Why do blueberries according to the Romanian recipe are three times tastier than the classic
Farsh with cereal, wrapped in cabbage leaves, we usually call doves. But this dish is common in different cuisines of the world. Everywhere doves cook differently. In the Caucasus, minced stuffing is wrapped in grape leaves and called a dish dolma, in Asia, tofu and mushrooms are used as filling, and in Romania, the dish is called Sarmala. This is probably one of the best recipes for tomato sauce. On how to prepare Romanian pigeons with rice in tomato sauce, we will tell in today's article.
Blubers with rice in tomato sauce In blueberries in Romanian more meat, and this is a fact. Rice only complements the picture and does not interrupt the taste of tender meat in blueberries. Sarmale is made from different mince. You can use pork, beef or turkey, or even mix different types of minced meat, as we usually do. Sometimes sarmalets are cooked with bulgur.
Traditional Romanian pigeons are cooked on a cushion of sauerkraut with bacon. Thanks to this, blueberries turn out tender and juicy. Of course, if you use turkey meat, blueberries will turn out less fatty. But it is the juiciness and rich taste that gives pigeons minced pork. To blueberries retain their juiciness, gourmets use not minced meat, but finely chopped meat. I suggest you try the classic recipe of blueberries in Romanian.
The ingredients
Preparation of cabbage leaves is one of the main steps in the preparation of pigeons. In order for the blueberries to be tender and juicy, the cabbage leaves must be thin but strong to keep the juicy meat inside. The most delicate blueberries are obtained with Beijing cabbage or cabbage of early varieties. The main thing is to remove the hard part at the base of the sheet.
To speed up the cooking process, cabbage can be prepared in advance. There are other convenient ways to separate cabbage leaves. For example, you can freeze the head or send it to the microwave for a few minutes.

Blubers with rice in tomato sauce In blueberries in Romanian more meat, and this is a fact. Rice only complements the picture and does not interrupt the taste of tender meat in blueberries. Sarmale is made from different mince. You can use pork, beef or turkey, or even mix different types of minced meat, as we usually do. Sometimes sarmalets are cooked with bulgur.
Traditional Romanian pigeons are cooked on a cushion of sauerkraut with bacon. Thanks to this, blueberries turn out tender and juicy. Of course, if you use turkey meat, blueberries will turn out less fatty. But it is the juiciness and rich taste that gives pigeons minced pork. To blueberries retain their juiciness, gourmets use not minced meat, but finely chopped meat. I suggest you try the classic recipe of blueberries in Romanian.

The ingredients
- 500g beef
- 500g pork
- 2 kale.
- 2 onions
- 250g bacon
- 450g sauerkraut
- 4 tbsp tomato paste
- 2 tbsp rice
- 2 bay leaves
- salt
- peppery
- Cut pork and beef, or mix the two kinds of mince. To meat add 2 tbsp. l. rice and 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste. Sprinkle the stuffing.
- Pour water into the pot and bring it to a boil. After boiling, salt the water and send a cabbage head to it. Cook the cabbage for 4-5 minutes. Now separate the top leaves of cabbage and return the cabbage to boiling water. Repeat the procedure until you remove all the large sheets for blueberries. By the way, to make the cabbage leaves separate more easily, remove the cap before dipping the cabbage into boiling water.
- Prepare the cabbage leaves: remove the hard part of the leaf. If the leaves are large, divide each in half. Now start each sheet of 2 tbsp filling and wrap in any convenient way. On how to wrap pigeons so that they do not fall apart in the process of cooking, we have already written.
- Prepare a pillow for the pigeons. Cut the big bulb with a cube, smoked bacon - fine. Then roast the onions in a pan with sauerkraut, bacon and 1 tbsp tomato paste.
- In a deep form for baking, lay out a cabbage pillow, on top of it a layer of doves, covering them with a cabbage layer, and so on.
- Add to the pigeons 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste and 2 bay leaves. Pour water into the container so that it covers the top layer of pigeons.
- Bake blueberries in the oven under the closed lid at 200 degrees for 1.5 hours. Then open the lid and finish for another 20 minutes until the ruddy crust forms. You can sprinkle blueberries with grated cheese, then they will fly off the table even faster. Bon appetit.
Preparation of cabbage leaves is one of the main steps in the preparation of pigeons. In order for the blueberries to be tender and juicy, the cabbage leaves must be thin but strong to keep the juicy meat inside. The most delicate blueberries are obtained with Beijing cabbage or cabbage of early varieties. The main thing is to remove the hard part at the base of the sheet.
To speed up the cooking process, cabbage can be prepared in advance. There are other convenient ways to separate cabbage leaves. For example, you can freeze the head or send it to the microwave for a few minutes.
I was struck by frosts, a bag of apples froze on the balcony, I wanted to throw it away, but my mother-in-law came and threw up an amazing solution.
Swallowing tears, the woman thanked God that she had no children by this man, because then it would be impossible to leave.