Thank you, kid!
I woke up, someone bothered the my shoulder.
- Earrings, get up, come! - Whether sad, or a cheerful voice said Sam.
He opened his eyes and reached out, I looked out the window of the car. The street was pouring June rain, washing the gray asphalt apron. It was evening, and I am not surprised, because, after spending the whole night until the morning, and limit your sly liter of vodka for three, which Sema somehow carried into the duffel bag, we argued about our upcoming debt to Motherland.
- Podeeeeem !!! - A shrill roar of the whole car which would wake even the dead. It was Captain vian Jews - our company commander, a man with a fist the size of a 2x2 with my head. The car began scuffling and heard disgruntled groans still recruits yesterday's spring 2005, and now the soldiers. Stabbed in the temples and flooded a hangover, and with it the sadness.
- Comrade soldiers! Grab your stuff and get out on to the platform to build! - Continued the officer, without changing the tone.
Out on the platform, we somehow built. After already more or less familiar "Fall in! Equals! Attention! "The company commander held a roll call. Then we scanned the happy eyes, said:
- What are you so sad, huh? You have all the fun is just beginning!
After these words of contented mind vian Jews and two sergeants, who accompanied us, it was clear that really soon, and maybe all of 2 years, need to wait for it "fun».
- Moose, build and lead a platoon of the square in front w / d! There Mikhalych is waiting for us. Georgia. And see that every asshole sat down! And I'll go conductive. Forward! - I ordered the officer and left.
Sergeant, almost choking on saliva from his own power, he began to give commands:
- Well, Th, dushary! The three columns stanoviiiis! Begoooom ... Hands, damn, bent at the elbows, and pinned to her! The body is just ahead! Voooot ... well done! Maaarsh!
And we ran. I ran to meet his good fortune.
On the square in front of the station next to the "sleeping" taxis standing tilt Ural mnogoznachaschey with the word "people". We pretty quickly loaded into the truck. All the way we were silent.
On arrival at the part we povyprygivali team from the Urals and lined up on the parade ground. Around the parade ground looked at us Soviet eyes stands with patriotic slogans and appeals.
- Right now things are recorded in the company, the sergeant will distribute to each according to his bed and nightstand! Get his soap-rylnoe and other bells and whistles if anyone there. After 20 minutes, you have to be built here on the parade ground. Who does not have time - he left without supper. After dinner, we will learn to be filed and shaved edging on the back of the head. Moose, wires young! The clock is ticking! Disperse! - Already tired voice said vian Jews and went to report to the headquarters of our arrival.
Going into the company, we had to wait, as we were told many of our friends have served in the civilian world, flying in our stools, Dušek from beds and other items of army life, but nothing that was not followed. It came to us 5 grandfathers, and they began to devour us thoroughly happy eyes. Then it seemed that will let them, they would have just eaten.
- You have no idea how we've been expecting you! - Rubbing his hands, said one senior sergeant with epaulets.
"Both sides ..." - sadly, I thought, but did not submit this form.
After 20 minutes, as ordered, we were standing in three columns and expect an evening meal, but vian Jews did not come. Another 5 minutes later came and orderly sergeant Losev said that our company commander delayed, and therefore lead to the meal instructed him on what Moose was delighted and immediately after the command "run-march" we followed the dining room.
In the dining room we rehearsed a few more tricks Army Kama Sutra, that is sit down, then got up and, finally, more or less quickly learned there silently.
Then the evening continued in an even more interesting activities: sewing, "herring" to the collar of his jacket, then shaved edges at the back. At 22:00 heard the command "End" and naive we lay down on the beds.
- I do not understand! This Che is? - With a fake surprised Moose said. - Podeeem !!!
And we were blown from their beds and lined up on the "Vzletka" in the form №1.
- Blyayaya! And I'm putting you'll chtol? - Sergeant surprisingly there was no fake. And we began to dress.
After all dressed again, followed by the command "End". After a lot of manipulation, and it was after the time of the 15th, despite the torn buttons and streams of sweat, we realized that such a roundabout "Lift-End" and have perfect fit in 45 seconds to "rise" and 30 - to "End". And all this time the old-timers were watching this circus and cackled.
Soon grandfathers took pity on us, and somewhere in the neighborhood in the morning sounded the final "all clear." But sleep would not come. I've been lying on its second tier and pondering the meaning of life, and that it would be nice to drink a bottle of beer right now and go to Svetka to satisfy their sexual needs. And then I fell asleep.
In the morning, at 6:00, there was already our "favorite" "Rise" and 40 seconds, we had time to get dressed and construct. Most likely from that moment I finally realized that I was in the army. After the morning exercises, washing / shaving in the icy water, breakfast, which I tried for the first time goroshnitsu and the break we built a divorce. We approached the officers and non-commissioned officers, and well built, but only perpendicular to us, we get to build more with the letter "G". In the center he stood in front of all the political officer Colonel Sbruev expected arrival commander Colonel Livanov. After coming komchasti, drill steps and a report that all of us in terms of zashib, Lebanon, a military officer, the Hero of Russia, despite the colonel's belly, with excellent bearing, inspected the operation and said:
- Again, it is late!
I thought I was late to the officer or ensign colonel is now arrange debriefing. But from the road to the parade ground, pohramyvaya the left hind paw, calmly walked an old dog. His neck was a black collar, which, gleaming, hung a medallion.
- Come on, get up already in operation! - Commanding bass with a friendly tone Livanov said.
The dog obediently went to the ranks of officers and warrant officers, sat down at the white line and stared at komchasti.
- Hello, comrades soldiers! - Turning to us, loudly said combat officer.
- Good morning, Comrade Colonel! - Uttered in unison in response we have already rehearsed phrase.
- Hello, fellow officers and warrant officers!
- Good morning, Comrade Colonel! - Responded to those which were accessed by Lebanon. Only at the end of this phrase was heard loud and clear the barking dog.
I was very surprised by what he saw. So the dog was nadressirovana that meets even greeting his commander. Anyway, what makes a dog in the ranks?
After the colonel gave a speech that someone he is not happy, and some very well done, and after a "disperse" the officers and warrant officers went to their jobs and left the dog with them. And we began KMB.
Drill the teaching statute, shooting and other things inherent in military service to give us more or less. I never thought that I could stand 20 minutes with outstretched leg over a small fence without touching it. It took 2 months. Every day the divorce without a dog named Babe did not start, it is late, it came first. During this time we became friends. He sat with us in the smoking room, sometimes a little run with us for charging, went to work with us, bathed us in the bath every Saturday. Yet we sometimes tyrili bread for him in the dining room, for which we flew from the company and sergeants. He was the most frequent guest in the dining room. Our cook Aunt Galya often spoiled him the canned meat, the bones of beef. He was loved and respected by all. Passing his officers to put a hand to his cap, and the soldiers were marched as giving a military salute. On its neck, collar, hung the medal "For Courage» ...
Once the evening before lights out, we sat in the smoking room after suturing, washing and other domestic affairs. He came up to us he Livanov.
- Attention! - Sam yelled when he saw Colonel.
- At ease! - Said the officer. - Smoke guys?
- Yes, Comrade Colonel!
- Well, I'll sit here with you, not against you?
- No, sir! - Amazement we replied in unison.
- Well, well.
From Colonel bad reeked of alcohol, but he did not look too drunk.
After a while he ran the Kid. And seeing Livanov, he wagged his tail and whimpering began barking at him softly.
- Do not like it, I drank! - Smiled the colonel said. - Well, you give me a Sedna relax! The Commission has left, and tomorrow is Saturday!
- Comrade Colonel, let me question! - Sema said uncertainly.
- It allows, if not intimate! - Livanov tried to make a serious face, but his eyes betrayed.
- No, sir ... Please, tell us here as a kid in the part of the hit!
- ABOUT! - Said a military officer. - It was a long time ago! 10 years, he is here with me ... with us. It all started with the fact that on the night of December 31, 94th at 1 January 95th, we took the Terrible ...
In the eyes of Livanov I saw sadness.
- We long to wade to the city center. Around the shooting, explosions, night, darkness ... Can not see anything, and the cards we really was not, and still they would not need, Chechens all street signs with houses posbivat. Even then I was a Major, company ... - Colonel sighed and lit a cigarette. - Gender of my company were killed, I have left 40 people and we Sanych lock my ... Well, with our political officer. Transport all burned. And we were surrounded. On all sides of us hammering and yelling in the horns, so they gave up and went over to their side. We got into some kind of structure and sit there. The wireless operator in beshke burned, there is no connection. Where to get out - hell knows. And then I look somewhere runs this lop-eared mug! - Livanov poterebil already calmed down and lay at the feet of the officer the dog's ear. - I ran up to me, sniffed and let my arm pea jacket somewhere to pull and yapping! Testament, I think, somewhere. Well, I was not. I give the command to be selected. We ran out of the building. That's right now will, I think, we have to Dudayev not think badly of me. We ran 200 meters, and then the projectile flies tochnehanko to where we were sitting. I then realized that he was our little angel savior, then called him Kid. And he led us rushes through some garages, porches. Reaches of a building, and next to it are our tanks and people muttering in Russian. I run a check, and so it is - our entrenched. That's how he saved us, out of the environment. Then he ran after me constantly, guarded. Sometimes the horns of bullets in his teeth pulled during shelling or injured and we have to find a calling. In short, he is fighting dog, a warrior ... Here we have him for this medal and bungled. In August 95th near us fragmentation grenade ripped. Fragments hit me in the thigh, and his left rear paw. But all healed, carried by ... Looks like we are brothers with him in misfortune. Then there was a business trip, but there is nothing interesting. The main thing that remained alive with him. Now here is with us.
After that we started to respect Little more.
As time went on. We got Sema sergeants. Both winter kid lived with us in the company. Often after lights out, we ate fried potatoes, brought pots, our chef, to the call of the youngest of us. And the kid with us welling potatoes for both cheeks!
Then came the spring. Prior to muster was two and a half months, when the sick kid. I do not eat, and if you eat, all went back.
Veterinarian after the inspection said that the problem with the stomach.
- He will not last long ... Age ... - sad voice stated Sergei Ivanovich, a veterinarian with experience and longtime friend Livanov.
- Nothing! We're with you povoyuem! - Embracing Kid Friendly, the colonel said.
All 2 months Toddler drove to the vet put injections. During this time he has lost much weight. And rarely ate very little. All for him worried.
Then came the order. No, ORDER !!!
Even when we were 20 people, including me, the first wave sent to the demobilization. Paint the form were not as mindful of the words Livanov, when he accompanied this painted white threads and knots Elk "Pizdec! Christmas tree quits? ".
After a briefing from Sbrueva, namely: "Do not forget, damn, you soldiers of the Russian Army for another two days. And if one of you gets mentovku or to the office, he will provide me sexual services for another six months! ". Then he shook hands with us and sent a fuck.
We, joyful, ironed, filed away, washed, otbritye and shining with happiness stood on the parade ground and said goodbye to everyone. When words like "Serve as I served!", Went to say goodbye to the kids. He lay in the sad eyes of Lenin on his favorite place and looked at the fish in the aquarium. We stroked him and wished recovery, said goodbye and moved to the checkpoint.
We went at the checkpoint started to say goodbye to dress when the phone rang on duty. After speaking attendant put the phone with trembling hands and said:
- Ma ... Baby ...
- What baby? - We asked shouting.
- Died Kid ...
We threw off their belongings at a checkpoint, they rushed to the company. Running up to the porch, we saw how vian Jews make a baby in her arms. Com came to her throat.
Immediately ran Livanov vian Jews and took the kids and carefully placed it on the cape that soldiers carried only a bed and on the parade ground.
- So, rafters take another three and a shovel! Let us bury ... - captain ordered the sergeant, then turned to the colonel asked: - Comrade Colonel, where we bury?
- Set aside, captain ... will bury officers! - Cold voice said through tears Livanov.
And then dripped rain. The very cold June evening rain, which turned into a downpour. It seemed that the whole world is mourning the Kid.
Grave digging Livanov, harness and two other officers who later arrived on the Volga.
The whole part, except for the burial attire watched. Everybody was crying. Aunt Galya crying bitterly. After Toddler buried, a detachment of five officers were given a triple salvo of Kalash in the sky.
Colonel Livanov, military officer, the Hero of Russia, bent over the grave, and said quietly:
- Thank you, kid! ..
@ my
- Earrings, get up, come! - Whether sad, or a cheerful voice said Sam.
He opened his eyes and reached out, I looked out the window of the car. The street was pouring June rain, washing the gray asphalt apron. It was evening, and I am not surprised, because, after spending the whole night until the morning, and limit your sly liter of vodka for three, which Sema somehow carried into the duffel bag, we argued about our upcoming debt to Motherland.
- Podeeeeem !!! - A shrill roar of the whole car which would wake even the dead. It was Captain vian Jews - our company commander, a man with a fist the size of a 2x2 with my head. The car began scuffling and heard disgruntled groans still recruits yesterday's spring 2005, and now the soldiers. Stabbed in the temples and flooded a hangover, and with it the sadness.
- Comrade soldiers! Grab your stuff and get out on to the platform to build! - Continued the officer, without changing the tone.
Out on the platform, we somehow built. After already more or less familiar "Fall in! Equals! Attention! "The company commander held a roll call. Then we scanned the happy eyes, said:
- What are you so sad, huh? You have all the fun is just beginning!
After these words of contented mind vian Jews and two sergeants, who accompanied us, it was clear that really soon, and maybe all of 2 years, need to wait for it "fun».
- Moose, build and lead a platoon of the square in front w / d! There Mikhalych is waiting for us. Georgia. And see that every asshole sat down! And I'll go conductive. Forward! - I ordered the officer and left.
Sergeant, almost choking on saliva from his own power, he began to give commands:
- Well, Th, dushary! The three columns stanoviiiis! Begoooom ... Hands, damn, bent at the elbows, and pinned to her! The body is just ahead! Voooot ... well done! Maaarsh!
And we ran. I ran to meet his good fortune.
On the square in front of the station next to the "sleeping" taxis standing tilt Ural mnogoznachaschey with the word "people". We pretty quickly loaded into the truck. All the way we were silent.
On arrival at the part we povyprygivali team from the Urals and lined up on the parade ground. Around the parade ground looked at us Soviet eyes stands with patriotic slogans and appeals.
- Right now things are recorded in the company, the sergeant will distribute to each according to his bed and nightstand! Get his soap-rylnoe and other bells and whistles if anyone there. After 20 minutes, you have to be built here on the parade ground. Who does not have time - he left without supper. After dinner, we will learn to be filed and shaved edging on the back of the head. Moose, wires young! The clock is ticking! Disperse! - Already tired voice said vian Jews and went to report to the headquarters of our arrival.
Going into the company, we had to wait, as we were told many of our friends have served in the civilian world, flying in our stools, Dušek from beds and other items of army life, but nothing that was not followed. It came to us 5 grandfathers, and they began to devour us thoroughly happy eyes. Then it seemed that will let them, they would have just eaten.
- You have no idea how we've been expecting you! - Rubbing his hands, said one senior sergeant with epaulets.
"Both sides ..." - sadly, I thought, but did not submit this form.
After 20 minutes, as ordered, we were standing in three columns and expect an evening meal, but vian Jews did not come. Another 5 minutes later came and orderly sergeant Losev said that our company commander delayed, and therefore lead to the meal instructed him on what Moose was delighted and immediately after the command "run-march" we followed the dining room.
In the dining room we rehearsed a few more tricks Army Kama Sutra, that is sit down, then got up and, finally, more or less quickly learned there silently.
Then the evening continued in an even more interesting activities: sewing, "herring" to the collar of his jacket, then shaved edges at the back. At 22:00 heard the command "End" and naive we lay down on the beds.
- I do not understand! This Che is? - With a fake surprised Moose said. - Podeeem !!!
And we were blown from their beds and lined up on the "Vzletka" in the form №1.
- Blyayaya! And I'm putting you'll chtol? - Sergeant surprisingly there was no fake. And we began to dress.
After all dressed again, followed by the command "End". After a lot of manipulation, and it was after the time of the 15th, despite the torn buttons and streams of sweat, we realized that such a roundabout "Lift-End" and have perfect fit in 45 seconds to "rise" and 30 - to "End". And all this time the old-timers were watching this circus and cackled.
Soon grandfathers took pity on us, and somewhere in the neighborhood in the morning sounded the final "all clear." But sleep would not come. I've been lying on its second tier and pondering the meaning of life, and that it would be nice to drink a bottle of beer right now and go to Svetka to satisfy their sexual needs. And then I fell asleep.
In the morning, at 6:00, there was already our "favorite" "Rise" and 40 seconds, we had time to get dressed and construct. Most likely from that moment I finally realized that I was in the army. After the morning exercises, washing / shaving in the icy water, breakfast, which I tried for the first time goroshnitsu and the break we built a divorce. We approached the officers and non-commissioned officers, and well built, but only perpendicular to us, we get to build more with the letter "G". In the center he stood in front of all the political officer Colonel Sbruev expected arrival commander Colonel Livanov. After coming komchasti, drill steps and a report that all of us in terms of zashib, Lebanon, a military officer, the Hero of Russia, despite the colonel's belly, with excellent bearing, inspected the operation and said:
- Again, it is late!
I thought I was late to the officer or ensign colonel is now arrange debriefing. But from the road to the parade ground, pohramyvaya the left hind paw, calmly walked an old dog. His neck was a black collar, which, gleaming, hung a medallion.
- Come on, get up already in operation! - Commanding bass with a friendly tone Livanov said.
The dog obediently went to the ranks of officers and warrant officers, sat down at the white line and stared at komchasti.
- Hello, comrades soldiers! - Turning to us, loudly said combat officer.
- Good morning, Comrade Colonel! - Uttered in unison in response we have already rehearsed phrase.
- Hello, fellow officers and warrant officers!
- Good morning, Comrade Colonel! - Responded to those which were accessed by Lebanon. Only at the end of this phrase was heard loud and clear the barking dog.
I was very surprised by what he saw. So the dog was nadressirovana that meets even greeting his commander. Anyway, what makes a dog in the ranks?
After the colonel gave a speech that someone he is not happy, and some very well done, and after a "disperse" the officers and warrant officers went to their jobs and left the dog with them. And we began KMB.
Drill the teaching statute, shooting and other things inherent in military service to give us more or less. I never thought that I could stand 20 minutes with outstretched leg over a small fence without touching it. It took 2 months. Every day the divorce without a dog named Babe did not start, it is late, it came first. During this time we became friends. He sat with us in the smoking room, sometimes a little run with us for charging, went to work with us, bathed us in the bath every Saturday. Yet we sometimes tyrili bread for him in the dining room, for which we flew from the company and sergeants. He was the most frequent guest in the dining room. Our cook Aunt Galya often spoiled him the canned meat, the bones of beef. He was loved and respected by all. Passing his officers to put a hand to his cap, and the soldiers were marched as giving a military salute. On its neck, collar, hung the medal "For Courage» ...
Once the evening before lights out, we sat in the smoking room after suturing, washing and other domestic affairs. He came up to us he Livanov.
- Attention! - Sam yelled when he saw Colonel.
- At ease! - Said the officer. - Smoke guys?
- Yes, Comrade Colonel!
- Well, I'll sit here with you, not against you?
- No, sir! - Amazement we replied in unison.
- Well, well.
From Colonel bad reeked of alcohol, but he did not look too drunk.
After a while he ran the Kid. And seeing Livanov, he wagged his tail and whimpering began barking at him softly.
- Do not like it, I drank! - Smiled the colonel said. - Well, you give me a Sedna relax! The Commission has left, and tomorrow is Saturday!
- Comrade Colonel, let me question! - Sema said uncertainly.
- It allows, if not intimate! - Livanov tried to make a serious face, but his eyes betrayed.
- No, sir ... Please, tell us here as a kid in the part of the hit!
- ABOUT! - Said a military officer. - It was a long time ago! 10 years, he is here with me ... with us. It all started with the fact that on the night of December 31, 94th at 1 January 95th, we took the Terrible ...
In the eyes of Livanov I saw sadness.
- We long to wade to the city center. Around the shooting, explosions, night, darkness ... Can not see anything, and the cards we really was not, and still they would not need, Chechens all street signs with houses posbivat. Even then I was a Major, company ... - Colonel sighed and lit a cigarette. - Gender of my company were killed, I have left 40 people and we Sanych lock my ... Well, with our political officer. Transport all burned. And we were surrounded. On all sides of us hammering and yelling in the horns, so they gave up and went over to their side. We got into some kind of structure and sit there. The wireless operator in beshke burned, there is no connection. Where to get out - hell knows. And then I look somewhere runs this lop-eared mug! - Livanov poterebil already calmed down and lay at the feet of the officer the dog's ear. - I ran up to me, sniffed and let my arm pea jacket somewhere to pull and yapping! Testament, I think, somewhere. Well, I was not. I give the command to be selected. We ran out of the building. That's right now will, I think, we have to Dudayev not think badly of me. We ran 200 meters, and then the projectile flies tochnehanko to where we were sitting. I then realized that he was our little angel savior, then called him Kid. And he led us rushes through some garages, porches. Reaches of a building, and next to it are our tanks and people muttering in Russian. I run a check, and so it is - our entrenched. That's how he saved us, out of the environment. Then he ran after me constantly, guarded. Sometimes the horns of bullets in his teeth pulled during shelling or injured and we have to find a calling. In short, he is fighting dog, a warrior ... Here we have him for this medal and bungled. In August 95th near us fragmentation grenade ripped. Fragments hit me in the thigh, and his left rear paw. But all healed, carried by ... Looks like we are brothers with him in misfortune. Then there was a business trip, but there is nothing interesting. The main thing that remained alive with him. Now here is with us.
After that we started to respect Little more.
As time went on. We got Sema sergeants. Both winter kid lived with us in the company. Often after lights out, we ate fried potatoes, brought pots, our chef, to the call of the youngest of us. And the kid with us welling potatoes for both cheeks!
Then came the spring. Prior to muster was two and a half months, when the sick kid. I do not eat, and if you eat, all went back.
Veterinarian after the inspection said that the problem with the stomach.
- He will not last long ... Age ... - sad voice stated Sergei Ivanovich, a veterinarian with experience and longtime friend Livanov.
- Nothing! We're with you povoyuem! - Embracing Kid Friendly, the colonel said.
All 2 months Toddler drove to the vet put injections. During this time he has lost much weight. And rarely ate very little. All for him worried.
Then came the order. No, ORDER !!!
Even when we were 20 people, including me, the first wave sent to the demobilization. Paint the form were not as mindful of the words Livanov, when he accompanied this painted white threads and knots Elk "Pizdec! Christmas tree quits? ".
After a briefing from Sbrueva, namely: "Do not forget, damn, you soldiers of the Russian Army for another two days. And if one of you gets mentovku or to the office, he will provide me sexual services for another six months! ". Then he shook hands with us and sent a fuck.
We, joyful, ironed, filed away, washed, otbritye and shining with happiness stood on the parade ground and said goodbye to everyone. When words like "Serve as I served!", Went to say goodbye to the kids. He lay in the sad eyes of Lenin on his favorite place and looked at the fish in the aquarium. We stroked him and wished recovery, said goodbye and moved to the checkpoint.
We went at the checkpoint started to say goodbye to dress when the phone rang on duty. After speaking attendant put the phone with trembling hands and said:
- Ma ... Baby ...
- What baby? - We asked shouting.
- Died Kid ...
We threw off their belongings at a checkpoint, they rushed to the company. Running up to the porch, we saw how vian Jews make a baby in her arms. Com came to her throat.
Immediately ran Livanov vian Jews and took the kids and carefully placed it on the cape that soldiers carried only a bed and on the parade ground.
- So, rafters take another three and a shovel! Let us bury ... - captain ordered the sergeant, then turned to the colonel asked: - Comrade Colonel, where we bury?
- Set aside, captain ... will bury officers! - Cold voice said through tears Livanov.
And then dripped rain. The very cold June evening rain, which turned into a downpour. It seemed that the whole world is mourning the Kid.
Grave digging Livanov, harness and two other officers who later arrived on the Volga.
The whole part, except for the burial attire watched. Everybody was crying. Aunt Galya crying bitterly. After Toddler buried, a detachment of five officers were given a triple salvo of Kalash in the sky.
Colonel Livanov, military officer, the Hero of Russia, bent over the grave, and said quietly:
- Thank you, kid! ..
@ my
