Oh, these kids ... (Part 1)

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All kids develop in their own way, each needs an individual approach. And for that parents need to know the particular nature of the pledged in child temperament. Here are the basic types of temperaments described in the book "The development of the child's personality," published by the "factor".
"Solar" children
Such a child from an early age differs penchant for mischief. He's always in a good mood, sound sleep. The kid is not shy in front of strangers. He is independent, energetic, but easily distracted.
Parents "solar" kid coming to the reception to the psychologist, usually the following complaints:
- The child does not know how to behave - at a party, in kindergarten noise, running around, asking questions to strangers;
- He was inattentive (not listening explanations quickly loses interest in any occupation);
- Naughty (refuses to comply with the requirements, in response to pressure becomes aggressive).
Parents "solar" child should be aware that he can not tolerate limited physical activity. Create an environment in which he can realize his thirst for action. For example, play around with it a ball, work out exercise. Vyplesnuv energy, the child will be calmer. Avoid petty control, as this will cause him annoyance.
If a kid misbehaves, the threat of punishment can backfire. Better contrast the excited child his mind. Physical punishment are not allowed! And be sure to praise for obedience.
"Impressionable" children
The main feature of this type - the extreme variability of moods. Reason to be negligible. A moment ago, the kid was gay - and suddenly burst into tears. Perhaps you did not respond to a smile or made the remark. Depend on the emotional state sleep, appetite, well-being of the child. This kid reacts to the mood of others. The family harmony and love - baby calm, Mom and Dad had a falling out - the child is naughty. In the education of the child needs constant support. In no case do not put it in terms of competition ("Let's see who is the best will do, or you Masha ?!"), and do not compare with the other kids, do not threaten punishment for disobedience. Instead of praise, if he complied with. Children with this type of character sympathetic and sincere. A bad mood they quickly passed with the approval and comfort.
"Fearful" children
Very shy, afraid of the dark, animal loneliness. They are timid and shy. Do not like noisy outdoor games. However, they are not closed, willing to communicate with those who are accustomed to, very attached to the family and friends. In no case do not quarrel with the kid, do not yell at him, often hug. Stable environment at home and reduce body contact his anxiety. If you see that the child is afraid of something, try to tactfully find out the cause of his fears. Treat your child's experiences with respect, your careless assurance ("stupidity, nothing to fear"), reproaches ("You have a big") will not convince him. On the contrary, he may lose confidence and closes. Tips to help your child cope with fears: - Encourage your child to what scares him. If a kid is afraid of dogs, do not insist on the fact that he touched the animal. It is better to start with a visit to the pet store or exhibition where the child will be able to watch the dogs from a safe distance. Give him time to get used. - Draw with your child what scares him. Ready figure may tear, paint bright paint. Maybe the kid decides that the "monster sick, hungry or lonely." Then offer to make friends with him to help. Avoid unnecessary care. Give your child the job in which he can show diligence and accuracy. This will maintain the self-esteem of the child at a high level, to develop independence. Otherwise, the baby will grow insecure.