Do this stew GOST

So, let's start. First you need to get a prescription, namely starting with the guests of the Soviet, the 'Net to help us. Here it is, as we see all to not be just.
GOST 5284-84 "Beef stew»
1.1. Canned food "Beef Stew" produce higher and first grade.
1.2. Canned food should be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard, the technological instructions, compliance with health regulations for the meat industry, duly approved.
1.3. Canned food should be hermetically capped and sterilized.
1.4. To generate canned apply the following raw materials:
meat and beef in accordance with GOST 779-87 (except lean) mass of carcasses at least 60 kg, the cooled, chilled and frozen more than once, except for the meat of bulls;
beef tendon removed from the body fat is not more than 6%;
beef tendon removed with the content of adipose tissue from 6 to 14%;
raw beef fat;
melted fat food or beef bone in accordance with GOST 5292-82;
onion fresh GOST 1723-86 or dried onion GOST 7587-71;
table salt according to GOST 13830-84 Evaporated or stone, deposited lump, sedimentary grinding number 0 and 1, not below the first grade;
black pepper;
bay leaf (dry) in accordance with GOST 17594-81.
1.5. Canned food "Stewed beef" should be developed
according to the formulation specified in Table. 1.
Table 1. Mass fraction of components,% Variety:
Beef tendon removed the I category with the content of adipose tissue is not more than 6% - 87.0%
Beef tendon removed Category II with the content of adipose tissue is not more than 6% - 87.0%
Fat, raw beef - 10.5%
Onions peeled crushed - 1.33%
Salt - 1.14%
Ground black pepper - 0.01%
Bay leaf - 0.02
1. allowed to use melted beef fat or bone in the same amount.
2. Allowed to use dried onions in the period from March to August at the rate of 1 kg of fresh - 0, 25 kg of dried.
3. It is possible in the production of canned food instead of 87.0% trimmed beef and 10, 5% fat raw formulated to lay 97, 5% trimmed beef content of adipose tissue from 6 to 14%.
We see from the guests that you can not just up the recipe, meat - fat - salt - pepper and Lavrushka.
Thus, with the composition understood, now let's deal with packaging and extinguishing technology (temperature, time), etc. Again, the 'Net to help us.
Well for starters container - Here questions asked - we will use the most affordable and convenient - glass. Take cover, what would it was convenient - screw.
Now how to put out and the temperature:
Net says - "After the check weighing and leak testing jars are sterilized for 75 minutes at 120 ° C" and so on.
Re-read a lot of things realized that the temperature should be 120 degrees, for botulism killed at this temperature, it is at a temperature rather than time, that is at least 110 5:00 mascara, botulism not die (and maybe die). Maybe I'm wrong, but I decided that if they write 120 degrees technology, then at 120 will extinguish. What doctors say?
Time - here write all a little different, but decided to take the average, namely 1.5 hours. Although such as 2 hours and forgot the taste is not affected.

You're a trifle, but it is where we will take these 120 degrees at home. The answer he asked for - in a pressure cooker!
For the purity of the process is embedded in a pressure cooker thermometer and come up with a way to adjust the temperature inside. Will adjust by pressure (within acceptable aisles of course), what would the emergency valve is not knocked out.
Take a pressure cooker and refined, this is how it looks refined, well almost autoclave

Thermometer punched through the water easy nipple, nipple itself when tightening compacted flax, a little "dipped" silicone sealant gallery drilling winding No, not fotkal, and so everything is clear - clear.

Thermometer soldered in ordinary tap plug. Drill a hole in it the size of the probe thermometer and solder, as it should keep the pressure. Solder with flux for stainless steel wash off with water. Elementary everything in general.

Well ... to proceed to cooking.
To start go to a certified shop and buy fresh beef and beef fat. Onions and spices at home is always there. Here is a set of corned beef. Please note that this 4 banks for many do not because it is not necessary for a couple - three months enough and then still do. Store not where, and it makes no sense, we do not have a large consumption of corned beef.

My ...

Cut and weighs, what would know how to add the rest of the ...

Calculate the number of fat ...

And salt

Putting the meat with salt, salt that is to say, and leave for 5-10 minutes remembering to stir. Onions, peppers, and fat lavrushku I went straight to the banks will put, it's more convenient.

At the bottom of the pressure cooker sure to place some or spacer, what would the banks do not touch the floor, and then burst with ...

Try on our banks, what would normally climbed, I use the BU. Be sure to check on the banks chipped neck and just check that the screw caps were used in common!

Well, you're ready to tab ...

Sterilizing jars and lids ...

And start tab on the bottom of the beam, Zhirkov, lavrushki and pepper.

Then the meat, about a little more than a third of the banks and even a bit of the beam.

We report the meat to coat hanger and Zhirkov bit top, just one lavrushku. Shoulders above the bank DO NOT COMPLETE! And close sterilized lid, spin it by hand strongly.

After filling in all the banks in this way, put them in our "autoclave". Pour water on the shoulders of cans.

And to fire it ...

It remains to adjust the internal temperature. Do not laugh, but I'm going on this with the glasses, it is sensitive loads in addition relief valve, filling it with water can be very precisely adjusted. Here's a farm came up in a hurry for the first time, but it turned out well, CEE is very convenient, and left the decision on time. Rope in order that she had not fallen

Well, the operating temperature is set, wait for half an hour ......

When time runs out, turn off the oven and leave to cool at room temperature, it is convenient for the night, long cools. Nevkoem case vent pressure by a valve and do not try to speed up the cooling process on the balcony or in cold water !!! Banks will explode. Just cut off and forgotten on the stove to cool down !!!

Well, here's the result immediately after removing from the autoclave, zhirok have not stood up to the end.

But the next day.

I have everything all good appetite.
Break and criticism. But first, just try
Dough on many people, all say that it is "TO", although the taste and color, as they say, all the markers are different.

Source: 7Aleksey7