Typical mistake when frying a patty and why not do so

To be exact, How to fry patties in a panWith all the rules in mind, only a select few chefs can. Yes, cooking this dish from minced meat requires compliance with some rules. Beginners can also get good cutlets once or twice. But there will always be a party that it is better to forget about and admit that “she was like herself.”

Why not combine all these rules and nuances in one article, so that the cooking of cutlets became more correct and pleasant? Come on, let's do that. We will devote a whole article to the important issue of mass cooking. Here we go!

How to fry patties in a pan
  1. Liquid ground

    If the hostess turned out liquid mince, in the old-fashioned way, bread pulp, flour or even starch are added to it. In principle, this decision is correct, but then the formation of cutlets and immediately roasting. That's not right. If you add bread in too liquid mince, add the amount specified in the original recipe. And let the mincemeat stand in the fridge for a couple of hours. Then bread or flour will absorb excess meat juices and everything will be fine.

  2. Non-stick coating

    To fry patties on such a coating - Moveton. All because it does not allow the bottom of the pan to gain sufficient temperature. Non-stick coating is good to use for cooking eggs or pancakes. Quick, clear. In the case of cutlets, it is best to use a thick cast iron or even aluminum pan.

  3. Ground beating

    Some cooks are guilty of this. And this is not to spoil the taste of the cutlet, but just take your time and energy. It is possible and necessary to beat mince before cooking, if you cook lyula-kebab. But the principle of cooking is completely different and there should be no air in the meat. Farsh for cutlets feels great, even being in the refrigerator for some time: there is excess air quickly out of it and will come out.

  4. Overcrowded pan

    If there is not enough time, and there are a lot of minced meat and guests, some begin to panic and rush. They take a deep pan and shove as many cutlets into it as they can fit into it as much as possible. This is wrong for two reasons at once. First, in a deep pan, moisture does not leave the surface and the cutlets are stewed. And secondly, due to the fact that they touch and divide the liquid, extinguishing only increases.

  5. Warm pan

    Even using a pan made of the right material and the right shape, some owners manage to screw up with the temperature. The pan should be hot to the maximum. After all, when the cutlets fall on its surface, the temperature drops significantly, yes, read a textbook on physics! Therefore, the fire must be strong, so that the crust of the cutlet is formed and the middle remains juicy.

  6. Long cooking

    Just in the continuation of the past mistake, we want to draw attention to the too long frying of patties. This makes them rubbery, full of oil and crumble on a fork. It's not a good thing to eat meatballs. The standard time for frying patties, the size of a baby's palm: 2 minutes on each side and 4 minutes under the lid. Okay. There is another option of fine-tuning in the oven, but there it will take even less time.

  7. Olive oil

    Ordinary olive oil fries very badly. It smokes, bitters, foams... In short, it doesn't fit. There are special varieties with which the frying will be more comfortable, but you need to go to specialized stores for them. Ordinary plant will do much better. Some take 50/50 vegetable and cream. We, in turn, insist on refined sunflower oil.

  8. Cooking in sauce

    Cooking patties in sauce is not in itself hot, but stewing. And the sauce is not a mistake. It's delicious. But, as always, there is one "but." If you roast the cutlets, and then pour the sauce on top and stew the whole thing for about 4 minutes, you will get a great result of juicy cutlets. But if you languish poor meat in sauce for 10-15 minutes, there is no forgiveness. Meat fibers during this time will shrink and give all the juice. And if in the first version you get juicy meat balls and sauce, the second option promises you dry cutlets, which without this sauce can just get stuck in the throat with a lump.

  9. Al Denta

    Not fully prepared cutlets can be made only ground beef or calf. Such meat, if it is high-quality, can be eaten raw (tartartar). The rest of the chicken, pork and so on should be completely fried. Take out the cutlet and check the cut: it must be white. No red or pink color. After checking again, put it in the pan again to reach, not much.

  10. Permanent rollover

    It happens (especially when you cook hungry) that you want to participate in the process of preparing your masterpiece. You look at it for a minute, turn it over, then another minute, turn it over again. This is certainly wrong. The crust will not form, the juices will flow out, the meat will turn into rubber, and you will guess “what happened, I did not take my eyes off them”! Leave the patties alone for those few minutes until they really need to be flipped. And then you get a chance to finally have a delicious lunch.

Following such simple and seemingly obvious tips, you will prepare the most delicious cutlets, we guarantee you. But, we also recommend choosing a suitable side dish for them: vegetables will maintain a balance of freshness; buckwheat porridge with caramelized onions is a classic and very tasty. Well, "cutters with pearls" - a dish familiar to everyone, in the post-Soviet space. Bon appetit!


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