How to Freeze Meat Properly
It is not always possible to cook fresh meat. Often, housewives put it on the shelf of the freezer so that it does not deteriorate, or buy frozen food in the supermarket. And then the defrosting process begins - long and annoying. Therefore, many resort to various tricks that help thaw. And they make a number of mistakes that make it harmful to health.
Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the most common mistakes. thawThat you need to know about.
How to defrost meat Mistakes when thawing meat
Don’t forget to wash your hands after holding frozen meat. Of course, bacteria are all around us, but there are plenty of them in meat. You don't know how it was stored or what the animal's health was. Therefore, you need to carefully approach not only its preparation, but also to storage and defrosting.
Tell us in the comments how you thaw the meat. Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the most common mistakes. thawThat you need to know about.
How to defrost meat Mistakes when thawing meat
- Hot defrosting
Do not move meat from the freezer to hot or even warm water. After all, you create the perfect environment for the development of harmful and putrefactive bacteria. After this defrosting, you can easily end up in a hospital bed. You may be surprised, but the meat is properly thawed in cold water, the temperature of which is close to 0 degrees. It'll be quick and safe.
DepositPhotos - Freezing in the fridge
Some housewives consider themselves smart, putting the meat to defrost not in the open air, but on the top shelf of the refrigerator. They're half right. In the refrigerator, you can really thaw meat, but only on the lowest shelf and in some container. Otherwise, the upper shelf will drip blood and liquid on other products, thereby creating an environment for the development of bacteria and fungi.
DepositPhotos - Freezing among other products
You can not place frozen meat among vegetables (even frozen), spices and other products. As you might have guessed, this combination serves to multiply harmful organisms. By the way, 2 different types of meat also should not be thawed in one dish. Before you put meat in the same container with other products, make sure that it is completely thawed.
DepositPhotos - Washing meat
Not my meat until it thaws. Otherwise, various bacteria will settle in your shell, on your hands. Meat should be washed, but only when it has acquired its natural state.
DepositPhotos - Refrosting
Remember: Meat is frozen once! If you defrost the meat, but you didn’t need the whole piece to cook, don’t put it back in the freezer. Either cook something else, or send it to the refrigerator for a day and cook it again. Re-freezing and defrosting deprive the meat of many taste qualities, the dish may not come out as you expect. In addition, it accumulates a lot of different parasites. If re-freezing occurred, then treat cooking very carefully. It is better to cook the meat and then do something else.
DepositPhotos - Frost-dryer
It sounds ridiculous, but many hostess, especially beginners, do it. Frozen meat should not be thawed by hot air. Not even in the microwave. Its outer layer is overheated, and ice will remain inside. Harmful organisms will arrange a ball in such conditions.
DepositPhotos - Cooking frozen meat
You think that by cutting frozen meat into thin pieces, you can roast it in a pan? Of course you can, but it's not worth it. The meat can be overcooked from the outside and quite stiff inside. It will shoot on the pan due to the contact of ice water and hot oil.
Don’t forget to wash your hands after holding frozen meat. Of course, bacteria are all around us, but there are plenty of them in meat. You don't know how it was stored or what the animal's health was. Therefore, you need to carefully approach not only its preparation, but also to storage and defrosting.
Tell us in the comments how you thaw the meat. Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.