I don’t make pork but chicken for one reason.
Bye. juicy chicken patties They shoot with fat, exuding an incredibly appetizing aroma, we immediately emphasize that we have a whole guide here. We will tell you why we prefer chicken meat cutlets and offer as many as three recipes, as you can conveniently cook everything.
Yes! Today's edition. "Site" Sings odes to chicken mince. Even if it looks like a taster, we will still remain with our opinion. Of course, you can argue with us and say that pork cutlets are the best. Let's have a battle in the comments! But first, our arguments.
It is worth remembering that not every chicken mince is always suitable for cutlets. It's best to use fillets. Since chicken meat is rightfully considered the easiest, the cutlets can be steamed, in the oven and in the pan. We have a frying pan and we believe this is the most common and desirable option.
We emphasize that mixed chicken mince is more suitable for making pasta, and minced red meat is better used in recipes for meatballs, blueberries and lasagna. So we've decided. We decided not to fool ourselves and immediately bought ready-made mince. But you can make it yourself.
A couple of tips that will definitely help cutlets to be even juicier and tastier. You may already know and use some of this, but as they say, “repeating is the mother of learning!” Okay.
Juicy chicken patties in the pan Our perfect mince is ready, it's time to prepare cutlets from it. Which means you have to choose which recipe to start with. There are three of them, but each in its own way is beautiful. Choose your heart! The first one is called Fitness.
The ingredients
Fitness chicken patties
The following recipe can be called traditional, so cook patties, perhaps, all the hostess. But let's check it out. Perhaps there is a clause in our version that has not previously been used. Let's call these cutlets "Tender."
The ingredients
Chicken patties "Tender"
Of course, it will not be without exotic! In this recipe, we suggest using mushroom. Yeah, that's an unusual approach. But at the exit we will get quite a piquant delicacy. We guarantee - cutlets with mushrooms and cheese will definitely be juicy.
Ingredients for patties
Filling ingredients
Chicken patties with mushrooms and cheese
Editorial Simplicity and efficiency They bribe, don't they? Because of the properties of chicken mince, cutlets will always be juicy. How do you make them look like rubber? We look forward to your comments and impressions. We are biased to say that chicken patties are the most-most!
Juicy chicken patties in a pan Easy to cook and even easier to eat instantly! So don’t rush, let your loved ones try too. If you are looking for diversity in life, then look at this recipe. Here we have detailed instructions on how to prepare patties in Kiev. Bon appetit!
Yes! Today's edition. "Site" Sings odes to chicken mince. Even if it looks like a taster, we will still remain with our opinion. Of course, you can argue with us and say that pork cutlets are the best. Let's have a battle in the comments! But first, our arguments.

It is worth remembering that not every chicken mince is always suitable for cutlets. It's best to use fillets. Since chicken meat is rightfully considered the easiest, the cutlets can be steamed, in the oven and in the pan. We have a frying pan and we believe this is the most common and desirable option.
We emphasize that mixed chicken mince is more suitable for making pasta, and minced red meat is better used in recipes for meatballs, blueberries and lasagna. So we've decided. We decided not to fool ourselves and immediately bought ready-made mince. But you can make it yourself.

A couple of tips that will definitely help cutlets to be even juicier and tastier. You may already know and use some of this, but as they say, “repeating is the mother of learning!” Okay.
- Before cooking, the meat must be washed, and then “dried” with paper towels. It is believed that it is best to make mince with a sharp knife, that is, cut the breast finely. It is difficult and does not always have time, but the result exceeds itself.
- The craftsmen beat the mince on the table. They do this so that it mixes even better and the remaining air comes out of it. That way the cutlets won't crumble.
- Cutlet size It should be neither big nor small. It's about half your palm, or you're at risk of overdrying it. Before you put them in the pan, you can once again “knock”. Make them even.
- Wet your palms with water when you form cutlets. So the mince won't stick to your delicate fingers.
- The mince can be stirred with one hand, simultaneously looking at the phone to find out what is on Facebook, but it is better to do it with both hands. Don't be lazy!
Juicy chicken patties in the pan Our perfect mince is ready, it's time to prepare cutlets from it. Which means you have to choose which recipe to start with. There are three of them, but each in its own way is beautiful. Choose your heart! The first one is called Fitness.

The ingredients
- 400g chicken minced fillet
- 2 chicken eggs
- 50g oatmeal
- 50ml cream
- salt and green
Fitness chicken patties
- Mix together the cereal, eggs and cream, let the mixture swell a little. It'll take five minutes. Cut some dill, add it to the mince, and then mix the swollen mixture with it.
- Mix the mince for about five minutes and remember to tap it on the table. Now moisten your palms with water and form cutlets. That'll be eight. Put it on a hot pan (don't forget to add butter!) and roast it on both sides. It takes about 10 minutes.
- If you strictly adhere to the idea of fitness, then these patties are better to steam. Put them in the boiler, they'll be ready in 15 minutes. You can cook in the oven. Just put them in a convenient container, add water on two fingers and you can serve them on the table in half an hour. The temperature in the oven is 150 degrees Celsius.
The following recipe can be called traditional, so cook patties, perhaps, all the hostess. But let's check it out. Perhaps there is a clause in our version that has not previously been used. Let's call these cutlets "Tender."

The ingredients
- 600g any chicken ground
- 150g white bread (fresh bun pulp)
- 200 ml of milk
- 100g onions
- 70ml fatty cream
- salt and pepper
Chicken patties "Tender"
- We're on a familiar course. Soak in milk for ten minutes on bread crumbs, and then squeeze it. Mix mince and bread in a separate container. Now we have to make the onions.
- Cut it with half rings, roast it golden in a frying pan and break it in a blender until it's a homogeneous mass. It is important that the mince does not heat up when mixed, otherwise it will lose its structure. That's why the onions need to cool. Now mix it all together, add cream, salt and pepper.
- Carefully stir the mince for a few minutes (do not forget to beat), then divide into even parts and form patties. That's got to be 14.
- Roast in a heated pan for two minutes on each side in enough oil. After that, put in a container and pour milk, which remained after bread. Add some water and put the patties in the oven for 20 minutes. Done!
Of course, it will not be without exotic! In this recipe, we suggest using mushroom. Yeah, that's an unusual approach. But at the exit we will get quite a piquant delicacy. We guarantee - cutlets with mushrooms and cheese will definitely be juicy.

Ingredients for patties
- 600g any chicken ground
- 200g white breadcrumbs
- 2 chicken eggs
- 80g roasted onions
- 30ml fatty cream
- 30g regular breadcrumbs
- salt and pepper
Filling ingredients
- 5 large mushrooms
- 100g cheese (cheddar or mozzarella)
- 1 bundle of fresh dill
Chicken patties with mushrooms and cheese
- Let's start with the stuffing. Slice the mushrooms and roast them a little in the pan. Then cut into small pieces of cheese and mix with mushrooms and dill.
- Prepare the onions in the same way as in the previous recipe, and then mix it with mince, spices, and regular breadcrumbs. Mix the mince thoroughly for a few minutes. Done.
- Beat the eggs in a separate container, and white breadcrumbs pour into a flat plate. Wet your hands in water and form, for example, 7-8 round cutlets. Do it in each recess, put a filling in there, cover with a piece of minced meat and roll again.
- Before you send the cutlets to a hot pan, moisten each of them in a whipped egg, and then collapse in breadcrumbs. There must be a lot of oil in the pan. Put patties on it and roast on both sides for 4-5 minutes so that a ruddy crust appears.
- We just need to put them out a little bit. Put them in the oven for 15 minutes, 150 degrees Celsius. When the cutlets are ready, you need to free them from excess oil, so put them on paper towels. Done!
Editorial Simplicity and efficiency They bribe, don't they? Because of the properties of chicken mince, cutlets will always be juicy. How do you make them look like rubber? We look forward to your comments and impressions. We are biased to say that chicken patties are the most-most!
Juicy chicken patties in a pan Easy to cook and even easier to eat instantly! So don’t rush, let your loved ones try too. If you are looking for diversity in life, then look at this recipe. Here we have detailed instructions on how to prepare patties in Kiev. Bon appetit!
The cake according to the author's recipe of a friend from France "A pleasant date"
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