What does look

Ancient wisdom says: "Look a man in the eye when you talk to him, the eyes - a mirror of the soul." When you communicate, then look at the pupils of partners, and you can understand their true feelings. Expression - is the key to true human thoughts. Over the centuries, people have attached great importance to their eyes and look at the impact of human behavior. Expressions like "It just incinerated his eyes," or "She's the baby's eyes," or "His eyes ran," or "She enticing look," or "His eyes suspiciously glistening," or "He has an evil eye" firmly settled in our language.
Observation of pupils practiced more potential buyers jewelers of ancient China. They watched through the eyes of customers in the process of discussing prices. In ancient times prostitute buried in the eyes of belladonna to broaden pupils and appear more desirable. Aristotle Onassis always wore sunglasses during transactions, so as not to betray his true intentions.
Eye Movement
Like all other body language signals, the duration is determined by looking at him national traditions. In the south of Europe for a long time people look at each other, that may be offensive, such as the Japanese, who in the course of conversation prefer to look at his companion's neck, but not in person. You should always take into account national traditions, before drawing hasty conclusions.
Business glance
When you conduct business negotiations, imagine that on the face of the interlocutor drafted a kind of triangle. By focusing your eyes in this area, you come across as a serious person. Your partner will feel that you are responsible and reliable. If your look will not fall below the level of the eyes of the interlocutor, you will be able to keep the course of the conversation under control.
What distinguishes views:
Informal opinion
When the companion look drops below eye level partner, there is a friendly atmosphere. Experiments have shown that, during the informal dialogue at the interlocutor's face can also be isolated triangular zone. In this case, it is located between the eyes and mouth of the interlocutor.
intimate glance In this case, the view can slide across the face of the interlocutor, to fall on the chin and other parts of the body. In close contact this triangle can be stretched up to his chest, and when people are away from each other, down to the level of the genital organs. Men and women use this view to show their interest in each other. If a person is interested in you, it will return you to the same view.
The eyes play a very important role in the process of courtship. Women use makeup to enhance this effect. If a woman is in love with a man, then her eyes widen as she looks at him, and he correctly recognizes this signal, even without realizing it. That is why most romantic meeting held under the dim light, which makes the pupils dilate.
An intimate view of the man it is not difficult to notice, but they do it almost never notice, to the utter dismay of women.
Looking askance
So watch the people who are either interested in you, or hostile. If a person with high raises eyebrows or smiling, he is clearly interested. This is a signal of courtship. If the eyebrows, on the contrary, frowned and wiped the nose and corners of the mouth are omitted, the man treats you with suspicion, hostile or critical.
Drooping eyelids
If the person with whom we are talking, lowers the eyelids, it works very annoying.
Under certain lighting conditions pupils can expand or contract, and the person's mood can change from negative to positive and vice versa. If a person is excited, then his pupils dilate. They can become four times its normal size. Conversely, if a person is set negative, irritable or angry, his pupils narrowed to a minimum - "beady eyes" or "snake eyes»
. What is opinion?
1. The involuntary eye movements (notably "shifty eyes") - anxiety, shame, deception, fear, neurasthenia;
2. Brilliant eyes - fever, agitation;
3. Increase the pupils - a sense of interest and receive information from the pleasure of communication, photos, partner, food, music, and other external factors, the adoption of something, but also great suffering;
4. Confused movement of pupils - a sign of intoxication (the more such movements, the person is drunk);
5. Increased blinking - excitement, deception;
6. Narrowing of dilated pupils, and is not subject to consciousness, and so their reaction is very clearly shows an interest in your partner. Manage eye can pupils - no;
7. Expansion of the pupils show increased interest to you, tell them about the hostility narrowing. However, such events should be monitored over time, because the pupil size also depends on the lighting conditions. In bright sunshine the pupils of a person narrow, dark room in the pupils dilate.
8. Look down the left - internal conversation with a