WHAT kind of fish is sold in Russia — find out WHAT we eat!
On the Russian fish market, a whole segment of the thawed product, which is sold under the chilled. To verify this, look in one of the most expensive and prestigious supermarket chains.
And the circus to seek. Specialist there is something to laugh: we go to one of the most expensive and exclusive supermarket chains. Move to the fish Department. Beauty! Here are quite dressy. Attention is attracted by a spacious counter with a wide range. 27 types of fish and seafood laid out neatly on ice. This pleasant experience ends.
First of all, let me remind you that the phrase "chilled fish" is quite specific seems to be a prestigious term, technical condition with very specific GOST 814-96. That is, it is one of three possible options for the sale of fish.
In the store it can be either live in tanks or frozen in freezers or refrigerated on the so-called glaciers.
Chilled called the fish, the temperature of which in the thickness of the meat is from -1 to +5 and constantly maintained at this level. To cool that is suitable only live, freshly caught fish. This is very important! That is, according to GOST from frozen fish impossible to make it chilled. Only alive! Transporterowych and keep small chilled fish at the designated temperature for 7-9 days, and 10-12 days gutted and large.
Chilled fish is extremely delicate product, and only under such conditions in a matter of days, it makes its short way from the time of catch to implementation.
To ensure the quality of chilled fish, not necessarily to ask a question to the seller, who will often respond that "the fish was brought in the mornings". How much time fish spent in transit from place of origin to the counter, he's not exactly misleading. Moreover, you do not understand, even looking at the fish accompanying documents. But a superficial knowledge of geography and fisheries will help not to run into fraud. Enough to see the fish and touch it.
Pro tip: the most simple and clear indications of how to distinguish fresh fish from stale
1. Surface of fish should be clean, without damage, allowed only light bytosti scales.
2. Scales on the body of fresh fish is a natural color, shiny, clings, there is no mucus.
3. The torso of stale fish are dull or even dull, the scales are sometimes shot down, loosely held, easily subsides.
4. Unpleasant fishy smell, too, should alert you. Fresh fish of good quality smells of sea, fresh water or ozone, or no odor.
5. Look in the mouth, eyes and under the gills of fish. The mouth should be closed. If it is open or disclosed, then the fish is not fresh.
6. Eyes should be bulging, transparent cornea. Sunken, dull, or even worse, sunken, cloudy eyes indicate that the fish is stale.
7. Fresh fish have a Gill cover tight against the bright red gills and odourless. If they are loosely covered with gray slime and the sharp smell of damp or sour smell and especially is dark brown with mucus from the musty, putrid smell – a fish called rotten.
8. The back and muscle of fresh fish is firm to the touch, the hole from the pressure of a finger quickly disappears, leaving no trace.
9. Meat stale fish blackened, easily separated from the bones, the hole from the pressure of your finger slowly and slowly flattens out.
10. Look at the abdomen. It's fresh fish is not bloated. Stale — often broken with loss or without loss of viscera.
And now the simplest – put the fish on a hand or dip it in the water. If the fish is not bent on the palm and sinking in the water – it's fresh. If the water does not sink, and put the arm bent the arc, the fish was rotten. Instead of the palm you can use a spatula.
So this is, absolutely accurate perspective of GOST we continue to view and feel the product.
"Sea bass (sea wolf) the Mediterranean sea".
"Dorado (sea bream) in the Mediterranean sea".
Excellent choice! Well, consider.
First, all of the above signs, this chilled fish, laid out on the glacier — not fresh.
Secondly, it is not from the Mediterranean sea. Remember, Russia did not deliver any wild sea bass, wild sea no Dorado! We were driven exclusively grown in aquaculture farms fish, which is much smaller in size and significantly cheaper.
For example, the length of wild sea bass reaches 1 meter and a weight of 12 kg. Is this fish in a five times more expensive than farmed.
Once again, a single kilogram of sea bass, a single pound Dorado caught in the Mediterranean over the last 23 years in Russia according to the FCS do not deliver.
Look no further.
"Frozen fish chilled. Arctic ocean" for 149 rubles per 100 grams."
At this price tag all a lie, except for the price. Perhaps, for a commodity other supermarkets this is going to sound a revelation, but Russian fishermen do not produce ice fish. And get it mostly fishermen Spain, Australia, Canada and not in the Arctic ocean, which is actually called the Arctic ocean, and on the opposite, southern side of our planet, in a distant Antarctic, the South-Western part of the Atlantic ocean. Therefore, iced fish supplied to Russia only in frozen form.
In the old days, when Soviet fishermen were fishing around the oceans, ice fish, we were very popular and, along with Pollock and blue whiting were lower-price category.
But never, n-I-K-o-d-d-ice and the fish are not lying on the shelves of our stores chilled. This can not be determined. Due to the geographical remoteness of the fishery and the inability to put it in chilled according to the standards. Even if the traders have named their network the "world's best grocery shopping".
Attention! In Moscow, cannot be sold chilled shrimp fish from New Zealand.There can't be chilled tuna fillets from the Indian ocean. Cannot be refrigerated catfish.
Imagine the technological cold chain standards from catching the fish to implementation with tight deadlines... now tell me, maybe in Moscow lying on the glacier chilled fillet of halibut? Despite the fact that this fish is mined in Svalbard, to Murmansk where the vessel is four days?! Fishermen generally go out to fish for a month or two...
May not be in our capital, even if they call it port of seven seas or chilled turbot from the Atlantic ocean, no bass or red mullet or swordfish from the Indian or coho salmon from Chile or barramundi from Vietnam or mackerel from Iceland or black cod from the Far East.
Specifically for the commodity of this market reported that yellowfin sole are generally not extracted in the Barents sea. That's a lie, a falsification. The scale which it is difficult to assume.
Invite readers to independently evaluate this issue, and if something happens – do not be lazy, and to submit your application to the CPS.
This publication also please consider an official appeal to this Supervisory body.
German Zverev, Chairman of the Committee RSPP on fisheries and aquaculture:
— On the Russian fish market, a whole segment of the thawed product, which is sold under the chilled. A careful study of the reports of Rosstat proves that about 350 thousand tons of fish is sold in chilled, not confirmed in origin. A significant amount of "ohlazhdenku" – not that other, as the former frozen fish that have improved their status at the behest of the seller.
Big fish falsification give importers. For example, in 2013 on the Russian fish market is a unique phenomenon: the production of chilled fish has grown, despite the fact that external supply of chilled raw materials has decreased, while domestic supplies have remained almost unchanged.
The question arises: where raw materials for a significant increase in production? The answer is simple – frozen fish.
Valentin Balashov, Chairman of the interregional Association of coastal fishery in the Northern basin:
— In Moscow's Danilovsky market praised me surrounded by ice chilled squid fillet produced on the ship, which I know very well. I know that this ship produces ... squid in the Bering sea, about three days of travel from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and in a week from Vladivostok. However consider, chilled squid fillet could get there except by helicopter.
And lay chilled fillets of cod, which, according to the seller, it was made in the sea, right on the ship. I wish he didn't say that, because everything is produced on Board of fishing vessels in the North basin cod fillet immediately frozen.
I responsibly declare: the majority of those who likes to buy chilled fish and seafood and enjoy their consumer properties and high quality, not even aware that they buy frozen fish at a price, as they say, a cast-iron bridge.
Greedy traders earn huge amount of money on total fish rigging and along the way promote a brand of imported, mainly Norwegian fish. Unfortunately, in Russia most often chilled.
FIGURE: 80 percent of fish sold as "chilled," in the opinion of the Agency on fishery, — fake!
After the introduction of retaliatory sanctions Muscovites began to better relate to food, including the seafood — fish. The prices are mistrusted and often ask me "Where's the catch?"
But our conversation not only about prices but also about the quality of the fish we buy and eat.
After analyzing the diet of Muscovites, the doctors came to the conclusion that citizens are malnourished fish. Nana Pogosova, chief specialist of the Department of health for preventive medicine, explains that due to the shortage of this product in the diet of residents receive less omega-3, which are so necessary for our body.
What is the reason for this situation? Muscovites do not like fish? Prices bite? Or, is it that easy to find in the capital's shelves this product is of excellent quality not so easy?
We tried to catch the fish fresh in a particular area.
Cheremushkinskiy market. On the counter in shallow ice laid out fish of all kinds and colors. Here and Golden trout, and green and blue parrot, due to their coloring, which can be a bird's name, and red-white nautical ruff. The prices are as unusual as the fish itself: here and there glimpses of astronomical 1700-1800 per kilo.
— What surprised you? She's in the Indian ocean caught! Every fish caught at the bait! — praises the goods the seller.
And often you such overseas fish originate? — insinuating I start a conversation.
— Yes, every day planes fly! — without batting an eye warrants a glib man.
Yeah, so I believe it. Even the fish restaurants in the capital get a fresh catch of the aircraft two times a week. Go on.
— Girl, take pike-perch, fresh, the day before yesterday! — beckoning me to the local Russian.
Here it is, the market advantage in front of the store, where you called the sales assistant and he's drawing you in. Stop to find out other mysteries. It turns out, chilled ice fish a thousand per kilo actually comes frozen. And the vaunted ohlazhdenku is just vierspurigen product. And when I tried to find out where the salmon, the seller honestly threw up his hands:
I do not know. On the invoice it is written that from Belarus.
But on the box is Murmansk. Believe it or not.
Here on the market fall fishing. At another counter, salesman angler in oilcloth apron and shirt with the sleeves rolled up a net catches a mirror carp of a huge aquarium and, without removing it from the net, down on the scales. Karp takes on the scales breakdance — and standing next to buyers fly spray. Disgruntled buyers rush to another aquarium with live fish. And unlucky fisherman gets to me for interrogation.
— How long do you have chilled meat is stored? — I take, that is, the bull by the horns.
— A little month.
— No, 14 days — differ in the testimony of the seller and the owner came to the rescue.
And, with great intrepidity, was the girl's name, knowing all about the chilled fish.
— I'll give you today's, not yesterday, fear not — assures a young pretty girl. And even the secret will reveal how to choose. See, the belly is white, the gills red, that means fresh fish. But, see, the yellow went. So, already began to deteriorate. Surprisingly, the different categories of freshness it shows on your own product.
— And the smell of the fish should be? — continue the interrogation.
— Good fish smells of the sea, and only the missing fish spiritteaches me by the seller. — You fish in the eyes! If the look is cloudy, so stale...
— Where the goods? This probably salmon from Norway?
— Yes, from Norway — still a girl. — After the sanctions only became more expensive and the origin changed.
And promised to come back, I went to the supermarket "Victoria", near the metro station "New Cheryomushki." Cost to go to the fish Department, I feel, spirit fish smell.
Seven of the nine kinds of gifts of the sea campaign. And no wonder: the fish with the smell need to sell as soon as possible.
Two picky girls take pangasius fillets for 298 rubles per kilo. More careful shoppers fish appearance confused:
— Oh, and she's there on the side green? And when brought? — baffling woman.
— I'm not from this Department. I don't know, laconic reply.
— Why smell? — continues to try to find the lady.
You want it fragrant? It's a fish!
After this rebuke the woman requires administrator. To hear the conversation follow.
— Every night we receive fish. All fresh! As fresh as it gets! Our customers are all dismantled, the goods do not lie. And the prices are low. Compare with the market. And nobody on the quality of the fish did not complain.
With fishing coming back with an empty bucket. Where else can you replenish my body of this essential omega-3? I pass by the pharmacy. Can buy the old-fashioned cod liver oil: a century of caps for 23 of the ruble? Or still again to fish?
Go fishing in the ranks of the agricultural market Domodedovskaya. Amid a rich selection of striking a staggering names: fish-Zayets (and written by the hand of a Caucasian seller), Sunny, snowy, fish mascot...
— Have you ever even realize that this fish does not exist? – ask the owner of one of the tents.
— I understand — said sad — but come the pensioner and require: where the fish are-hare!
In fact, they exist. The world knows more than 33 thousand species of fish. In Russia there are about 3 thousand species. This is a huge fish diversity of 8 mm copies to a 20-metre whale shark has hundreds of thousands of scientific names from Latin to rare dialects.
Of course there are names, shall we say, crispy on Russian hearing: fish-flute, fish-cleaner fish-rooster fish and even Picasso. However, fishermen extract 800 is no more "classical" types. Food is a little more than half that. Our country is home to 240 commercial species of fish. On the shelves is about 50. Here's a situation approximately.
It should be borne in mind that there are trade names of fish. For example, under the name of sardines are sold not only the sardines, but sardines, many species of cardinal, under the title of Grenadier also sell Hoki. Sea bass called all the fish of dozens of species, like marine fish.
All kamalabari fish have only 4-5 commodity names, while only in the Pacific ocean, the fishermen produce more than 30 types of fish that go under one name far Eastern flounder and two goods halibut.
Under the label cod on the shelves you can meet and haddock, and Pollock, and saffron cod, and even Pollock. The whole fish is cod, but still. The price of a single. No wonder first experienced hostess was isolated as a mixture of cod higher quality haddock with black side lines and asked the seller cod with black stripes. Of course, cod is very good fish, but when for the same price sold and haddock, the experts prefer it for texture, taste and flavor of the meat.
Generally the seller with the Domodedovo market, like any other can call their product anything even hare, though the hare, the Fox, even, though bars, though fish-Nazran or fish-dance, for example. Most importantly, we, the buyers, the fish correctly identified and understood, what we eat and what you pay for.
I will never forget how in one Suburban market, met a middle-aged woman who was selling fish. The price tag is lazily written, "Pollock b/g – 65 RUB", and next "Polak M – 78 rubles." It was the same headless and gutted frozen fish – Pollock. However, even the rural saleswoman realized that the English name Pollock can add to the price of 13 rubles. So, as the fish will call, so it will be sold.
Perhaps the most successful fish branding can be called the penetration of the Russian market in 90-e years as the Dorado and sea bass. Dorado or Golden spar is sea bream, and sea bass or sea bass sea bass is a sea bass. The greedy importers have realized immediately that neither the carp, nor the bass in Russia will not attract attention. Another thing overseas Dorado and sea bass. Even now, nobody cares that it's not marine fish, but farmed in cages with the addition of growth hormones, antibiotics and dyes.
The most cynical in all this is that the aquaculture fish are sold in much more expensive high-quality wild Russian fish with homespun namesI.
The other side of Golden names was a total fabrication. Under glittering names often trade outright rubbish especiallywhen on the shelves there is Bessmertnaya, cleaned fish or fillet especially when even an advanced ichthyologist will not be able to determine what kind of fish. Such tricks often make with Chinese tilapia andVietnamese pangasius. Both these fish are very undemanding in artificial breeding, breed rapidly and grow like weeds in warm climates.
Revealing the local proverb: "If you have an old Shoe — don't throw it, better give tilapia... and through the year you will have delicious meat." Called pangasius channel catfish and throw it in the channels of the Mekong where the drain all the impurities of the surrounding towns and villages. Worse, a recent investigation conducted by Bloomberg correspondents tilapia and pangasius is most effective growing on pig manure in appalling sanitary conditions. So, this import is sold under the most incredible names: 'chicken of the sea, river chicken, and sole. Not to say that such fish do not exist, but it is not tilapia and pangasius that we offer for the price of a cast iron bridge under the bright name. The same sole is an expensive fish and clean the sole, so named because of the shape of the body.
In the end, the problem is in the plane of taste habits, culinary traditions and financial possibilities, and not how one or the other fish is called. Or call her.
Also interesting: Caution! Norwegian salmon is a fish of mass destruction
Wonton — don't eat this fish !
For example, the most, perhaps, popular now salmon in the past century in England had a very different reputation. Signing a contract with the employer, the employee is often stipulated that the owner agrees not to feed it salmon more than twice a week. Salmon in those days abounded in the coastal waters of England and was one of the cheapest foods.
FIGURE: 240 species of game fish inhabit in our country. But in the stores is only about 50. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: voprosik.net/kakuyu-rybu-prodayut-v-rossii/
And the circus to seek. Specialist there is something to laugh: we go to one of the most expensive and exclusive supermarket chains. Move to the fish Department. Beauty! Here are quite dressy. Attention is attracted by a spacious counter with a wide range. 27 types of fish and seafood laid out neatly on ice. This pleasant experience ends.
First of all, let me remind you that the phrase "chilled fish" is quite specific seems to be a prestigious term, technical condition with very specific GOST 814-96. That is, it is one of three possible options for the sale of fish.

In the store it can be either live in tanks or frozen in freezers or refrigerated on the so-called glaciers.
Chilled called the fish, the temperature of which in the thickness of the meat is from -1 to +5 and constantly maintained at this level. To cool that is suitable only live, freshly caught fish. This is very important! That is, according to GOST from frozen fish impossible to make it chilled. Only alive! Transporterowych and keep small chilled fish at the designated temperature for 7-9 days, and 10-12 days gutted and large.
Chilled fish is extremely delicate product, and only under such conditions in a matter of days, it makes its short way from the time of catch to implementation.
To ensure the quality of chilled fish, not necessarily to ask a question to the seller, who will often respond that "the fish was brought in the mornings". How much time fish spent in transit from place of origin to the counter, he's not exactly misleading. Moreover, you do not understand, even looking at the fish accompanying documents. But a superficial knowledge of geography and fisheries will help not to run into fraud. Enough to see the fish and touch it.
Pro tip: the most simple and clear indications of how to distinguish fresh fish from stale
1. Surface of fish should be clean, without damage, allowed only light bytosti scales.
2. Scales on the body of fresh fish is a natural color, shiny, clings, there is no mucus.
3. The torso of stale fish are dull or even dull, the scales are sometimes shot down, loosely held, easily subsides.
4. Unpleasant fishy smell, too, should alert you. Fresh fish of good quality smells of sea, fresh water or ozone, or no odor.
5. Look in the mouth, eyes and under the gills of fish. The mouth should be closed. If it is open or disclosed, then the fish is not fresh.
6. Eyes should be bulging, transparent cornea. Sunken, dull, or even worse, sunken, cloudy eyes indicate that the fish is stale.
7. Fresh fish have a Gill cover tight against the bright red gills and odourless. If they are loosely covered with gray slime and the sharp smell of damp or sour smell and especially is dark brown with mucus from the musty, putrid smell – a fish called rotten.
8. The back and muscle of fresh fish is firm to the touch, the hole from the pressure of a finger quickly disappears, leaving no trace.
9. Meat stale fish blackened, easily separated from the bones, the hole from the pressure of your finger slowly and slowly flattens out.
10. Look at the abdomen. It's fresh fish is not bloated. Stale — often broken with loss or without loss of viscera.
And now the simplest – put the fish on a hand or dip it in the water. If the fish is not bent on the palm and sinking in the water – it's fresh. If the water does not sink, and put the arm bent the arc, the fish was rotten. Instead of the palm you can use a spatula.
So this is, absolutely accurate perspective of GOST we continue to view and feel the product.

"Sea bass (sea wolf) the Mediterranean sea".
"Dorado (sea bream) in the Mediterranean sea".
Excellent choice! Well, consider.
First, all of the above signs, this chilled fish, laid out on the glacier — not fresh.
Secondly, it is not from the Mediterranean sea. Remember, Russia did not deliver any wild sea bass, wild sea no Dorado! We were driven exclusively grown in aquaculture farms fish, which is much smaller in size and significantly cheaper.
For example, the length of wild sea bass reaches 1 meter and a weight of 12 kg. Is this fish in a five times more expensive than farmed.
Once again, a single kilogram of sea bass, a single pound Dorado caught in the Mediterranean over the last 23 years in Russia according to the FCS do not deliver.
Look no further.
"Frozen fish chilled. Arctic ocean" for 149 rubles per 100 grams."
At this price tag all a lie, except for the price. Perhaps, for a commodity other supermarkets this is going to sound a revelation, but Russian fishermen do not produce ice fish. And get it mostly fishermen Spain, Australia, Canada and not in the Arctic ocean, which is actually called the Arctic ocean, and on the opposite, southern side of our planet, in a distant Antarctic, the South-Western part of the Atlantic ocean. Therefore, iced fish supplied to Russia only in frozen form.
In the old days, when Soviet fishermen were fishing around the oceans, ice fish, we were very popular and, along with Pollock and blue whiting were lower-price category.
But never, n-I-K-o-d-d-ice and the fish are not lying on the shelves of our stores chilled. This can not be determined. Due to the geographical remoteness of the fishery and the inability to put it in chilled according to the standards. Even if the traders have named their network the "world's best grocery shopping".
Attention! In Moscow, cannot be sold chilled shrimp fish from New Zealand.There can't be chilled tuna fillets from the Indian ocean. Cannot be refrigerated catfish.
Imagine the technological cold chain standards from catching the fish to implementation with tight deadlines... now tell me, maybe in Moscow lying on the glacier chilled fillet of halibut? Despite the fact that this fish is mined in Svalbard, to Murmansk where the vessel is four days?! Fishermen generally go out to fish for a month or two...
May not be in our capital, even if they call it port of seven seas or chilled turbot from the Atlantic ocean, no bass or red mullet or swordfish from the Indian or coho salmon from Chile or barramundi from Vietnam or mackerel from Iceland or black cod from the Far East.
Specifically for the commodity of this market reported that yellowfin sole are generally not extracted in the Barents sea. That's a lie, a falsification. The scale which it is difficult to assume.
Invite readers to independently evaluate this issue, and if something happens – do not be lazy, and to submit your application to the CPS.
This publication also please consider an official appeal to this Supervisory body.
German Zverev, Chairman of the Committee RSPP on fisheries and aquaculture:
— On the Russian fish market, a whole segment of the thawed product, which is sold under the chilled. A careful study of the reports of Rosstat proves that about 350 thousand tons of fish is sold in chilled, not confirmed in origin. A significant amount of "ohlazhdenku" – not that other, as the former frozen fish that have improved their status at the behest of the seller.
Big fish falsification give importers. For example, in 2013 on the Russian fish market is a unique phenomenon: the production of chilled fish has grown, despite the fact that external supply of chilled raw materials has decreased, while domestic supplies have remained almost unchanged.
The question arises: where raw materials for a significant increase in production? The answer is simple – frozen fish.
Valentin Balashov, Chairman of the interregional Association of coastal fishery in the Northern basin:
— In Moscow's Danilovsky market praised me surrounded by ice chilled squid fillet produced on the ship, which I know very well. I know that this ship produces ... squid in the Bering sea, about three days of travel from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and in a week from Vladivostok. However consider, chilled squid fillet could get there except by helicopter.
And lay chilled fillets of cod, which, according to the seller, it was made in the sea, right on the ship. I wish he didn't say that, because everything is produced on Board of fishing vessels in the North basin cod fillet immediately frozen.
I responsibly declare: the majority of those who likes to buy chilled fish and seafood and enjoy their consumer properties and high quality, not even aware that they buy frozen fish at a price, as they say, a cast-iron bridge.
Greedy traders earn huge amount of money on total fish rigging and along the way promote a brand of imported, mainly Norwegian fish. Unfortunately, in Russia most often chilled.
FIGURE: 80 percent of fish sold as "chilled," in the opinion of the Agency on fishery, — fake!

After the introduction of retaliatory sanctions Muscovites began to better relate to food, including the seafood — fish. The prices are mistrusted and often ask me "Where's the catch?"
But our conversation not only about prices but also about the quality of the fish we buy and eat.
After analyzing the diet of Muscovites, the doctors came to the conclusion that citizens are malnourished fish. Nana Pogosova, chief specialist of the Department of health for preventive medicine, explains that due to the shortage of this product in the diet of residents receive less omega-3, which are so necessary for our body.
What is the reason for this situation? Muscovites do not like fish? Prices bite? Or, is it that easy to find in the capital's shelves this product is of excellent quality not so easy?
We tried to catch the fish fresh in a particular area.
Cheremushkinskiy market. On the counter in shallow ice laid out fish of all kinds and colors. Here and Golden trout, and green and blue parrot, due to their coloring, which can be a bird's name, and red-white nautical ruff. The prices are as unusual as the fish itself: here and there glimpses of astronomical 1700-1800 per kilo.
— What surprised you? She's in the Indian ocean caught! Every fish caught at the bait! — praises the goods the seller.
And often you such overseas fish originate? — insinuating I start a conversation.
— Yes, every day planes fly! — without batting an eye warrants a glib man.
Yeah, so I believe it. Even the fish restaurants in the capital get a fresh catch of the aircraft two times a week. Go on.
— Girl, take pike-perch, fresh, the day before yesterday! — beckoning me to the local Russian.
Here it is, the market advantage in front of the store, where you called the sales assistant and he's drawing you in. Stop to find out other mysteries. It turns out, chilled ice fish a thousand per kilo actually comes frozen. And the vaunted ohlazhdenku is just vierspurigen product. And when I tried to find out where the salmon, the seller honestly threw up his hands:
I do not know. On the invoice it is written that from Belarus.
But on the box is Murmansk. Believe it or not.
Here on the market fall fishing. At another counter, salesman angler in oilcloth apron and shirt with the sleeves rolled up a net catches a mirror carp of a huge aquarium and, without removing it from the net, down on the scales. Karp takes on the scales breakdance — and standing next to buyers fly spray. Disgruntled buyers rush to another aquarium with live fish. And unlucky fisherman gets to me for interrogation.
— How long do you have chilled meat is stored? — I take, that is, the bull by the horns.
— A little month.
— No, 14 days — differ in the testimony of the seller and the owner came to the rescue.
And, with great intrepidity, was the girl's name, knowing all about the chilled fish.
— I'll give you today's, not yesterday, fear not — assures a young pretty girl. And even the secret will reveal how to choose. See, the belly is white, the gills red, that means fresh fish. But, see, the yellow went. So, already began to deteriorate. Surprisingly, the different categories of freshness it shows on your own product.
— And the smell of the fish should be? — continue the interrogation.
— Good fish smells of the sea, and only the missing fish spiritteaches me by the seller. — You fish in the eyes! If the look is cloudy, so stale...
— Where the goods? This probably salmon from Norway?
— Yes, from Norway — still a girl. — After the sanctions only became more expensive and the origin changed.
And promised to come back, I went to the supermarket "Victoria", near the metro station "New Cheryomushki." Cost to go to the fish Department, I feel, spirit fish smell.
Seven of the nine kinds of gifts of the sea campaign. And no wonder: the fish with the smell need to sell as soon as possible.
Two picky girls take pangasius fillets for 298 rubles per kilo. More careful shoppers fish appearance confused:
— Oh, and she's there on the side green? And when brought? — baffling woman.
— I'm not from this Department. I don't know, laconic reply.
— Why smell? — continues to try to find the lady.
You want it fragrant? It's a fish!
After this rebuke the woman requires administrator. To hear the conversation follow.
— Every night we receive fish. All fresh! As fresh as it gets! Our customers are all dismantled, the goods do not lie. And the prices are low. Compare with the market. And nobody on the quality of the fish did not complain.
With fishing coming back with an empty bucket. Where else can you replenish my body of this essential omega-3? I pass by the pharmacy. Can buy the old-fashioned cod liver oil: a century of caps for 23 of the ruble? Or still again to fish?
Go fishing in the ranks of the agricultural market Domodedovskaya. Amid a rich selection of striking a staggering names: fish-Zayets (and written by the hand of a Caucasian seller), Sunny, snowy, fish mascot...
— Have you ever even realize that this fish does not exist? – ask the owner of one of the tents.
— I understand — said sad — but come the pensioner and require: where the fish are-hare!

In fact, they exist. The world knows more than 33 thousand species of fish. In Russia there are about 3 thousand species. This is a huge fish diversity of 8 mm copies to a 20-metre whale shark has hundreds of thousands of scientific names from Latin to rare dialects.
Of course there are names, shall we say, crispy on Russian hearing: fish-flute, fish-cleaner fish-rooster fish and even Picasso. However, fishermen extract 800 is no more "classical" types. Food is a little more than half that. Our country is home to 240 commercial species of fish. On the shelves is about 50. Here's a situation approximately.
It should be borne in mind that there are trade names of fish. For example, under the name of sardines are sold not only the sardines, but sardines, many species of cardinal, under the title of Grenadier also sell Hoki. Sea bass called all the fish of dozens of species, like marine fish.
All kamalabari fish have only 4-5 commodity names, while only in the Pacific ocean, the fishermen produce more than 30 types of fish that go under one name far Eastern flounder and two goods halibut.
Under the label cod on the shelves you can meet and haddock, and Pollock, and saffron cod, and even Pollock. The whole fish is cod, but still. The price of a single. No wonder first experienced hostess was isolated as a mixture of cod higher quality haddock with black side lines and asked the seller cod with black stripes. Of course, cod is very good fish, but when for the same price sold and haddock, the experts prefer it for texture, taste and flavor of the meat.
Generally the seller with the Domodedovo market, like any other can call their product anything even hare, though the hare, the Fox, even, though bars, though fish-Nazran or fish-dance, for example. Most importantly, we, the buyers, the fish correctly identified and understood, what we eat and what you pay for.
I will never forget how in one Suburban market, met a middle-aged woman who was selling fish. The price tag is lazily written, "Pollock b/g – 65 RUB", and next "Polak M – 78 rubles." It was the same headless and gutted frozen fish – Pollock. However, even the rural saleswoman realized that the English name Pollock can add to the price of 13 rubles. So, as the fish will call, so it will be sold.
Perhaps the most successful fish branding can be called the penetration of the Russian market in 90-e years as the Dorado and sea bass. Dorado or Golden spar is sea bream, and sea bass or sea bass sea bass is a sea bass. The greedy importers have realized immediately that neither the carp, nor the bass in Russia will not attract attention. Another thing overseas Dorado and sea bass. Even now, nobody cares that it's not marine fish, but farmed in cages with the addition of growth hormones, antibiotics and dyes.
The most cynical in all this is that the aquaculture fish are sold in much more expensive high-quality wild Russian fish with homespun namesI.
The other side of Golden names was a total fabrication. Under glittering names often trade outright rubbish especiallywhen on the shelves there is Bessmertnaya, cleaned fish or fillet especially when even an advanced ichthyologist will not be able to determine what kind of fish. Such tricks often make with Chinese tilapia andVietnamese pangasius. Both these fish are very undemanding in artificial breeding, breed rapidly and grow like weeds in warm climates.
Revealing the local proverb: "If you have an old Shoe — don't throw it, better give tilapia... and through the year you will have delicious meat." Called pangasius channel catfish and throw it in the channels of the Mekong where the drain all the impurities of the surrounding towns and villages. Worse, a recent investigation conducted by Bloomberg correspondents tilapia and pangasius is most effective growing on pig manure in appalling sanitary conditions. So, this import is sold under the most incredible names: 'chicken of the sea, river chicken, and sole. Not to say that such fish do not exist, but it is not tilapia and pangasius that we offer for the price of a cast iron bridge under the bright name. The same sole is an expensive fish and clean the sole, so named because of the shape of the body.
In the end, the problem is in the plane of taste habits, culinary traditions and financial possibilities, and not how one or the other fish is called. Or call her.
Also interesting: Caution! Norwegian salmon is a fish of mass destruction
Wonton — don't eat this fish !
For example, the most, perhaps, popular now salmon in the past century in England had a very different reputation. Signing a contract with the employer, the employee is often stipulated that the owner agrees not to feed it salmon more than twice a week. Salmon in those days abounded in the coastal waters of England and was one of the cheapest foods.
FIGURE: 240 species of game fish inhabit in our country. But in the stores is only about 50. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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