Pork damage. Just science and no religion.

Growth hormone value. Pork contains in large quantities growth hormone, which is a causal factor in the development of inflammation, hypertrophy and swelling of tissues (acromegaly, obesity, tendency to pathological growths, including malignant).
Hence the answer to the question about the causes of cancer growth in 60-70-year-old patients during the period of food reform in Germany. With the use of pork, not only is there an excessive intake of cholesterol, which is the building material of tumor cells, but also growth hormone, which stimulates the development of malignant tumors. At the same time, smokers against the background of the intake of benzpyrene, the main component of tobacco smoke and a carcinogen, the risk of cancer increases many times.
The known itching effect of pork is due to the increased content of histamine in it, which contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, thereby the development of furunculosis, carbuncle, appendicitis, diseases of the gallbladder, thrombophlebitis, whites, abscesses and phlegmon, as well as skin diseases (urticaria, dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatosis).
After the food reform in Germany, there were many cases of urticaria in older women, slightly less in children when eating pork. Aris D12, Sulfur D30 improved the condition.
In the process of treatment, the use of pork in any form is prohibited, including sausage from calf liver, liver, etc. Almost all varieties of sausages contain either pork meat or lard, except those that indicate the absence of pork.
In animal experiments, it has been proved that the injection of histamine and imidazole-like compounds (for example, ergothionine) caused the development of stomach ulcers, the occurrence of itching, inflammatory and allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis, cardiac arrhythmia, up to myocardial infarction. Therefore, persons who have had a myocardial infarction or are predisposed to it are prohibited from eating pork.
Another group of substances that cause the load of the physiological systems of the body are inaccurately differentiated blood factors, designated as oncogenic agents, endobionts, spore-forming inclusions (Siphonosporo polymorpha), specific inclusions in erythrocytes. According to Speransky, they act as markers of cancer. Especially they (in particular, spore-forming inclusions) are rich in pig blood.
Another very important toxic factor of pork is the influenza virus, which, according to prof. Shor, stays in the summer in the lungs of a pig and is almost always found in sausage.
According to Letters, a favorable breeding ground for the virus is the connective tissue of the lungs. In it, it remains in the invisible latent stage of eclears until favorable conditions for reproduction arise, for example, in early spring with a lack of vitamin, weak solar insolation, hypothermia. This is another way of transmitting infection and causing influenza epidemics. In other words, daily consumption of pork is the daily intake of the influenza virus in the human body. Only, the use of American lard can explain the occurrence of mass epidemics with fatalities during the 1st world war.
A link was also established between the purchase of Canadian canned pork in November in Germany and the occurrence of an influenza epidemic or the winter consumption of cooked pork at home in January-February and the emergence of an epidemic.
It is known that in the Muslim world there are no epidemics of influenza, as pork is not used for food. However, it should be noted that influenza epidemics can occur due to the consumption of horse meat, also affected by the influenza virus.
Some observations on the role of nutrition.
Their results were published in 1955. White rats that ate pork had a tendency to cannibalism. In the process of feeding from several months to a year, they developed cancerous tumors of various parts of the body, skin diseases, which was not present in the control group of rats with normal nutrition. There were almost no cases of cannibalism. The results of a comprehensive analysis testified to the toxic and carcinogenic effects of pork on the body of experimental animals.
We know the facts from practice. So, boxing dogs are not fed pork, because otherwise they have itchy skin and skin diseases, accompanied by the expression itching. Some circus animals (lions, tigers) are also not given pork to avoid overweight, high blood pressure, nosebleeds. Trout producers noticed that if it is fed crushed pork, the process of fish development is sharply slowed down, and in the subsequent trout dies.
Pork homotoxicology.
According to G. Rekkeweg, homotoxin is a human poison, which, once in the human body, activates a system of great protection and causes the development of diseases. The term "homotoxicology", introduced by G. Rekkeweg, means a branch of science that studies the effect of homotoxins on the development of biological means for their elimination from the body. At the same time, from the point of view of homotoxicology, pork is considered as a complex of homotoxins that cause intoxication of the human body and are called pork toxins.
Animal fats that enter the human body with food are deposited and have the specific structure and biochemical composition of the animal to which they belong. The blood washing fat depots carries their components with the formation of high molecular weight compounds that play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, full blood, deterioration of blood supply to connective tissue, especially endocrine glands, violation of coronary blood flow. Fat-rich food, especially spike, in combination with stressful loads causes intoxication of connective tissue.
Specific loading substances of pork
What are the differences between pork and other types of meat? The difference is not just in calories. There are a number of other features:
The pork itself is extremely fat. Even so-called lean pork contains large amounts of fat and mainly in the form of fat cells, unlike beef and lamb. In general, lamb has much less cellular fat than pork. With abundant consumption of pork, which also contains a lot of carbohydrates and proteins, conditions are created for depositing fat of connective tissue, for the development of obesity.
Pork toxins and the diseases caused by them (according to G. Rekkeweg)
Some Biological Similarities and Analogies
The internal anatomical structure of a pig is very similar to that of a human. Therefore, where there is a ban on sectional studies on humans, they are carried out on pigs. There is a great similarity in the structure of the skin.
The perpetrators of the massacres Hamann and Kurten processed human meat into sausages and sold it as pork, since differences in taste are almost impossible to establish.
During the 1st World War, a man was identified who processed the meat of dead women into sausages. One New Guinean who took turns eating his wife and daughter said, “It was delicious.” In the islands of Polynesia, where cannibalism exists, it is believed that there is no difference between pig meat and human taste.
According to Lettre, when treating freshly prepared cells, high molecular weight compounds show tropism to those organs and tissues from which they are prepared.
Scrofulosis and tuberculosis.
Scrofulosis is a disease of children in which there is an inflammatory lesion of the glands with the breakdown and formation of fistulas. The glands are similar to clusters located on the neck of a child, which sometimes gives them an external resemblance to a pig (Scorpha pig, Scorphula pig). The main cause of the disease is the use of pork.
When eating pork, the entire system of cellular defense of the body is activated. After cleavage in the intestine, and resynthesis in the lymph vessels, the products of processing and splitting pork enter the thoracic lymphatic duct, then the upper vena cava. The inflammatory reaction of lymph nodules is manifested by their hypertrophy and swelling, pain, fever, suppuration, fistula formation, the occurrence of eczema. This is the hydrogenoid constitution with a characteristic sensitivity to moisture and cold, i.e. exudative diathesis.
The main cause of scrofulosis is monotonous nutrition (few vegetables, vitamin deficiency).
Today, the most commonly observed initial form of scrofulosis is umbilical colic, enlargement of the mesenteral lymph nodes, lymph nodes of the lung root, transformation into tuberculosis of the lymph nodes of the lung root.
When banning pork, people usually say, "But doctor, this is so delicious." They find all possible and impossible reasons to eat pork, while being well aware of its toxic effects on the body, about possible diseases and disorders, like alcoholics or smokers.
Sex hormones as carcinogens
Without a doubt, the sex hormones of pigs (especially wild boar) have a great influence on the quality of meat. It is no coincidence that boars are castrated a few weeks or months before slaughter, otherwise the meat will emit a fetid smell and are practically unsuitable for use.
There are assumptions about the carcinogenicity of pork sex hormones. Despite the fact that there are a number of similarities (anatomical, biochemical, etc.) between a pig and a person, a pig is a negative image of a person. She has few muscles and bones, a lot of mucous and fat connective tissue. This is a seriously ill animal: heart lipoidosis, fatty liver dystrophy, etc. This is a reservoir of a huge number of toxins for humans: fats, cholesterol, growth hormone, mucous-swelling substance, etc.
Homotoxicology as a solution to the problem.
Pork can be excreted not only by the usual physiological ways: through urine, air, feces, sweat, but also pathological, for example, through inflammation.
Depending on what parts of pork a person eats, then various diseases arise, respectively, especially gallbladder with stone formation (cholecystitis), bile colic and acute inflammation of the cecum (appendicitis), as well as complications such as thrombosis and embolism due to the gradual deposit of pork toxins. Inflammation does not always occur, but more often deposition (cumulation) of constituent pork, especially its mucous and lipid components, in the connective tissue, which is manifested by various kinds of deposits and seals, obesity. Those who most often eat sausages, there is a deforming cylindrical development of the limbs and shoulder girdle, especially in lovers of ham. In such conditions, reserves are reduced, peripheral, cerebral and coronary blood circulation is disturbed.
Typical suffering of patients with the deposition of pork toxins in the back of the head - occipital carbuncles, boils, hydradenitis. In people who often use pork chops - appendicitis, gallstone colic, cholangitis, cholecystitis, gallbladder empyema, etc.
Chronic exposure to pork toxins as a result of the systematic use of pork is the main cause of cerebral blood flow disorders, strokes, which is associated with deposits of ukopolysaccharides in the basal membrane A typical consequence of the use of pork chill - shin ulcer Long-term use of pork leads to the replacement of cartilage tissue with the mucous connective tissue of a pig that cannot withstand its own loads. That's how you get arthritis, arthrosis. If there are diseases such as white, cervical erosion, then the biologically correct treatment is to completely ban the use of pork in order to stop the further intake of pork toxins.
In the homotoxicology of G. Rekkeweg states that all diseases are nothing but the mobilization of protective measures against toxins or damage as a result of the intake of toxins into the body. Fever, flu, sore throat is absurd to treat with chemicals (analgesics, antibiotics, etc.), since they do not affect the elimination of toxins (endotoxins), but only destroy microorganisms. In diseases, bacteria do not play the role of initiators of the disease, but indicators. They saprophyte in inflamed tissues slagged with pork toxins, dissolving the bed of toxins, thereby being an auxiliary factor in their elimination.
Therefore, intoxication should be adequate biological treatment - Bryonia, Mercurius solubilis, Hepar sulfuris, Echinacea comp., Traumeel should be borne in mind: the meat of wild pigs is also toxic, as well as domestic with the only difference that the former have less fat. There should be a total ban on pork in hospitals. Do not believe someone who in his 90s says about the constant use of pork. As well as the so-called healthy farmers who eat pork. Real evidence of their condition: chronic arthrosis, hepatopathy, rheumatism, etc. It is not by chance that the ban on pork from the mouth of the Prophet Moses is mentioned in the Quran. The average human biological age is 150 years. It is approached by residents of the Caucasus, Turkey, Islamic countries, where centenarians do not eat pork, constantly being in good health.
Another modern aspect of pork inferiority.
According to veterinary control, about 20% of pork meat has a light watery appearance, 5% is dark red. Both types of meat have a sharply changed pH, and hence - different contents of water, electrolytes, taste, storage duration. Biochemical processes that unfold in the first 24 hours after slaughter determine the degree of oxidation of muscle mass. Thus, stress before slaughter (transportation, loading, etc.) in sensitive animals causes increased formation of ATP and glycogen in muscles. In addition, lactic acid during this period leaves the muscles in the blood, which dramatically changes the pH of meat in the direction of increasing the water content of meat, on the contrary, lactic acid remains in the muscles and therefore they have a low pH. Usually after slaughter, the pH is 7.2, and after 6-10 hours 5.4 - 5.8. For comparison: beef after 12 - 24 hours 5.3 - 5.7. Dark meat has a pH of barely 6.2. The quality is lower. It's dehydrated, dark red. When salting - low stability, a tendency to rot.
General plan information.
Some people think that a little pork can be eaten. It's a mistake. A tiny amount is also a poison that enters the weak spots of the body called Loci minoris resistentiae. Unfortunately, many doctors are completely incompetent in this matter: sometimes instead of banning the use of pork to the patient, they strongly recommend it as a dietary product. According to G. Rekkeweg, it should always be remembered that pork consists of a toxic material (fat, mucus, histamines, initiators of inflammation, dangerous hormones, etc.), which are rotted in the intestine, turning into a typical manure mass. Therefore, if you want to prevent dung diseases, do not use pork under any circumstances and in any form. It should be emphasized that there are no doubts from the point of view of environmental purity the quality of beef, lamb, poultry meat, deer, deer. It is better not to eat hare and rabbit meat. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/2249175.html