How much to fry patties in a pan, so that the meat inside is exactly cooked
A pressing question: How much to fry patties in a panSo they get ready to finish and don't stay damp inside? Let’s start with the fact that it concerns, to a greater extent, the cutlet made of chicken or pork mince. Beef and veal are not dangerous. However, do not forget about the taste of the dish.
We would also like to talk about the common mistakes that beginner cooks often make. Even if the meat is cooked correctly and there is definitely no raw gram inside the mince, the taste and appearance of the cutlet can be unpleasantly surprising. Why? About this and more later in our article.
How much to fry patties in a pan Optimal frying First of all we advise to pay attention to colour Just-cooked cutlets. It should be grayish-brown, with a golden crust. No pink streaks inside or especially on the surface of the mince should not be. It is also worth paying attention to the outstanding juice. The finished cutlets are transparent. Pink means the dish is not ready.
Chicken cutlets from minced pork should be fried for about 25 minutes, if we use a minimum fire and there are large cutlets in the pan. Fish or chicken cook quickly: 10 minutes is enough.
To make the cutlets 100% ready, you can go two ways. First of all, don't fry. stew Cutlets. First we roast them from both sides on a large heat until we get a crust, and then we reduce the flame and cover the cutlets with a lid. Sometimes you can add a little water. So cutlets will turn out to be more useful, and steam will help destroy carcinogens formed from heating vegetable oil.
The second method is slightly more complicated, but more reliable and does not change the taste of the dish so much. It's an oven. It needs to be warmed up with the pan. We roast the cutlets again on a strong fire until we get the crust on the sides. And then wrap them in foil and send them to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Ready, but juicy cutlets will please anyone!
Not recommended. Do nonsense and use a microwave for cooking patties. It is suitable only for heating ready, but cooled meat. Not always. And if you try to cook in it cutlets or at least bring to readiness, as in the oven, at the exit we get a dry, but half-raw something and nothing more. Seriously, that's not a good idea.
How to make cutlets better For all losing weight or just wanting to try something new we advise to cook steaming. Take the steamer, the instructions for it and read how much water you need for the cutlets. Pour the water, load the cutlets, and it's done. 20-30 minutes for poultry or fish, respectively, 30-40 minutes for pork or ground beef cutlets.
If the steamer is absent, we suggest simply to build a water bath: a pot of water, a metal sieve and some lid or plate to close the structure from above. Place the cutlets on the sieve and cook according to the same principle as in the steamer. It'll be delicious and fresh.
Here's what. NOT. You should do it when you are cooking for the whole family.
Cooking patties is a real art. After all, they are made all over the world, using various methods, additives and even very exotic types of meat. And like any art, cooking has its nuances. We hope that now you have learned more useful and interesting. And your skills have improved. Bon appetit!

We would also like to talk about the common mistakes that beginner cooks often make. Even if the meat is cooked correctly and there is definitely no raw gram inside the mince, the taste and appearance of the cutlet can be unpleasantly surprising. Why? About this and more later in our article.
How much to fry patties in a pan Optimal frying First of all we advise to pay attention to colour Just-cooked cutlets. It should be grayish-brown, with a golden crust. No pink streaks inside or especially on the surface of the mince should not be. It is also worth paying attention to the outstanding juice. The finished cutlets are transparent. Pink means the dish is not ready.
Chicken cutlets from minced pork should be fried for about 25 minutes, if we use a minimum fire and there are large cutlets in the pan. Fish or chicken cook quickly: 10 minutes is enough.

To make the cutlets 100% ready, you can go two ways. First of all, don't fry. stew Cutlets. First we roast them from both sides on a large heat until we get a crust, and then we reduce the flame and cover the cutlets with a lid. Sometimes you can add a little water. So cutlets will turn out to be more useful, and steam will help destroy carcinogens formed from heating vegetable oil.
The second method is slightly more complicated, but more reliable and does not change the taste of the dish so much. It's an oven. It needs to be warmed up with the pan. We roast the cutlets again on a strong fire until we get the crust on the sides. And then wrap them in foil and send them to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Ready, but juicy cutlets will please anyone!

Not recommended. Do nonsense and use a microwave for cooking patties. It is suitable only for heating ready, but cooled meat. Not always. And if you try to cook in it cutlets or at least bring to readiness, as in the oven, at the exit we get a dry, but half-raw something and nothing more. Seriously, that's not a good idea.
How to make cutlets better For all losing weight or just wanting to try something new we advise to cook steaming. Take the steamer, the instructions for it and read how much water you need for the cutlets. Pour the water, load the cutlets, and it's done. 20-30 minutes for poultry or fish, respectively, 30-40 minutes for pork or ground beef cutlets.

If the steamer is absent, we suggest simply to build a water bath: a pot of water, a metal sieve and some lid or plate to close the structure from above. Place the cutlets on the sieve and cook according to the same principle as in the steamer. It'll be delicious and fresh.
Here's what. NOT. You should do it when you are cooking for the whole family.
- Add a large amount of bread to the ground. No, the savings should be economical, but do not eat fried bread pulp with onions and the smell of meat? As a result, the mince will be liquid and the cutlets will not be able to keep shape.
- Beat the mince. Or rather, you can and even need to beat it, but only if you do not have time to keep the meat in the refrigerator and you need to immediately start cooking it. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time.
- It's a long time to fry patties. Here everything is simple, above we have already written ways to bring the cutlets to the finish line, so for sure. The other factors depend on many things. Like the quality of the pan.
- Stew in sauce. Extinguishing itself is not a bad thing. Add the sauce in the last few minutes of cooking. But if it is long to stew the patties in it, waiting for them to be cooked in this way, the meat will be dry and not interesting. It's an important factor.
- Reheat. If you want to get yesterday's patties from the refrigerator, you can heat them with minimal loss of taste. Like in the microwave. But the usual pan will also cope if you heat the cutlets very quickly and on a strong fire. Long interaction with high temperature will spoil the whole taste of a great dish.

Cooking patties is a real art. After all, they are made all over the world, using various methods, additives and even very exotic types of meat. And like any art, cooking has its nuances. We hope that now you have learned more useful and interesting. And your skills have improved. Bon appetit!
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