A day in the life of the fish farm. Belarus.
Will text and 27 photos. Do not break please.
1 $ = 8600 rubles.
On last year's consumer boom in the fish in the fish farm "Luban" (Minsk region) today, remember, sad sigh: if the year back in the day was possible to sell, and 800 kg of live fish, now on average - 200 ... This was the director of the fish farm Sergei Makarenko showing journalists TUT.BY their possessions: 31 stocking the pond, located on 2, 5 thousand hectares.
Why Belarusian fish began to buy less? As it is grown, how many are employees of the fish farm and why drivers leave, despite the 500-dollar salary? This, as well as how fish farm is struggling with active fish eaters - cormorants, and "big and clean," Baklanov love - in the report by our correspondent.
Today fish farm grows about 10 species of fish: carp, grass carp, silver carp, catfish, carp, pike; this year - more sturgeon and trout. This year, the director of the fish farm, according to the plan - to grow up 2, 2 thousand tons, and has 1, 4 ths. Tons of fish caught fish farm.
Growing fish may take 2 or 3 years. "In three years, the fish can grow 1-1, 5 kg, and costs should be more, more feed, - says Sergey Makarenko. - When the larva is received, it is first put in vyrastnoy pond. There have 18. There the larva develops season - from spring until autumn. During this time grows fingerlings, the fish becomes a commodity, and in the spring it is transplanted into the feeding pond. They have 13 pieces ".
Samu larva can be obtained in two ways - natural and artificial. With natural seems to be clear: put the fish into the pond producers - male and female, and they lay eggs. Under adverse conditions - for example, not lucky with the weather - the larvae of "produce" in the incubation shop. Unfortunately, the view from the inside did not work - at the time of our stay in the fish farm shop not working.
According to the director, the majority of fish feed on the farm mixed fodder: the water in the ponds feeding down a special structure, similar to a catamaran, on top of it is filled with feed. "If the fish are hungry, then swim to the pins, which are located below the construction, as it pulls them, and she poured feed", - says Sergey Makarenko. It is, simply put, samokormushki. Each pond, he said, floating 17-18 such facilities.
"To fish added kilogram, it is necessary that she ate 3, 5 kg of feed, and the Food and 4. purchase spring and feed the fish from April to August. This year bought about 7 million tons of feed. And then begin to ponds "to fish", - says Sergey Makarenko. - Oblov lasts from August to November ».
The territory of the fish farm is divided, as it were into two parts - on the one hand there are ponds where the fish lives on the other - an area where the fishing on the fish when the water goes down - so that the fish stayed in the shallows, and it could seine catch. But not the networks, stresses the director. "Plugged fish port, for example, scales slazit etc., - he explains. - That's a pond, for example, 100 tons of fish, try to catch her nets! »
Down water with the help of special hydraulic structures of iron. According to the director, originally built fish farms taking into account the features of the landscape is one part where the water is filled with fish, higher than the place where the water is drained. Since all fish farms built, he adds.
When the fish has been caught, it is sent to the sorting base:
The man in the shop first to receive rybu.V sorting sorting fish shop separated by size and type, and weighed.
However, here the fish is not directly on sale and, as a rule, first to overexposure. "If the right to sell, so there were no problems. But after sorting, we will send it to another pond where it will be expected to turn up for sale. There, and in the winter the fish usually lives, but it has no food, and, of course, the longer it's there, "waiting", the more thin. We are not at hand ».
Here's the place to fish overexposure:
Overexposure is not always in the indoor space. Under the roof "expects" only a small number of fish - most goes to another "waiting room" - in the open air. This 70 wintering pond for 1, 5 ha each. These ponds:
Bright spots in the ponds stuffed in sweaters, shirts and scarves. This is to scare cormorants, explains the director.
"Usually we have them still wrapped with all sorts of brilliant films, and when they sway in the wind, cormorants somehow afraid. And then not always. Usually they make fish "collective" hunt to chase shoals it, then dive and eat - he says. - Therefore, we have to fight cormorants. Our fish farm, like many others, have a certain quota of their shooting. "
In support of the murder of the birds in the fish farm must pass a beak and legs cormorants killed. "And before the hunters could one fish farm tabs bring in another beak", - said the director. If this part of the body the gray heron, the hunter receives for them 2 kg of fresh fish if cormorant - 3 kg. Money hunters, according to the director, not calculated.
"Recently, in Novolukoml shags pootrezali beaks so they Vitebsk region to us here in Minsk arrived a few. We noticed a hunter, two Cormorant together somehow hold, looked carefully - one without a beak, and the second with a beak. Later saw the one with the beak, ducks and fish feed that without beak ... - says the director. - Well it's you imagine, he nourished his dying still there, in the Vitebsk region, arrived here and immediately fed! People do not always do. To throw off the burden somewhere, and that's all! »
Rybhoz "Luban" the main emphasis in the implementation of the fish makes to "their" trade: at 2am every day or every few days, the machine is loaded with fish and seller with a driver in a car with the inscription "Live fish" go to "destination." In all, the fish farm are not so many cars - all exit 20.
Samih outlets at the fish farm a little, "Luban" works only on Mogilev and Minsk region. In Minsk, for example, his "point" fish farm is only in the Frunze district. Part of the production is sold on Komarovsky market - the fish farm in the company store "Selets».
"So in the Ministry of Agriculture decided. For example, in the Brest region of its six fish farms, so why should we go there? - Says Sergey Makarenko. - Through the store we sell only 30% of its fish, the rest - for yourself: hire salespeople to sell and ship. So far, all the fish will not be sold, the car is not returned. If necessary, the seller with a driver staying at the hotel or somewhere else to sleep. It happens, and three days stay because can not sell ».
In overseas markets fish farm has not come out and tell the marketing department. "Recently, we have already made in the register of the right to export its products to the countries of the Customs Union. In this register, not all of the 19 state fish farms, - say in the marketing department. - In the spring of Russian entrepreneurs interested in our fish because they have to spring it is already ending. But in general in Russia is their fish, so how well they succeed in promoting Belarus, it is difficult to predict ».
However, if the sellers on the fish farm missing, then the drivers - a problem. "I do not want to work, despite the fact that 5 million is obtained," - throws up his hands the director. At the same time recognize the fish farm: the work of a driver is not entirely driver. The driver turns the steering wheel is not just to your destination and back again - he still needs help to cope with the fish seller, told TUT.BY explained in the marketing department.
In the past year, says the director, "the fish was okay." "And this tugovato. Now, however, it increased in price milk, bread, meat, and even if the price will rise, because the demand for fish and restored - suggests Makarenko. - Rise in price of vodka from the implementation of our fish is completely independent, but if the more expensive meat and milk, the fish usually just start buying more actively ».
At the same time, the director of the fish farm, a rise in price of meat and milk will not be enough to demand for fish has increased dramatically. "In the Mogilev region are taking has the cheapest fish, fine, but do not have enough purchasing power of people, apparently. Three days there, idle and we come back loaded with fish. If last year we have 800 kg per day were sold, in this - 200, although the price has changed since last year only 10 thousand: it was 20 thousand per kg, was 30 ».
However, often there are prices higher. Sergey Makarenko agrees that it may be expensive, but less than 30 thousand per kilo sell fish does not make sense, "otherwise we will simply work at a loss" because the price of fish "is not taken from the sky».
"60% of the price of a kilogram of fish cost of animal feed, and he in price compared with last year has tripled: from 900 to 2700 rubles per kilogram. Of course, part of the salary to workers laid, we have on average the fish farm - 3, 6 million. Total salaries fish farms allocated 450 million rubles. We also paid for the loan feed. We're on the purchase of feed for the fish took a soft loan of 20 billion, and now every month at 500 million per cent pay. Plus the fixed costs are for electricity, gasoline, depreciation of machinery, taxes and so on. " A total of 160 people working fish farm.
About 10% of farmed fish is in the processing plant. "The fish is smoked, it is made from skewers, marinated slices. Production of cold-smoked enters the market and is very popular, "- says the Deputy Director of Marketing Irina Adamczyk.
According to Irina Adamczyk, this year's "good demand slices of fish fillet skewers of carp, although it was only our feelers." "But with the first ton of farmed sturgeon - a problem. We have invested a lot in this fish, it is very useful, but as long as we can not sell - sold only half a ton. " Although the case, too, perhaps in the price: no one can give more than 100 thousand per kg Belarusian sturgeon.
"True" fish through hypermarkets - is not an option. And it's not just sturgeon - hypermarkets, according to Irina Adamczyk, in principle, take over the implementation of no more than 50 kg of fish. "And sell them 2 weeks", - the expert adds.
"And why not open up more of its branded stores? Maybe people just do not know you? "- I'm interested in the director. But such prospects Sergei Makarenko is looking skeptical contain the shop - a costly business: Pay rent, communal, etc., and a kilo of fish, he says, all will cost 40 thousand. "Who will buy it? - He asked. - In principle, we have a good margin - 14%. Some money also brings the organization paid amateur fishing in season. Fisherman pays 65 thousand for the ticket, its price includes 3 kg of fish caught. " On average, they told the fish farm, attracts about 150 people per season.
As long as the fish farm - only one company store, and it is located close to the fish farm itself. "Recently we have modernized - have made repairs and took one more vendor to change the mode of work - is now guaranteed. And really began to buy more, but not much - a small shop ».
After strolling for rybhozovskim spaces, I could not understand - like all organized well and clearly. And once there is a shop where you can buy ... svezhiny And I realized - well svezhiny buy on the spot, but small: obviously not enough if the firm is not a restaurant, so at least the cafe, where chefs might delight guests fish dishes. Even though that Luban - a small town with a population of just over 10,000, this kind of facility would probably have been popular. And would build a couple of houses, and with all the people of Belarus would be reached. The fish farm with the consent and say, in the near future plans to do something like open a fish restaurant and canning plant.
Fish farming in the Republic of Belarus is 19 specialized organizations. At their disposal are 20,000 hectares of ponds, which are grown carp, silver carp, grass carp, tench, pike, catfish, as well as valuable commercial species - sturgeon and trout. The largest percentage (78%) of the total amount of marketable fish pond carp. In total, excluding the import of aquaculture products of the total fish production in the country is about 55%, taking into account all fishery products entering the Belarusian market - 7%.
That's all I wanted to say.
1 $ = 8600 rubles.
On last year's consumer boom in the fish in the fish farm "Luban" (Minsk region) today, remember, sad sigh: if the year back in the day was possible to sell, and 800 kg of live fish, now on average - 200 ... This was the director of the fish farm Sergei Makarenko showing journalists TUT.BY their possessions: 31 stocking the pond, located on 2, 5 thousand hectares.
Why Belarusian fish began to buy less? As it is grown, how many are employees of the fish farm and why drivers leave, despite the 500-dollar salary? This, as well as how fish farm is struggling with active fish eaters - cormorants, and "big and clean," Baklanov love - in the report by our correspondent.
Today fish farm grows about 10 species of fish: carp, grass carp, silver carp, catfish, carp, pike; this year - more sturgeon and trout. This year, the director of the fish farm, according to the plan - to grow up 2, 2 thousand tons, and has 1, 4 ths. Tons of fish caught fish farm.




Growing fish may take 2 or 3 years. "In three years, the fish can grow 1-1, 5 kg, and costs should be more, more feed, - says Sergey Makarenko. - When the larva is received, it is first put in vyrastnoy pond. There have 18. There the larva develops season - from spring until autumn. During this time grows fingerlings, the fish becomes a commodity, and in the spring it is transplanted into the feeding pond. They have 13 pieces ".
Samu larva can be obtained in two ways - natural and artificial. With natural seems to be clear: put the fish into the pond producers - male and female, and they lay eggs. Under adverse conditions - for example, not lucky with the weather - the larvae of "produce" in the incubation shop. Unfortunately, the view from the inside did not work - at the time of our stay in the fish farm shop not working.
According to the director, the majority of fish feed on the farm mixed fodder: the water in the ponds feeding down a special structure, similar to a catamaran, on top of it is filled with feed. "If the fish are hungry, then swim to the pins, which are located below the construction, as it pulls them, and she poured feed", - says Sergey Makarenko. It is, simply put, samokormushki. Each pond, he said, floating 17-18 such facilities.


"To fish added kilogram, it is necessary that she ate 3, 5 kg of feed, and the Food and 4. purchase spring and feed the fish from April to August. This year bought about 7 million tons of feed. And then begin to ponds "to fish", - says Sergey Makarenko. - Oblov lasts from August to November ».
The territory of the fish farm is divided, as it were into two parts - on the one hand there are ponds where the fish lives on the other - an area where the fishing on the fish when the water goes down - so that the fish stayed in the shallows, and it could seine catch. But not the networks, stresses the director. "Plugged fish port, for example, scales slazit etc., - he explains. - That's a pond, for example, 100 tons of fish, try to catch her nets! »
Down water with the help of special hydraulic structures of iron. According to the director, originally built fish farms taking into account the features of the landscape is one part where the water is filled with fish, higher than the place where the water is drained. Since all fish farms built, he adds.
When the fish has been caught, it is sent to the sorting base:

The man in the shop first to receive rybu.V sorting sorting fish shop separated by size and type, and weighed.







However, here the fish is not directly on sale and, as a rule, first to overexposure. "If the right to sell, so there were no problems. But after sorting, we will send it to another pond where it will be expected to turn up for sale. There, and in the winter the fish usually lives, but it has no food, and, of course, the longer it's there, "waiting", the more thin. We are not at hand ».
Here's the place to fish overexposure:


Overexposure is not always in the indoor space. Under the roof "expects" only a small number of fish - most goes to another "waiting room" - in the open air. This 70 wintering pond for 1, 5 ha each. These ponds:


Bright spots in the ponds stuffed in sweaters, shirts and scarves. This is to scare cormorants, explains the director.
"Usually we have them still wrapped with all sorts of brilliant films, and when they sway in the wind, cormorants somehow afraid. And then not always. Usually they make fish "collective" hunt to chase shoals it, then dive and eat - he says. - Therefore, we have to fight cormorants. Our fish farm, like many others, have a certain quota of their shooting. "
In support of the murder of the birds in the fish farm must pass a beak and legs cormorants killed. "And before the hunters could one fish farm tabs bring in another beak", - said the director. If this part of the body the gray heron, the hunter receives for them 2 kg of fresh fish if cormorant - 3 kg. Money hunters, according to the director, not calculated.
"Recently, in Novolukoml shags pootrezali beaks so they Vitebsk region to us here in Minsk arrived a few. We noticed a hunter, two Cormorant together somehow hold, looked carefully - one without a beak, and the second with a beak. Later saw the one with the beak, ducks and fish feed that without beak ... - says the director. - Well it's you imagine, he nourished his dying still there, in the Vitebsk region, arrived here and immediately fed! People do not always do. To throw off the burden somewhere, and that's all! »

Rybhoz "Luban" the main emphasis in the implementation of the fish makes to "their" trade: at 2am every day or every few days, the machine is loaded with fish and seller with a driver in a car with the inscription "Live fish" go to "destination." In all, the fish farm are not so many cars - all exit 20.
Samih outlets at the fish farm a little, "Luban" works only on Mogilev and Minsk region. In Minsk, for example, his "point" fish farm is only in the Frunze district. Part of the production is sold on Komarovsky market - the fish farm in the company store "Selets».
"So in the Ministry of Agriculture decided. For example, in the Brest region of its six fish farms, so why should we go there? - Says Sergey Makarenko. - Through the store we sell only 30% of its fish, the rest - for yourself: hire salespeople to sell and ship. So far, all the fish will not be sold, the car is not returned. If necessary, the seller with a driver staying at the hotel or somewhere else to sleep. It happens, and three days stay because can not sell ».
In overseas markets fish farm has not come out and tell the marketing department. "Recently, we have already made in the register of the right to export its products to the countries of the Customs Union. In this register, not all of the 19 state fish farms, - say in the marketing department. - In the spring of Russian entrepreneurs interested in our fish because they have to spring it is already ending. But in general in Russia is their fish, so how well they succeed in promoting Belarus, it is difficult to predict ».
However, if the sellers on the fish farm missing, then the drivers - a problem. "I do not want to work, despite the fact that 5 million is obtained," - throws up his hands the director. At the same time recognize the fish farm: the work of a driver is not entirely driver. The driver turns the steering wheel is not just to your destination and back again - he still needs help to cope with the fish seller, told TUT.BY explained in the marketing department.
In the past year, says the director, "the fish was okay." "And this tugovato. Now, however, it increased in price milk, bread, meat, and even if the price will rise, because the demand for fish and restored - suggests Makarenko. - Rise in price of vodka from the implementation of our fish is completely independent, but if the more expensive meat and milk, the fish usually just start buying more actively ».
At the same time, the director of the fish farm, a rise in price of meat and milk will not be enough to demand for fish has increased dramatically. "In the Mogilev region are taking has the cheapest fish, fine, but do not have enough purchasing power of people, apparently. Three days there, idle and we come back loaded with fish. If last year we have 800 kg per day were sold, in this - 200, although the price has changed since last year only 10 thousand: it was 20 thousand per kg, was 30 ».
However, often there are prices higher. Sergey Makarenko agrees that it may be expensive, but less than 30 thousand per kilo sell fish does not make sense, "otherwise we will simply work at a loss" because the price of fish "is not taken from the sky».
"60% of the price of a kilogram of fish cost of animal feed, and he in price compared with last year has tripled: from 900 to 2700 rubles per kilogram. Of course, part of the salary to workers laid, we have on average the fish farm - 3, 6 million. Total salaries fish farms allocated 450 million rubles. We also paid for the loan feed. We're on the purchase of feed for the fish took a soft loan of 20 billion, and now every month at 500 million per cent pay. Plus the fixed costs are for electricity, gasoline, depreciation of machinery, taxes and so on. " A total of 160 people working fish farm.
About 10% of farmed fish is in the processing plant. "The fish is smoked, it is made from skewers, marinated slices. Production of cold-smoked enters the market and is very popular, "- says the Deputy Director of Marketing Irina Adamczyk.





According to Irina Adamczyk, this year's "good demand slices of fish fillet skewers of carp, although it was only our feelers." "But with the first ton of farmed sturgeon - a problem. We have invested a lot in this fish, it is very useful, but as long as we can not sell - sold only half a ton. " Although the case, too, perhaps in the price: no one can give more than 100 thousand per kg Belarusian sturgeon.
"True" fish through hypermarkets - is not an option. And it's not just sturgeon - hypermarkets, according to Irina Adamczyk, in principle, take over the implementation of no more than 50 kg of fish. "And sell them 2 weeks", - the expert adds.
"And why not open up more of its branded stores? Maybe people just do not know you? "- I'm interested in the director. But such prospects Sergei Makarenko is looking skeptical contain the shop - a costly business: Pay rent, communal, etc., and a kilo of fish, he says, all will cost 40 thousand. "Who will buy it? - He asked. - In principle, we have a good margin - 14%. Some money also brings the organization paid amateur fishing in season. Fisherman pays 65 thousand for the ticket, its price includes 3 kg of fish caught. " On average, they told the fish farm, attracts about 150 people per season.
As long as the fish farm - only one company store, and it is located close to the fish farm itself. "Recently we have modernized - have made repairs and took one more vendor to change the mode of work - is now guaranteed. And really began to buy more, but not much - a small shop ».
After strolling for rybhozovskim spaces, I could not understand - like all organized well and clearly. And once there is a shop where you can buy ... svezhiny And I realized - well svezhiny buy on the spot, but small: obviously not enough if the firm is not a restaurant, so at least the cafe, where chefs might delight guests fish dishes. Even though that Luban - a small town with a population of just over 10,000, this kind of facility would probably have been popular. And would build a couple of houses, and with all the people of Belarus would be reached. The fish farm with the consent and say, in the near future plans to do something like open a fish restaurant and canning plant.


Fish farming in the Republic of Belarus is 19 specialized organizations. At their disposal are 20,000 hectares of ponds, which are grown carp, silver carp, grass carp, tench, pike, catfish, as well as valuable commercial species - sturgeon and trout. The largest percentage (78%) of the total amount of marketable fish pond carp. In total, excluding the import of aquaculture products of the total fish production in the country is about 55%, taking into account all fishery products entering the Belarusian market - 7%.
That's all I wanted to say.
