On an open fire: 9 very original recipes

Fish is ideal for an open fire: it is quickly marinated and quickly prepared. And so it remains juicy, tender, tasty, but still infused with the fragrant smoke. It is impossible to resist! And so we offer you to diversify this weekend cooking unusual beautiful and appetizing masterpieces from marine fish.
Skewers of salmon with honey glaze

You will need:
- 600 g fillet of salmon
- 200 g peeled shrimp
- salt, ground black pepper
- juice of 0.5 lemon
- 2-3 drops Worcestershire sauce
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 200 g of cherry tomatoes
For the glaze:
- 3 sprigs Basil
- juice of 2 lemons
- 50 g of liquid honey
4 servings
45 min
300 kcal
Fillet of salmon and shrimp, rinse and dry. Fish cut into cubes and alternating with shrimp pinned on the skewers. Mix the lemon juice with Worcester sauce. Skewers and season with salt and pepper, drizzle with the mixture and leave for 10 mins to Make the glaze. Basil wash, dry, pluck leaves and chop. Lemon juice combine with honey and slightly warm. Add Basil. Grill to reheat. Fish with shrimp on skewers with olive oil and sear on the grill for 8-10 minutes, periodically lubricating coating. Cherry wash and cut into halves. Ready the kebabs, arrange on plates, decorate with cherry halves. Served hot.
Skewers of cod with pepper
Fast, easy, tasty

You will need:
- 4 tbsp lemon juice
- 4 tablespoons vinegar
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 2 carrots
- lime juice
- salt, black pepper to taste
For 2 servings
55 min
345 kcal
Rinse fillets in cold tap water, dry, sprinkle with lemon juice and cut into pieces the size of 2-3 cm. Pepper wash, remove seeds and stalk, the pulp cut into slices 2-3 cm thick Carrots wash, peel, cut into small cubes. To combine the vinegar and sugar, mix well, pour this mixture of chopped carrots, leave on for 30 minutes. Cod, slices of carrots and sliced peppers strung alternately on skewers, season with salt and pepper. To roast on an open fire until Golden brown. Before serving, pour lime juice.
Grilled mackerel, marinade with rosemary – flavored

You will need:
- 3 sprigs of rosemary
- 4 tbsp lemon juice
- oil for frying
- salt and pepper to taste
30 min.
235 kcal
Fish to gut, cut off his head, thoroughly rinse the carcass of the mackerel and Pat dry with paper towels. Fill the fish with salt, leave for 15 min, shake off the excess salt, and pepper. With rosemary to break the leaves, pound in a mortar. To connect with crushed rosemary, lemon juice and 1 Cup water. Pour the marinade the fish and leave for 1 h. the Bars to warm up, lubricate with oil. To get the fish from the marinade, remove the backbone, "to flatten". To fix the grill the mackerel and fry on both sides until Golden brown.
Hake in orange frosting. Unusual!

You will need:
For the sauce:
- 1 chili pepper
- 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
- 100 g pulp of pineapple
- 100 g of pulp melon
For the glaze:
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 tbsp ground coriander
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- juice of 1 orange
- cilantro for decoration
To 3 servings
30 min.
330 kcal
Hake fillet wash, dry, cut into portions. To make the frosting. In a large bowl combine orange juice, sugar and soy sauce, mix well, add oil and coriander, mix well again. Pour a mixture of hake fillets, leave for 10 mins to Make the sauce. Pineapple and melon cut into slices. Chili pepper wash, dry, remove seeds, flesh cut into. Connect the fruit with pepper and vinegar, and grind all using a blender. Grill very hot, place the fish and fry for 1 min on each side. Sprinkle with coriander. Sauce to submit separately.
Perch grilled in a lemon butter sauce

You will need:
- 800 g fillets of sea bass
- 2 tbsp chopped dill
- 2 tsp nutmeg
- 100 ml lemon juice
For the sauce:
- 125 ml cream
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 50 g butter
- 2 tbsp chopped green onions
- ground black pepper
- salt
4 servings
30 min.
230 kcal
To make the sauce. Lemon juice to reduce to half its volume, pour the cream and stir. Then gradually, stirring, add oil, and when it is melted, put green onion. To combine lemon juice and dill, mix well. Fish fillets sprinkled with salt, nutmeg, pepper, pour the juice mixture with the dill, put it on 3 hours in the refrigerator. Grill to reheat. Fry the fish on the grill until tender for 5-10 minutes each side. Serve the fish hot, watering a lemon butter sauce.
Baked flounder with unusual fillings

You will need:For the marinade:
For the filling:
- 1 medium onion
- 1 hard-boiled egg
4 servings
45 min
245 kcal
To make the marinade. Combine salt, vinegar, pepper, 2 cups water, mix well. To make the filling. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil. Add the sliced mushrooms and fry until tender, cool. Chop the egg and add it to the mushrooms and season with salt. Fish gut, remove the skin, cut lengthwise into two halves and remove the bone. Then soak the fish in the marinade for 20 minutes For each fish to cook a separate piece of foil and grease it with oil. On the foil lay out one half of the fish, season with salt and pepper, spread a layer of filling, to close the second half of the fish. Tightly wrap the fish in foil. Fry on the grill 20-30 minutes, turning occasionally. Ready to serve right in the foil.
Salmon steaks in Apple cosey Unusual!

You will need:
- 6 salmon steaks (180 g)
- 1 kg of potatoes
- 200 g of hard cheese
- 2 tbsp olive oil
For the sauce:
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp Apple jam
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tbsp spices for fish
For 6 servings
45 min
350 kcal
To make the sauce. To combine olive oil, Apple butter, soy sauce and dried spices. In a baking dish lined with foil, put the steaks and brush them with glaze. Cover with foil and leave it for 10 minutes Then remove foil and put the form under the grill. After 4-5 minutes flip steaks and bake on the reverse side. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin circles. Cheese cut into slices. The oven is heated to 180 °C. greased baking sheet spread, alternating mugs of potato and slices of cheese in the form of multilayered sandwiches. Bake until Golden brown and served with steak.
Grilled salmon, served with spicy mushrooms

You will need:
- 4 salmon steak (150 g)
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- salt and pepper to taste
- 400 g oyster
- 40 g of pine nuts
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 bunches of parsley
- 125 ml olive oil
- 40 g grated cheese
40 min
455 kcal
To make the sauce. Nuts and fry without adding oil. Garlic peel and finely chop. Parsley wash, dry and tear the leaves. Nuts mixed with garlic, parsley, olive oil and blend it in a blender. Add grated cheese, mix well, season with salt and pepper. Each piece of fish to make cuts and fill with sauce. Grill heat. Every piece of salmon oil, season with salt and grill for 15 minutes, turning occasionally. Mushrooms to clean and wash. Strung on skewers, brush with sauce and fry for 2-4 minutes each side.
Grilled Dorada. Delicious and easy!

You will need:
- 4 pieces of fish Dorada
- 1 tbsp thyme
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp rosemary
- salt and pepper to taste
- 50 g butter
- oil for frying
For garnish:
4 servings
30 min.
320 kcal
The fish is cleaned, gut, wash under running water, then Pat dry. Preheat the grill, brush with oil. Pour the Dorado with lemon juice, RUB with thyme and rosemary, pepper, salt. Coat fish with butter on all sides, leave for 5 min. Put on heated grill and sear for 5-7 minutes on each side. Zucchini and tomatoes, wash, dry. Tomatoes cut in half, zucchini cut into slices. Sauté the vegetables on the grill for 4 minutes Ready to serve with roasted vegetables. Bon appetit! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru