
The most ferocious fish
The most dangerous among freshwater fish - Piranha. They live in a wide, slow flowing rivers of South America and attack any living creature, regardless of size. In 1981, in Óbidos, Brazil, they are killed 300 people stranded in the water as a result of a shipwreck.
The oldest fish
In 1948, the aquarium museum Helsingborg, Sweden, reported the death of a female European eel named Patty, who was 88 years old. It is believed that she was born in 1860 in the Sargasso Sea, North Atlantic, and was caught somewhere in the river at 3 years of age.
Fish that can climb a tree
Anabas, or fish-slider, living in South Asia - the only fish that goes on land and even climb trees. She walks the earth in search of more suitable habitat. Gills Anabas adapted to absorb oxygen from moist air.
The biggest fish
The world's largest fish - the whale shark is feeding on plankton and common in the southern parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The largest specimen, according to precise measurements made by scientists, had 12, 65 meters long, 7 meters in circumference of the thickest part of the body and the weight of 15-21 tons. This shark was caught on about. Baba, near Karachi, Pakistan, Nov. 11, 1949
The largest freshwater fish - catfish. In the XIX century. in Russia was caught catfish length of 4, 6 meters and a weight of 336 kg. Nowadays, any freshwater fish, whose length is greater than 1, 83 m and weighs 90 kg, is considered large.
Fastest fish
Fastest fish - sailboat. In a series of tests carried out in a fishing camp Long Key pieces. Florida, United States, sailboat sailed 91 m 3 s, which is equivalent to the speed of 109 km / h.
Most deep-water fish
It is believed that of all vertebrates at the largest depth bassogigas live fish. On the research vessel John Eliot caught bassogigasa at a depth of 8000 m.
The smallest fish
Of all marine fish body in a very short dwarf goby that lives in the Indo-Pacific region. According to the results of measurements carried out in 1978-79., The average body length of males was 8, 9 mm, and females - 9 mm.
The smallest and the lightest freshwater fish is a dwarf pandaka. This colorless and almost transparent fish lives in lakes o.Luson, Philippines. Male body length is equal to 7, 5-9, 9 mm and weighs only 4-5 mg.
The smallest commercial fish - sinarapan, goby species, Endangered and found only in Lake buhi about. Luzon, Philippines. Males reach all 10-13 mm in length, and to get briquette dried fish weighing 454 g, requires 70,000 fish.
The largest jellyfish
The largest jellyfish - Arctic tsianeya, common in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, was washed ashore on the Gulf of Massachusetts, USA, in 1970. The diameter of its umbrella, or a bell, was equal to 2, 28 m, and the length of the tentacles 36, 5 m.