What happens if you add vinegar when cooking cabbage on the blueberries in the pan

Perfectly cooked pigeons do not last long on the table. The delicate juicy filling is wrapped in a thin cabbage leaf that holds its shape well and does not fall apart. Before you start cooking pigeons, you need to know how to prepare cabbage leaves for doves. From this step depends on the type of dish and taste.

It all starts in the store when you choose cabbage. For pigeons, it is preferable to choose young cabbage. It is easier to work with, and the dish turns out to be tender and tasty. If there is no young cabbage, choose flattened coaches with a greenish tint. Round white cabbage will be too hard and fibrous even after cooking.


Old cabbage should be chosen in a small size, and before preparing the leaves it is necessary to boil the whole head in the pan, having previously removed the cap. After 10 minutes, you can gradually remove the leaves in turn. Thick parts of the leaves at the base should be carefully cut, avoiding damage to the cabbage leaf.

One option is to beat off large streaks with a hammer for chops, but here you need to work carefully, since the leaf can break through at any minute. To keep the leaves whole and soft, there is more than one trick. For example, some housewives like to freeze cabbage with a cut off pit before cooking. When the head is defrosted, the leaves become soft and easier to work with.

Even in water with cabbage, you can add 0.5 tsp. vinegar or 1 pinch of citric acid. Thus, cabbage leaves will become soft, but will not break while working with the filling. In water with vinegar, you should cook cabbage whole for 2 minutes. Then the leaves are separated from it.

The classic filling is prepared from minced meat with an equal ratio of beef and pork meat with the addition of cereals. Some like the delicate taste of ground chicken in blueberries, and someone cooks vegetarian blueberries without meat. The way the mince was cooked affects the taste of the whole dish. It is one thing to grind minced meat in a meat grinder, another to cut meat with a knife. When the meat is ground, it loses its juiciness when cooking, and if it is cut with a knife, then each piece will be juicy and tasty. Onions, garlic, spices and other vegetables add to taste.

Rice should be cooked to semi-ready, so that the filling was crumbly, not sticky. The most delicious are blueberries, in which cereal and meat are a ratio of 1: 3. The more meat, the more saturated and juicy the blueberries. Blubers are folded so that the filling is completely covered with cabbage leaf. Earlier, we talked about different ways of spinning pigeons. The most convenient way to roll the pigeon so that it does not fall apart: 1 tbsp. l. filling is placed on the cabbage leaf, then the filling is covered with a sheet from above and the side parts are wrapped, then the cabbage is completely wrapped with a roll.

It is important to wrap the leaves of cabbage tightly and just as tightly stamp the doves in the pan so that they have no chance to spin. If the cook is not confident in his abilities, he can fasten the blueberries with a toothpick or cook thread.

Cooked blanks are sometimes first fried in a sauce with spices, then laid out in a deep pan or steamer, lined with cabbage leaves. To add sour cream to cooking pigeons or not is a matter of taste. Someone adds it to the pan, and someone likes to generously water the ready-made blueberries directly in the plate. What's your favorite recipe for house pigeons?


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