You can prepare Thursday salt only once a year, we share monastery recipes.
Clean Thursday is a special day of Holy Week. On this day it is customary to clean the house and prepare for the bright holiday of Easter. According to Orthodox tradition, only on this day you can prepare a special salt that has healing properties. We will remind about all the traditions and rituals in another article, and now we will tell you how to make Thursday salt according to all the rules.
Editorial "Site" He shares with you the exact monastery recipes for salt harvesting, which can be implemented at home.
Thursday salt has long been valued among the people as a strong amulet and healing remedy. It is believed that it has cleansing, healing and protective properties. After cooking, salt is actively used in the household.
To prepare salt, you need to follow some important rules. Before taking on this important task, you need to clean the house. But remember that salt must be prepared before sunset. We must also not forget about prayer. After all, without faith in the heart and pure thoughts, all this does not make sense. Now we can make preparations.
Let's start with the simplest way. To do this, you will need 1 kg of ordinary table salt and 10 tablespoons of rye flour. From the inventory you need a wooden spoon, a heavy cast-iron pan and a dense bag for storing the finished salt.
The pan must be thoroughly washed and dried. Then pour the salt into the pan, add the flour and start stirring. It is important to interfere with a wooden spoon and clockwise. Heat the frying pan and continue to stir the salt, reciting the prayer “Our Father” above it. When the salt turns black, extinguish the fire and leave it to cool. After pouring Thursday salt into a bag.
This salt will turn out to be even more rich and useful, but for its preparation you will need fragrant herbs. Rosemary, mint, nettle will do. You can choose one thing, or you can mix it all together. You also need rock salt and black bread. To prepare a special fragrant salt, soak the bread in water, grind the herbs and mix everything with salt. After all, you need to bake together in the oven (or in the oven) before blackening. Then cool it and put it in a bag.
After cooking, you need to take the salt to the church. Usually on Easter Sunday it is put in an Easter basket and consecrated along with other products. Store black salt in a secluded place, away from other people's eyes. It is best to hide it behind the icons. It should be kept at home until next Clean Thursday, using it as needed.
That's all you need to know about how to make Thursday salt. We also told you how to spend a clean Thursday to get clean. The main thing is to remember that what is more important is not rituals and tradition, but your faith and bright thoughts. Please stay safe, take care of yourself, and let the bright Easter holiday come to your home and give you hope.

Editorial "Site" He shares with you the exact monastery recipes for salt harvesting, which can be implemented at home.
Thursday salt has long been valued among the people as a strong amulet and healing remedy. It is believed that it has cleansing, healing and protective properties. After cooking, salt is actively used in the household.

- Slowly add to the bath in which the baby is bathed. It is believed that this will make it strong and healthy.
- Thursday salt is kept on the table so that there is always plenty in the house.
- Take with them on a trip as a charm. To do this, you can pour it into a small bag and pin it to your clothes.
- From quarrels, a bag of Thursday salt is put in bed.
- Women add it to washing water to preserve beauty and youth.

To prepare salt, you need to follow some important rules. Before taking on this important task, you need to clean the house. But remember that salt must be prepared before sunset. We must also not forget about prayer. After all, without faith in the heart and pure thoughts, all this does not make sense. Now we can make preparations.
Let's start with the simplest way. To do this, you will need 1 kg of ordinary table salt and 10 tablespoons of rye flour. From the inventory you need a wooden spoon, a heavy cast-iron pan and a dense bag for storing the finished salt.
The pan must be thoroughly washed and dried. Then pour the salt into the pan, add the flour and start stirring. It is important to interfere with a wooden spoon and clockwise. Heat the frying pan and continue to stir the salt, reciting the prayer “Our Father” above it. When the salt turns black, extinguish the fire and leave it to cool. After pouring Thursday salt into a bag.

This salt will turn out to be even more rich and useful, but for its preparation you will need fragrant herbs. Rosemary, mint, nettle will do. You can choose one thing, or you can mix it all together. You also need rock salt and black bread. To prepare a special fragrant salt, soak the bread in water, grind the herbs and mix everything with salt. After all, you need to bake together in the oven (or in the oven) before blackening. Then cool it and put it in a bag.

After cooking, you need to take the salt to the church. Usually on Easter Sunday it is put in an Easter basket and consecrated along with other products. Store black salt in a secluded place, away from other people's eyes. It is best to hide it behind the icons. It should be kept at home until next Clean Thursday, using it as needed.

That's all you need to know about how to make Thursday salt. We also told you how to spend a clean Thursday to get clean. The main thing is to remember that what is more important is not rituals and tradition, but your faith and bright thoughts. Please stay safe, take care of yourself, and let the bright Easter holiday come to your home and give you hope.
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