Gypsy Galina amazes with her culinary talent and teaches housewives to cook pigeons in dough
Blue sauce It plays an important role if you do not cook according to the traditional recipe. A friend convinced me of this when she invited me to a tasting of pigeons. But the tongue does not turn to call such food blueberries, since the similarity with the known dish is minimal. My friend wrapped the stuffing in thin dough, and added potatoes to the sauce for blueberries.
Outwardly, the dish looked so original that I would never have guessed that I was treated to blueberries: on the plate flaunted stewed with vegetables potatoes surrounded by unusual dumplings.
Do you want to try? Write down the recipe!
Sauce for blueberries Ingredients for dough
Filling ingredients
Sauce for blueberries: cooking
Continue until the dough and filling run out. This number of pigeons is better divided equally and freeze one portion until the next time. Prepare the sauce for the doves onions of grinding, give the pepper the shape of straw. Cut the carrots in circles and the potatoes in small cubes. Cut the greens small. Got sunflower oil in the Cossack and start roasting onions. Put potatoes, carrots and peppers in the Kazan, stir and continue to roast 2-3 minutes on a high heat. Then add the tomato paste, salt and condiments.
Pour the vegetables with water, squeeze the garlic into the Kazan and bring the sauce to a boil. In a boiling cossack, lay out a portion of doves, wetting them in a sauce. Wait until everything boils, and tom the dish on a small fire for 40 minutes. A few minutes before you're ready, add the greens.
If you want to cook all the formed blueberries at the same time, use a deep baking and protom dish, covering it with foil, in a heated oven.
If you like to surprise your family, make some cakes!

Outwardly, the dish looked so original that I would never have guessed that I was treated to blueberries: on the plate flaunted stewed with vegetables potatoes surrounded by unusual dumplings.
Do you want to try? Write down the recipe!
Sauce for blueberries Ingredients for dough
- 500g flour
- 2 chicken eggs
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 150 ml of hot water
Filling ingredients
- 1 medium-sized carrot
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- 0.5 tsp black ground pepper
- 1 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 tsp ground paprika
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 medium-sized bulb
- 600g fresh pork
- 100g fresh cabbage
- 100g rice
- 2 pieces of potatoes (500 g)
- 1 large bulb
- 2 medium-sized carrots
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 0.5 Bulgarian red pepper
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 0.5 tsp black ground pepper
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 1 tsp salt
- 500 ml of water
- 1 bundle of green
- 100 ml of vegetable oil
Sauce for blueberries: cooking
- For the test, heat the water to 80 degrees, dissolve salt in it and pour vegetable oil. In the bowl sift the flour, break the eggs there and stir with a spoon.
- Pour the cooked water into the flour and start kneading the dough first with a spoon and then with your hands. Wrap the finished dough in food film and move aside.
- To fill the rice with boiling water to steam. Let the cereal stand and then wash well under running water. Pass the pork through the meat grinder and squeeze the garlic to the mince.
- Grate the carrots, cut the onions finely, and grind the cabbage thoroughly with a knife. Put all the foods in a bowl, add tomato paste, salt and spices, and then mix everything. 518273

Continue until the dough and filling run out. This number of pigeons is better divided equally and freeze one portion until the next time. Prepare the sauce for the doves onions of grinding, give the pepper the shape of straw. Cut the carrots in circles and the potatoes in small cubes. Cut the greens small. Got sunflower oil in the Cossack and start roasting onions. Put potatoes, carrots and peppers in the Kazan, stir and continue to roast 2-3 minutes on a high heat. Then add the tomato paste, salt and condiments.

Pour the vegetables with water, squeeze the garlic into the Kazan and bring the sauce to a boil. In a boiling cossack, lay out a portion of doves, wetting them in a sauce. Wait until everything boils, and tom the dish on a small fire for 40 minutes. A few minutes before you're ready, add the greens.

If you want to cook all the formed blueberries at the same time, use a deep baking and protom dish, covering it with foil, in a heated oven.
If you like to surprise your family, make some cakes!
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