Collection of ancient recipes: Body

Texts of recipes from the book by V.V. Pokhlebkin and N.I. Kovalev are a collection of old pre-revolutionary recipes and our simple version depicted in the photo.

NI KOVALEV "Russian Cuisine", 2000 (... as a manual for students of higher educational institutions).


Now only one of the varieties of fisheyes is called as fisheye (Fig. 16). In the old days, this word had a broader meaning: this was the name of all dishes from the crushed flesh of fish (“body”). Therefore, cold snacks were prepared from the shop (circle with horseradish), dumplings for soups (ear with torch, ear with), fillings for pies and pies (podnya pie with a room, etc.), stuffed fish (Sudakov, pike, etc.) were made with it, caravais were baked from it, baked dishes imitating temporal (finish, turkey, etc.) were prepared in the post. Unfortunately, most of these dishes are now completely forgotten, and the way of cooking has changed.

607. Body (old method of cooking).

“A pike or perch shall be stripped from the bones, beaten with the butt of a knife; diffuse flour in water liquidly and lubricate it for communication in the continuation of whipping.”

Fish flesh 0.5 kg, wheat flour 30, water 100.

608. Body without flour. Take pikes, nalimov, pike or other small-boned fish with white flesh (body), separated from the bones and kicked in a wooden cup. Then add salt, ground pepper and stir until the mass is not separated from the hands and cup.

609. Body with white bread.

The flesh of the fish (file without bones and skin) is grinded through a meat grinder, wheat bread soaked in milk, water or cream is added, well stirred, grinded again, salt, pepper is added and thoroughly mixed.

Fish fillets 800g


milk, water or cream 320ml,

salt, pepper.

610. Body circles.

The mass is formed in the form of a roll, wrapped in a napkin, tightly tied the edges of the napkin, lowered in fish broth or water, boiled until ready (the napkin rises and begins to lag behind the current), cooled in the same broth, removed, oh-cooked, cut into mugs and served with horseradish, vinegar, mustard.

611. Body (pie stuffing).

The boiled onion is cut into small pieces, pastered onions are added and stirred.

Boiled 0.5 kg, onions 50, vegetable oil 20.

612. Body hot.

Boiled roulette is cut into mugs, pour them with steam sauce, saffron, tomato or other, brought to a boil and served with different side dishes.

613. Pike stuffed in the old-fashioned way.

This dish was called “Pike turned away”. The pike is cleaned of scales, cut the skin at the head with a ring and remove it with a “stocking”, pruning the flesh at the fins. Then cut the spine at the tail fin so that the tail remains near the skin. The carcass is cut off the head, gutted it, washed well, the pulp is separated from the bones and the resulting pulp is prepared in any way. It is necessary to take additional flesh from another fish. Along with the fish flesh, raw onions are ground and then a raw egg is added.

Body mass stuffed skin, put the head, wrap the carcass in a napkin, tied with twine and cooked with the addition of salt, spices, onions. In broth or water for boiling pike, onion husks can be added to the broth to turn yellow. Then the stuffed pike is cooled in the same decoction, removed from the decoction, unfolded, cut across, warmed up in a sauce or cooled decoction, the pieces are laid on a dish in the form of a whole carcass, watering with sauce (saffron, white, steam). Boiled potatoes. Amateurs are sprinkled when serving stuffed pike with chopped garlic.

The recipe depends on the size of the pike. For pike weighing about 1.5 kg, you need to take wheat bread 150, milk 200, eggs 1-2 pcs, onions 100.

614. Old-fashioned sudak

Sudak is cleaned of scales, gills and eyes are removed from the head, on the back on the sides of the dorsal fin, incisions are made from the head to the end of the abdominal cavity, cutting the rib bones. After that, the spine is broken out along with the fin and the fish is gutted through the formed hole. You will get a fish carcass with a cut on the back – a “boat”. Inside carefully remove rib bones (you can leave them). “Boat” is stuffed (with onions and eggs), the incision is sewn, the carcass is wrapped in a napkin and then cooked like a stuffed pike.

615. Cutlets and fish chops.

Prepare a fish cutting with bread, form from it bits or cutlets, pan them in ground wheat crackers, fry with fat or vegetable oil on both sides, warm up 5-10 minutes in the oven and serve with various garnish.

Per serving: fish fillet 80, wheat bread 24, milk or water 32, salt, pepper, fat or vegetable oil 10-15, crackers 10.

616. They're chopped fish.

The word “zrazy” came into our life only in the XVIII century, probably from the Polish language, but the dish itself was known for a long time. The prepared body mass (as for cutlets) is formed in the form of flatbreads with a thickness of about 1-1.5 cm, mince is placed in the middle, it is closed with an oval shape, the products are panned in crackers, fried in a frying pan with fat and brought to readiness in the oven.

For minced meat: fresh mushrooms are peeled, sliced in small pieces and roasted with onions or dry mushrooms are boiled, then sliced and roasted with onions, added salt, pepper. Serves with various vegetable side dishes or buckwheat porridge.

Per serving: fish pulp 80, wheat bread 24, milk or water 32, salt, pepper.

For mince: mushrooms fresh 30 or dry 10, fat 20.

617. Body (spinned eyes).

Prepare a lot for a room with bread and milk. On the water-moistened towel put mince, form eyeglasses with sharp ends and give them the shape of a crescent. Then the wraths are moistened in a whipped egg, panned in crackers and fried in a large amount of fat, warmed up in the oven. Garnished with green peas, fried potatoes. The tomato sauce is served separately.

For minced meat: boiled mushrooms are finely sliced, passered onions, chopped boiled eggs, parsley greens, ground crackers are added.

Per portion: fish (file) 80-90, wheat bread 24-25, milk 32-35.

For mince: onions 40, fat 5, mushrooms fresh 30, eggs 1/4 pcs., crackers 2, greens.

618. The lorry room.

In the prepared fish cutting (a room with bread and milk) add melted butter, yolks of raw eggs and mix thoroughly. Then, carefully stirring, well-whipped egg whites are added. The form is lubricated with oil, sprinkled with crackers, filled to 3/4 height with a prepared mass and baked. You can lubricate the form with oil, fill with a prepared mass and boil it, putting it in boiling water, or steam.

Fish (file) 200, wheat bread 30, milk 50, eggs 1/2 - 1 pc., butter 10 and 10 more for lubrication.

619. It's an imitation. The companions of the Patriarch of Antioch Macarius were amazed that they were treated to the post with hams, chickens, piglets made of fish, and so skillfully that it was difficult to distinguish them from the real ones. For “vice”, for example, the mass was prepared from the flesh of pike or perch with the addition of salmon fish having pink flesh, given the appropriate shape, fried or baked.

V.V. Pokhlebkin "National cuisines of our peoples"


According to the type of fillet used - whole or crushed - distinguish between whole and pelted. For both types of fish there is river and sea fish, and for whole fish should take not particularly large fish - better length up to 30-35 cm, any fish, as well as ready-made fish fillet can be used. Preparation consists of two operations - preparation and boiling it in boiling water with spices.


  • 750g of fish,
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour,
  • 0.5 bulbs,
  • 0.5 parsley roots,
  • 2-3 bay leaves,
  • 7-8 black pepper peas,
  • 0.25 tsp. of anise or fennel seeds,
  • 2 spoonfuls of salt with top,
  • 1.25 liters of water.
1. Fish clean of scales and fins, spread along the ridge into two halves, without removing the skin, free each half of the bones and tightly curl up in the form of a roll, tie a thread so that it does not unfold. The folded halves of the fish are well rolled in flour and laid tightly in a gauze or bison napkin or a special bag, tightly bandaging it with a severe thread or twine.

2. Prepare salted boiling water with onions and spices and lower it in a napkin for 15 minutes.

3. Allow to cool in a napkin for 5 minutes, then take out and serve in a warm form with the same side dishes as boiled fish (see above). You can also serve cold with horseradish, for which you can put it pre-cold and let it freeze.


  • 500g fish fillets,
  • 1 egg,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 1 tbsp dill,
  • 0.5 spoonfuls of black pepper,
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat or rye flour,
  • 1 tbsp of parsley greens,
  • 0.5 tspsp. of salt for the flat,
  • 2 spoonfuls of broth salt,
  • 1 litre of water.
Fillet chop in pieces no larger than 0.5 x 1 cm, stretch with a wooden spoon, mix with finely chopped onions and spices, then add a whipped egg, 1 tbsp. spoon of flour, mix everything into a homogeneous mass, form it in the form of a thick sausage, wax in the remaining flour and tightly wrap with a napkin (gauz, bison, linen), tied with a severe thread or twine. To boil the same as the whole.


Body can not only boil, but also fry. To do this, from the mass (see the recipe above), it is necessary to form small meatballs, crush them in flour (best in rice) and roast in a pan or in a deep pan on vegetable oil. Serve with lemon and fried potatoes.

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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