Recipe for summer pigeons from beet leaves in sour cream
All right, guys! As they say, you didn't wait? We're here. I mean, of course, not us, but the most tender. sour creamToday we will be cooking from the beets. Unexpected, right? They're crazy. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the recipe came to us from Western Ukraine and is special from all sides.
In addition to the use of beet sheets, the editorial board "Site" I was surprised by the stuffing. For everyone, the usual option is minced rice, but this is different. We will use mamalyga, tucked in squarks, and we will put out the doves in a saucepan in sour cream. This is awesome! At the end of the recipe advice from us about alternative filling.
If you dig deeper, it turns out that the beet leaf in the menu is not a beginner at all. In Europe, it is known as chard, known in ancient Greece (and even Babylon), contains useful trace elements with vitamins, and you can cook from it a lot of everything. More information about all this can be found from the link below, and we will limit ourselves to the fact that the blueberries from such a sheet are really summer.
Ingredients for blueberry
Ingredients for sour cream sauce
Blubers from beet leaf in sour cream
Editorial Board One: in order to cook pigeons immediately in a sauce, it can be elementary diluted with water. But don't overdo it!
Two: so that the blueberries do not boil from boiling, they can be "prepared" in the oven. They must boil first, the oven is preheated. Make sure the sauce doesn't boil.
Three: Instead of mamalyga, you can use buckwheat porridge with minced meat and onions, it turns out also very tasty.
Blubs in sour creamMade from beet leaf and mamalyga, ready! Wish you a good appetite! From us, the promised reference to the material, generally devoted to the beet leaf as a product. In addition to cognitive information, you will also learn salad recipes that will not leave you indifferent. Be sure to write about your impressions in the comments. Wait!

In addition to the use of beet sheets, the editorial board "Site" I was surprised by the stuffing. For everyone, the usual option is minced rice, but this is different. We will use mamalyga, tucked in squarks, and we will put out the doves in a saucepan in sour cream. This is awesome! At the end of the recipe advice from us about alternative filling.

If you dig deeper, it turns out that the beet leaf in the menu is not a beginner at all. In Europe, it is known as chard, known in ancient Greece (and even Babylon), contains useful trace elements with vitamins, and you can cook from it a lot of everything. More information about all this can be found from the link below, and we will limit ourselves to the fact that the blueberries from such a sheet are really summer.

Ingredients for blueberry
- 40 beet leaves
- 250g corn cereal
- 2-3 bulbs
- 100g pork underarm (aka peritoneum)
- 2-3 hard-boiled chicken eggs
- 100g sour cream
- salt and pepper
Ingredients for sour cream sauce
- 200g sour cream
- 50g butter
- 1-2 bulbs
Blubers from beet leaf in sour cream
- Before you wrap the pigeons, the leaves must be prepared. Wash them well and put them on a paper towel so that they give off moisture. No need to scald, they are tender and will tear after that. Now the stuffing.
- In fact, the blueberries are stuffed with mamalyga, which is tucked with squarks and an egg. If desired, you can add different greens, but this can affect the final taste. Let’s start with quarks, which need to be fried from the peritoneum along with onions. Salt tastes good.
- Wash the corn cereals, then pour into boiling water, mix and water drain. Again pour fresh boiling water just above the cereal level and boil until the porridge swells. There's no need to stir the porridge. When the cereal is cooked, put it in a separate container and mix it with sliced eggs and squarks with onions, add pepper and salt. Before that, of course, a little cooling.
- Forming and stacking doves. Put two beet sheets cross-cross, add filling, roll roll. When all of them are ready, put them in a cloth. You should put a few sheets at the bottom so that the pigeons do not burn. Add a third of the hot water from the pot capacity. As soon as there is a steady boil, take 10-15 minutes. It's very important not to digest.
- We recommend adding sour cream sauce immediately, in this case pour it into a pan instead of water, but it should be made liquid. Or add the sauce after the pigeons are cooked. It is prepared as follows: fry the onions in oil until it is roared, then pour sour cream mixed with a teaspoon of flour, salt and bring to a boil.
- Before serving, you need to make sure that the pigeons do not fall apart, so lay them out on the plate carefully. If you cooked without sauce, then it's time to add it or just smear it with sour cream. Bon appetit!
Editorial Board One: in order to cook pigeons immediately in a sauce, it can be elementary diluted with water. But don't overdo it!
Two: so that the blueberries do not boil from boiling, they can be "prepared" in the oven. They must boil first, the oven is preheated. Make sure the sauce doesn't boil.
Three: Instead of mamalyga, you can use buckwheat porridge with minced meat and onions, it turns out also very tasty.

Blubs in sour creamMade from beet leaf and mamalyga, ready! Wish you a good appetite! From us, the promised reference to the material, generally devoted to the beet leaf as a product. In addition to cognitive information, you will also learn salad recipes that will not leave you indifferent. Be sure to write about your impressions in the comments. Wait!