Method for recovery of Norbekovu. Thanks to him, thousands of people have forgotten all about the glasses!
Mirzakarim Norbekov - man by which a huge number of people around the world were able to restore his sight and for all get rid of glasses. The basic principle of the technique is its psychological liberation from habits to consider themselves poor, the sick, the weak and insecure person. But you can not say that this method of recovery is based entirely on self-hypnosis, Norbekov also developed a series of exercises that give excellent results in the treatment of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. But healing from diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy and macular degeneration, one should not expect, though the author tries to prove the effectiveness of methods of their system and such organic irreversible lesions of the organ of vision.
Performing exercises for Norbekovu of view, it is necessary to maintain the muscular corset: straightened shoulders straight back and do everything with a smile and positive emotions.
Exercise to improve the view number 1
The head is held straight, without tilting back. Eyes Bring up (to the ceiling), mentally continuing their movement further, across the forehead, straight up.
Exercise to improve the number of 2
Keeping a level head position, look down, mentally continuing to look into his own throat.
Exercise to improve the number of 3
Take look to the left, as if through his left ear.
Take look to the right, as if through his right ear.
Exercise to improve the number of 4 - "Butterfly»
When the exercise paying particular attention to the immobility of the head, rotate only the eyes. Make sure that the eye muscles to not overextend and try to get the highest picture size within the entity.
The sequence of eye movements: the lower left corner - the top right corner - the bottom right corner - the top left corner.
Then repeat the exercise in reverse order: the lower right corner - the upper left corner - the lower left corner - the top right corner.
Then relax the eyes and eyelids blinked quickly and easily.
Exercise to improve the number of 5 - "Eight»
Recommendations for this exercise are similar to "butterfly". Spend your eyes along a path resembling an inverted figure 8 or infinity sign as large as possible, but within the party. Alternately, the movement must be in one direction and then in another. At the end of the exercise should also be easy to blink.
Exercise to improve the number of 6
This is an exercise for the oblique muscles of the eyeball, which promotes a side view and recommended for short-sightedness.
Exercise should be performed in a quiet environment so that nothing distracted or frightened.
Squinted at the tip of the nose. You can set a finger and carefully, without interruption to look at him, slowly bringing the finger to the tip of the nose. Then look relaxed in front of you, fix the side items, but do not move your eyes!
Next, alternate:
Look at the tip of the nose, then in front of and to the side, without taking a look. A look at the bridge, then - forward and to the sides. Look at the point between the eyebrows, and then look back and forth at hand, glances.
Do exercise for the eyes 7-8 times in each direction.
Watch the smooth transition from one point to the other, alternating exercises with Morgan. Watch for positive inner attitude.
Exercise to improve the number of 7
Move the index fingers to the tip of the nose and eyes fix on them. Then slowly start to breed them horizontally into the side of the right eye is fixed on the index finger of his right hand, the left - on the index finger of his left hand. Do not try to separate the part of the eye - Use only peripheral vision! Repeat this exercise a few times, do not forget to rest your eyes.
Exercise to improve the number of 8 - "The big circle»
Save a still head, perform a circular motion through the eyes: imagine before a huge clock face (preferably gold color), then slowly run your eyes clockwise, then against, fixing eyes on each imaginary figure.
Try not to cut corners - even the circle must be obtained. From one training to another increases the size of the circle. Repeat the exercise, lifting her face to the sky with his eyes open. Then you can repeat the previous two exercises, but with his eyes closed. This option helps to massage the lens.
In this video you can get acquainted with all of the above exercises.
Focuses on anticipation of a good view, after you open your eyes, the expected benefits!
Norbekov recommends prodelyvat this gym in three stages: the first stage - exercises with your eyes open, then closed, and the third stage - the mental repetition.
Try to imagine this method to throw your glasses forever. Believing in success, you will achieve the desired result as quickly as possible!
via takprosto cc
Performing exercises for Norbekovu of view, it is necessary to maintain the muscular corset: straightened shoulders straight back and do everything with a smile and positive emotions.
Exercise to improve the view number 1
The head is held straight, without tilting back. Eyes Bring up (to the ceiling), mentally continuing their movement further, across the forehead, straight up.
Exercise to improve the number of 2
Keeping a level head position, look down, mentally continuing to look into his own throat.
Exercise to improve the number of 3
Take look to the left, as if through his left ear.
Take look to the right, as if through his right ear.

Exercise to improve the number of 4 - "Butterfly»
When the exercise paying particular attention to the immobility of the head, rotate only the eyes. Make sure that the eye muscles to not overextend and try to get the highest picture size within the entity.
The sequence of eye movements: the lower left corner - the top right corner - the bottom right corner - the top left corner.
Then repeat the exercise in reverse order: the lower right corner - the upper left corner - the lower left corner - the top right corner.
Then relax the eyes and eyelids blinked quickly and easily.
Exercise to improve the number of 5 - "Eight»
Recommendations for this exercise are similar to "butterfly". Spend your eyes along a path resembling an inverted figure 8 or infinity sign as large as possible, but within the party. Alternately, the movement must be in one direction and then in another. At the end of the exercise should also be easy to blink.
Exercise to improve the number of 6
This is an exercise for the oblique muscles of the eyeball, which promotes a side view and recommended for short-sightedness.
Exercise should be performed in a quiet environment so that nothing distracted or frightened.

Squinted at the tip of the nose. You can set a finger and carefully, without interruption to look at him, slowly bringing the finger to the tip of the nose. Then look relaxed in front of you, fix the side items, but do not move your eyes!
Next, alternate:
Look at the tip of the nose, then in front of and to the side, without taking a look. A look at the bridge, then - forward and to the sides. Look at the point between the eyebrows, and then look back and forth at hand, glances.
Do exercise for the eyes 7-8 times in each direction.
Watch the smooth transition from one point to the other, alternating exercises with Morgan. Watch for positive inner attitude.
Exercise to improve the number of 7
Move the index fingers to the tip of the nose and eyes fix on them. Then slowly start to breed them horizontally into the side of the right eye is fixed on the index finger of his right hand, the left - on the index finger of his left hand. Do not try to separate the part of the eye - Use only peripheral vision! Repeat this exercise a few times, do not forget to rest your eyes.
Exercise to improve the number of 8 - "The big circle»
Save a still head, perform a circular motion through the eyes: imagine before a huge clock face (preferably gold color), then slowly run your eyes clockwise, then against, fixing eyes on each imaginary figure.

Try not to cut corners - even the circle must be obtained. From one training to another increases the size of the circle. Repeat the exercise, lifting her face to the sky with his eyes open. Then you can repeat the previous two exercises, but with his eyes closed. This option helps to massage the lens.
In this video you can get acquainted with all of the above exercises.
Focuses on anticipation of a good view, after you open your eyes, the expected benefits!
Norbekov recommends prodelyvat this gym in three stages: the first stage - exercises with your eyes open, then closed, and the third stage - the mental repetition.
Try to imagine this method to throw your glasses forever. Believing in success, you will achieve the desired result as quickly as possible!
via takprosto cc
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