The guest insisted that he did not like blueberries, pushing back the plate, but when he tried one, he ate everything clean and asked for supplements.

How much do you stew?The question is not idle, because it depends on what kind of pigeons in front of you. Whether it is semi-finished, or made by hand, or some other kind of lazy. We also look at the cabbage, tilting our head low. What do you expect from her? You stew it, and it's like cardboard, you can't chew it.

Editorial "Site" I set myself the task of finding out exactly how long it takes for the pigeons to extinguish perfectly. Did we succeed? Read our article, have collected some observations here. We tried to draw on the practical experience of our subscribers. Would you agree with them?

How much do you eat if you take the classics? standard-time - that's 30-40 minutes. It is believed that this is enough for the pigeons to prepare. However, many agree that the stated time is not enough. You need to consider several factors that directly affect the preparation. There are three of them: dishes, cabbage and, in fact, the pigeons themselves.

  1. The dishes.
    Most often, pigeons are stewed in a cossack or pan, folding in several layers. However, there are no less interesting ways, such as stewing in a pan. Many will say that it is better suited for semi-finished products or “lazy” pigeons, but the classic ones are no less delicious. First, they are roasted for a few minutes, then sauce or water is added. One nuance - the pan should be thick-walled. Actually, like cookwareTo keep the heat even. Otherwise, the lower ones will burn, the upper ones will remain damp. Most housewives say that blueberries taste better if stewed for more than an hour. The main thing is not to boil and not fall apart. If all is well, then they become juicy and tender, cabbage is not even felt.

This is a cornerstone in the preparation of pigeons. It is best to use young white cabbage. It can take 25 minutes to get ready. But that's not always the case. Fresh cabbage In fact, it turns out to be solid, no preliminary heat treatment does not help. Actually, it is cabbage that can become one of the reasons why housewives decide to stew the pigeons for an hour or more. If this does not help and cabbage is still hard, it is advised to add a spoon or two of ordinary table mayonnaise, then it will go.

How much do you stew? Blubs.
There are no questions about semi-finished products, threw them in the pan, added oilseeds, then water, after 20 minutes it is ready. With lazy ones, too, it seems to be more or less clear - cabbage is boiled "to", then the cutlets are molded, the breaded lowered, the same 20 minutes, and enjoy. That's not the case with tame pigeons. And mince can be different, and size, and expectations. Blubers can be made smaller in size, and cabbage leaves can be taken smaller, which without obvious “ribs” is a guarantee that they will be extinguished faster and more reliably. It is better to lay them in layers in a cossack with thick walls, and layers to shift grated carrots. Some put the same cabbage, but then the doves can be with sour. While carrots, in our opinion, softens the taste.

Here's what the subscribers wrote in the comments:

“A carcass on a stove on a small fire. I don’t do much so I like the result. Forty minutes I don't touch, and then I watch my cabbage color change. If it is well soaked with tomato dressing, you can remove it. A total of about an hour.”

“I use the oven, I stew the pigeons in it. Never got less than an hour to prepare. I prick the cabbage with a fork where the cuttings are. Best indicator of readiness.”

“I immediately pour hot sauce and immediately bring it to a boil. I'm getting ready fast, half an hour. Otherwise, they boil. Mine like when the cabbage feels. The maximum I hold is 45 minutes.

“Cale depends on cabbage. Sometimes you get one that smokes for an hour and a half. The mince is mixed up, a kind of substance, and the cabbage will not boil. So I always choose it very carefully. But no matter how lucky.

“I have noticed that the longer the pigeons are stewed, the more delicious they become. So even if they are ready in forty minutes, I deliberately make the smallest fire and leave them for another twenty minutes. It happens that a little boiled, but it is not often. They're delicious!

Be sure to write how much time you spend on blueberries and always manage to extinguish them in forty minutes. If not, then share secrets about how you solve this issue and whether there are any lifehacks. I am sure many will be interested in this! We eat sour cream, by the way. What's your sauce like?

How much do you stew?. About 40 minutes, what's the big deal? And the hard part is that during this time they never have time to properly prepare. Read our article on the best way to wrap pigeons so that they do not decay. Thank you for staying with us!


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