Fish-drop (Eng. blobfish) - unique in its kind, it has a repulsive appearance, and many call it the ugliest fish, which is found in marine spaces. This fish lives in deep water, and scientists have attributed it to the family Psihorolyutovyh.
Meet the fish, you can drop into the depths of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. The most common fish found off the coast of a drop of Australia and Tasmania, it is always very deep water - from six to 100 meters. The English call it fish-toad and the Australian bychkom.
Fish-drop has a unique structure of the body, due to which it becomes quite unlike any fish. Body length up to seventy centimeters, it does not have scales and fins. In general, the body of the fish-like drops of a gelatinous mass, whose weight may be up to 10 kg. This fish has big eyes, often referred to as sad, as well as the nose, reminiscent of the human. Sad expression fish-drops is understandable, because she interorbital space wider than the diameter glaza.
Another difference from the rest of the fish is expressed at the lack of fish swim bladder drops. It simply is not necessary at the depth at which inhabit this kind of fish. Swim, fish lets it drop gelatinous structure that supports it and makes no effort to expend movement glubokovode.
For the same reason, this fish has no muscle, it just goes with the flow, jaws wide open in anticipation of falling into her food. Fish-drop can also wait for their victims still "hanging" in the water. The main source of food for her are small invertebrates and plankton. Although this fish can swallow almost anything that is suitable for food and swim itself in her mouth. Fish-drop body is under water drops fish itself produces a gelatinous gel, which consists of. It helps her in this process air bubble inside the tela.
Fish-drop is inedible fish, but in recent years the fishermen of Australia and Tasmania are increasingly catch it with the rest of the deep seabed. The most common fish caught in a net drop of fishermen who hunt for lobsters. It is because of this today, this type of fish is considered to be species, threatened with extinction. What is the drop of the fish on dry land?
Fish-drop is difficult to observe in its natural environment, and therefore science can not give complete information about it. However, science was able to get a very interesting fact that can make fish-drop more attractive in the eyes of the people. This fish is very careful when it comes to her offspring. Very strange and unusual fact - fish-drop "incubates" their eggs. Once the fish spawn, while she is constantly on her, protecting and maintaining the offspring.
After the offspring of fish-drops is born, it begins to deal with its "education". Fry this fish are never left without parental care, they are always close to his mother. At the same time, a drop of fish-fry trying to find the most quiet and hidden from anyone's eyes in deep space, thus diverting them from danger. However, the natural enemies of this fish at a depth almost net.
Today the fish-drop one of the most mysterious and misunderstood creatures on earth. The difficulty in its study due to the fact that she lives too deep under water. However, the popularity of this unique fish does not hold. Internet is infested images of this mysterious creature, which is included in the ratings of the strangest creatures on earth.
Source: mirfactov.com/