In order not to torture myself with the preparation of pigeons, twist 1 huge cabbage roll, tastes like sarsmal, Romanian blueberries

Farsh in cabbage leaf It can be a great alternative to boring pigeons. Not every hostess wants to spend invaluable minutes twisting treats intricately shaped from naughty cabbage. This recipe will definitely save time and nerves. Just roll a cabbage sheet with minced meat into a little roulette. Fast, tasty and affordable.

Sort of silk in the silk to prepare this. stuffed It can be both on a holiday and on a weekday. We assure you that the dish will be full and nutritious. For its preparation, you will not need any special products, so you will not have to spend extra money and walk around the shops for a long time.

The ingredients
  • 1 cabbage head
  • 500g mince
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot (optional)
  • 100g rice

In this version of the recipe, minced meat will be mixed with rice. But if you want, then you can add to the meat component. bit. Rub the carrots on a large grater and roast them in a pan along with the onions. Cook as it will taste better for your household.

Unusual Roulette Preparation
  1. Carefully remove the hood at the head of the cabbage and lower it boiling. This will help to separate the leaves faster and easier. Moreover, they will become soft, which is useful during the collection of the roulette. Instead of boiling water, you can use a microwave, leaving cabbage there for 7-10 minutes.
  2. Preparing fillings for such unusual pigeons takes very little time. Combine mince, rice and spices in a deep bowl. Stir all the components. Note that the rice should not be fully prepared. The taste of the roll will improve significantly if the cereal reaches inside the dish.

Take a few cabbage leaves and lay them on each other with a margin of 2 cm. It is necessary that this sausage does not begin to fall apart. Add a thin layer of minced meat and be sure to push the sides of the cabbage inside. So small grains of rice will not sleep Roulette. You can keep rolling the cabbage rollers until one of the ingredients runs out. Then cut the bulb with semi-rings and grind the tomato into cubes. Prepare the form for baking and cover it with onion pieces. Put the cabbage-meat rolls on the onion pillow, and the tomato can be placed between these peculiar pigeons.

Burn. kale-leaf It takes about 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees. First, you need to cover the form with foil so that the mince inside for a while. 10 minutes before the completion of the cooking process in the oven, carefully remove the foil. Smear the roulette with an egg and send it to the bake again. You can savor this treat both hot and chilled. If you twist such a roll on conscience, then it does not fall apart and is very easy to cut. Do not forget to serve sour cream or any other sauce to this dish.

Delicious mince in cabbage leaf Careful hostess saw in such a dish notes of Romanian sarmal. These are small doves-roulettes, in which the mince is also wrapped. For this dish, not only cabbage leaves are used, but also grapes. Video recipe fragrant minced in cabbage leaf can be found at the wizard Valeria on the channel “Other Kitchen”. Now there you can look for the ideas of delicious festive dishes for every taste, color and purse.


By the way, any woman can upgrade this recipe as she sees fit. For example, you can prepare cabbage sheets with filling in a round form, turning them into sausage. If this shape is small enough, then you can lay sausages on each other. Don’t be afraid to tear or sprinkle something. This design is much more reliable than any single pigeon.

And to add a tomato note, you can cover cabbage rolls with a pour of tomatoes. Make it very easy. You can rub some fresh tomatoes on a coarse grater or dilute a little tomato paste in warm water. It is not forbidden to add broth and, for example, Bulgarian pepper to the tomato base. Here you need to rely on the imagination of the mistress of the kitchen.

You liked that one. kale-leaf? Or do you prefer the usual pigeons? Do you like to prepare this treat for the festive table? Share your experience in the comments.


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