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Athas! Genes!

In the third paragraph fell podstole ... © Shtirlits

I want to eat genetically modified foods

Sometimes I think: no matter how much the world has made a discovery, defended theses, published textbooks and encyclopedias, the world did not notice. For the average man in the street all scientific dvizhuha occurs somewhere in a parallel reality and has the status of a fairy tale on a par with other fairy tales, serials, pamphlets and advice neighbor to testify. In fact, everything depends on the notorious question of faith. Roughly speaking, the elementary school program dictates memorize the multiplication table. But memorize, people may believe that two and two psychics - five, and no one knows what the answer is correct. More precisely, he would say: "The science itself still does not know exactly what the answer is correct." His personal doubts Philistine always projects on science, and this is the main argument. "Science itself is poorly know the multiplication table."

Science for the layman - is something like a medieval tower, home to the famous alchemist in the whole district. He is unsociable and probably a sorcerer. His rarely seen and it is not clear: whether he thinks the stars through the copper pipe, or induces damage to livestock. Babbitt sees only his cook, when it comes to the city market for fish and asparagus. Cook, cute, busty and talkative, terribly proud of his master, but can not tell, because he is afraid to go into his room. Although saw fire and smoke. And the fact that the alchemist himself gleefully tells her when the experience was a success, do not understand a word. So it was in the Middle Ages, but nothing since then has changed. Is that instead of talkative cook our talkative journalist.

What is the progress in the ass? What the fuck universal literacy? What a pussy in widespread schooling? Who is the morning after the prom even remember what the word "bisector" or "meiosis"? A year? And five? Who remembers that the pendant - it's not just jewelry? But control, bitch, wrote and received a four-plus. People until death will believe that the ancient medicine is treated better than modern plastic window frames poison the air of the room, any substance being put up in tablet form, for this reason it is injurious to health, and a special table allows you to accurately calculate the day fit for conceiving a child of the desired floor. We do not want to dick fruit of science! Pussy here, science, and takes off. The handset is just leave. And radar. And any bottle for cleaning pans, and the soap does not take. And charmed sticker on the cell phone, which absorbs, as it is known, harmful radiation. Who's afraid that schools will enter again the "Law of God"? Yes, let them impose on most tomatoes! Let set each quarter ministerial control and threaten their parents or leave for a second year or let hire tutors! Anyway, at the end of the school no one will remember more than two of the apostles, and when listing the Ten Commandments will be a lot of extra fingers.

But, actually, I would not say this, but the so-called "genetically modified organisms".

Pomeranian gang "Lomonosov". Only the horses!
We deliver fish to the capital, without using parovoz!

There is no doubt whether such advertising in the era of the first steam locomotives, it would have had great success with the public, and do not care about a noticeable odor, which becomes a fish during the long horse-drawn travel.

So, comrades, when I see on the packaging of the product green sticker "No GMO" - I do not buy this product. Because it is a complete disaster. The worse a person studied biology in school, the more insanity and hysteria. Professional geneticists, biologists and food industry workers somehow calm. Especially when you guys. And if you shout and write articles - the first women secondly fools. Well, as usual in such cases, the world army of idiots led by two or three clinical marazmatik with real (albeit small) academic status, at which all articles referred to as the absolute truth. Such oldtimers, as usual, are on hand with jubilant cries of "Love, scientists are with us."

A friend told me: his friend refused to eat cookies, reading in the "modified starch". As a food technologist by training, he is vain to explain to her that the starch C6H10O5 genetically modified can not be simply for the lack of genes, and it is a specific term treatment technologies, like 'spring water is reclaimed. " In vain.

What is most interesting in this hysteria, if you read the press: genetically modified foods have a presumption of guilt. These harmful by definition. The question of harm is not discussed. Discussed measures to reduce the principles of identification and other nonsense. That is about as a briefing Interior Ministry to combat crime do not discuss favor crime. And the arguments! God, what arguments!

"They are still poorly understood." Ohuet. What is studied? Onions fully explored? Or maybe scientists mastered the complicated biosostav yogurt? The first genetically-modified food, by the way, were already in the 80s of the last century, and one of them was tobacco. To date, almost all the tobacco industry of genetically modified. This is known as the fact that the cigarette paper is always nitrate added so that the construction is not burned and died out. But it's not toxic nitrate, which breathe the smoker. It is not the first century is known, the dangers of tobacco - this is just a "well established". So what? Though some of the protesters against GMOs to stop smoking, even though lung cancer die each year hundreds of thousands of smokers? But it is for certain known at least one who is sick with something on that ate GMO?

Yes, and what's "study"? Yes, the same fucked your mother, Losers and repeaters, is in the nature of at least one known plant, animal or fungus that can cause human disease solely by their genes? Do not poison, without tissue composition, and - a combination of genes? But even if that were possible, it would be really a billion years have not guessed to take advantage of animals and plants, so that they are not who ate horrible? What is there to study - gave any technician, he checked three times on the content of toxins. There is a toxin from the Colorado potato beetle in potato tubers? On the dick a genetic variant, are working on. No toxins in tubers, but only in the tops? Good, we grow without pesticides (which are from the soil, by the way, in the usual potato tubers penetrate). Potatoes, except tuber, originally itself a poisonous plant, if someone does not know. Not steamed as anyone eating? And when it was brought by Peter I - also because some was howling about "yah her pussy, we eat turnips", "dick knows what it is and where it came from," "did not pass the test of time?" And then nothing, face in a bowl - and zhrem. Turnips hawala wanting no more.

Yes, another formulation: "Genetically modified foods have not passed the test of time." Fucking logic. Hooley then why are you reading new novels Dontsova, fools? Do not they have passed the test of time? Unless at least one British scientist was able to prove that they do not adversely affect on the mental health of your children? And because they affect, among other things! So read "Poor Liza" Karamzin! And best of "Smart Elsa" Grimm.

Well, the song is the - this is certainly a widespread belief that the genetically modified genes can food get into our bodies, and there are "embedded" and force the body to "mutate". This is a great illustration of the thesis that I outlined at the beginning: the school at least the brain inhabitant has equal relation to reality, along with any other fairy tale. In his left hand biology textbook for Grade 9, in the right - drive to the Hollywood blockbuster "The Day of the bloody mutants 2", in the middle - the brain inhabitant. And in the end it is still a matter of faith. The textbook is boring in the blockbuster brighter pictures. An American soldier dipped his finger into the flask, and now the whole mutates every cell, which is accompanied by a convincing facial expressions and green jelly. How then do not be afraid of orange salmon with a gene?

The logic is missing. In an extreme case, there is the Internet, where for any reason there is a study by British scientists (as interpreted by the same journalist), and can be a trump card in the amateurish disputes. Investigation against research - this is the same mechanism as textbook against disk. For the brain, which has no knowledge of the central hierarchy, wherein each brick sift, as follows from the preceding and subsequent confirmed for any information such brain perceived separately suspended in space. The multiplication table, psychic blockbuster Wikipedia, the council employee, advertising in glossy, school textbook, the Sunday sermon, an article in the blog, telecast, molecular physics, atomic energy, a nude woman, the killer with a shovel - any information has equal rights and a criterion is still faith. If the fact of coming to faith - it is good, it is not suitable - swept aside. No attempt analysis.

Genes will evolve into the body ... Shit is fucked up! In our body goes through the mouth kilograms garbage disposal cell with its genes - animal, plant, fungi, bacteria, raw, boiled, fried. That's all - genes. And if you have eaten genetically modified orange with a transplanted the genome of salmon, not whether one dick like if you ate the salmon and ate an orange? If our digestive system does not constitute a nevzebenneyshy bioreactor, filled with caustic hydrochloric acid, active enzymes, chemicals, filters and other equipment, and our cells would be open to any genes from the outside, then we would have grown horns from the first meat patties, and tops on the top - from vegetarian burgers. Our digestive system raskhuyachivaet all received food pieces in broth, into elementary carbohydrates and proteins, and if something and get into the blood - there is no doubt that the cells of your body more intelligent you are, and unknown files, nowhere holding, do not run to perform. Because without any GMOs body cells are attacked every second cloud skilled professional virus - with the most evil intentions. But billions of years honed cell defense mechanisms, learned to hide deep genetic code of two shells, and not to allow anything to an outsider. But now ... Now, looms over us a terrible threat: should we eat genetically modified potatoes, and we die, covered the inside tops and scales.

But the funniest argument - this is when people own fears attributes nature. Clearly, their own ignorance - Science and fears - nature. Briefly: fucked up, say, genetically modified maize is so widely crumble his mutant pollen that maize natural, original, not competitive and will become extinct. And it is very sorry. In reality, such an article I read on the internet, do not believe it! Those who are aware of the issue and remember a little botany, humor appreciate. The rest I will explain. Well, that is not pollinated corn itself without human intervention - it's not so bad. The most fucked up is that the "real age-old corn," wept on which the author simply does not exist! And like this. Science does not know of a single plant, which can be considered wild ancestor of maize. Perhaps it was. Perhaps it was some ugly spike thick Belkin dick out of his Indians (or someone older Indians) brought the polyploid uebische a huge yellow eldy that today we know as corn. A Belkin dick has long dried up, because he did not want anyone in the world where there is such a cool corn. And look for the original version of the wild potato, watermelon, or even an apple? And try to find a wild goose found in forests or wild (and not feral) ass? That's all - creating bred man fit their needs instead of wild variants, which have virtually disappeared. They will not survive without a man, but a man has reached unprecedented numbers. Man for thousands of years continues to improve its domestic breed and create new ones, it will continue to do so with the use of new technologies. Who does not like - Come on, go into the forest, build it yourself three-hut made of bark, collect wild rosemary and sing mantras Roerich Tibetan throat singing to the accompaniment of mosquitoes.

Q: So what scared the author of that article? With corn 2.0 model replaced corn Model 3.0? Yes, and dick with it! You will need - Restore from backup 2.0, mankind still works quickly than nature, hundreds of times. This is not to mention the fact that they themselves fear of "genetic contamination" - from the repertoire of a stupid journalist who does not represent the volume of work needed to consolidate the effect. With the same success can be afraid that Flew parrot swear, teach the mother of all parrots the world, and this will naturally lead to the destruction of the entire world culture.

Do not be afraid, you of nature, it is shit your fears, silly arrogant man! This is its normal state of nature. It is here you come in large numbers, the neophytes, in the last 10 thousand years. And nature billions of years just to do what gave birth to an incredible number of things, and then they pulled down to the ground fuck.

I officially declare that I personally want to eat only genetically modified organisms (with the proviso that they do not contain the usual toxic substances). The bigger, the better! Dick to you in the side, suppliers pestetsidov and chemical fertilizers, which is beneficial to slow down the introduction of GMOs in agriculture! Die, "Green Brothers", which is a nice tear the throat and waving placards, than to write notes in lectures at universities.

I do not want to eat "regular" potatoes from fields that year after year, pour the chemistry of the Colorado potato beetle. I do not want to eat "normal" beet, which is sprinkled with nitrate that has grown a little larger. I want to eat the new products of modern times. I do not believe in your stupid myth that earlier people were healthier, better nutrition, more effective medicine, and life is longer. So to each his own, and I - Genetically modified. With additional vitamins, enlarging the size of the fruit, maloportyascheesya, resistant to frost and pests.

But I refuse to eat:

- Coke and other carbonated chemical govnische where it says not "citric acid", but simply "acidity regulator". Because it is a phosphoric acid, its own great guzzle a tablespoon, poisoners fucking. When the "Coca-Cola" will cook original ancient recipe of natural ingredients - kola nut and coca leaf - then I'll drink it.

- Tobacco. I have already explained why.

- Vodka refuse to eat. She, damn, did not pass the test of time. It appeared only in the 15th century, and since then, from her people only die in batches, and become beasts.

- What else? I do not remember offhand. Enter yourself. Think head.

UPD 2008-03-05: Instead of an epilogue. The noise from the article turned out a great surprise. And I heard another three fucking argument against GMOs. I will not comment on them, I simply voiced. So:

1. GMOs - a conspiracy. Not for nothing the Norwegians (8, 000, $ 000) on a lifeless island crap arctic cormorants, frozen by a dick hammering basalt to build some mysterious bombouebische which journalists have already dubbed the "Doomsday Seed Vault"! Norwegians understand the dangers of GMOs and made it the repository in case of GMO ... Uh-uh ... Just in case the genes, in short ... the entire world ... this ... (here begins protester hard scratching low forehead hairy palms) in! If all the seeds on the earth will die! GMO, chemistry and sins! No semachki not remain all die! A bomb shelter - remain! And then the people (people do not die out) roll the heavy stones and dragged sacks of grain on the fields to revive the planet. Green shoots start to reach up under the symphonic music. These people (mostly small Japanese girls) will be wide-open mouths silent, round happy eyes; They will run on the flowering fields, rhythmically waving his arms like sticks. The germs reach the sky, the music will intensify in the extreme, the universe is filled with light, and the Lord will give credits.

2. GMOs - in fact an economic catastrophe and global conspiracy. One company strongly needed or desirous of sex came up to make the seeds ascended only once! And then all the world's farmers will have to buy genetically modified seeds for planting each year! As fuel for tractors, chemicals and removable plows! The very thought of it so nauseating that GMOs should be banned! (Here protester choking with anger, eagerly drinking water, noisily blowing his nose, counts the cash in your pocket and continues) However, as much money from the farmers of course not, so they will die of hunger, and we followed. Back to the conventional seed farmers are not able to, because GMOs destroy the memory of the farmer. And all the other honest GMO seeds ruin. And GM agreed with the earth-mother, there is nothing to an outsider no longer growing.
