Cook in the garden in the summer...
Kindergarten — a topic that preoccupies many parents. Want to see the baby quickly adapted to new environment easily adapted to the children's team, found friends, fell in love with the teacher, to grow and develop in a friendly atmosphere. But not always the adaptation is going smoothly, so the task of parents is to attend to the preparations for the important event to visit the garden brought joy.
Where to start?
The first step is to adjust the mode of the day. Moreover, if you are planning to send their children to kindergarten in the fall, to reconstruct the order of the day should be early in the summer. Plan mode so that the baby woke up an hour before the release, accustom to daily rest at the same time. It is important to establish a life so that daily rest became independent: the baby should be accustomed to lie in bed and fall asleep alone, without a mother, like they do in kindergarten.
Disseminate child self-help skills that are extremely important for a successful start to kindergarten life: the baby needs to eat and dress independently. By the way, clarify the menu of the kindergarten and try to give your son or daughter like the food. If your child is difficult to adjust, the child will decrease the appetite, ahead of time you will be able to alert the caregiver about the difficulties.
In addition, parents often miss the "toilet issue", which could then lead to misunderstandings. Therefore it is necessary to know in advance walking in the garden and teaching the child to go to the toilet at the right time. These little "tricks" will help both baby and caregivers to avoid unpleasant incidents.
When basic, vital issues are settled, you can move on to the emotional mood. Here, every mother should remember that her positive emotional background is the Foundation for the child's well – being! So the games, the rituals of parting (end of games: "bye-Bye toys!") necessary my mom no less than the child.
Try to lose a situation when mother parted with her son or daughter, and then returned. It could be the Mama bear, and Mama-cat, and the real mother, leaving the baby, waving his hand and then returning. If the woman is the most difficult to part with the child, it may be a sad story, because the child feels the psychological state of the parents and appreciates their mood. When mom can't "let go" of your child and her soul torn to pieces even at the thought of temporary separation, the child worries, worries and cries.
In addition to games on the theme of separation, good to play with kindergarten toys. When mom and dad will tell what the kindergarten, what they do, who works there, trust your baby to parents and caregivers grow and become a mainstay in the situation when mom and dad are not around.
Well if for future preschoolers will tour the kindergarten group: your child together with the parents will be able to look into all of the room where it will spend time, touch the toys to find his locker room. On this tour it is possible to negotiate with the staff of the kindergarten.
And, of course, be quite remarkable if the parents of the pupils in advance will get acquainted with each other — this will help create a contact in children.
Of course, doubts and anxiety are inevitable, but now parents can find support in kindergartens, and psychological centers. Psychologists perfectly know features of child development, methods of adaptation of the child to the kindergarten, and the kindergarten teachers see the situation from the inside, helping to smooth out specific difficulties. Psychologists working in psychological and pedagogical centers is somewhat different. These professionals can counsel the entire family, they are not aware of kindergarten of baby's life, but able to see family, and homemade resources to help joyful maturity of a preschooler.
Keep your head up
So, the preparatory work is completed, the games turn to reality. There comes a crucial day. Dive into the new environment gradually: start with 30 minutes or one hour, and then gently increase the time intervals. And here, as in training, there are no small things — the formal side of the issue is also important. At this stage, the basis of is stability. Try to arrange your schedule so that son or daughter during the first months were taken into the garden one and the same person.
In the first weeks becomes evident that adapts to kindergarten not only the baby but the whole family! And to the teachers, their demands will have to get used to all the relatives. Talk about teachers in a positive way will be very useful. Sincere trust mom and dad, teachers, conversations with teachers contribute to creating a favourable climate and development activity kid in kindergarten.
"I miss you, mom"
How can I help parents if their son or daughter for a long time to get used to the environment of a kindergarten? What if no other children, no toys, no good educator is not in a child? Why adaptation may be delayed and that may delay the time of development of autonomy of the baby?
The child started to go to kindergarten, there are many different unusual Affairs, people and experiences. One of the mistakes is the desire of parents to "sweeten the pill" attempts to entertain and amuse the baby during the weekends and balance it is possible (and sometimes imaginary parents) discomfort going to the circus, zoo, amusement Park.
Children's entertainment — a good thing, but in the period of adaptation they can do a disservice by appearing factors in nervous overstimulation. At this time any excessive emotions pereutomila, and no matter they are positive or negative. During the transition the child to a new level, the beginning of his socialization, of particular importance is the aphorism "Moderation — an ally of nature and guardian of health."
A child cannot always explain their feelings, while the body of the baby is very sensitive. Due to natural characteristics of children often react to stress diseases. It is desirable to begin hardening the young kindergartners in advance, but even when tempering the baby can get sick, though with much lesser probability.
It is important to immediately when the first signs of a cold, take action. It would seem obvious. However, diseases of children and their treatment have a downside.
My mother's anxiety, Hyper colds baby can delay the time of recovery. Often during this period, the kid understands that to be sick is beneficial: he stays at home with mother, everything becomes like it was in the wonderful days of childhood. In the end, the beginning of kindergarten life is disrupted. And, it seems, on an objective reason: the fault is not kindergarten or child, and the disease.
Of course, this fiasco may be good reasons for this: as a rule, unconscious anxiety and insecurities mom of the need to attend preschool. There is nothing wrong — each person can doubt, not even my mother. However, it is important to understand what is happening, to avoid the fixing of a reaction to the difficulties of the disease. In such situations, mother and baby and the whole family can help psychologist, who tell us how to find the strength for further development and to find an alternative route.
In order for the socialization has been successful, requires attention to individual characteristics of the child and a clear understanding of where the "mischief" and "whims", and where patterns of development. For example, experts do not recommend to give kids in kindergarten in the crisis period of three years.
The crisis lasts about a year — from 2.5 to 3.5 years, and the main purchase after the emergence of the child's identity. While the crisis lasts until the identity only in the process of becoming, and the baby is cranky and stubborn, and disobedient. After 3.5 years, as a rule, the children easier to join the peer group, and with them easier to agree.
Remember that any changes in the family — the birth of a brother or sister, moving, departure (departure) family members — will complicate the toddler mastering a new role, as the child will have to adapt to the changing situation not only in kindergarten but at home.
Kindergarten is a special place. This is the first "transitional space" where the child fits into society. The attitude of parents, their sincere desire to help your child is important and truly priceless. Therefore, parents first and foremost need to be sure that the kindergarten you need.
Mom hovers over me like a helicopter...
My someone else's name
Any doubts and anxiety, it is important to discuss and debunk in the first stage. The baby will absorb the confidence mom and dad. And with such confidence and mess him will seem tastier, and the pillow is softer, and kinder friends!
Author: Larisa Zakharova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravmir.ru/gotov-v-sadik-letom/

Where to start?
The first step is to adjust the mode of the day. Moreover, if you are planning to send their children to kindergarten in the fall, to reconstruct the order of the day should be early in the summer. Plan mode so that the baby woke up an hour before the release, accustom to daily rest at the same time. It is important to establish a life so that daily rest became independent: the baby should be accustomed to lie in bed and fall asleep alone, without a mother, like they do in kindergarten.
Disseminate child self-help skills that are extremely important for a successful start to kindergarten life: the baby needs to eat and dress independently. By the way, clarify the menu of the kindergarten and try to give your son or daughter like the food. If your child is difficult to adjust, the child will decrease the appetite, ahead of time you will be able to alert the caregiver about the difficulties.
In addition, parents often miss the "toilet issue", which could then lead to misunderstandings. Therefore it is necessary to know in advance walking in the garden and teaching the child to go to the toilet at the right time. These little "tricks" will help both baby and caregivers to avoid unpleasant incidents.
When basic, vital issues are settled, you can move on to the emotional mood. Here, every mother should remember that her positive emotional background is the Foundation for the child's well – being! So the games, the rituals of parting (end of games: "bye-Bye toys!") necessary my mom no less than the child.
Try to lose a situation when mother parted with her son or daughter, and then returned. It could be the Mama bear, and Mama-cat, and the real mother, leaving the baby, waving his hand and then returning. If the woman is the most difficult to part with the child, it may be a sad story, because the child feels the psychological state of the parents and appreciates their mood. When mom can't "let go" of your child and her soul torn to pieces even at the thought of temporary separation, the child worries, worries and cries.
In addition to games on the theme of separation, good to play with kindergarten toys. When mom and dad will tell what the kindergarten, what they do, who works there, trust your baby to parents and caregivers grow and become a mainstay in the situation when mom and dad are not around.

Well if for future preschoolers will tour the kindergarten group: your child together with the parents will be able to look into all of the room where it will spend time, touch the toys to find his locker room. On this tour it is possible to negotiate with the staff of the kindergarten.
And, of course, be quite remarkable if the parents of the pupils in advance will get acquainted with each other — this will help create a contact in children.
Of course, doubts and anxiety are inevitable, but now parents can find support in kindergartens, and psychological centers. Psychologists perfectly know features of child development, methods of adaptation of the child to the kindergarten, and the kindergarten teachers see the situation from the inside, helping to smooth out specific difficulties. Psychologists working in psychological and pedagogical centers is somewhat different. These professionals can counsel the entire family, they are not aware of kindergarten of baby's life, but able to see family, and homemade resources to help joyful maturity of a preschooler.
Keep your head up
So, the preparatory work is completed, the games turn to reality. There comes a crucial day. Dive into the new environment gradually: start with 30 minutes or one hour, and then gently increase the time intervals. And here, as in training, there are no small things — the formal side of the issue is also important. At this stage, the basis of is stability. Try to arrange your schedule so that son or daughter during the first months were taken into the garden one and the same person.
In the first weeks becomes evident that adapts to kindergarten not only the baby but the whole family! And to the teachers, their demands will have to get used to all the relatives. Talk about teachers in a positive way will be very useful. Sincere trust mom and dad, teachers, conversations with teachers contribute to creating a favourable climate and development activity kid in kindergarten.
"I miss you, mom"
How can I help parents if their son or daughter for a long time to get used to the environment of a kindergarten? What if no other children, no toys, no good educator is not in a child? Why adaptation may be delayed and that may delay the time of development of autonomy of the baby?
The child started to go to kindergarten, there are many different unusual Affairs, people and experiences. One of the mistakes is the desire of parents to "sweeten the pill" attempts to entertain and amuse the baby during the weekends and balance it is possible (and sometimes imaginary parents) discomfort going to the circus, zoo, amusement Park.
Children's entertainment — a good thing, but in the period of adaptation they can do a disservice by appearing factors in nervous overstimulation. At this time any excessive emotions pereutomila, and no matter they are positive or negative. During the transition the child to a new level, the beginning of his socialization, of particular importance is the aphorism "Moderation — an ally of nature and guardian of health."

A child cannot always explain their feelings, while the body of the baby is very sensitive. Due to natural characteristics of children often react to stress diseases. It is desirable to begin hardening the young kindergartners in advance, but even when tempering the baby can get sick, though with much lesser probability.
It is important to immediately when the first signs of a cold, take action. It would seem obvious. However, diseases of children and their treatment have a downside.
My mother's anxiety, Hyper colds baby can delay the time of recovery. Often during this period, the kid understands that to be sick is beneficial: he stays at home with mother, everything becomes like it was in the wonderful days of childhood. In the end, the beginning of kindergarten life is disrupted. And, it seems, on an objective reason: the fault is not kindergarten or child, and the disease.
Of course, this fiasco may be good reasons for this: as a rule, unconscious anxiety and insecurities mom of the need to attend preschool. There is nothing wrong — each person can doubt, not even my mother. However, it is important to understand what is happening, to avoid the fixing of a reaction to the difficulties of the disease. In such situations, mother and baby and the whole family can help psychologist, who tell us how to find the strength for further development and to find an alternative route.
In order for the socialization has been successful, requires attention to individual characteristics of the child and a clear understanding of where the "mischief" and "whims", and where patterns of development. For example, experts do not recommend to give kids in kindergarten in the crisis period of three years.
The crisis lasts about a year — from 2.5 to 3.5 years, and the main purchase after the emergence of the child's identity. While the crisis lasts until the identity only in the process of becoming, and the baby is cranky and stubborn, and disobedient. After 3.5 years, as a rule, the children easier to join the peer group, and with them easier to agree.

Remember that any changes in the family — the birth of a brother or sister, moving, departure (departure) family members — will complicate the toddler mastering a new role, as the child will have to adapt to the changing situation not only in kindergarten but at home.
Kindergarten is a special place. This is the first "transitional space" where the child fits into society. The attitude of parents, their sincere desire to help your child is important and truly priceless. Therefore, parents first and foremost need to be sure that the kindergarten you need.
Mom hovers over me like a helicopter...
My someone else's name
Any doubts and anxiety, it is important to discuss and debunk in the first stage. The baby will absorb the confidence mom and dad. And with such confidence and mess him will seem tastier, and the pillow is softer, and kinder friends!
Author: Larisa Zakharova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravmir.ru/gotov-v-sadik-letom/