a telescopic sight, usually with manual reset.
* Masking position plays a big role, so is executed with the utmost care. As the masking can be used available materials (branches, bushes, earth, dirt, debris, and so on. P.), A special "hairy" camouflage cloak (Eng. Ghillie suit) or a ready-made shelters (bunkers, trenches, buildings and so on. N. ). Contrary to popular belief, are not satisfied with the position of snipers shooting at the trees - to keep an accurate shooting difficult, and retreat can be difficult.
Infantry Sniper
Infantry Sniper (Eng. Designated marksman) first appeared in the USSR in the 60 years to compensate for the low-range machines (for example, the effective range of a Kalashnikov about 300 meters). The Soviet infantry sniper caught: first, sniper require special training; secondly, mostly alleged military doctrine as a battlefield - a mass attack by infantry and appliances - a sniper is not needed. However, in the 90 years specialized infantry sniper was introduced by Israel and the United States. Criticized for "lack" precision SVD - infantry weapon is the sniper, and perfectly fulfills this function.
* An integral part of the infantry squad, as the gunner or granatomёtchik; It shall consist of units. Sometimes a machine gunner in a pair or a pair of submachine (cover artist).
* Objective: To increase the radius of the infantry battle, the destruction of important goals (machine gunners, snipers other, granatomёtchikov, calculations ATGM, communications).
* As a rule, do not have the time to select the target; Shoot everything got in sight.
* Distance combat: rarely exceeds 400 m.
* Weapons: self-loading rifle, emphasis on light weight and reliability. Sometimes these sniper rifles are provided with a telescopic sight, selected from several pieces on the criterion of "hit accuracy».
* Extremely mobile, often changing position.
* As a general rule, have the same means of masking the rest of the soldiers.
Police Sniper
The radius of destruction police sniper is rarely more than 200 meters - due to the fact that the shooting is usually conducted in an urban setting. But police and goals sniper very small: to hit the criminal, threatened with a gun, you need to get him in the articulation of the head and neck - then he will not be able to shoot even reflexively. One of the first tasks for the police sniper fire training in the Soviet Union - to strike from a distance of 100 m target "hand with a gun" (compared to a similar job in preparing soldiers - to hit the growth target from a distance of 200 m).
Used in the release of hostages, but also for the protection of the activities on which there is the risk of a terrorist attack.