How to protect yourself and your family from GMOs
First of all, do not eat fast food, almost always there may be foods with GMOs and other harmful substances.
The less stages of industrial processing was the product that you buy, the more chances that it does not contain GMOs. Choose more whole, unprocessed foods. If you still consume cakes, pastries, cookies, then do not buy their industrial production, they often contain GMOs, and nearly all other harmful substances. Try to cook cakes and other products themselves. The bread can be prepared in a bread maker, yogurt in the yogurt maker, juice – squeezer, the house yourself, you can prepare mayonnaise, sauces and more. The bread oven house yourself, preferably without yeast, leavened in the oven or bread maker. In home bread making we recommend you to use flour from durum wheat, but it is better to use rye.
If fruits and vegetables on the market someone nibbled and wormy, that's good. If the worms eat it, so can we. Eat recommend a seasonal plant products, and better domestic: sorrel in the spring, cucumbers and tomatoes in July, apples and watermelons in August and September, then to spring – homework (home canning).
To buy these seasonal products are better than supermarkets (where they can be imported), and in the markets and the villagers.
Potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, beets it is best to purchase from the villagers in the autumn. Potatoes should not be oval-correct and the relief, i.e. the natural form.
Do not buy products out of season. If you buy, e.g., strawberries or tomatoes in the winter, the likelihood that they will be genetically modified are very high.
Milk should be bought imported from farms (preferably in drums).
Eggs and chickens are more useful (unlike homemade chicken tough meat, hard bone that can be broken only with a hammer).
In stores look for products labeled "GMO free", "No soy". However, as shown by independent expertise, such labels are no guarantee that the product do not contain GMO.
Manufacturers often replace sour cream in it animal protein to soy, but due to the flavors we don't feel it. To determine forgery, it is recommended to dissolve a teaspoon of sour cream in a Cup of boiling water: fake precipitates, and the present is completely dissolved.
GMOs often are contained in imported products than in domestic. With extreme caution should be treated to products from the USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, China, India, Spain and Portugal, as there is widespread cultivation of GMOs.
GMOs are most likely contained in products with great shelf life than products with small shelf life.
GMOs often are in cheap products than expensive.
To buy the products, it is best not in supermarkets, and markets.
In addition to the markets, look for shops and stalls with names like "Environmentally friendly products", "Organic foods", "Healthy food", "GMO free", "Bio market", etc. These stores are still very few, but they are gradually becoming more and more.
Read the composition written on the label. It is possible to indirectly determine the likelihood of GMO content in the product. Often GM-soy is hidden in such names of ingredients as "vegetable protein", "vegetable fat", "plant serum", "E322", "lecithin", "soy flour", and GM corn for the names of "corn flour", "corn oil", "polenta". Under the form of starch may be present in the product of GM potatoes or GM corn. In the bakery products of GM ingredients can be referred to as "additive to improve flour", "substances for impregnation of the dough", "ascorbic acid".
We'll consider the most common components of transgenic origin which is highly likely:
Other additives, which may contain GM ingredients:
We recommend you to read the part labels are not only in the part where is written in Russian, but the parts where written in other European languages, because the manufacturer often shows the composition in more detail.
In Russia, all products can be made either according to GOST (state standard) or TU (technical conditions). These letters are indicated on the product label. As a rule, the products according to GOST are of higher quality compared to products on the other. The absence of GMO product is also more likely if we are talking about products made according to GOST.
Today the legal situation in Russia has developed in such a way that if the manufacturer incorrectly stated the composition of the product, it is impossible to prosecute if the product is made on the other, and there remains a small possibility of bringing him to justice, if the product is made according to GOST.
Prolonged heat treatment of the product containing GMOs, harmful for human declining as foreign genes partially destroyed.
Eat slowly, do not overeat. Eat when you are really hungry, then there is the most complete destruction of food that you get.
Listen to your body. If some product he does not accept, discard it.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: ruslekar.info/Kak-uberech-sebya-i-blizkih-ot-GMO.-Soveti-3580.html
The less stages of industrial processing was the product that you buy, the more chances that it does not contain GMOs. Choose more whole, unprocessed foods. If you still consume cakes, pastries, cookies, then do not buy their industrial production, they often contain GMOs, and nearly all other harmful substances. Try to cook cakes and other products themselves. The bread can be prepared in a bread maker, yogurt in the yogurt maker, juice – squeezer, the house yourself, you can prepare mayonnaise, sauces and more. The bread oven house yourself, preferably without yeast, leavened in the oven or bread maker. In home bread making we recommend you to use flour from durum wheat, but it is better to use rye.

If fruits and vegetables on the market someone nibbled and wormy, that's good. If the worms eat it, so can we. Eat recommend a seasonal plant products, and better domestic: sorrel in the spring, cucumbers and tomatoes in July, apples and watermelons in August and September, then to spring – homework (home canning).
To buy these seasonal products are better than supermarkets (where they can be imported), and in the markets and the villagers.
Potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, beets it is best to purchase from the villagers in the autumn. Potatoes should not be oval-correct and the relief, i.e. the natural form.
Do not buy products out of season. If you buy, e.g., strawberries or tomatoes in the winter, the likelihood that they will be genetically modified are very high.
Milk should be bought imported from farms (preferably in drums).
Eggs and chickens are more useful (unlike homemade chicken tough meat, hard bone that can be broken only with a hammer).
In stores look for products labeled "GMO free", "No soy". However, as shown by independent expertise, such labels are no guarantee that the product do not contain GMO.
Manufacturers often replace sour cream in it animal protein to soy, but due to the flavors we don't feel it. To determine forgery, it is recommended to dissolve a teaspoon of sour cream in a Cup of boiling water: fake precipitates, and the present is completely dissolved.
GMOs often are contained in imported products than in domestic. With extreme caution should be treated to products from the USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, China, India, Spain and Portugal, as there is widespread cultivation of GMOs.
GMOs are most likely contained in products with great shelf life than products with small shelf life.
GMOs often are in cheap products than expensive.
To buy the products, it is best not in supermarkets, and markets.
In addition to the markets, look for shops and stalls with names like "Environmentally friendly products", "Organic foods", "Healthy food", "GMO free", "Bio market", etc. These stores are still very few, but they are gradually becoming more and more.
Read the composition written on the label. It is possible to indirectly determine the likelihood of GMO content in the product. Often GM-soy is hidden in such names of ingredients as "vegetable protein", "vegetable fat", "plant serum", "E322", "lecithin", "soy flour", and GM corn for the names of "corn flour", "corn oil", "polenta". Under the form of starch may be present in the product of GM potatoes or GM corn. In the bakery products of GM ingredients can be referred to as "additive to improve flour", "substances for impregnation of the dough", "ascorbic acid".
We'll consider the most common components of transgenic origin which is highly likely:
- Riboflavin (B2), or otherwise E101 and Е101А can be produced from GM microorganisms. It is often added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and products for weight loss.
- Caramel (Е150) and xanthan (Е415) can also be produced from GM corn.
- Maltodextrin (other names – syrup, dextrimaltose, Е459) is a form of starch, is used as a stabilizer in baby food, powdered soups and powdered desserts, in cakes and biscuits.
- Dextrose is also the sweetener often produced from corn starch. Contained in cakes, chips and biscuits to achieve a brown color. Also used as a sweetener in sports drinks.
- Aspartame (aka aspasvit, aspnix, E951) is a sweetener that is often made with GM bacteria. Has a lot of complaints from consumers in the United States. Aspartame contained in carbonated soft drinks, chewing gum, ketchup, etc.
- Monosodium glutamate (E621), a very common flavor enhancer.
Other additives, which may contain GM ingredients:
- E153 vegetable Coal,
- E160d Lycopene,
- E161c Cryptoxanthin,
- E308 Synthetic gamma-tocopherol,
- E309 Synthetic Delta-tocopherol,
- E471 Mono - and diglycerides of fatty acids,
- E472a Esters of mono - and diglycerides acetic and fatty acids,
- E473 sucrose Esters of fatty acids,
- E475 polyglycerol Esters of fatty acids,
- E476b,
- E477 propylene glycol Esters of fatty acids,
- E479a Oxidized soybean oil,
- E570 Fatty acids,
- E572 magnesium Stearate (calcium),
- E573,
- E620 Glutamic acid,
- E622 potassium Glutamate odnosemjannyj,
- Inosinate E633 calcium
- E624 Glutamate ammonium odnosemjannyj,
- Glutamate E625 magnesium .
We recommend you to read the part labels are not only in the part where is written in Russian, but the parts where written in other European languages, because the manufacturer often shows the composition in more detail.
In Russia, all products can be made either according to GOST (state standard) or TU (technical conditions). These letters are indicated on the product label. As a rule, the products according to GOST are of higher quality compared to products on the other. The absence of GMO product is also more likely if we are talking about products made according to GOST.
Today the legal situation in Russia has developed in such a way that if the manufacturer incorrectly stated the composition of the product, it is impossible to prosecute if the product is made on the other, and there remains a small possibility of bringing him to justice, if the product is made according to GOST.
Prolonged heat treatment of the product containing GMOs, harmful for human declining as foreign genes partially destroyed.
Eat slowly, do not overeat. Eat when you are really hungry, then there is the most complete destruction of food that you get.
Listen to your body. If some product he does not accept, discard it.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ruslekar.info/Kak-uberech-sebya-i-blizkih-ot-GMO.-Soveti-3580.html