Sometimes you want the pigeons here and now, but boiling cabbage for so long, it's good that now I know one trick.
Some housewives very rarely cook pigeons, because they think that they will have to mess with them for a long time. Especially puzzling beginner cooks preparation of cabbage leaves. But in order to pamper your family with this delicious dish, you do not need to spend the whole day in the kitchen. After all, you can make blanks from the evening, and wrap the blueberries tomorrow morning or by lunch, for example. There are several ways through which cabbage Prepared, and the cooking time is significantly reduced.
Exactly how it works, we tell in today’s article.
Cabbage for blueberries quickly To harvested cabbage sheets were thin and beautiful, you need to choose the right kind of cabbage. Hard, round and heavy shafts with hard leaves will not work. It is better to take wide and flat specimens, which have smooth and thin leaves. Of the few coaches, choose the one that will be easier.
The methods of cooking cabbage for pigeons are different.
Many housewives soar on cabbage in the traditional way in boiling salted water. Thus, you can simultaneously prepare several heads and prepare them for the future: we pour water into a large pan and salt a little, bring to a boil and lower the prepared cabbage heads there.
To prepare for steaming from the head, it is necessary to remove the spoiled upper leaves and cut the pins. When ready, we remove the leaves, and lower the head back into boiling water until we analyze everything to the last suitable leaf. Workpieces can be divided into portions and frozen in the freezer, prepackaged in packages.
Cabbage can be soured. In a three-liter jar fold the leaves, pour brine and cover with a plastic cover. For brine, take purified water (spring water, from a well) and add 3 tablespoons of ordinary salt to 1 liter of liquid. You need to store banks in a cool dark place. Such cabbage before cooking pigeons should be steamed (boiled a little) to remove the sourness and make the leaves softer and more elastic.
Choose a suitable way to steam cabbage on blueberries, learn how to make blanks with a margin and prepare this dish often, quickly and with pleasure!

Exactly how it works, we tell in today’s article.
Cabbage for blueberries quickly To harvested cabbage sheets were thin and beautiful, you need to choose the right kind of cabbage. Hard, round and heavy shafts with hard leaves will not work. It is better to take wide and flat specimens, which have smooth and thin leaves. Of the few coaches, choose the one that will be easier.

The methods of cooking cabbage for pigeons are different.
- Prepare cabbage for pigeons can be pre-prepared. Before cooking borscht, salt or stew, it is necessary to cut gently from the cabbage top, wrap in a bag and put in the freezer. I decided to make doves - got out and thawed! The leaves are beautiful, malleable and without rough streaks.
- You can freeze the whole cabbage. It needs to be cleaned of the upper leaves, cut out the cap, wrapped in a bag and placed in a freezer. This should be done when the cabbage is a lot and it begins to deteriorate. Then you take it out as needed and unfreeze it when you plan to cook the pigeons.
- Cabbage for blueberries can be quickly cooked in the microwave. The cock should be cleaned (washed), remove the spoiled leaves from it and cut the hatch with a large knife. The microwave should be set at 800 W and soar in it a cabbage head weighing from 1.5 kg to 2 kg 10-12 minutes.
Without supervision, it is desirable not to leave the process and constantly monitor the degree of readiness of the coach. Different varieties of cabbage can be steamed longer or less. When you make sure that the leaves have softened enough, take the cabbage out and cool in cold water or under the tap. And then gently remove sheet after sheet and fold on a plate to then wrap the doves. Or pack the vegetable in a bag for further storage in the freezer until the next case.
Many housewives soar on cabbage in the traditional way in boiling salted water. Thus, you can simultaneously prepare several heads and prepare them for the future: we pour water into a large pan and salt a little, bring to a boil and lower the prepared cabbage heads there.

To prepare for steaming from the head, it is necessary to remove the spoiled upper leaves and cut the pins. When ready, we remove the leaves, and lower the head back into boiling water until we analyze everything to the last suitable leaf. Workpieces can be divided into portions and frozen in the freezer, prepackaged in packages.
Cabbage can be soured. In a three-liter jar fold the leaves, pour brine and cover with a plastic cover. For brine, take purified water (spring water, from a well) and add 3 tablespoons of ordinary salt to 1 liter of liquid. You need to store banks in a cool dark place. Such cabbage before cooking pigeons should be steamed (boiled a little) to remove the sourness and make the leaves softer and more elastic.

Choose a suitable way to steam cabbage on blueberries, learn how to make blanks with a margin and prepare this dish often, quickly and with pleasure!
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