Scientists assembled thought fish

Researchers have developed a way to track nerve signals in the brain of larval fish zebrafish using a sensitive fluorescent marker. Zebrafish is widely used for the study of genetics and developmental processes in vertebrates. The fact that the larvae of these fish head translucent, so they can literally look into the brain.
To understand what is really going on in the brains of these fish, it developed a genetically modified protein called GCaMP7a, which glows under a fluorescent microscope. Especially it was bred transgenic zebrafish, in whose body includes the protein. When the fish sees something in their environment, her eyes are moving, and the protein in the brain allows you to see it.
Live Paramecium - single-celled organism, a typical production of zebrafish - was placed in a tank of fish larvae so that she easily saw production, but could not get it. Again, nerve signals were seen in fish brain when the larva track the movement of zebrafish. However, no outbreaks have occurred when unicellular remained motionless.
Later paramecium placed in a tank with fish and zebrafish can freely swim and hunt for potential prey. Surprisingly, while brain activity was zero fish - it simply noted the presence of paramecium and swam toward her.
via factroom.ru
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