Good reasons to give up eating pork. This is the most harmful meat!
Eat meat or not - the choice of everyone. But if the choice between types of meat, it is worse than the pork version does not exist. Eco-friendly and useful kinds of meat - beef, lamb, poultry, venison. A common favorite, and all pork - the source of many health problems, its use should be restricted or even completely eliminate from your diet. Pork contains toxic components - fat, mucus, histamines, hormones hazardous substances that undergo putrefaction in the intestine. This causes infections, skin diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, and even changes in the hormonal background of a person. Science explains a lot.
1. Pork contains growth hormone em>, which causes disruptions in the coordinated work of the human body. Under the influence of a foreign hormone occur pathological processes: obesity, growth of benign and malignant tumors.
2. Pork contains histamine - em> allergenic irritant. Appendicitis, cholecystitis and develop boils, dermatitis, eczema - effects of histamine in the body.
3. Pork blood is rich in oncogenic agents em> - specific red blood cells acting as markers of cancer.
4. The flu virus em> is very common in the sausage, product from getting into the lungs of the animal. Frequent consumption of pork leads to more frequent diseases flu!
5. Pork - the fatty meat em>, it contributes to obesity, especially if you eat pork in a stressful condition.
6. Pork is very toxic, it contains hazardous carcinogens em> and is not inferior to their harmfulness spirits. There are suggestions on the carcinogenicity of porcine hormones.
7. The human meat and the meat of pigs are very similar in structure, there are a number of anatomical and biochemical parameters similar to those in humans and pigs. But the little pigs muscles and bones, but a lot of fat and connective tissue. Pigs are often sick, and you can never be completely sure, the meat of the animal sick or healthy you eat.
8. Constant poisoning toxins em>, contained in pork meat, provoking problems with the heart and can cause stroke. In humans, was using pork to form a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
All diseases - is to mobilize the body's defenses against toxins or damage as a result of entering into the body of toxins. Many believe the pork amazingly delicious meat, but it is only eating habits that can be changed. If the child is a child to learn to eat right, then it is possible to avoid serious health problems. Think about whether to continue to eat the flesh of swine, and share this important information with your friends.
via takprosto cc

1. Pork contains growth hormone em>, which causes disruptions in the coordinated work of the human body. Under the influence of a foreign hormone occur pathological processes: obesity, growth of benign and malignant tumors.
2. Pork contains histamine - em> allergenic irritant. Appendicitis, cholecystitis and develop boils, dermatitis, eczema - effects of histamine in the body.
3. Pork blood is rich in oncogenic agents em> - specific red blood cells acting as markers of cancer.
4. The flu virus em> is very common in the sausage, product from getting into the lungs of the animal. Frequent consumption of pork leads to more frequent diseases flu!
5. Pork - the fatty meat em>, it contributes to obesity, especially if you eat pork in a stressful condition.
6. Pork is very toxic, it contains hazardous carcinogens em> and is not inferior to their harmfulness spirits. There are suggestions on the carcinogenicity of porcine hormones.

7. The human meat and the meat of pigs are very similar in structure, there are a number of anatomical and biochemical parameters similar to those in humans and pigs. But the little pigs muscles and bones, but a lot of fat and connective tissue. Pigs are often sick, and you can never be completely sure, the meat of the animal sick or healthy you eat.
8. Constant poisoning toxins em>, contained in pork meat, provoking problems with the heart and can cause stroke. In humans, was using pork to form a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
All diseases - is to mobilize the body's defenses against toxins or damage as a result of entering into the body of toxins. Many believe the pork amazingly delicious meat, but it is only eating habits that can be changed. If the child is a child to learn to eat right, then it is possible to avoid serious health problems. Think about whether to continue to eat the flesh of swine, and share this important information with your friends.
via takprosto cc
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