Volodya - Sniper
Volodya was no radio, there were no new "bells and whistles" in the form of a dry alcohol, drinking tubes and other junk. There were even unloading vest he took himself. Volodya was only old grandfather's hunting rifle with a captured German optics, 30 rounds, a jar with water and cookies in the pocket of his jacket. Yes was the mangy fur cap. Boots, however, were good, he said after last year's fishery bought them at the fair in Yakutsk, right on the alloy Lena from some visiting merchants.
That's how he fought for the third day. Fishers-sobolyatnik, 18-year-old from the far Yakut deer camp. We had to be that came to Yakutsk for salt and ammunition, accidentally saw on television in the dining room piles of corpses of Russian soldiers in the streets of Grozny, steaming tanks and some words about "snipers Dudayev". Volodya crashed it into his head, so much so that the hunter returned to the camp, took his earned money, sold and reclaimed some gold. Grandfather took the rifle and all the bullets, thrust into his bosom icon Nicholas-pleaser and went to fight the Yakut of the Russian business.
About how driving, it is better not to remember how three times sitting in the bullpen, how many times taken the rifle. But, still a month Yakut Volodya arrived in Grozny.
Volodya heard only one regularly Gen. fighting in Chechnya, and began looking for him in February mudslides. Finally, Yakutia lucky and he got to the headquarters of General Rokhlin.
The only document besides a passport he had a manuscript reference commissar that Vladimir Kolotov, Promyslovik hunter by profession, is sent to the war, with the signature of the Commissar. The paper, which poistrepalas on the road more than once saved his life.
Rokhlin, surprised that someone came to the war on their own, ordered to him to miss the Yakut.
Volodya, squinting in the dim flickering light bulb from a generator, making it even more slanted eyes blurred, bear-like, sideways went to the basement of the old building, which houses the temporary headquarters of General.
- Excuse me, please, you are the one general deadhead? - Respectfully asked Volodya.
- Yes, I Rokhlin, - he said General tired, peered inquisitively into a man of small stature, dressed in grated jacket, a backpack and a rifle behind.
- I look like a hunter?
- And thank you, Comrade General. Hot three days did not drink. I do not give up.
Volodya took out his backpack iron cup and handed it to the general. Rokhlin he poured him a cup of tea to the brim.
- I was told that you came to the war on their own. For what purpose, basting?
- I saw on TV, like the Chechens are cutting our sniper. I can not tolerate it, Comrade General. It's a shame, though. That came to be to blame. Money is not necessary, do not need anything. I deadhead Comrade General, he will be at night to go hunting. Let me show the place where the ammunition and food will be put, and the rest I will do myself. SET - come in a week, otosplyus warm denёk and go again. Radios and all that is not necessary ... it's hard.
Surprised Rokhlin nodded.
- Take, Volodya, though new SVDeshku. Give him the gun!
- No, Comrade General, I'm with his scythe in the field go. Just let patrons, I now have only a 30 left ...
So Volodya began his war sniper.
He sleep off the day staff Kung, in spite of mine attacks and terrible firing artillery. I took ammunition, food, water, and went to the first "hunting." At the headquarters of forgot about it. Only intelligence every three days regularly bring ammunition, food and, most importantly, water in the appointed place. Every time convinced that the parcel had disappeared.
The first Volodya remembered at a meeting of staff radist- "Interceptor".
- Lev, the "Czech" on the radio panic. It is said that the Russian, that is, for us, there was a certain black sniper, who works at night, safely walking on their territory and shamelessly knocks their personnel. Maskhadov appointed even 30 thousand dollars on his head. Handwriting he is - this beats fellow Chechens right in the eye. Why only in the eye - a dog knows ...
Then staff remembered the Yakut Volodya.
- The food and ammunition from cache takes a regular basis, - reported the intelligence chief.
- And since we had not exchanged a single word, not even seen once. Well, as it is up to you then I went to the other side ...
So, anyway, in the summary noted that our sniper their snipers also provide a light. Because Volodin work gave the following results - 16 to 30 people was putting Promyslovik shot in the eye.
The Chechens have caught what appeared on the square Minute Russian Promyslovik. And so, on this square, and there were all the events of those terrible days, then catch the sniper left a detachment of Chechen volunteers.
Then, in February, the 95th, for a moment, "the feds", thanks to a cunning plan Rokhlina already milled for almost three-quarters of the personnel of the "Abkhazian" battalion of Shamil Basayev. Important role played here and carabiner Yakut Volodya. Chechen Basayev promised a gold star to the one who will bring the corpse of Russian sniper. But the night passed in a fruitless search. Five volunteers walked the advanced searching "lezhanok" Volodya, put banners wherever he could appear in the line of sight of their positions. However, it was a time when the group and the one from the other side broke through the enemy defenses and deeply wedged into its territory. Sometimes so deep that no longer had any chance to escape to her. But Volodya was sleeping during the day under the roofs and basements. The corpses of the Chechens - night "work" sniper - was buried the next day.
Then, tired of losing every night for 20 people, Basayev called from the reserves in the mountains wizard voego case of teacher training camps for young marksmen, sniper-Arab Abubakar. Volodya and Abubakar could not meet in a night battle, the laws are too sniper war.
And they met two weeks. More precisely, Abubakar caught Volodya from Burovskii rifle. Powerful bullet to kill some time in Afghanistan, Soviet paratroopers bleed at a distance of half a kilometer, pierced jacket and slightly hooked arm just below the shoulder. Volodya felt a surge of hot waves oozing blood, I realized that I finally started shooting on him.
The buildings on the opposite side of the square, or rather their ruins merged into Volodya's optics into a single line. "What bleskanulo optics?" - Thought the hunter, and he knew cases when sable seen lighteneth sight and the sun went away. The place he chose was located under the roof of a five-story apartment house. Snipers always like to be on top, to see everything. And he lay under the roof - a sheet of the old tin not drenched wet snow drizzle that it walked, then stopped.
Abubakar tracked Volodya only on the fifth night - tracked on pants. The fact that the Yakut pants were ordinary cotton. It is an American camouflage, which were Chechens, impregnated with a special compound, in the form it was invisible to night vision devices, and domestic shone bright with green light. So Abubakar and "calculated" Yakutia in its powerful night optics "Bura", a bespoke British gunsmiths back in the 70s.
One bullet was enough Volodya was rolled out from under the roof fell and hurt his back on the stairs. "The main thing is not broken rifle" - thought the sniper.
- Well, then, the duel, yes, sir Chechen sniper! - I said to myself mentally, without emotion Yakut.
Volodya stopped specially to shred "Chechen orders." A neat row of 200's with his sniper "autograph" in the eye stopped. "Let them believe that I killed," - he decided to Volodya.
He himself did nothing that was looking for, where did he got to the enemy sniper.
Two days later, already in the afternoon, he found the "couch" Abubakar. He also was under the roof, bent under the roofing sheets on the other side of the square. Volodya would not have noticed it if the Arab sniper did not give a bad habit - he smoked marijuana. Every two hours Volodya caught in optics an easy bluish haze rises above the roofing sheets and immediately carried away by the wind.
"So I found you, abrek! Without drugs can not! Well ... "- I thought triumphantly Yakut hunter, he did not know that he was dealing with an Arab sniper, past and Abkhazia and Karabakh. But just kill him, shot roofing sheet, Volodya wanted. Snipers never done so, and hunters for furs - even more so.
- Well, you're lying smoke, but the toilet you have to get up - Volodya decided coolly and waited.
Only three days later, he calculated that Abubakar crawls out from under the sheet to the right, not the left, and quickly makes the case returns to the "couch". To "get" the enemy Volodya had to change the point of shooting at night. He could not do anything again, any new roofing sheet as will give a new position sniper. But Volodya found two felled logs from the rafters with a piece of tin to the right, about fifty meters from its point. The location was perfect for shooting, but it is very inconvenient for the "couches." Two more days Volodya was looking for a sniper, but he did not show up. Volodya had already decided that the enemy was gone for good, the next morning he saw that he was "discovered". Three seconds to aim with a slight exhalation, and the bullet went into the goal. Abubakar was slain on the spot in the right eye. He somehow against the impact of the bullet, fell from the roof of the flat to the street. A large grease stain of blood spread over the dirt to Dudaev's Palace Square, where he was struck by a single bullet spot hunter Arab sniper.
"Well, I got you, and" - thought Volodya without any enthusiasm or joy. He realized that he must continue his fight, showing a characteristic handwriting. Thus proving that he was alive, and that the enemy did not kill him a few days ago.
Volodya looked into the optics in the motionless body slain enemy. Next he saw and "Boer", which he did not recognize as such rifles were not previously seen. In short, a hunter from the taiga!
And here he was surprised: the Chechens began to creep out into the open, to pick up the body of the sniper. Volodya took aim. They went three, bent over the body.
"Let them rise up and suffer, then begin to shoot!" - Vladimir triumphed.
The Chechens really picked up three of the body. There were three shots. Three bodies fell dead Abubakar.
Another four Chechen volunteers rushed out of the ruins and throwing the body comrades tried to pull out the sniper. On the part of the Russian earned a machine gun, but the queue went just above harmlessly hunched Chechens.
"Oh, infantry-Mabuchi! Just wasting bullets ... "- thought Volodya.
There were four more shots, almost merged into one. Another four bodies have already formed pile.
Volodya was killed that morning 16 militants. He did not know that Basayev ordered all means at any cost to get to the Arab body it begins to get dark. It must be sent to the mountains to bury it before sunrise, as an important and honorable Mujahid.
A day later, he returned to the headquarters of Vladimir Rokhlin. General immediately accepted him as a dear guest. The news of the duel of two snipers had already spread through the army.
- How are you, Volodya, tired? Home want?
Volodya warmed his hands "stoves".
- All Comrade General, his work carried out, it is time to home. Spring begins work at the camp. Commissar let me alone for two months. For me, working all this time, my two younger brothers. It's time to know and honor ...
Rokhlin nodded understandingly.
- Take a good rifle, my chief of staff to execute documents ...
- Why, I grandfather's. - Volodya lovingly embraced an old shotgun.
General long hesitated to ask a question. But curiosity got the better.
- How long have you struck enemies believed it? They say more than a hundred Chechens ... talking.
Vladimir dropped his eyes.
- 362 people, Comrade General. Rokhlin silently tapped on the shoulder Yakut.
- Go home, now we can handle ourselves ...
- Comrade General, if anything, call me again, I'll deal with the work and come the second time!
Volodya's face was read overt concern for the whole of the Russian Army.
- Really, I come!
Order of Courage found Volodya Kolotova six months. On this occasion celebrated throughout the collective farm, and the sniper Commissar allowed to travel to Yakutsk buy new boots - old leaky still in Chechnya. Stepping on some piece of iron hunter.
On the day when the whole country learned of the death of General Lev Rokhlin, Volodya also heard about the incident on the radio. He drank alcohol three days to Zaimka. He was found drunk in a makeshift hut, other hunters returning from fishing.
Volodya kept repeating drunk:
- Nothing, Comrade General deadhead, if it is necessary we will come, you just say ...
He sobered up in the nearest creek, but Volodya since no more dressed in public his Order of Courage.

That's how he fought for the third day. Fishers-sobolyatnik, 18-year-old from the far Yakut deer camp. We had to be that came to Yakutsk for salt and ammunition, accidentally saw on television in the dining room piles of corpses of Russian soldiers in the streets of Grozny, steaming tanks and some words about "snipers Dudayev". Volodya crashed it into his head, so much so that the hunter returned to the camp, took his earned money, sold and reclaimed some gold. Grandfather took the rifle and all the bullets, thrust into his bosom icon Nicholas-pleaser and went to fight the Yakut of the Russian business.
About how driving, it is better not to remember how three times sitting in the bullpen, how many times taken the rifle. But, still a month Yakut Volodya arrived in Grozny.
Volodya heard only one regularly Gen. fighting in Chechnya, and began looking for him in February mudslides. Finally, Yakutia lucky and he got to the headquarters of General Rokhlin.
The only document besides a passport he had a manuscript reference commissar that Vladimir Kolotov, Promyslovik hunter by profession, is sent to the war, with the signature of the Commissar. The paper, which poistrepalas on the road more than once saved his life.
Rokhlin, surprised that someone came to the war on their own, ordered to him to miss the Yakut.
Volodya, squinting in the dim flickering light bulb from a generator, making it even more slanted eyes blurred, bear-like, sideways went to the basement of the old building, which houses the temporary headquarters of General.
- Excuse me, please, you are the one general deadhead? - Respectfully asked Volodya.
- Yes, I Rokhlin, - he said General tired, peered inquisitively into a man of small stature, dressed in grated jacket, a backpack and a rifle behind.
- I look like a hunter?
- And thank you, Comrade General. Hot three days did not drink. I do not give up.
Volodya took out his backpack iron cup and handed it to the general. Rokhlin he poured him a cup of tea to the brim.
- I was told that you came to the war on their own. For what purpose, basting?
- I saw on TV, like the Chechens are cutting our sniper. I can not tolerate it, Comrade General. It's a shame, though. That came to be to blame. Money is not necessary, do not need anything. I deadhead Comrade General, he will be at night to go hunting. Let me show the place where the ammunition and food will be put, and the rest I will do myself. SET - come in a week, otosplyus warm denёk and go again. Radios and all that is not necessary ... it's hard.
Surprised Rokhlin nodded.
- Take, Volodya, though new SVDeshku. Give him the gun!
- No, Comrade General, I'm with his scythe in the field go. Just let patrons, I now have only a 30 left ...
So Volodya began his war sniper.
He sleep off the day staff Kung, in spite of mine attacks and terrible firing artillery. I took ammunition, food, water, and went to the first "hunting." At the headquarters of forgot about it. Only intelligence every three days regularly bring ammunition, food and, most importantly, water in the appointed place. Every time convinced that the parcel had disappeared.
The first Volodya remembered at a meeting of staff radist- "Interceptor".
- Lev, the "Czech" on the radio panic. It is said that the Russian, that is, for us, there was a certain black sniper, who works at night, safely walking on their territory and shamelessly knocks their personnel. Maskhadov appointed even 30 thousand dollars on his head. Handwriting he is - this beats fellow Chechens right in the eye. Why only in the eye - a dog knows ...
Then staff remembered the Yakut Volodya.
- The food and ammunition from cache takes a regular basis, - reported the intelligence chief.
- And since we had not exchanged a single word, not even seen once. Well, as it is up to you then I went to the other side ...
So, anyway, in the summary noted that our sniper their snipers also provide a light. Because Volodin work gave the following results - 16 to 30 people was putting Promyslovik shot in the eye.
The Chechens have caught what appeared on the square Minute Russian Promyslovik. And so, on this square, and there were all the events of those terrible days, then catch the sniper left a detachment of Chechen volunteers.
Then, in February, the 95th, for a moment, "the feds", thanks to a cunning plan Rokhlina already milled for almost three-quarters of the personnel of the "Abkhazian" battalion of Shamil Basayev. Important role played here and carabiner Yakut Volodya. Chechen Basayev promised a gold star to the one who will bring the corpse of Russian sniper. But the night passed in a fruitless search. Five volunteers walked the advanced searching "lezhanok" Volodya, put banners wherever he could appear in the line of sight of their positions. However, it was a time when the group and the one from the other side broke through the enemy defenses and deeply wedged into its territory. Sometimes so deep that no longer had any chance to escape to her. But Volodya was sleeping during the day under the roofs and basements. The corpses of the Chechens - night "work" sniper - was buried the next day.
Then, tired of losing every night for 20 people, Basayev called from the reserves in the mountains wizard voego case of teacher training camps for young marksmen, sniper-Arab Abubakar. Volodya and Abubakar could not meet in a night battle, the laws are too sniper war.
And they met two weeks. More precisely, Abubakar caught Volodya from Burovskii rifle. Powerful bullet to kill some time in Afghanistan, Soviet paratroopers bleed at a distance of half a kilometer, pierced jacket and slightly hooked arm just below the shoulder. Volodya felt a surge of hot waves oozing blood, I realized that I finally started shooting on him.
The buildings on the opposite side of the square, or rather their ruins merged into Volodya's optics into a single line. "What bleskanulo optics?" - Thought the hunter, and he knew cases when sable seen lighteneth sight and the sun went away. The place he chose was located under the roof of a five-story apartment house. Snipers always like to be on top, to see everything. And he lay under the roof - a sheet of the old tin not drenched wet snow drizzle that it walked, then stopped.
Abubakar tracked Volodya only on the fifth night - tracked on pants. The fact that the Yakut pants were ordinary cotton. It is an American camouflage, which were Chechens, impregnated with a special compound, in the form it was invisible to night vision devices, and domestic shone bright with green light. So Abubakar and "calculated" Yakutia in its powerful night optics "Bura", a bespoke British gunsmiths back in the 70s.
One bullet was enough Volodya was rolled out from under the roof fell and hurt his back on the stairs. "The main thing is not broken rifle" - thought the sniper.
- Well, then, the duel, yes, sir Chechen sniper! - I said to myself mentally, without emotion Yakut.
Volodya stopped specially to shred "Chechen orders." A neat row of 200's with his sniper "autograph" in the eye stopped. "Let them believe that I killed," - he decided to Volodya.
He himself did nothing that was looking for, where did he got to the enemy sniper.
Two days later, already in the afternoon, he found the "couch" Abubakar. He also was under the roof, bent under the roofing sheets on the other side of the square. Volodya would not have noticed it if the Arab sniper did not give a bad habit - he smoked marijuana. Every two hours Volodya caught in optics an easy bluish haze rises above the roofing sheets and immediately carried away by the wind.
"So I found you, abrek! Without drugs can not! Well ... "- I thought triumphantly Yakut hunter, he did not know that he was dealing with an Arab sniper, past and Abkhazia and Karabakh. But just kill him, shot roofing sheet, Volodya wanted. Snipers never done so, and hunters for furs - even more so.
- Well, you're lying smoke, but the toilet you have to get up - Volodya decided coolly and waited.
Only three days later, he calculated that Abubakar crawls out from under the sheet to the right, not the left, and quickly makes the case returns to the "couch". To "get" the enemy Volodya had to change the point of shooting at night. He could not do anything again, any new roofing sheet as will give a new position sniper. But Volodya found two felled logs from the rafters with a piece of tin to the right, about fifty meters from its point. The location was perfect for shooting, but it is very inconvenient for the "couches." Two more days Volodya was looking for a sniper, but he did not show up. Volodya had already decided that the enemy was gone for good, the next morning he saw that he was "discovered". Three seconds to aim with a slight exhalation, and the bullet went into the goal. Abubakar was slain on the spot in the right eye. He somehow against the impact of the bullet, fell from the roof of the flat to the street. A large grease stain of blood spread over the dirt to Dudaev's Palace Square, where he was struck by a single bullet spot hunter Arab sniper.
"Well, I got you, and" - thought Volodya without any enthusiasm or joy. He realized that he must continue his fight, showing a characteristic handwriting. Thus proving that he was alive, and that the enemy did not kill him a few days ago.
Volodya looked into the optics in the motionless body slain enemy. Next he saw and "Boer", which he did not recognize as such rifles were not previously seen. In short, a hunter from the taiga!
And here he was surprised: the Chechens began to creep out into the open, to pick up the body of the sniper. Volodya took aim. They went three, bent over the body.
"Let them rise up and suffer, then begin to shoot!" - Vladimir triumphed.
The Chechens really picked up three of the body. There were three shots. Three bodies fell dead Abubakar.
Another four Chechen volunteers rushed out of the ruins and throwing the body comrades tried to pull out the sniper. On the part of the Russian earned a machine gun, but the queue went just above harmlessly hunched Chechens.
"Oh, infantry-Mabuchi! Just wasting bullets ... "- thought Volodya.
There were four more shots, almost merged into one. Another four bodies have already formed pile.
Volodya was killed that morning 16 militants. He did not know that Basayev ordered all means at any cost to get to the Arab body it begins to get dark. It must be sent to the mountains to bury it before sunrise, as an important and honorable Mujahid.
A day later, he returned to the headquarters of Vladimir Rokhlin. General immediately accepted him as a dear guest. The news of the duel of two snipers had already spread through the army.
- How are you, Volodya, tired? Home want?
Volodya warmed his hands "stoves".
- All Comrade General, his work carried out, it is time to home. Spring begins work at the camp. Commissar let me alone for two months. For me, working all this time, my two younger brothers. It's time to know and honor ...
Rokhlin nodded understandingly.
- Take a good rifle, my chief of staff to execute documents ...
- Why, I grandfather's. - Volodya lovingly embraced an old shotgun.
General long hesitated to ask a question. But curiosity got the better.
- How long have you struck enemies believed it? They say more than a hundred Chechens ... talking.
Vladimir dropped his eyes.
- 362 people, Comrade General. Rokhlin silently tapped on the shoulder Yakut.
- Go home, now we can handle ourselves ...
- Comrade General, if anything, call me again, I'll deal with the work and come the second time!
Volodya's face was read overt concern for the whole of the Russian Army.
- Really, I come!
Order of Courage found Volodya Kolotova six months. On this occasion celebrated throughout the collective farm, and the sniper Commissar allowed to travel to Yakutsk buy new boots - old leaky still in Chechnya. Stepping on some piece of iron hunter.
On the day when the whole country learned of the death of General Lev Rokhlin, Volodya also heard about the incident on the radio. He drank alcohol three days to Zaimka. He was found drunk in a makeshift hut, other hunters returning from fishing.
Volodya kept repeating drunk:
- Nothing, Comrade General deadhead, if it is necessary we will come, you just say ...
He sobered up in the nearest creek, but Volodya since no more dressed in public his Order of Courage.
