How to turn routine into a real pleasure
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi convinced that we can best feel when using your skills for something meaningful and so transform the ordinary into a real pleasure. This is a condition worth striving for in every moment of our lives.
Own life Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes as "an effort to understand what really makes people happy." He convincingly argues with the conventional wisdom that the path to happiness lies through the satisfaction of desires and carefree consumption. For 30 years, he interviewed thousands of people from different countries, trying to understand what makes them happy, and convinced that the better we feel when best use their forces and talents for the sake of achieving a meaningful goal. Then an integral part of life is happiness – happiness is an active, meaningful, transforming the routine into a real pleasure. Csikszentmihalyi calls it "flow state" (flow). This definition is not accidental: it is flow is most often compared my feelings of the participants of his research.
It turned out that we feel happy not when eating cake or bask on the beach, and when the maximum use of their capabilities and talents. It is this creative state Csikszentmihalyi calls "flow": in it we feel good as ever and doing the best we can. In these moments we merge with what we are doing, forgetting about time and worries.
Together with his students Csikszentmihalyi videotaped and then analyzed the testimony of people who have learned to draw energy and joy in this state. Based on 91 interviews he determined that can help everyone to live life creatively. This is not necessarily to create masterpieces, the most important thing is to invest in every gesture, every step. Here are some ways to develop individual creativity.
Because very often we find ourselves buried under the many daily problems, and the need to simply survive becomes an obsession, we don't have the mental energy to create, to learn, to create something new. How to be? First of all, you need to maintain a curiosity about life and interested in many different things without any particular purpose. This is the most simple: to listen and hear what is said the colleague or the partner, to feel on my face the wind, to admire the clouds reflected on the glass facade of the house, watching a child playing with a puppy. If every day we will be able to be surprised, then we will feel new strength.
It's funny how much money we spend on improving the appearance, while internal restructuring certainly would bring us much more benefit. However, the man has extreme fatalism in all that concerns his character. But if we go through life without changing their habits and not adapting, we block our creative energy.
Each of us has our own way of interacting with the world. But look at creative people: often they are combined quality, at first glance mutually exclusive. To explore their hidden sides, the existence of which we do not suspect or otherwise deny their presence, is an extremely fruitful exercise. For example, people who are prone to rivalry may exercise in collaboration, and Vice versa. Another, with a developed intuition, should learn to be objective and rational. If you find it difficult to define the field of activities, ask the family, what qualities are characteristic for you. So you can choose the type of behavior "on the contrary". Of course, it will be difficult, but this experience allows us to grow and develop.
When creative energy is awakened, it should be protected, completely surrendering to her, so she's not gone, not vanished like smoke. J. K. Rowling admitted, while writing novels about Harry Potter, her apartment was in chaos. Every moment was reclaimed from the boring and mundane Affairs, is a minute saved for creativity.
Many used to live in a constant rush, and the thought that you can do nothing, they cover the alarm. However, a constant bustle was not conducive to creativity. You must afford the luxury of reflection. To provide time to take stock, to remember everything we did in life, and to think that we still have. Ideal to combine these pauses with physical activity: walk, swim, make something, work in the garden... And then, whether we like it or not, new ideas will come to us in the head. And the less we control, the more interesting and creative they will be.
The creative process begins with a sense that something is wrong. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi invites us to understand our difficulties and to Express what we care about, to rediscover the contact with our feelings, even if they have upset or frightened. If we lost a mother or father, whether in our sadness notes the relief or perhaps feelings of liberation? The best way to understand their complex and mixed emotions begin to Express them without the help of intelligence, through drawing, sculpting, music. And then try to describe them in words.
There is another possibility: to change the formulation of the question. One prominent businessman accustomed themselves to the simple exercise. To each his own approval and he said to himself: "what if the reverse is true?" It would be nice to be able to every day a little to change course based on new information. Creatively solve problems means to constantly reassess the situation, to change approaches. The only prerequisite is to have fun. According to Csikszentmihalyi, the only way we will be able to contribute to the development of humanity. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: osokina.com.ua
Own life Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes as "an effort to understand what really makes people happy." He convincingly argues with the conventional wisdom that the path to happiness lies through the satisfaction of desires and carefree consumption. For 30 years, he interviewed thousands of people from different countries, trying to understand what makes them happy, and convinced that the better we feel when best use their forces and talents for the sake of achieving a meaningful goal. Then an integral part of life is happiness – happiness is an active, meaningful, transforming the routine into a real pleasure. Csikszentmihalyi calls it "flow state" (flow). This definition is not accidental: it is flow is most often compared my feelings of the participants of his research.

It turned out that we feel happy not when eating cake or bask on the beach, and when the maximum use of their capabilities and talents. It is this creative state Csikszentmihalyi calls "flow": in it we feel good as ever and doing the best we can. In these moments we merge with what we are doing, forgetting about time and worries.
Together with his students Csikszentmihalyi videotaped and then analyzed the testimony of people who have learned to draw energy and joy in this state. Based on 91 interviews he determined that can help everyone to live life creatively. This is not necessarily to create masterpieces, the most important thing is to invest in every gesture, every step. Here are some ways to develop individual creativity.
Because very often we find ourselves buried under the many daily problems, and the need to simply survive becomes an obsession, we don't have the mental energy to create, to learn, to create something new. How to be? First of all, you need to maintain a curiosity about life and interested in many different things without any particular purpose. This is the most simple: to listen and hear what is said the colleague or the partner, to feel on my face the wind, to admire the clouds reflected on the glass facade of the house, watching a child playing with a puppy. If every day we will be able to be surprised, then we will feel new strength.
It's funny how much money we spend on improving the appearance, while internal restructuring certainly would bring us much more benefit. However, the man has extreme fatalism in all that concerns his character. But if we go through life without changing their habits and not adapting, we block our creative energy.
Each of us has our own way of interacting with the world. But look at creative people: often they are combined quality, at first glance mutually exclusive. To explore their hidden sides, the existence of which we do not suspect or otherwise deny their presence, is an extremely fruitful exercise. For example, people who are prone to rivalry may exercise in collaboration, and Vice versa. Another, with a developed intuition, should learn to be objective and rational. If you find it difficult to define the field of activities, ask the family, what qualities are characteristic for you. So you can choose the type of behavior "on the contrary". Of course, it will be difficult, but this experience allows us to grow and develop.
When creative energy is awakened, it should be protected, completely surrendering to her, so she's not gone, not vanished like smoke. J. K. Rowling admitted, while writing novels about Harry Potter, her apartment was in chaos. Every moment was reclaimed from the boring and mundane Affairs, is a minute saved for creativity.
Many used to live in a constant rush, and the thought that you can do nothing, they cover the alarm. However, a constant bustle was not conducive to creativity. You must afford the luxury of reflection. To provide time to take stock, to remember everything we did in life, and to think that we still have. Ideal to combine these pauses with physical activity: walk, swim, make something, work in the garden... And then, whether we like it or not, new ideas will come to us in the head. And the less we control, the more interesting and creative they will be.
The creative process begins with a sense that something is wrong. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi invites us to understand our difficulties and to Express what we care about, to rediscover the contact with our feelings, even if they have upset or frightened. If we lost a mother or father, whether in our sadness notes the relief or perhaps feelings of liberation? The best way to understand their complex and mixed emotions begin to Express them without the help of intelligence, through drawing, sculpting, music. And then try to describe them in words.
There is another possibility: to change the formulation of the question. One prominent businessman accustomed themselves to the simple exercise. To each his own approval and he said to himself: "what if the reverse is true?" It would be nice to be able to every day a little to change course based on new information. Creatively solve problems means to constantly reassess the situation, to change approaches. The only prerequisite is to have fun. According to Csikszentmihalyi, the only way we will be able to contribute to the development of humanity. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: osokina.com.ua