The subtleties of cooking doves
In England they are called “cabbage rolls”, in France – “cabbage cigars”, in Spain – “stuffed cabbage”, in Germany – “sausage in cabbage” or “cabbage sausages”.
Blubers are cooked in different countries, but no matter what you call mince and rice wrapped in cabbage leaves, and the taste does not change. Should I change it? After all, dishes from ordinary cabbage simply do not taste better!
In ideal blueberries, cabbage leaves should be soft, filling - juicy and fragrant, and gravy should enhance and emphasize the taste of the finished dish. But it turns out that, unfortunately, not always. "Site" How to avoid the most common mistakes.
How to prepare blueberries from cabbage
Classic blueberry recipe Ingredients
If all the described actions seem too difficult to you, there is always an alternative - lazy doves.
Tomato sour cream sauce for blueberries
The ingredients
Blus on this recipe are obtained at a glance. Thick and fragrant sauce, and about the filling just nothing to say. Bon appetit, dear readers!

Blubers are cooked in different countries, but no matter what you call mince and rice wrapped in cabbage leaves, and the taste does not change. Should I change it? After all, dishes from ordinary cabbage simply do not taste better!

In ideal blueberries, cabbage leaves should be soft, filling - juicy and fragrant, and gravy should enhance and emphasize the taste of the finished dish. But it turns out that, unfortunately, not always. "Site" How to avoid the most common mistakes.
How to prepare blueberries from cabbage
- Cabbage preparation
Cabbage is the main ingredient and probably the main problem in the preparation of pigeons. It breaks, tears, turns around, hardly chews... Therefore, it is so important to choose the right coach with a dense structure and green thin leaves without thick veins.
In order for the leaves to wrap well, the head must be boiled, and before that, cut the cap. If the streaks on the leaves are too thick, it is better to beat off the leaves with a wooden hammer.
In the water for cooking kochan need to add a little vinegar, then the leaves better retain their integrity and will not tear. Boiling should be stopped immediately when the upper leaves begin to separate from the kochan and become transparent.
Another way to make cabbage leaves softer is to freeze. In the evening put in the freezer, in the morning to get. After thawing cabbage It will look like boiled. - Choice of meat
Classic blueberries are cooked with meat filling. But not every mince is good. With minced beef dish will not be very tasty, as well as dry chicken breast. Therefore, it is necessary to add fat or any other fat. For the perfect taste, mix pork with beef, chicken or turkey. - How to cook rice
Sometimes the housewives simply soak the rice in water, let it swell, then send it to the mince. But that's not enough. The cereal draws juice from meat and vegetables, which greatly affects the taste. Therefore, the rice must first be brought to a boil, boiled for 6-7 minutes, discarded on a coop and only then added to the mince.
Instead of rice, you can take buckwheat, barley and even potatoes, supplementing the filling with fried mushrooms. For a lean version, meat is completely replaced with mushrooms. - How to add vegetables
Farm for pigeons will not taste good without vegetables. In addition to the pleasant taste, they give the filling juicyness. It is advisable to first slightly roast vegetables in oil. Frequently a vegetable passer is divided into two parts. Half is put into sauce and the rest is mixed with meat. - Choosing sauce
The sauce for blueberries largely determines the taste of the finished dish. It is used in baking dishes in the oven, stewing in a pan, in a pan. Cooked in sauce blueberries are tastier, juicier and more appetizing. There are many recipes for making sauce: based on sour cream, tomato paste, fresh tomatoes and even mayonnaise. But tomato sauce It is considered the most popular among the hostess. - How to roll the blueberries
Blubers can be folded in three different ways: cones, rolls or envelopes. It is easier to do this by putting them in a suitable form.
This method is especially convenient because you can use both small and torn leaves. - Cook or stew
Blubers can be cooked or stewed in dishes with a thick bottom on a slow heat, and you can bake in the oven at a temperature of 160-180 degrees. But extinguishing has a number of advantages. Converts will not turn, will not fall apart from active bubbling, cabbage will not rot, blueberries will not turn into porridge and will not burn, and sour cream sauce will not curl.
Classic blueberry recipe Ingredients
- 1 cabbage head
- 500g pork
- 500g beef
- 3 bulbs
- garlic
- 1 carrot
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 50g apple cider vinegar
- 1 tbsp rice with a slide
- 1 tbsp salt
- peppery
- bay-leaf
- vegetable-oil
- Clean the top leaves, cut the top.
- Pour the cabbage with boiling water, add 50 g of vinegar, a spoonful of salt and vegetable oil to the water. Cook on medium fire. Remove with a fork the upper leaves, which after cooking should be well separated.
- Cook to half-ready rice.
- Pass through the meat grinder meat with an onion and two slices of garlic.
- Add to the ground meat cooled rice, salti and pepperchi.
- Cut the straw carrots and the remaining onions.
- Roast until golden, add tomato paste, salt, pepper and 1 liter of cabbage broth.
- Cut the big cabbage leaves in half, cut the thick veins with a knife.
- Put a spoonful of mince on each leaf.
- Wrap it like a stuffed pancake.
- Take a pot with a thick bottom. Cut the remains of cabbage and gravy fields in there.
- Put a layer of doves and gravy fields on top. Then another layer of blueberries and a layer of gravy.
- When you have laid all the blueberries, pour the remaining gravy, add bay leaf and carcasses over a slow heat of 40 minutes. For soft cabbage, the extinguishing time can last up to an hour and a half.
If all the described actions seem too difficult to you, there is always an alternative - lazy doves.
Tomato sour cream sauce for blueberries

The ingredients
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 carrot
- 1 piece sour cream
- 1 bulb
- dill
- salt, pepper, seasonings
- olive-oil
- Clean and fit the onions.
- Rub the carrots on a large grater.
- Warm up the oil. Fry the vegetables to a golden color.
- Mix sour cream and tomato paste until homogeneous.
- Pour the tomato sour cream mixture to the vegetables and stir.
- Bring it to a boil. Reduce the fire and carcasses for 5 minutes.
- Pour the doves.
Blus on this recipe are obtained at a glance. Thick and fragrant sauce, and about the filling just nothing to say. Bon appetit, dear readers!