The most expensive and unusual canned food (10 photos)
Canned food was invented in 1809 by Frenchman Nicolas Appert and has since enjoyed great popularity.
The main feature of canned food is their long shelf life.
Especially this product helps in emergency situations.
Now in stores you can see not only banks or stew peas, but also very unusual preserves.
Before you 10 preserves that will surprise both its price and unusual taste.
Black caviar
Price: 9375 rubles (per 125 g)
Black caviar - one of the most elite delicacies, as well as the most expensive canned product in the world. Europeans are willing to pay per kilo "food of kings" of up to € 5000, while in Russia the cost of 125-gram cans of up to 10 000 rubles. Because of such high prices caviar is not available to the vast majority of Russians, and this despite the fact that Russia is one of the few countries in the number of exporters of premium product. The high price of goods in the first place due to the fact that every year reduced the number of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea. Incidentally, it was because of that in 2003 Russia was officially banned commercial production of black caviar. Today, the country has plants in artificial breeding of sturgeon, which are the main "suppliers" elite product. That they caviar extract, which legally allowed to sell.
Shellfish Abalone
Price: $ 119, 5
Abalon - the name of the edible marine mollusk that lives mainly in the coastal waters of California, Mexico and Japan. Sink on Abalon shaped like the human ear, which is why this type of shellfish often are called. Its meat is considered a delicacy, which are eaten either raw or in canned form. However, this feast on seafood - not cheap - even despite the fact that today not only shellfish Abalon extracted naturally, but also grown artificially. Production of canned clams Abalon company does Calmex. Tasting delicacies will cost $ 119, 5, for which he received three whole clam total weight of slightly less than 500 g By the way, besides the fact that meat is eaten Abalon, out of his shell and make jewelry.
Chinese black truffles
Price: $ 64
If in a conversation on the gastronomic theme it comes to truffles, the first association for many is associated with chocolates. And the only real foodies think of gourmet mushrooms, which cost in the lean years can compete with the price of gold. In the world there are several types of truffles. The most affordable Chinese black truffle is considered, but we should not think that it is a forgery. Lower cost of Chinese truffles in comparison with European due to the fact that in China due to heavy growth is possible to collect a good harvest of these elite mushrooms. Chinese truffles are exported to Europe, and are used to manufacture cans. Fresh truffles are sold rare, and find them easier in canned form. Before "Rolling" in banks truffles clean and not to spoil the taste, add to them a truffle juice and salt.
Foie gras
Price: £ 49, 99
The phrase "fatty liver" does not sound very appetizing, but that's a French name translates the world famous delicacy foie gras. The main producers, and in combination, and the main consumers of this product are the French elite. However, they did not, and the Egyptians invented the first fattened geese and ducks to produce unnaturally large and fatty liver of the animal from which then receive a delicacy. Externally, foie gras pate resembles, but differs from it by way of cooking, creamy taste and texture. Sale of foie gras is most often found in canned form: «entire» - one piece and «bloc» - in the form of minced meat with individual pieces of liver. Serve delicacy should certainly cold. The product is made slice knife without teeth and put on a little warmed bread.
Price: $ 60
One of the favorite treats in France is Escargot. For a beautiful name hides a dish of snails, which some French prefer to collect after the rain right in their own gardens. Eat snails in food began in ancient times. In the Middle Ages they ate during fasts, and today this exquisite delicacy served to the table on holidays and during a dinner party. Prepare yourself Escargot is quite difficult: snail meat need to get out of the shell stuffed with herbs and garlic butter, then lay back. As canned Escargot, they are usually poured spicy soup, which can be quite simple (water, salt and spices) and include some herbal supplements. Before use canned broth Escargot be emptied and snails rinse under running water.
Price: $ 28
Autumn in Europe is considered the season of chestnuts. It was during this period gather their harvest, and the city are filled with fragrant smell of this delicacy, which is prepared in a roasting pan on the streets. Perhaps more than any other chestnuts appreciate the French, and not only for their taste but also for the emergence of a love story. According to legend, Jupiter was fascinated Bissau, nymph, but she did not respond to him in return and turned into a beautiful tree with carved leaves and delicious fruit. In Russia, chestnuts have become consumed by Catherine II, but after the revolution mention the product even disappeared from the pages of cookbooks. Perhaps that is why today on the streets of Russian cities are not fried chestnuts. But they can be purchased in canned form. Chestnuts roll into the banks in its own juice and in sweet syrup and even brandy. In addition, the sale can be found canned chestnut puree.
Fried scorpions
Price: $ 5, 99
The Europeans mere mention scorpions usually causes fear and disgust. But in Asia, by contrast, is not averse to eat them and even categorized delicacies. In China, scorpions, steamed and served on a thin tortilla with sauce and vegetables, as well as make them kebabs, fried in boiling oil with lime leaves and spicy chili. And not so long ago went on sale and canned scorpions. The bank insects are already in the form of fried and ready to eat. Incidentally, it was under the influence of cooking destroys the poison, then the scorpion can eat quite fearlessly. Taste insect is often compared with shrimp flavor, but with a slightly bitter aftertaste. In Asia, it is believed that scorpions have medicinal properties, and in Europe they are often bought as an exotic beer snacks.
Bamboo worms
Price: £ 3, 49
Until the mid-1980s insects in Thailand used in food mainly as a spice. But after the massive invasion of locusts desperate farmers began to catch it, cook and eat. Gradually insects in Thailand began to turn into a kind of delicacy, and today one of the most popular among them are considered bamboo worms. Thais call them "mouth Duane Express" because of the size and the relatively high speed. In reality, it's not worms and larvae herbal moth who are born and live in bamboo trunks. Today they are mined not only by cutting plants, but also farmed. Bamboo worms fried in oil and then packaged into packets, like chips or packaged in cans. Due to the crunch, to publish in their eating, bamboo worms compared with popcorn, but any specific taste they do not have.
Crocodile meat in curry sauce
Price: £ 10, 99
Canned stews, at home simply referred to as stew, now nobody will be surprised. Another thing - preserved crocodile meat, which appeared on the shelves of grocery stores. In fairness it should be noted that the meat of alligators began to eat not yesterday. Many restaurants in Singapore fried in oil pieces of reptiles are considered a hit menu. In Australia, crocodile meat pie - one of the dishes festive table, and in the United States of alligator cook soup. Do not stay aside and the Thai people, who not only treat the crocodile meat in curry sauce arrived tourists to the country, but also preserves the food exporting it. Reptiles are grown on special farms, and non-edible parts of waterfowl are on the production of leather goods. Canned crocodile meat is ready to eat, and have it to the Council with jasmine rice.
Meat Cobra
Price: $ 14, 5
It's no secret that the meat of snakes eat. In France, until the XVII century it was very popular because of its was thought to beneficial effects on the health and appearance. So, the writer Madame de Sevigne even advised her daughter one month a year to sit on the "viper diet." But if on the tables of Europeans and Americans snake meat and did not stick, then in Asia and Africa, on the contrary, the snake was one of the "king" of the menu. Virtually all snakes, including poisonous (of course after removing the venom glands and special handling), edible and usable. And one of the main snake cobra meat delicacies is: it can prepare a variety of fresh dishes, as well as canned. Outside of Asia, namely canned meat cobra can be found on the shelves of ethnic foods and taste.
Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com
The main feature of canned food is their long shelf life.
Especially this product helps in emergency situations.
Now in stores you can see not only banks or stew peas, but also very unusual preserves.
Before you 10 preserves that will surprise both its price and unusual taste.
Black caviar

Price: 9375 rubles (per 125 g)
Black caviar - one of the most elite delicacies, as well as the most expensive canned product in the world. Europeans are willing to pay per kilo "food of kings" of up to € 5000, while in Russia the cost of 125-gram cans of up to 10 000 rubles. Because of such high prices caviar is not available to the vast majority of Russians, and this despite the fact that Russia is one of the few countries in the number of exporters of premium product. The high price of goods in the first place due to the fact that every year reduced the number of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea. Incidentally, it was because of that in 2003 Russia was officially banned commercial production of black caviar. Today, the country has plants in artificial breeding of sturgeon, which are the main "suppliers" elite product. That they caviar extract, which legally allowed to sell.
Shellfish Abalone

Price: $ 119, 5
Abalon - the name of the edible marine mollusk that lives mainly in the coastal waters of California, Mexico and Japan. Sink on Abalon shaped like the human ear, which is why this type of shellfish often are called. Its meat is considered a delicacy, which are eaten either raw or in canned form. However, this feast on seafood - not cheap - even despite the fact that today not only shellfish Abalon extracted naturally, but also grown artificially. Production of canned clams Abalon company does Calmex. Tasting delicacies will cost $ 119, 5, for which he received three whole clam total weight of slightly less than 500 g By the way, besides the fact that meat is eaten Abalon, out of his shell and make jewelry.
Chinese black truffles

Price: $ 64
If in a conversation on the gastronomic theme it comes to truffles, the first association for many is associated with chocolates. And the only real foodies think of gourmet mushrooms, which cost in the lean years can compete with the price of gold. In the world there are several types of truffles. The most affordable Chinese black truffle is considered, but we should not think that it is a forgery. Lower cost of Chinese truffles in comparison with European due to the fact that in China due to heavy growth is possible to collect a good harvest of these elite mushrooms. Chinese truffles are exported to Europe, and are used to manufacture cans. Fresh truffles are sold rare, and find them easier in canned form. Before "Rolling" in banks truffles clean and not to spoil the taste, add to them a truffle juice and salt.
Foie gras

Price: £ 49, 99
The phrase "fatty liver" does not sound very appetizing, but that's a French name translates the world famous delicacy foie gras. The main producers, and in combination, and the main consumers of this product are the French elite. However, they did not, and the Egyptians invented the first fattened geese and ducks to produce unnaturally large and fatty liver of the animal from which then receive a delicacy. Externally, foie gras pate resembles, but differs from it by way of cooking, creamy taste and texture. Sale of foie gras is most often found in canned form: «entire» - one piece and «bloc» - in the form of minced meat with individual pieces of liver. Serve delicacy should certainly cold. The product is made slice knife without teeth and put on a little warmed bread.

Price: $ 60
One of the favorite treats in France is Escargot. For a beautiful name hides a dish of snails, which some French prefer to collect after the rain right in their own gardens. Eat snails in food began in ancient times. In the Middle Ages they ate during fasts, and today this exquisite delicacy served to the table on holidays and during a dinner party. Prepare yourself Escargot is quite difficult: snail meat need to get out of the shell stuffed with herbs and garlic butter, then lay back. As canned Escargot, they are usually poured spicy soup, which can be quite simple (water, salt and spices) and include some herbal supplements. Before use canned broth Escargot be emptied and snails rinse under running water.

Price: $ 28
Autumn in Europe is considered the season of chestnuts. It was during this period gather their harvest, and the city are filled with fragrant smell of this delicacy, which is prepared in a roasting pan on the streets. Perhaps more than any other chestnuts appreciate the French, and not only for their taste but also for the emergence of a love story. According to legend, Jupiter was fascinated Bissau, nymph, but she did not respond to him in return and turned into a beautiful tree with carved leaves and delicious fruit. In Russia, chestnuts have become consumed by Catherine II, but after the revolution mention the product even disappeared from the pages of cookbooks. Perhaps that is why today on the streets of Russian cities are not fried chestnuts. But they can be purchased in canned form. Chestnuts roll into the banks in its own juice and in sweet syrup and even brandy. In addition, the sale can be found canned chestnut puree.
Fried scorpions

Price: $ 5, 99
The Europeans mere mention scorpions usually causes fear and disgust. But in Asia, by contrast, is not averse to eat them and even categorized delicacies. In China, scorpions, steamed and served on a thin tortilla with sauce and vegetables, as well as make them kebabs, fried in boiling oil with lime leaves and spicy chili. And not so long ago went on sale and canned scorpions. The bank insects are already in the form of fried and ready to eat. Incidentally, it was under the influence of cooking destroys the poison, then the scorpion can eat quite fearlessly. Taste insect is often compared with shrimp flavor, but with a slightly bitter aftertaste. In Asia, it is believed that scorpions have medicinal properties, and in Europe they are often bought as an exotic beer snacks.
Bamboo worms

Price: £ 3, 49
Until the mid-1980s insects in Thailand used in food mainly as a spice. But after the massive invasion of locusts desperate farmers began to catch it, cook and eat. Gradually insects in Thailand began to turn into a kind of delicacy, and today one of the most popular among them are considered bamboo worms. Thais call them "mouth Duane Express" because of the size and the relatively high speed. In reality, it's not worms and larvae herbal moth who are born and live in bamboo trunks. Today they are mined not only by cutting plants, but also farmed. Bamboo worms fried in oil and then packaged into packets, like chips or packaged in cans. Due to the crunch, to publish in their eating, bamboo worms compared with popcorn, but any specific taste they do not have.
Crocodile meat in curry sauce

Price: £ 10, 99
Canned stews, at home simply referred to as stew, now nobody will be surprised. Another thing - preserved crocodile meat, which appeared on the shelves of grocery stores. In fairness it should be noted that the meat of alligators began to eat not yesterday. Many restaurants in Singapore fried in oil pieces of reptiles are considered a hit menu. In Australia, crocodile meat pie - one of the dishes festive table, and in the United States of alligator cook soup. Do not stay aside and the Thai people, who not only treat the crocodile meat in curry sauce arrived tourists to the country, but also preserves the food exporting it. Reptiles are grown on special farms, and non-edible parts of waterfowl are on the production of leather goods. Canned crocodile meat is ready to eat, and have it to the Council with jasmine rice.
Meat Cobra

Price: $ 14, 5
It's no secret that the meat of snakes eat. In France, until the XVII century it was very popular because of its was thought to beneficial effects on the health and appearance. So, the writer Madame de Sevigne even advised her daughter one month a year to sit on the "viper diet." But if on the tables of Europeans and Americans snake meat and did not stick, then in Asia and Africa, on the contrary, the snake was one of the "king" of the menu. Virtually all snakes, including poisonous (of course after removing the venom glands and special handling), edible and usable. And one of the main snake cobra meat delicacies is: it can prepare a variety of fresh dishes, as well as canned. Outside of Asia, namely canned meat cobra can be found on the shelves of ethnic foods and taste.
Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com