Nothing like this story, smiled))
The weather
Russia, the end of 2006
Commando in a heatproof suit and with an infrared scanner on his face was like a bizarre deep-sea fish. Two more, wrapped up on eyebrows nervously huddled behind him, holding on to the cords of the hood. Everyone was clear that in the event of contact with the axis of attack chance no one else, but it could hurt and the edge - and there could be a salutary caution. All very well remember last year when hunting scumbags out Khachilayev, disdained additional warming. I had to undress corpses with a saw.
- It seems that there is a plus in - cautiously commando said in the suit.
- It seems, or plus? - Said the cold voice in the earpiece.
- Fuck knows - with doubt breathed commando. - There minus seventy-five, was minus ninety three. Whether true thundered, whether Durkee, bitch.
- Approach - commanded a voice in the earpiece.
- Still three minute, err, - forced a commando. Like all the men division, he was absolutely not able to argue with the boss on the job - but just to die for, too, did not want to.
- The approach - a voice in the earpiece is not changed, but the commando somehow realized that sits next to the commander of the other bosses above. And, as usual, requires immediate results, here and now. Or at least the failure, but also immediate, here and now, before it's too late to blame everything on neumёh performers, closed their bodies anger over ... just to left of stars on their epaulettes, state-owned cottage, cars with flashing lights, and most importantly - the ability to hack bablos ...
A soldier thought: the idea is not to late - disciplined body has responded to the order. Switch the radio to the second mode, gavknut couple of teams, remove the scanner, and then pull the curtain across the trench thermal protection, every second waiting for the sparkling ice beam in the face, after which there will be nothing ...
Nothing happened. Killed sudden chill steppe under low clouds did not seem dangerous.
He went forward a little hunched over, ready at any moment to leave the axis of attack. Under his feet crunched softly frosty, promorozhennaya to the roots of the grass. With a soft crackle crumbled under the heel of ice carcass of a small animal, to his misfortune decided to take their little personal affairs at the wrong moment in history.
Dried wild flower box overgrown ice needles. His head suddenly emerged line from a song - "well before the meeting in the garden where flowers bloom ice" - and the man in the suit had time yet to think that he looks like a paradise, probably so.
Then he fell - unthinkable long as through the water, while raising his clumsy heat gun, already knowing that late, hopelessly late, and to meet him sped dazzling white stripe in the din and cod rapidly freezing air rushing into his face - and died it reached, showered with crushed ice and splashes.
A soldier stood. He took a gun and fired termozaryad right at his feet. From the ground knocked pairs. It has become warmer.
He slowly, stiff fingers thick gloves put on the front panel scanner. I twist the handle, trying to tune in the middle lane of the range. Nothing but promёrzshey land.
- He seems ready - he breathed.
- Or seems ready? - Said all the same voice in the earpiece.
- Let's see - commando muttered, shaking knees. - Now we'll see.
* * *
To the place I had to go for five minutes. On the approach is very disturbed black ice: the orbital laser beam, breaking through the clouds, thus he dropped to the ground about half a ton of water, and a crushing riposte turned it into ice. This, however, did not matter: by the time the object of attack was delivered the maximum possible damage, so the satellite was not sorry. Moreover, the US.
The wreckage was scattered on the territory of several hectares. First came across just pieces of wood, then a fighter found a piece of the arc, then - a piece of torn ear and hoof with a huge horseshoe. Horseshoe and he tore zanykal happiness. In addition, such a solid piece of gold weight could be of some use in terms of financial security in retirement.
As it turned out, he did it on time. When he came to the place they had circled over the black helicopter.
He looked at what was left of the sled. The charred corpses of giant horses did not smell the meat, and something burning pumice. As hard as wire, manes were visible red ribbons.
The body he found on the slope of a low hill red robe lined with ermine, was clearly visible in the snow.
The old man's face was suddenly calm, even detached. The dead gray eyes reflected the low clouds.
Apparently, the grandfather tried to escape in the direction of the hills, but the last attack had robbed him of the remnants of magical powers, and wounds and burns do the rest.
A soldier in any case released in the blood-stained gray beard two bullets from the "Glock" and commanded his men to catch up.
* * *
Mikhail Fradkov, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, looked extremely happy - like a koala bear, who was given a piece of candy. Chubby fingers stroked red bag, trying to get close to the eyeballs.
Putin, by contrast, was gloomy. The American representative looked at him in amazement.
- In the end, - he said - it's in your best interest. By getting rid of this creature, you save a lot of money. Also - unless you yourself are not sick of this terrible climate? In the winter in Moscow is quite impossible to go outside ...
- He is our forty-first closed - sigh Sergei Ivanov. - Fleeing from the Germans. And we have, it turns out, a war veteran killed.
- How long can you live in the past? - Retorted American. - Sigh of World War II, you lose a third. He did not protect you from modern information technology, is not it? In order to match the time, it is necessary to change. You made the right choice.
- We made a choice and do not regret it - sighed Putin. - But do not make us more and enjoy. Besides bag.
- The bag goes to the Stabilization Fund, - said the American firm. - All the values of the Russian Federation should be under our control. This is the cornerstone of our relations.
- The same gifts, - Putin said hopelessly. - Babies.
- Best gift for Russian children - this European winter - American smiled, showing excellent porcelain teeth. - Instead of freeze and bored, they can - here he paused - to live a full life, typical of their peers in developed countries. For example ... - he paused, remembering what do children from developed countries on winter evenings.
Putin and Ivanov exchanged glances, but said nothing.
- And yet you can not kill him - said Ivanov. - He was ready to negotiate.
- To be honest ... - American faltered a little - we have studied that option. But Santa put the question very hard. He was already angry at that cursed the Asian calendar. Well, what's done is done. Once again: do not think about the past, it is counterproductive.
- I'm a child playing in the snow - suddenly grunted Fradkov. - And skate rink. And snowmen ...
- By the way - I revived an American - you solved the problem with his granddaughter? These creatures are extremely tenacious. From the remnants of the Snow Queen Snow Maidens grow. At the time, our European colleagues are faced with a similar problem ...
- We're looking for her, - Putin said patiently. - And we find.
- Try to take her alive - American leering grin - old Santa is very interested in the girl. If you know what I mean. I think for such a gift, he will throw your winter ten more degrees. So keep in mind.
* * *
Maiden turned off the magic mirror. Her lips trembled, but his eyes remained dry.
- I'm sorry, old man, - she whispered. - I promise you that I grow up. I'll become the one who should be. And do not forget. All these bastards ...
She looked around the cave. Clumps of Antarctic ice shone cold blue flame of the northern lights.
Looking young Mistress Cold settled on the only decoration ice wall - poster of the film "The Chronicles of Narnia." Shining face of the Sorceress in the outbursts of ice light seemed alive.
- I grow up - again she said, wiping his sleeve embroidered with icy dew eyelashes. - And the back.
© Konstantin Krylov
Russia, the end of 2006
Commando in a heatproof suit and with an infrared scanner on his face was like a bizarre deep-sea fish. Two more, wrapped up on eyebrows nervously huddled behind him, holding on to the cords of the hood. Everyone was clear that in the event of contact with the axis of attack chance no one else, but it could hurt and the edge - and there could be a salutary caution. All very well remember last year when hunting scumbags out Khachilayev, disdained additional warming. I had to undress corpses with a saw.
- It seems that there is a plus in - cautiously commando said in the suit.
- It seems, or plus? - Said the cold voice in the earpiece.
- Fuck knows - with doubt breathed commando. - There minus seventy-five, was minus ninety three. Whether true thundered, whether Durkee, bitch.
- Approach - commanded a voice in the earpiece.
- Still three minute, err, - forced a commando. Like all the men division, he was absolutely not able to argue with the boss on the job - but just to die for, too, did not want to.
- The approach - a voice in the earpiece is not changed, but the commando somehow realized that sits next to the commander of the other bosses above. And, as usual, requires immediate results, here and now. Or at least the failure, but also immediate, here and now, before it's too late to blame everything on neumёh performers, closed their bodies anger over ... just to left of stars on their epaulettes, state-owned cottage, cars with flashing lights, and most importantly - the ability to hack bablos ...
A soldier thought: the idea is not to late - disciplined body has responded to the order. Switch the radio to the second mode, gavknut couple of teams, remove the scanner, and then pull the curtain across the trench thermal protection, every second waiting for the sparkling ice beam in the face, after which there will be nothing ...
Nothing happened. Killed sudden chill steppe under low clouds did not seem dangerous.
He went forward a little hunched over, ready at any moment to leave the axis of attack. Under his feet crunched softly frosty, promorozhennaya to the roots of the grass. With a soft crackle crumbled under the heel of ice carcass of a small animal, to his misfortune decided to take their little personal affairs at the wrong moment in history.
Dried wild flower box overgrown ice needles. His head suddenly emerged line from a song - "well before the meeting in the garden where flowers bloom ice" - and the man in the suit had time yet to think that he looks like a paradise, probably so.
Then he fell - unthinkable long as through the water, while raising his clumsy heat gun, already knowing that late, hopelessly late, and to meet him sped dazzling white stripe in the din and cod rapidly freezing air rushing into his face - and died it reached, showered with crushed ice and splashes.
A soldier stood. He took a gun and fired termozaryad right at his feet. From the ground knocked pairs. It has become warmer.
He slowly, stiff fingers thick gloves put on the front panel scanner. I twist the handle, trying to tune in the middle lane of the range. Nothing but promёrzshey land.
- He seems ready - he breathed.
- Or seems ready? - Said all the same voice in the earpiece.
- Let's see - commando muttered, shaking knees. - Now we'll see.
* * *
To the place I had to go for five minutes. On the approach is very disturbed black ice: the orbital laser beam, breaking through the clouds, thus he dropped to the ground about half a ton of water, and a crushing riposte turned it into ice. This, however, did not matter: by the time the object of attack was delivered the maximum possible damage, so the satellite was not sorry. Moreover, the US.
The wreckage was scattered on the territory of several hectares. First came across just pieces of wood, then a fighter found a piece of the arc, then - a piece of torn ear and hoof with a huge horseshoe. Horseshoe and he tore zanykal happiness. In addition, such a solid piece of gold weight could be of some use in terms of financial security in retirement.
As it turned out, he did it on time. When he came to the place they had circled over the black helicopter.
He looked at what was left of the sled. The charred corpses of giant horses did not smell the meat, and something burning pumice. As hard as wire, manes were visible red ribbons.
The body he found on the slope of a low hill red robe lined with ermine, was clearly visible in the snow.
The old man's face was suddenly calm, even detached. The dead gray eyes reflected the low clouds.
Apparently, the grandfather tried to escape in the direction of the hills, but the last attack had robbed him of the remnants of magical powers, and wounds and burns do the rest.
A soldier in any case released in the blood-stained gray beard two bullets from the "Glock" and commanded his men to catch up.
* * *
Mikhail Fradkov, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, looked extremely happy - like a koala bear, who was given a piece of candy. Chubby fingers stroked red bag, trying to get close to the eyeballs.
Putin, by contrast, was gloomy. The American representative looked at him in amazement.
- In the end, - he said - it's in your best interest. By getting rid of this creature, you save a lot of money. Also - unless you yourself are not sick of this terrible climate? In the winter in Moscow is quite impossible to go outside ...
- He is our forty-first closed - sigh Sergei Ivanov. - Fleeing from the Germans. And we have, it turns out, a war veteran killed.
- How long can you live in the past? - Retorted American. - Sigh of World War II, you lose a third. He did not protect you from modern information technology, is not it? In order to match the time, it is necessary to change. You made the right choice.
- We made a choice and do not regret it - sighed Putin. - But do not make us more and enjoy. Besides bag.
- The bag goes to the Stabilization Fund, - said the American firm. - All the values of the Russian Federation should be under our control. This is the cornerstone of our relations.
- The same gifts, - Putin said hopelessly. - Babies.
- Best gift for Russian children - this European winter - American smiled, showing excellent porcelain teeth. - Instead of freeze and bored, they can - here he paused - to live a full life, typical of their peers in developed countries. For example ... - he paused, remembering what do children from developed countries on winter evenings.
Putin and Ivanov exchanged glances, but said nothing.
- And yet you can not kill him - said Ivanov. - He was ready to negotiate.
- To be honest ... - American faltered a little - we have studied that option. But Santa put the question very hard. He was already angry at that cursed the Asian calendar. Well, what's done is done. Once again: do not think about the past, it is counterproductive.
- I'm a child playing in the snow - suddenly grunted Fradkov. - And skate rink. And snowmen ...
- By the way - I revived an American - you solved the problem with his granddaughter? These creatures are extremely tenacious. From the remnants of the Snow Queen Snow Maidens grow. At the time, our European colleagues are faced with a similar problem ...
- We're looking for her, - Putin said patiently. - And we find.
- Try to take her alive - American leering grin - old Santa is very interested in the girl. If you know what I mean. I think for such a gift, he will throw your winter ten more degrees. So keep in mind.
* * *
Maiden turned off the magic mirror. Her lips trembled, but his eyes remained dry.
- I'm sorry, old man, - she whispered. - I promise you that I grow up. I'll become the one who should be. And do not forget. All these bastards ...
She looked around the cave. Clumps of Antarctic ice shone cold blue flame of the northern lights.
Looking young Mistress Cold settled on the only decoration ice wall - poster of the film "The Chronicles of Narnia." Shining face of the Sorceress in the outbursts of ice light seemed alive.
- I grow up - again she said, wiping his sleeve embroidered with icy dew eyelashes. - And the back.
© Konstantin Krylov