Why you should not miss the opportunity to prepare a Thursday salt, the chance falls only once a year
It is good that the younger generation returns to its history and revives forgotten traditions and recipes. One of these Easter traditions is the preparation of black salt. People call it Thursday salt.
It is prepared on the night from Wednesday to Thursday for Holy Week. If you do not want to get up at night, you can cook on Thursday morning. Only after you swim before sunrise. How exactly this can be done, we explain in detail later in the article.
Prepare black salt in complete silence and harmony. Due to its unique preparation, this salt is much healthier than even iodized sea salt. But you can only do it once a year.
This method of calcination and roasting of salt makes it possible to enrich it with copper, zinc, iodine, calcium, potassium and other trace elements. But the level of chlorine, because of which salt becomes harmful, is almost zero. Also, for the preparation of Thursday salt, many herbs and spices are added, which improve metabolism and overall health.
There are many recipes for Thursday salt. Today we will tell you about the ancient recipe of Orthodox monks who continue to harvest black salt for parishioners. Of course, adhere to a completely monastic recipe will not work. To do this, you need to have a real oven on coals and harvested birch logs. But everything else can be found without problems.
How to cook Thursday salt We will need large table salt and oatmeal. All this must be well mixed and wrapped in fabric, preferably linen. Send this to the oven for calcination. We pray the Lord’s Prayer at least three times. Stir the salt periodically. After about half an hour, we remove the finished salt from the oven. If desired, you can add spices and fragrant herbs to the mixture.
Such salt stimulates the proper functioning of the digestive tract, kidneys and liver. It helps to stabilize the pressure of people suffering from hypertension. The product is also a natural sorbent. It removes toxins and toxins from the body, and also normalizes gas exchange and metabolism, increases appetite. This salt has a rejuvenating effect and increases visual acuity.
On the feast of Easter, Thursday salt was necessarily consecrated in the temple along with kulichs and eggs. At the festive table, all dishes are added only with Thursday salt. This promises good luck and prosperity throughout the year.
In addition to its physical properties, Thursday salt is also magical. For example, it protects the house and its inhabitants from failures, evil eye, theft and other adverse phenomena. You should definitely keep it in the house. Then there will be peace and order in the family.
To do this, it is necessary that each family member take a handful of salt, how much fits in the palm, and put in a canvas bag. Keep this bag under the bed or in the headboard for a year.
Easter is a unique holiday that symbolizes the awakening of all life after winter, the purification of the body, thoughts and space around. Spend this day with your family and let go of all the bad things!
Share in the comments how you prepare for this bright holiday.

It is prepared on the night from Wednesday to Thursday for Holy Week. If you do not want to get up at night, you can cook on Thursday morning. Only after you swim before sunrise. How exactly this can be done, we explain in detail later in the article.
Prepare black salt in complete silence and harmony. Due to its unique preparation, this salt is much healthier than even iodized sea salt. But you can only do it once a year.
This method of calcination and roasting of salt makes it possible to enrich it with copper, zinc, iodine, calcium, potassium and other trace elements. But the level of chlorine, because of which salt becomes harmful, is almost zero. Also, for the preparation of Thursday salt, many herbs and spices are added, which improve metabolism and overall health.

There are many recipes for Thursday salt. Today we will tell you about the ancient recipe of Orthodox monks who continue to harvest black salt for parishioners. Of course, adhere to a completely monastic recipe will not work. To do this, you need to have a real oven on coals and harvested birch logs. But everything else can be found without problems.
How to cook Thursday salt We will need large table salt and oatmeal. All this must be well mixed and wrapped in fabric, preferably linen. Send this to the oven for calcination. We pray the Lord’s Prayer at least three times. Stir the salt periodically. After about half an hour, we remove the finished salt from the oven. If desired, you can add spices and fragrant herbs to the mixture.

Such salt stimulates the proper functioning of the digestive tract, kidneys and liver. It helps to stabilize the pressure of people suffering from hypertension. The product is also a natural sorbent. It removes toxins and toxins from the body, and also normalizes gas exchange and metabolism, increases appetite. This salt has a rejuvenating effect and increases visual acuity.

On the feast of Easter, Thursday salt was necessarily consecrated in the temple along with kulichs and eggs. At the festive table, all dishes are added only with Thursday salt. This promises good luck and prosperity throughout the year.

In addition to its physical properties, Thursday salt is also magical. For example, it protects the house and its inhabitants from failures, evil eye, theft and other adverse phenomena. You should definitely keep it in the house. Then there will be peace and order in the family.
To do this, it is necessary that each family member take a handful of salt, how much fits in the palm, and put in a canvas bag. Keep this bag under the bed or in the headboard for a year.

Easter is a unique holiday that symbolizes the awakening of all life after winter, the purification of the body, thoughts and space around. Spend this day with your family and let go of all the bad things!
Share in the comments how you prepare for this bright holiday.
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