Wise advice George Gurdjieff his daughter

George Gurdjieff - a traveler, composer and philosopher, mystic, author of the doctrine of "quadruple way" internal implementation. In addition, a very wise man. These tips he gave his daughter Dusko Howarth lifetime:
1. concentrates his attention on himself.
2. Be aware of at any time, what you think, feel, or do you wish.
3. Always completes you started.
4. Do what you do so well, as far as possible.
5. Do not be attached to what may eventually destroy you.
6. show their generosity without witnesses.
7. Contact with any person as to his next of kin.
8. Correct all spoiled you.
9. Learn to receive and give thanks for every gift.
10. Stop the Self-Defending his behavior.
11. Do not cheat, do not steal - in doing so, you will deceive and steal from myself
. 12. help those who are close to you, but without making them dependent on you.
13. Do not take up too much space.
14. Do not make noise and do not make unnecessary gestures.
15. If you have no more faith, imitates her.
16. does not impress easily from the effects of strong personalities.
17. Do not grab anything or anyone.
18. distributed fairly.
19. Do not tempt.
20. Eat and sleep as much as you need.
21. Do not talk about your personal problems.
22. Do not judge and do not differentiate until you know all the basic facts.
23. Do not get useless friendship.
24. Do not follow the general trends.
25. Do not sell yourself.
26. Respect the agreement signed by you.
27. Be punctual.
28. Do not envy other people's property and achievements.
29. Speak only what is necessary.
30. Do not think about the benefits that can bring you to your actions.
31. Do not threaten.
32. Keep your promises.
33. The argument always put yourself in the place of others.
34. Recognize when someone is better than you.
35. Overcome your fears.
36. Help others be able to help themselves.
37. Overcome your sense of hostility and be close to those who wish to reject.
38. Change the pride in self-esteem.
39. change his anger into creativity and creation.
40. changes its greed in the worship of beauty.
41. Change the envy in their admiration of the other virtues.
42. Change the hatred in his mercy.
43. Do not praise, but do not insult yourself.
44. Take care that you do not belong, as well as his own.
45. Do not setuy not complain myself.
46. Cultivate your imagination.
47. Do not give other instructions just for the fun of submission.
48. Pay for the work and services that you provide.
49. does not promote their work and ideas.
50. Do not try to awaken others to themselves such feelings as compassion, sympathy, admiration, complicity
. 51. Do not try to stand out in their appearance.
52. Never contradict simply remain silent.
53. Do not get into debt, buy and pay immediately.
54. insulted publicly apologized publicly.
55. Noticing his mistake in the conversation, do not insist on its right out of a sense of pride and immediately give up his previous intentions.
56. Do not stand up for their previous ideas just because of the fact that they have already proclaimed to you.
57. Do not keep useless things.
58. Do not adorn themselves with other people's ideas.
59. Do not take pictures with celebrities.
60. If your judge.
61. Do not define themselves by what possess.
62. Realize that everything belongs to you.
63. If you meditate and you came to the Devil, and the Devil Make meditate.