Yakutia: about fish
"I continue to disassemble the pictures from a trip to Yakutia. That is surprising: the trip was short, and experience - the mountain. Today will tell you about the fish. The story of Yakutia is impossible without a story about fish. Fish Yakutia much richer than even diamonds. The fish are lake: whitefish, whitefish, whitefish. In Yakutia million inhabitants and per capita accounts for about three and a half lake (!). It is clear that in some places the human foot and never set at all, but the idea of fish, these figures give.
Author Leonid Kaganov
02. Markets in Yakutsk full of frozen fish to suit every taste:
03. Sellers, learning that I am from Moscow, especially advised to buy salmon. I explain to them that in Moscow Salmon dam. Sellers terribly surprised that there can be, in Moscow, where the salmon, it's our fish! I explain to them that Chira in Moscow did not get it at all, whitefish and whitefish with a very strong desire can be found in "Auchan", but it is rare and expensive, but the salmon in Moscow - the dam, from Norway, for example.
We visited stroganina Festival - annual festival, where everything at once: the Fair, and songs, and competitions and crafts, and receptions:
04. Crafts, of course, fish. What else? Well, even ketchup, salt, pepper, cheese, parsley. Here is a yurt (yaranga? Tent?):
05. Sailboat:
06. Hut:
07. This piece is called "rider»:
08. Here are also beautiful. It was a mammoth, you understand. Here the authors:
09. But the author of the hut, the artist's fish:
10. The most delicious - a steak. Sliced - just shavings of raw frozen fish. No treatment. No culinary procedures. Frozen fish, sharp knife. Salt and black pepper to taste. Nastrogal, dipped in salt and pepper - and mouth. As fatty fish (usually whitefish or other whitefish family), there is no feeling that you bite the ice: in the language to feel cool, but this is not cool chilling.
A special place is given to the festival stroganina competition - who will nastrogat frozen fish:
11. The fish should be cleaned and at a pace very quickly planed slices:
12. Stands viewers experience:
13. Which team will be the first planed to stroganina bunch red rope, and she won:
14. nastrogat fish with no experience is not easy, but with the experience - not difficult. For a start it is necessary to clean the fish. As the potatoes with a knife. She firmly frozen:
15. And then from the tail to the head removed chips 5-10 mm thickness. The fish can be to rest his nose in the ground or a plate and whittled away, and there are devices with a focus that lets you put the fish on his knees and whittling yourself.
16. When all the tasty sostrugano remains and the remains of the backbone that can go on your ear, for example:
17. A special dish - salad "Indigirka". This is the same steak, only cut into cubes 1x1 cm and mixed with onions and other additives. Something like Olivier. And of course the steak is particularly good with vodka (which in Moscow, I generally do not drink, but here are amazing). And, the better to drink vodka from ice glasses. Just do not know how to be in Moscow are namorozit:
18. In second place after stroganina in Yakutia is young horse meat:
19. Some directly from the pedigree.
Now I know what my favorite dish - steak. Baked potato and soup Tom Yam Shrimp gently back down to the second and third place. And as always, I was lucky: the world of all the meals is to eat steak in Moscow nowhere - there is no fish, no sanitation. After all, raw fish should freezout while at -30, -40 - guaranteed to ubilis parasites (which, I think, to the Yakut and no fish at all, but you do not want to check). In general, in Moscow, I went back with a pile of smoked fish (whitefish, whitefish, whitefish from yucca) and a large bag of ice cream Chira. On the advice of experienced tied polyethylene, tightly fitted a tape, upihnul into warm ski pants, jackets and so wrapped put into the baggage: 7 hours trip is thawed. Stroganina will do for the New Year. God forbid anyone to visit Yakutia and bring out this ice cream at Chira stroganina! »
Author Leonid Kaganov

02. Markets in Yakutsk full of frozen fish to suit every taste:

03. Sellers, learning that I am from Moscow, especially advised to buy salmon. I explain to them that in Moscow Salmon dam. Sellers terribly surprised that there can be, in Moscow, where the salmon, it's our fish! I explain to them that Chira in Moscow did not get it at all, whitefish and whitefish with a very strong desire can be found in "Auchan", but it is rare and expensive, but the salmon in Moscow - the dam, from Norway, for example.
We visited stroganina Festival - annual festival, where everything at once: the Fair, and songs, and competitions and crafts, and receptions:

04. Crafts, of course, fish. What else? Well, even ketchup, salt, pepper, cheese, parsley. Here is a yurt (yaranga? Tent?):

05. Sailboat:

06. Hut:

07. This piece is called "rider»:

08. Here are also beautiful. It was a mammoth, you understand. Here the authors:

09. But the author of the hut, the artist's fish:

10. The most delicious - a steak. Sliced - just shavings of raw frozen fish. No treatment. No culinary procedures. Frozen fish, sharp knife. Salt and black pepper to taste. Nastrogal, dipped in salt and pepper - and mouth. As fatty fish (usually whitefish or other whitefish family), there is no feeling that you bite the ice: in the language to feel cool, but this is not cool chilling.
A special place is given to the festival stroganina competition - who will nastrogat frozen fish:

11. The fish should be cleaned and at a pace very quickly planed slices:

12. Stands viewers experience:

13. Which team will be the first planed to stroganina bunch red rope, and she won:

14. nastrogat fish with no experience is not easy, but with the experience - not difficult. For a start it is necessary to clean the fish. As the potatoes with a knife. She firmly frozen:

15. And then from the tail to the head removed chips 5-10 mm thickness. The fish can be to rest his nose in the ground or a plate and whittled away, and there are devices with a focus that lets you put the fish on his knees and whittling yourself.

16. When all the tasty sostrugano remains and the remains of the backbone that can go on your ear, for example:

17. A special dish - salad "Indigirka". This is the same steak, only cut into cubes 1x1 cm and mixed with onions and other additives. Something like Olivier. And of course the steak is particularly good with vodka (which in Moscow, I generally do not drink, but here are amazing). And, the better to drink vodka from ice glasses. Just do not know how to be in Moscow are namorozit:

18. In second place after stroganina in Yakutia is young horse meat:

19. Some directly from the pedigree.
Now I know what my favorite dish - steak. Baked potato and soup Tom Yam Shrimp gently back down to the second and third place. And as always, I was lucky: the world of all the meals is to eat steak in Moscow nowhere - there is no fish, no sanitation. After all, raw fish should freezout while at -30, -40 - guaranteed to ubilis parasites (which, I think, to the Yakut and no fish at all, but you do not want to check). In general, in Moscow, I went back with a pile of smoked fish (whitefish, whitefish, whitefish from yucca) and a large bag of ice cream Chira. On the advice of experienced tied polyethylene, tightly fitted a tape, upihnul into warm ski pants, jackets and so wrapped put into the baggage: 7 hours trip is thawed. Stroganina will do for the New Year. God forbid anyone to visit Yakutia and bring out this ice cream at Chira stroganina! »
