What we didn't know about the usual stew

Similar to the modern stew was presented to the world in the early 19th century, to be exact, in 1804, Frenchman Nicolas Appert. He invented very strange at the time, a way of preserving meat: it is first cooked, then put in a heated to 115 degrees capacity, leaving a small hole. And when the meat cooled down, the gap is hermetically closed. This kind of innovation was allowed to keep the meat products for a very long time without worrying about the quality of the meat after opening a canned food. Even the Emperor of France, Napoleon noticed a resourceful Frenchman and awarded him the title of benefactor of mankind.
The invention of canned meat in the 19th century was an opportune moment, because the population in the cities grew rapidly, and all citizens urgently needed to provide food. Moreover, food is not supposed to deteriorate during transport and storage. Method Nicolas proved to be very popular, and stew quickly spread around the globe. For example, the English traders who bought the patent, immediately decided to improve the production of canned foods and came up with putting meat in cans made of tin, and then hermetically sealed. After some time, this method introduced in America and Germany. Interestingly, while canned meat was considered an elite product and was too expensive for ordinary citizens.

In the second half of the 19th century, canned food was cooked almost in all developed countries, and their range was huge. And soon the competition between firms producing canned meat: production and gradually mechanized, thereby substantially to reduce the cost of cans. But the great wars of that time helped, and so the growing demand for food long-term storage. The excellent quality of meat and meat products may indicate the following fact: in 1966, at the Institute of canning industry brought a jar of stew, which was made back in 1916. The owner reported that this Bank was given to him at the front during the First World War. Amazingly, all tests showed that the meat to the time of the study maintained all the properties, although half a century has passed. As the famous story of the pot of stew, found in the Arctic in 1939. It was manufactured in the mid-19th century, after opening and removing samples, all agreed that the meat tastes just excellent.
Until 1858, when he invented the can opener, canned meat, opened with a conventional knife, and in the war used a knife or even a shotgun. Even with the king in the army, the rate of meat for the lower ranks was equal to 1 pound (453.59237 grams). Such a weight had cans stewed meat produced for the army. Although nowadays, this measure is no longer relevant, most cans of stew still weigh 400 g
Source: mif-facts.com.ua