Dried roach: exquisite delicacy at home
RAM is one of the species of roach. It differs from the usual roach higher body, smaller scales, thickened teeth, the number of (smaller) rays in the anal fin. Before RAM entered the trade in dried form and represented favorite food for the people of the Kuban, don, Azov sea. Today, under the name RAM understand not only the fish, but also mixed types of various species of fish.
The don roach called jerky, dried fish brought from the Volga. Before flowing into the sea of Azov, the river was literally full of roach and mountains of this dried product were brought to the fish market in the village Gnilovskoy. Then chumaks were carrying goods across the territory of Ukraine. But over time, RAM has virtually disappeared from the Azov basin due to its uncontrolled fishing before spawning and destroying small animals.

Fish taranco or taranka is the common name of dried fish jerky. Mainly for its cooking uses fish, which belongs to the family Cyprinidae. It can be roaches, roach and of course RAM, from which went the name "taranco". However, taranco can be prepared from other fish species: pike, bream, crucian carp, bull. Dried roach is considered to be traditionally Russian snack (snack) to foamy drink. Its preparation (drying in a salt form) lasts from several days to several weeks. It all depends on the recipe, what kind of result you want to obtain and size of the fish. Some people love dried taranco, others prefer dried.
What fish is better to take for drying?Almost any. But experienced fishermen are more like roach, Rudd, gudgeon, ruffe. Best suited medium fat fish, such as roach, bream, sabrefish, bream.
Many people prefer to dry fish under natural conditions, outdoors, building numerous structures in the form of boxes with a grid. But if you want to dry the tasty treat as fast as possible or not allow at the moment the weather conditions, it is quite suitable conventional oven, Russian oven, electric dryer purchased in the store. In all cases, advance preparation is the same.
In fact drying and drying is one process, only with a different name. Its peculiarity is that the pre-salted fish povalyatsya (dried) a certain amount of time. In this process, the fish will be quite suitable for human consumption without any other processing it thermally. As storage in the dried fish decreases the amount of moisture and fat, so it is called dried. Dry only those fish species that are in the process acquire a special taste and aroma.

In summer it is better not to cook neotrogena the fish, because at this time, the herbivorous fish feed on plankton and greens that are in the process of curing will impart an unpleasant odor and rancid taste. If you want to zavalit big fish neporochnoe, before immersing it in the brine into the abdomen through the mouth, pour a strong solution of salt using a syringe or Turkey Baster.
Fully finished, the fish has a nice view on the light structure on the surface is not allocated salt. After removal of the scales and the skin appears a fragrant layer of meat tender and elastic and shiny fat. After drying, the dried fish needs to Mature from three weeks to a month.
How to jerk fish?Drying and drying of fish is considered to be one of the methods of preparation and preservation. Pre-salted fish after a certain time povalyatsya in special devices. It can be independently manufactured device or dryer for fish, Isidri. As a result, the product can be consumed without heat treatment.
Dried roach done with the help of salting, soaking and subsequent drying. The name comes from fish roach (roach), which long ago were used for this purpose.
Salting is carried out one way — wet or dry. Wet better way to pickle fish of small size and dry — salted big fish weighing more than a kilogram.

1. Method of wet saltingthe fish is Usually salted in brine, called a brine. To sustain it there must be three or four days. In the wet method of salting (tuzluca) make a strong solution of salt such that on its surface floated a raw egg. Fresh processed fish is dipped completely into the solution. From the top you need to put anti-corrosion wire mesh and her oppression. For Tuzlukova method of salting choose fish weighing up to 500 grams and under the yoke hold 3 days in a cool place. After this time to reduce the amount of salt fish should be soaked.
Wash the fish with running cold water, paying attention to the abdomen (if the fish is gutted) and the gills. Next, the fish is soaked in fresh water (for small need half an hour, larger specimens are soaked for a few hours, water must be periodically changed). In the process of soaking after the first draining of the water the fish leave for a couple of hours to dry, so it was a distribution of salt and reduce the salinity of the innards of the fish. When soaking the fish will begin to emerge, so the Ambassador was gentle, if you look at the fish on the light, it will become transparent amber. And after drying it acquires a slightly reddish color. Before sending the dried fish are placed on the paper or carefully wipe with a soft cloth. It is believed that fish will not take salt more put. Salt crystals clog the space between the fibers of the meat and fish so the remaining salt can't penetrate the carcass.
Small tweaks:
• Live fish pickles better, as it is, swallowing the salt solution will be more evenly proclivities.
• Large specimens for best drying you can make an incision.
• The purpose of pickling is the removal of excess moisture. Please make sure to use coarse salt, which draws the fish from the liquid.
• Oppression is needed to prevent the fish cavities where putrefactive bacteria, the appearance of gas bubbles.
•Salting should occur in a cold place (refrigerator or cellar). If the fish remain naroola, the damage it prevents the cold.
2. Method of dry saltingIn a bowl made of stainless steel poured salt layer about half an inch. Fish thoroughly washed, in large specimens more than 0.8 kg take out the insides carefully, a little salted fish entirely. In dry salting the fish are rubbed with salt from the tail to the head, densely Packed salt on the gills and placed in a container of dense rows back to belly, head to tail, because with this method the fish is better to proselytise under the yoke. Inside of the peritoneum of the fish, you need to add salt.
The fish are sprinkled with salt in such quantities to form dense salt layer. Then fit the same way the second layer of fish and salt. Then the fish put the lid so that it is firmly pressed against the walls of the vessels and the fish was a small inflow of air. On the cover put the yoke and the capacity clean in a cold place (it can be a refrigerator or in the winter, the balcony, only to follow that it does not get sun rays). Periodically fish should drain the resulting juice. For smaller fish (100 gr.) the time of salting is a day or two. For medium fish (800 grams) no more than 3-4 days. Large carcasses (kg) salt from 5 days to two weeks. Understand that the fish is salty it is possible to stop the release of her juice.
To get a uniform prosolo for starters, you can put a little more than half of the intended cargo, and after 6 hours add the rest. The weight of the yoke is selected from a number zasalamel fish and its weight. For large individuals the necessary cargo 15-20 pounds. If carcasses of medium size (250 grams, one pound) weight of the yoke shall be 12 -15 kg. the Top layer of fish, sprinkle with liberally with salt, so that it was covered with salt. When all fish is to be laid, a container yoke cover with cheesecloth or other porous cloth, wind a string or rubber band to avoid getting insects.
If salted taranco at home, the small fish are not gutted, the large animals all the innards are removed along with blood clots. The inner side of the fish make a shallow incision to the dorsal fin without damaging the skin. Better to use coarse salt, as fine forms a crust on the fish, and it does not proselyte the carcass evenly and efficiently.
Then the fish are removed and thoroughly washed. Then soaked in water for about two hours and again rinsed with the addition of vinegar, to prevent the appearance in it of living organisms. If you use the dryer, Isidre, before drying the fish nagligivaget gills, so they quickly dry. If the instances are large, then cut the belly make spacers out of matches or toothpicks. Thus it will remain greasy and more tasty.
How to store dried fish?Store well-dried fish should be in cans with tight lids.
Keep the fish in the bag, the basket, away from sunlight. Larger specimens are wrapped in parchment. Thus the dried fish can be stored up to 4 months. Dried fish is stored in a calico bag in a cool dry place. If taranco turned out dry, then it is possible to return the elasticity, water-soaked and wrapped in wet paper for two days, periodically wetting with water after drying. The fish stored in the refrigerator, or put in a plastic bag or in foil. If the intention is to keep fish for a long time, it should be periodically oiled. Store fish in sealed cans. Well Packed dried fish does not deteriorate up to 10 months, but sometimes during prolonged storage lose its flavor.
How useful is RAM and what it is better to use?In fish there are many necessary substances, its caloric value in 100 grams is only 88 calories. The protein content is 17.5 grams, fat 2 grams, carbohydrates – 0.
In roach contains a lot of protein that is easily digested by the human body. It also has chromium, fluorine, Nickel, molybdenum, sulfur, chlorine. Protein from dried fish helps to regulate metabolism in the body. Fish oil regulates blood clotting, as it contains fatty acids that help reduce levels of "bad" cholesterol, so the risk of getting a stroke is reduced. Iodine promotes proper thyroid. In the dried fish contains b vitamins, vitamin A, E, magnesium, iron, fluorine, which are important for normal functioning of the brain, heart.
Many people prefer to eat dried fish as a delicacy to the beer. Is considered a classic dried roach. But not every fan can distinguish between tasty fish in appearance. Tasty and good taranco has a pleasant roasted taste, beautiful color, without the presence of mold, it is not too soft, but not dry, without yellowing. You should put fish the light source and then you can see how she glows.
Perfect RAM as a snack to beer. It is an integral components to each other. Moderate consumption of fish together with a frothy beverage this combination of Goodies will only benefit, as beer contains a lot of vitamins from brewer's yeast. This vitamin strengthens the heart muscle. A lot of beer and ascorbic acid. As dried fish contains many omega 3 fatty acids, which are useful for the prevention of cancer, dementia, stroke, heart attack.
Of course, the taste of each fish and it depends on the time of its capture, habitat. For those who prefer oily fish, are best suited dried bream. If drying occurred with neurostim abdomen, when you cut the fat literally starts to ooze, the meat, the taste is fragrant and delicious.
Moderately fat fish – dried chehon and women who have a tender and tasty meat. Marine ruff has a sweet Golden delicious and nutritious meat. This fish perfectly clean, and there are very few bones. Dried perch is slightly sweet and fibrous meat, lean. Dried pike has a rich and tart flavor, great taste.
In small quantities to use dried fish and pregnant women. Numerous tests have shown that pregnant women who consumed in the third trimester of dried fish, gave birth to more peaceful children and a decreased risk of preterm birth.
The use of dried fish not only as snacks for beer. Sometimes it is used for cooking fish broth. Too dry instances ground into a flour and used as a dressing for salads with fish, fish soups, cutlets.
There is another original recipe that uses dried fish. It smetana pasta. For its preparation should be mix Cup sour cream with ¼ Cup of mayonnaise, add a couple tablespoons of lemon juice, a clove of garlic, some black pepper, a tablespoon of parsley and a glass of crumbled dried fish. This pasta can be served with dry salted biscuits, with slices of cucumber or tomatoes.
To get back delicious fish of delicate and beautiful Ambassador amber need some experience, but gradually you can learn to dry taranco, which, by its taste, color and aroma surpasses many times the purchase. And then enjoy a lovely fragrant fish hardly anyone will refuse. Some of beer lovers equate drinking beer with fish to the Japanese tea ceremony. They literally savor every bit of it, recognizing the cured or dried fish is an exquisite delicacy.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ezidri-master.com/sushka-ryby/kak-sushit-rybu.html
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