Amazing properties of black Thursday salt and ancient recipes

According to Orthodox custom, on the Great or Pure Thursday of Holy Week, the so-called Thursday or black salt is harvested. Kostroma region is the only one where its recipe has remained unchanged since antiquity.
There are many traditions - what can and should be done in the last before Easter, the so-called Holy Week. For example, on Monday you need to finish all the housework, on Tuesday to wash, iron and repair clothes, on Wednesday they take out garbage from the house, and on Great Thursday, it is also called Clean, you need to swim before sunrise (it is believed that the water in the early morning has healing power). On the same day, they begin to cook Easter, cakes and paint eggs.
In the old days, in Russia on Great Thursday, the so-called black or Thursday salt was also prepared. On the night from Wednesday to Thursday or early in the morning, ordinary stone salt was wrapped, mixed with leavened grounds or rye flour, cabbage leaves and spices, in canvas matter, placed all this in a paw and put in an oven. The salt became hot and turned black. Then she was sanctified with the kulichs. Easter eggs were only eaten with this salt.
It was believed that the recipes for making black salt were lost. However, in the Kostroma wilderness, there were those who knew the technology well. Recipes were passed down from generation to generation. Now salt is prepared on an industrial scale, sold all over Russia and so called - "Black salt". An old Russian product from Kostroma.”
There are nuances. For example, you need to use only birch wood. And stoves need special ones. And even the method of stirring after firing matters. And also be sure to observe the proportions of spicy herbs - mint and oregano. We make salt based on rye flour. This is an environmentally friendly product rich in micronutrients.
Along with the color, salt radically changes its properties. Analysis of black salt showed that it contains 94% sodium chloride, and the rest is ash from bread. This ash enriches salt with such elements as iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc and others, which in small quantities are very useful for the body. And the level of chlorine, for which salt is scolded by doctors, decreases. So from the white death, salt turns into a black medicine.

Black salt relieves the load from the liver and digestive system by the fact that it contains ten times less ferrous metals, leading to impaired functions of the kidneys, liver and digestive tract.
This salt does not increase the sodium content in the blood, so it is recommended for people with high blood pressure. It does not retain water in the body. Carbon in the form of fine-porous coal is an absorbent, therefore, removes toxins from the body. In medicine, black salt helps to relieve constipation, eliminate gas formation and increase appetite. It also helps to relieve the burning in the chest.It has a beneficial effect on vision and has rejuvenating properties.
Doctors recommend it for the prevention of mineral deficiency.
A mixture of two parts of natural honey and one part of black salt is a wonderful remedy for periodontal disease and bleeding gums. In the mornings, my husband and I massage the gums for a few minutes before brushing our teeth. I also add black salt to face and neck masks.
Velvety and elasticity to the skin gives a mixture of a tablespoon of thick sour cream and half a teaspoon of salt. And if you mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. flour and 1/2 tsp. black salt, you get a mask with a lifting effect that smooths and tightens the skin.
Recipes for making black salt.
- Borodinsky bread - 150g.
-Gray sea salt -150g.
- Cumin 1hl.
- Ground coriander 1 tsp
- Water 70g.
Cut from a loaf of Borodino bread 3 pieces, cut off a crust from them. Cut in small cubes, put in a pan, pour water - stretch and make a homogeneous mass.
Crush about 150 grams of large sea salt and pour into soaked bread.
Sprinkle cumin and coriander (in general, spices to taste)
Stir everything thoroughly.
Smear in the form and put in the oven at 230-250C. After 10 minutes, take out the dried "bread" and break it. Put it back in the oven until the "suhari" are completely black. You can stir periodically.
After about 30-40 minutes, the room is flooded with smog, from burnt bread.
Take out the burnt bread and grind it thoroughly.
The black spicy salt is ready.
Thursday salt based on leavened grounds.
On Great Thursday leavened grounds (after fermenting the wort) mix with large stone salt. Instead of leavened grounds, you can use rye or Borodino bread (for 1 kg of salt - 5 kg of bread). Mix the soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 degrees, and cook until the bread turns black. The resulting mixture is crushed and blown through a sieve. The remaining salt in the sieve is poured into cans and used instead of ordinary salt.
Thursday salt with cabbage leaves.
Green upper leaves, removed from the cabbage head, cut and mix with stone salt, then burn in an oven or oven.
Monastery recipe for Thursday salt.
Mix the big salt with the oatmeal. The mixture is wrapped in linen cloth or paw. Cook in a Russian oven on coals from seven birch logs.
After you put salt in the oven, it is recommended to recite the prayer “Our Father” three times.
People say that black salt saves from ailments not only physical, but also from quarrels and damage, serves as a talisman. The talisman is done as follows: in a clean canvas bag, each family member puts a handful of salt, how much it fits in the fist. The bag is tied and put in a secluded place in the house. It is believed that he will protect the house from the “black” forces. The Church does not favor such use of black salt, like any other magic. As a food product, please, but it is not necessary to attribute healing and magical properties to it, the clergy believe.
Black salt is one of the so-called Ayurvedic products. Ayurveda is an ancient medical science, most revered in India. It is believed that black salt contains elements of water and fire and therefore contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system and clarity of intelligence.
Today, black salt from the ceremonial seasoning to the Easter table has moved to the everyday kitchen. Buy a bag of salt in almost any store on any day of the week. But it is believed that the salt consecrated in the temple before the Orthodox Easter still has special properties. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: www.nazemle.org/zdorovye/eda/162-chto-takoe-chernaya-sol-recepty-prigotovleniya.html